At this moment, I felt that Peng Yi was angry. He was really angry. He didn't hide his anger at all. His hatred for me had reached the extreme. He no longer wanted to arrest me. He gathered the main force of the sea Gang to completely kill me.

I let the dignity of the war be damaged, and let his sea Gang defeat the enemy. This hatred is enough to set off his great anger. What's more, what he defended all his life was the sea Gang, and he would not allow any threat to the existence of the sea gang.

Now I have posed a deep threat to him. My war started in H Province, and gathered strength to shake the foundation of his sea gang. How could he keep me, even my father, want to wipe out together.

Peng Yi's arrogance didn't irritate me. Instead, he irritated the bloody crab. He suddenly opened his voice and roared at Peng Yi: "Damn it, I said you can order a face? You are so powerful. Why do you want to hide here to ambush us? If you have the kind, make an appointment for a good time and have a good time!"

As a matter of fact, it was originally our intention to attack the dark moon hall. Now, it is impossible for us to steal chicken, but no matter how many crabs there are, he just can't see Peng Yi's face. He doesn't care what the other party's identity is, and he just yells at him.

Crab is such a hot temper. I was afraid that something might happen to him. I immediately looked back at him and motioned him not to do anything wrong. Then, I turned my eyes to Peng Yi and said to him, "leader Peng, you are the leader of a gang. It's really my honor to pay attention to such a scoundrel as me. However, I'm responsible for everything. I'm responsible for everything. I'll leave it to you. How about letting my brothers leave? "

I said these words almost word by word. Every word comes from my heart.

Although, I worked hard for so long, just for him to help the sea, save my father, save Ziyi, but, come to this step, I obviously died in the last level, I am not reconciled, very unwilling. But I know more clearly that it is useless not to be reconciled. After all, it is a dead end. It is futile to resist, but it will involve my brother.

These brothers are all elite generals. They will become great things in the future. I really don't want them to accompany me to death. All I can do now is to abandon the marshal and protect the car.

However, my idea is still too naive. What I said from the bottom of my heart is a big joke to the people of Haibang. Not only Peng Yi disdained to laugh, but also other senior members of the Hai Gang were also amused. They all couldn't help laughing, laughing so recklessly.

Laughter brings noise to the silent sky in the morning, but it brings the most cruel harm to my heart. I just feel like a knife in my heart.

When the laughter became more and more wanton, Peng Yi suddenly raised his hand and motioned to the people of Hong Gang to be quiet. However, he himself was speechless and said to me, "are you stupid when I say Suluo? I think you can also disguise and lurk, and you don't look like such a stupid person. How can you have no brain in an emergency. I've gathered so many elite members of the gang. I've been ambushing here before dawn. Do you think I'm just trying to catch one of you? You think too highly of yourself

With the fall of Peng Yi's voice, the sarcasm of other members of the Hai Gang began to ring one after another. They all scolded me for having no brain, said that I was a silly fork, said that I overestimated myself and had no self-knowledge at all. All kinds of sarcastic words floating in the air, forming a heat flow, so that more and more people scold me, scold me for nothing.

I was almost drowned in the curse, but there was a glimmer of it in my heart.

It's true that I am too stupid. I know clearly that it is not myself that poses a threat to Peng Yi, but my whole fire. How can Peng Yi destroy me alone? His hatred for me is deep, but he pays more attention to stabilizing the foundation of the maritime gang. Therefore, what he needs to subvert most is my whole fire. Now, all I lead out are the elite of the war, no matter Shen Muchen As long as these old members are Mu Nan, the elite members of the flying car party who have joined the war, as long as these people are completely destroyed, my whole war will be completely disintegrated.

In this way, the sea Gang is to exchange for its own peace at the minimum cost, so as to stabilize the status of the gang. No wonder, he has not attacked my base camp, he is waiting for the opportunity to kill my elite power.

At present, in Peng Yi's eyes, I am a transparent person with no privacy at all. He saw through everything and was calculated by him step by step. Finally, I came into such a desperate situation.

I don't understand what caused all this and why I became a transparent person. I only know that I am finished. I can't save my father. I can't save Ziyi. I have to take my own life, my father's life, and these brothers' lives.

At this moment, my heart is really like a million hammers, too painful, too heavy.

Just when I was drowned by the sound of ridicule, my brothers in the war were in a commotion. They saw that I was mercilessly ridiculed by the sea Gang people in order to protect them. They could not bear to see that the sea Gang people were so unscrupulous. They couldn't bear to be a bloody man.

