Before dawn, the air is thin, the most fresh and cool, the world is quiet after a night's sleep, we are running on the road, immersed in the calm before the storm.

I am in the quiet, driving a motorcycle, flying in the front of the team, penetrating the fresh air, facing the cool wind, constantly galloping, passion surging in my heart.

Behind me, along with the long and long motorcade, everyone in the car flew up with turbulent blood, burning fierce fighting spirit, excited and nervous for the upcoming war.

As a leader, I lead this long dragon, crossing mountains and mountains, flying nonstop. In order to prevent too much exposure, I didn't take them on the main road, but on the winding path.

Looking at the past, the whole road is our long dragon motorcade, we are both magnificent, but low-key, like a giant dragon hiding in the mountains.

Unconsciously, the dark sky gradually began to light up, as we get closer to the destination, it changes more and more obvious, from the beginning of all black, to slowly showing a very weak light color, and a little bit of pan fish belly white, indicating that the dawn is about to break.

Along the way, my expression has always been engraved, and I am extremely resolute, but my heart has been rolling like waves. The more rolling, the more powerful, the more surging. It can be said that today is the most exciting day for me, and my heart has been beating all the time.

After such a long time, today we are finally going to make it. If we win, we will all be happy. If we lose, we will not only give up our previous achievements, but also have disastrous consequences that I can't imagine.

So, even if not for myself, for my brothers, I also have to take out the courage, struggle hard once, the college entrance examination, I have failed, fell into a pheasant university, and from then on I have no chance to study. This time, I can't allow to fail again. If I fail again, my life will be marked with an end.

Even if the odds are weak, I can't lose confidence. I will stick to it.

With the passage of time, the day is fully lit up, which also indicates that my coming.

On the road nearest to Mangshan, I stopped my car because there was a muddy road ahead. Motorcycles could drive through, but cars couldn't. besides, we couldn't make a fuss. We'd better walk.

As soon as my motorcycle stopped, other vehicles stopped one after another. Almost at the same time, everyone opened the door and got off in turn. When I landed, the expressions of my brothers became dull for a moment.

Although we haven't arrived at Mang Mountain yet, we feel different breath as soon as we get close to it. The cool atmosphere twines around us. The thick fog in front of us covers the whole mountain. At a glance, there is a vast expanse of white.

Many people here are familiar with it. It is really famous. Let alone the members of the flying car party in this city, even my brothers in the war, have heard a lot about it. Therefore, the expressions of the brothers were all shocked after a moment's stagnation.

A lot of comments poured in: "Wow, isn't this the legendary Mangshan Mountain?"

"Yes, what are we doing here? You can't hunt

"Are you stupid? Haven't you heard about the mountain evil gate? What's more, the old majority said that the enemy is very strong, and it has become obvious that we are here to fight! "


all kinds of comments come and go, and I can still hear some funny voices. Obviously, today, whether it's hunting or fighting, the brothers are very open-minded. The more terrifying the other party is, the less afraid they are. Even if the rumor of Mangshan was so evil, they were not afraid of it, and even had a special interest.

It is said that many people are powerful. Even if there are evil things on the mountain, they will be drowned by our saliva.

Although I know in my heart that the old monster of dark moon hall is more terrifying than the old demon, I'm not afraid at this moment. It's really dangerous to be alone in this place, but when there are more people, there is a kind of momentum lingering around us, which brings me a sense of security and my confidence becomes more and more sufficient.

When the brothers kept making a rustling sound, I suddenly opened my voice and roared to the audience: "silence!"

Suddenly, the whole audience was silent, and the whole world was silent.

I glanced at all the brothers and said to them in a very serious tone: "you should have guessed that the destination of our trip is Mangshan. I might as well tell you that Mangshan is not terrible. What is really terrible is that there are a group of people like monsters living here. They are all high-ranking people who have retired from the sea gang. The place where they live is called dark moon hall. My father, however, was locked up in the dark moon hall. Today, I bring you here to attack the dark moon hall and rescue my father! "

Finally, I can't help but increase the volume to make clear the purpose of our trip.

Hearing this, the frolic color on almost all brothers' faces disappeared, replaced by seriousness.

