It seems that Peng Yi has already made a precise deployment, and has been hiding here for a long time. Otherwise, how could I have not noticed any movement just now. Moreover, they are very familiar with the geographical location here, and in a short time, they are all assembled.

At first glance, the total number of them is estimated to be three times as many as ours. I'm afraid there are 2000 people. What's more, these people are not ordinary people. They seem to be the elites of the maritime gang and have extraordinary military force.

For a moment, I felt as if I had been struck by lightning, and the whole person was in a daze. Why, why did the people of Haibang ambush here in advance?

My mind was in a tangle. My mind was in a mess. My fear deepened. My eyes were empty. All my brothers behind me were stupid. They all thought that they only had to deal with the old monster of dark moon hall. Who could have imagined that they had not entered the Mangshan Mountain, so many sea gang members suddenly appeared.

If Yang Shugang hadn't discovered it in time, I'm afraid we would have walked into their encirclement circle. By then, in a few blinks of an eye, we might have been wiped out. However, although we have retreated now, we are still doomed to face the encirclement and suppression of so many elites.

My heart fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and I was completely drowned by melancholy. When I looked dull, Peng Yizheng led his people to approach me gradually.

Seeing the old fox's arrogance and strategizing, my head suddenly hurt, and I suddenly realized that the sea Gang could prepare so many elite soldiers. There is only one reason why we have ambushed here, that is, our action plan has been leaked.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that I was hit by a huge stone, and my body and mind were broken. How could our top secret plan be leaked? How is that possible?

If the Haibang knew that I had found out the location of the dark moon hall, it is not surprising, because I was exposed in Mangshan at that time.

The old man in the dark moon hall guessed that I was solo. If these old guys don't play cards according to the common sense and try to tell the Hai Gang about my appearance near the dark moon hall, then the shrewd Peng Yi will infer that I will take people to attack the dark moon hall. This is nothing. But how does he know that I will attack the dark moon hall at dawn today?

You know, we set out before dawn, and the headquarters of Haibang is far away from Mangshan than that of our bike party. If they ambush here early, it means that they start earlier than us. How can this be possible?

Of course, I would not believe that Peng Yi has the ability of prophecy. If I can calculate that I will attack the dark moon hall this morning, the only possibility is that there are traitors on my side and divulge our action time to the Hai Gang.

But this top secret plan, I only told uncle Yang, Shen Muchen, Mu Nan, how could this be spread out?

Unconsciously, I turned my head and looked at Shen Muchen, Mu Nan and uncle Yang beside me. However, the three of them were also at a loss. It seemed that they were also shocked.

The three of them are the people I trust most.

Uncle Yang, who raised me up from childhood, is an old friend of my father. He is my second father, and I trust him very much.

Shen Muchen, since he appeared in my life, he has been helping me, assisting me, and living with me many times. He is my guide and my best brother. He can't betray me.

Mu Nan, although he didn't stay with me for a long time, he was loyal to me and took out his heart and lungs for me. I absolutely believe in his character. I don't believe he will disclose this matter.

If it wasn't for the three of them, how could this top secret plan be leaked out? Is it because Shen Muchen and Mu Nan made preparations for the war last night to let other elite brothers rest early, so those elite brothers speculated that we are going to fight today? And then someone informs the gang?

Even so, the Hai Gang should not be so aggressive and gather all the elites to ambush here before dawn? It's just incredible.

Anyway, I don't want to suspect that we have spies here. I don't want to suspect any brothers. However, why in this moment, my heart will be so painful?

Just when I was heartbroken, Peng Yi and a group of high-level Haibang officials had come to me, and they stopped three meters away from me.

Sure to stay, Peng Yi pulled the corner of his lip and said to me, "Suluo, you're here at last!"

Peng Yi's tone, in the process of pondering, also has a profound meaning. It sounds like he has already won me. Moreover, at the moment, his face is full of energy, his eyes are shining, and the whole person is energetic and energetic.

Obviously, he was very excited by my appearance. His excitement confirmed the idea in my heart and made me more sure that Peng Yi knew in advance that I would attack the dark moon hall. He was waiting here for nothing.

All of a sudden, I felt that God was making fun of me. I couldn't wait to attack the dark moon hall before dawn today. I was afraid that the sea gang would gather all the elites to deal with me. I wanted to rescue my father from the dark moon hall before they attacked me.

However, fate played such a big joke on me. I didn't wait for the sea Gang to deal with me, but I fell into the trap of the sea Gang directly. I went to the tiger's mouth and tried to find a way to die. How can I accept this?Emotions like a torrent, the impact of death on me, I submerged. However, I tried my best not to show it on my face. My eyes were still empty, and my expression seemed indifferent. I looked at Peng Yi coldly and asked in a deep voice, "how do you know I will come?"