So, the crab stood up again and said to me with lofty ambition: "boss, we are not afraid of death, don't bow to them, the big deal is one death, fight with them!"As soon as the crab's words were finished, the other brothers almost didn't think about it. They said that they would rather die than be despised by the fire of war. They said that they were not afraid of death at all, and that they would die with backbone.

Even Mu Nan all followed me and said to me, "boss, fight it. Even if it's death, it's worth dying. Never bow down!"

Even, uncle Yang beside me said solemnly to me: "we are a team, something to fight together!"

Uncle Yang's words are simple and clear, that is to say, we have been twisted into a rope, sharing weal and woe, sharing life and death together. We are a fearless team. If brothers are willing to come with me, they don't want to retreat or leave me alone.

Looking at the indignant brothers, I was deeply moved. I really can't believe that some people in such a group of brotherhoods betrayed me. They are so bloody, energetic and courageous men. Their eyes are pure, and they don't cheat me so much. They fight for the faith in their hearts, for the glory and for the backbone. It's impossible for such people to betray me Mine, I don't need to doubt them.

My heart suffered a great blow, this moment, was moved by my brothers, they influenced me, let my indomitable spirit released.

Yes, before I came here, I knew that our enemy was the dark moon hall. The old guys in it were so terrible that I dared to take my brothers to fight. Peng Yi and other people in front of me were not afraid. The big deal was death. Twenty years later, we were a hero again.

We can lose, but our spirit can't be destroyed. At least, before we die, we have to let the sea Gang pay a heavy price.

Thinking like this, I can't help but shake my body. Then, I nodded heavily to all the brothers and expressed my determination.

Brothers saw me nod, immediately stopped the noise, they all eyes a Lin, ready for the decisive battle.

And I also looked at all the sea gang members including Peng Yi with firm and unyielding eyes, their ugly faces and their arrogant posture. My eyes became more and more red, and my fighting spirit rose violently.

But the people of the Haigang didn't care about us at all. They had already determined that we were turtles in a jar. Even if my brothers advised me to fight, even if I was ready to stay, they didn't worry at all. On the contrary, Peng Yi looked at me like this and said to me: "what's the matter, Suluo, do you still want to make a desperate fight?"

I gently grinned and grinned. I didn't say any nonsense. I just closed my eyes deeply and opened them suddenly. Then, in the morning sky, I made a bold voice: "brothers, go ahead and fight with them!"

I know that I can't fight them, but even if I know it's an egg hitting a stone, the brothers will not shrink back. After hearing my order, they immediately shake the tiger's body. Those with weapons hold weapons and those without weapons clench their fists. Without hesitation, all of them directly go forward and are about to fight to death.

But the brothers just started, all of a sudden. The roar of the sound in the mountains around, to this quiet morning added a strange, it seems so sudden, and deafening, so that all our brothers unconsciously stopped.

Even the people of the Hai Gang did not feel relaxed after hearing the boom. They could not help but straighten up.

Obviously, the Haibang does not know where this power comes from. Everyone is in the dark.

Just when I was wondering, there was a crash. From the direction I came, I suddenly broke into a lot of mountain motorcycles and a lot of broken minibuses. The unified feature of the cars is tattered.

These cars were crashing down the mountain road, rushing to the rear of us, and then stopped.

Then, many people came down from these broken cars. As soon as they gathered together, they estimated that the total number was about 200.

The images of these people are very consistent with the images of their cars. They are dressed like beggars. They are sloppy and ragged. I don't know that they think the beggars' sect has appeared.

However, when I saw the leader at the first sight, my eyes lit up and my heart beat rapidly. Because the person who came was not someone else, it was Du Haisheng, a general I just accepted yesterday, the leader of the flame gang.

I really didn't expect that Du Haisheng would suddenly appear here and bring his whole flame gang. This is really surprising to me.

Not only me, but all my brothers were stunned when they saw Du Haisheng. Their eyes were full of surprise.

Du Haisheng ignored all this, and came to me with more than 100 heroes of his flame gang. Their posture was casual and full of ruffian. To be honest, Du Haisheng's team is really a group of bandits. It is estimated that none of the 108 generals in Liangshan is as ruffian as they seem.

Du Haisheng's whiskers are more powerful than Li Kui's, and the rest of the 100 odd people are also extremely strong. But I don't know whether their gangs are short of funds and all of them are so shabby. However, this does not affect their powerful momentum.

I knew that the flame gang was strong. However, seeing it today, I was really surprised. I felt that each of them was different and was a real man. Their fighting capacity was better than the elite of the Hai Gang.When I was in a state of agitation, Du Haisheng had already come to me. As soon as he stood still, he was dissatisfied with me and said, "boss, you are so unsophisticated. You didn't even call me for this matter of Da Hai Gang!"

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