The brothers are not afraid of the evil Mangshan Mountain. However, they have to pay attention to the dark moon hall. Especially when I heard that all the people living here are retired high-level of the Hai Gang, and they are monster level masters. They dare not neglect it. At the moment, they are all rigorous.I once again swept the faces of my brothers one by one, and then my look became more solemn and my voice became stronger: "I didn't tell you in advance, mainly because it was too important to let out any information. If there are people who are afraid and want to quit, they can still leave. I will not blame everyone! "

Hearing this, the brothers said in unison without hesitation: "never shrink back!"

Elites are indeed elites. They are not greedy for life and death. Even though they are aware of the seriousness of the situation, the danger and the terror of their opponents, they still maintain this determination and courage.

These people once again shocked me. Their loyalty and bravery, their arrogance, really infected me. I am not fighting alone. I have a group of brothers who have died and shed blood with me.

I don't have to worry that when I get to the battlefield, I will lose my morale when I meet those old monsters, because at this moment, we are all twisted into a rope.

So, after getting the commitment of my brothers, I went straight to the theme: "well, I'm not talking nonsense. I'm pressed for time. I've come to the specific location of the dark moon hall last time. I already know the general route. What we need to do now is to take the dark moon hall as quickly as possible and rescue the hostages. There are more of us and less of them. That's our advantage. Next, quick team! "

According to my original plan, we should arrange teams so that our 700 talents will not be disordered. At that time, each team will be able to crack down on the old monster of dark moon hall.

Because the battle plan was discussed yesterday, Shen Muchen and Mu Nan had already made a plan for personnel allocation. Therefore, the distribution of the troops was quickly completed shortly after I ordered it.

We were divided into 20 teams. Each team selected a team leader. In accordance with the order, each team had its own arrangements and tasks. When everything was ready, it was already clear.

No time to delay, I immediately led the team into the dark moon hall.

The road to Mangshan is very narrow and rugged, but our team is not messy at all. We are marching forward at a fast and dexterous pace. No one is backward or passive. Everyone has high morale and full of motivation.

At the foot of the mountain, I stopped and looked up at the whole mountain.

In the early morning, there is more fog in the mountains. Just a little farther away, I only saw a vast expanse of white here. Now when I look at it at such a close distance, the visibility is still not high. It seems that I am in a fairyland. However, I feel different from this fairyland.

Just now, I was full of courage, full of confidence, and determined to advance and retreat together with my brothers. But at this moment, when I came to the foot of the mountain, my heart felt uneasy. I felt that today's mountain was strange and even more dangerous than before.

At this moment, my eyes became very sharp. I was staring at the mountain in front of me. My brain turned quickly and silently reviewed the path. Then, I turned to my brother and said, "the mountains are densely covered with jungle, and the terrain is special. Please keep close. Don't fall out of line, or you will not find the way!"

The brothers nodded together and their eyes were firm.

Then, no longer hesitating, I directly ordered: "up the mountain!"

As soon as the voice fell, I took the lead to go up the mountain.

But at this time, my side of Uncle Yang suddenly took my hand, a deep voice said: "there is movement!"

Hearing the speech, I quickly stopped and looked around.

My heart is speeding up, my eyes are like a scanner, carefully scanning around us, my ears also stand up, listening to the surrounding movement.

Sure enough, I found something unusual. In the surrounding jungle, there was a thin sound. It seemed that someone was hiding in it. The leaves and weeds were swinging slightly. However, with the fog, I couldn't see clearly the things in the grass jungle, but my intuition told me that it was dangerous.

Suddenly, fear attacked my heart, I had no time to think about it, and hurriedly said, "all back off!"

At once, I and the whole army moved, slowly retreating toward the road to come.

At the moment when we retreated to the open area, the things hidden in the mountains and jungles suddenly moved. They did not hide any more, and immediately surfaced.

In an instant, countless people, like locusts, surrounded us all over the mountains and fields, covering the sky and the earth, forming a trend of encirclement and suppression against us.

They are very fast and numerous. When they get out of the hiding place, I know that these people who are hiding in the dark are the people of the sea gang. Because, I can see that the leader is not others. He is the leader of the Hai Gang, Peng Xuefei's father, Peng Yi!

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