I tried so hard to make myself look the same, but my voice still betrayed me. When I said this, my voice was shaking. It was a kind of unwilling shaking, a shaking of betrayal, and a shaking of despair.

After listening to my words, Peng Yi's smile became more playful. He kept a secret from me and said: "ha ha, you don't need to manage it. You just need to know that today is your death date, Jiangnan style!"

In the last three words, Peng Yi suddenly changed a tone of voice and said it. It was so weird that my hair stood on end. My brain was buzzing for a moment, and my mood in my heart was rolling like a raging wave.

This old fox. He not only knew that I would attack the dark moon hall at this time, but also that I was Xu can?

When and how did he know?

If he knows, then, does Peng Xuefei know my real identity?

It's impossible. Peng Xuefei never knew my identity in advance. When she saw me at the headquarters of the flying car party last night, she was so frightened that she even forced me to die. She was definitely not pretending to be. I also know her. She is not a person who is good at disguise. Her heart is kind-hearted. She wrote to me after she went back to advise me not to fight with the sea gang. This is not hypocritical. I can feel her sincerity and know how much Peng Xuefei loves Jiangnan wind. She can't cheat me or help her family pay me.

The only explanation is that Peng Xuefei did not know about all this. However, how did Peng Yi know this fact?

I stood in the same place for a long time, and finally broke free from the vortex of emotion. I tried to control my voice, not to let my voice tremble again, and not to look too fragile and pathetic. Then, I looked at Peng Yi tightly and asked, "how do you know all this at the end of the day?"

This time, my voice finally did not shake, but my eyes became red and red, I can not hide the emotional excitement, eyes are full of suffocation. For me, death is not terrible, but I don't want to die in the dark moon hall. I don't want to die in vain in the hands of Hai Gang people if I don't touch the door of dark moon hall.

However, Peng Yi made it clear that he would not tell me the truth. When he heard this, his face changed slightly, and he became more and more playful. The bright color in his eyes was even stronger. His voice could not help but increase: "I said, you don't need to know.

However, Suluo, you are quite impressive to me. In order to save your father, you are playing the cold-blooded and merciless thirteen, and playing the second generation of dandy and rich Jiangnan style. You really took great pains. I thought I had a bright heart, but I was almost deceived by you. I didn't expect that you even knew Han Yimo and asked her to help you. You are really beyond my expectation! "

Peng Yi's words are full of sarcasm. Every word seems to have magic power, which makes you feel disgusted. The more fierce the emotion in my heart is, the more hardly I spit it out.

I am very uncomfortable, very subdued, very confused, but the only reason to tell me, I can't mess around, can't think. Although, I really want to know why Peng Yi can master all my information. I want to know whether I have been betrayed or not. I want to know all the truth. However, the current situation can not allow me to think more about it. I have to take into account these brothers who have gone through fire and water for me. They come here with full of pride. I can't bear to see them all destroyed in this ghost place.

Thinking of this, I immediately suppressed my emotions and gave up many thoughts. My eyes gave a sharp light and scanned a large group of Peng Yi's people.

Now, all of Peng Yi's followers are experts, including Peng Qing and other Peng family members, Dharma protectors and elders who have met in Pengjia manor. In addition, there are some strange faces, which are supposed to be able people transferred from other places. Anyway, there are countless masters in the other camp.

In addition to this group of experts, the other nearly 2000 people are also some elite forces. Their level is not lower than that of the elite forces of the war and the flying car party. However, there are only 700 people in our side. As for the experts, we only have uncle Yang.

It can be said that after a little analysis, it is clear that compared with Haibang, I have no chance of winning in the first place if I am crushed.

Therefore, even if I have all kinds of emotions in my heart, I can't be impulsive, let alone disorderly. This is definitely not the time for me to act rashly.

With a trace of caution, I slowly said to Peng Yi, "what do you want?"

When Peng Yi heard this, he suddenly laughed. Then, a sharp flash flashed in his eyes, and his tone became sharp: "what do you want? What do you think I want? Sulo, to tell you the truth, if you were not so extreme before, and you were so obedient, I would not do anything to you. You know, I only want blood Ganoderma lucidum, but you father and son are more and more abnormal. Your father killed my Haibang people for a while. After all, we took the initiative.But you, a new novice, killed our Haigang people three times and four times, and even killed the three elders of our Hai Gang, which greatly damaged the dignity of our Hai Gang. I'll tell you, now I can give up blood Ganoderma. What I want is the life of your father and son, and the life of all your members in the fire of war, and the blood debt and blood payment! "

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