The appearance of Du Haisheng shocked me. I didn't expect that he would come, let alone that he would know our action.

When I saw him, the look in my eyes could not help blooming. After staring at him for several seconds, I whispered back to him and said, "I'm here to save my father, I don't want to implicate you!"

Du Haisheng looked more and more heroic when he heard the speech. He straightened his chest and said majestically: "since I have promised to work with you, no matter what you do, I am duty bound. Besides, the person who arrested your father is not Haibang, and the fight against Haibang can't leave me behind!"

There is no sense of self-confidence in his troops, but there is nothing in Du Haisheng's eyes. He only knew that he would spare no effort for me, and that he would never turn back if he was fighting for the sea gang.

A warm current flowed through my heart. I was moved by Du Haisheng's loyalty and courage. At the same time, I wondered how Du Haisheng would come here.

My expedition to Mangshan Mountain today was a top secret operation. The Haigang knew it in advance. Maybe it was because of what clues they had received. But how could Du Haisheng know?

After a pause, I couldn't help asking the doubts in my heart and said to Du Haisheng, "how did you find it?"

Du Haisheng chuckled and said, "my informant hidden in the Haigang told me that the elite of the Haigang assembled secretly in the middle of the night. It seemed that there was a big move. I immediately thought that the fire of war was dangerous. So I immediately took my brothers in the gang to help you.

However, when I went to the base camp of the party, I found that I was a little late. You had just taken people away, and those who stayed didn't know where you were going. I called you and said shut down. Finally, it was my informant who risked his life to find out the news, saying that the elite troops of the Haibang had gone to Mangshan, and I came here without stopping! "

After listening to Du Haisheng's words, I feel speechless. Du Haisheng is careless on the surface and looks like a mindless man. In fact, he not only has a good brain, but also has such a careful mind. He even planted an informer inside the Haibang. Moreover, it sounds that he is a good Informer and can survive in the Haibang You can also get useful information. Through this point, we also know that Du Haisheng has been trying to kill the Haibang for a long time. He has been waiting for an opportunity.

Of course, no matter what kind of enmity he had with Haibang, at least, his timely help to me at this time is enough to show that it was a very wise thing for me to accept him.

I didn't ask him any more about it. I just sincerely said, "thank you."

Du Haisheng didn't care at all, and he was going to say something. But Peng Yi's patience was limited. When he saw us two here, you and I were talking, his eyes were filled with anger. When bareheaded Qiang was about to speak, Peng Yi suddenly let out a roar: "have you chatted enough?"

The roar went straight into the sky, shaking the hearts of all people. Peng Yi's dignity was fully displayed at this moment. He wanted to let the whole audience understand that he was the only protagonist here.

Du Haisheng, who has been ignoring the Hai Gang, began to notice the boss of the Hai Gang. He took his eyes away from me and then looked at the fierce Peng Yi. However, he still had no respect for the boss. His eyes were full of disdain. The language he spoke to Peng Yi was full of contempt: "Peng Yi, I thought I was mean enough. I really didn't expect you Even more despicable than me, the biggest gang in H Province has even done the ambush. It's really immoral! "

Du Haisheng's remarks are like a joke introduction. All his brothers in the flame gang can't help laughing. They are laughing at Peng Yi and the whole Haigang. They are laughing at him.

However, Du Haisheng has always been so arrogant that he is not afraid of anything. Peng Yi is also used to it. He doesn't care about the jeers. He just stares at Du Haisheng with his horrible eyes, as if he is about to swallow up GEI.

Suddenly, Peng Yi's eyes flashed fiercely. He directly rushed to his bald head and said in a strong voice, "Du Haisheng, you bedbug, dare to catch my daughter. I haven't settled with you yet. You'd better take the initiative to deliver it to the door and seek your own death!"

In the last four words, Peng Yi sentenced Du Haisheng to the most severe death penalty. Today, Peng Yi not only wanted to wipe out the flames of war between me and me, but also to eliminate Du Haisheng, a bedbug.

Peng Yi has his confidence and capital. Indeed, even with the participation of the flame Gang, we still have no chance of winning. Our number is less than half of each other, and the number of our masters is less than them.

Peng Yi came prepared. He made a lot of preparations. We could not jump on the chopping board of the sea gang. Moreover, the dark moon hall can be hidden in the Mangshan Mountain. If those old monsters run down the mountain, we will be destroyed.

But Du Haisheng didn't care so much. After listening to Peng Yi's words, he said to him without hesitation: "Lao Wang Badan, don't talk about it. Do you think I was afraid of you? Even if I die today, I will peel off a layer of skin from your Haibang! "

Peng Yi listened, ha ha, a smile, and immediately said: "good, very good!"After that, he looked at me again and said contemptuously, "Suluo, you can come now. It's good. I'll find you one by one. Today I happened to catch all of you!"

With the fall of his voice, all the people behind him immediately blinked and excited. They all got up and were ready to fight.

At this moment, Peng Yi's eyes are even sharper and his intention of killing is fierce. He is no longer polite. He directly yells at the ready-made elite of the Haigang: "listen to all orders, kill all of them, don't stay, go on!"

As soon as Peng Yi finished his last word, there was a cry in the bright sky: "stop it!"

The voice was almost heard in close connection with Peng Yi's voice. It came so suddenly and timely that the sea gang members who were about to break out suddenly stopped, and all of us who were ready to fight to death were stunned. Because, this voice in this battlefield, appears to be particularly different, this is a female voice.

At present, there is not a woman in the whole scene. There is no woman on the Haibang side, nor on our side. Although the girls from the Zhuque hall have some strength and have been trained, they are stronger than other girls, but today we are going to fight the dark moon hall. Several girls come here only to be torn. Therefore, I didn't let them participate.

However, at this moment, it was in this battle among men that a female voice suddenly rang out, which directly attracted the attention of all the people on the scene. Almost at the same moment, everyone turned their eyes to the source of the sound.

At the left rear of the Haibang brigade, a figure appeared in the distance. She was tall and thin, with a delicate face. Her long hair floated in the wind. She looked heroic, but in fact, she was in such a mess.

Her thin clothes were stained with many thorns and punctured in some places. Even her feet did not even wear shoes. She walked barefoot on the uneven muddy road.

Her pace is particularly difficult, her condition is extremely tired, she seems to want to run fast, but the mud is covered with small stones and weeds. Barefoot, she is like walking on a mountain of knives, which makes it difficult for her to walk. But she still tries to move forward step by step. Her forehead is wet with sweat, her body is trembling and her will is firm. I don't know how she got here.

This extremely embarrassed but strong woman is Peng Xuefei.

Peng Xuefei, a weak woman, appeared in this image. What kind of picture is it? This has not only shocked me. My brother was stunned, and Peng Yi and the sea gang members were all shocked.

When Peng Xuefei dragged her tired body and passed by Peng Yi, Peng Yi was shocked and asked, "Feifei, how did you come?"

Peng Xuefei turned her head and looked at Peng Yi with red eyes. She said in a hoarse voice, "I'm not coming. Are you going to hide it from me for the rest of your life?"

With this, Peng Xuefei didn't stop for a moment. She continued to step forward and walked straight towards me.

When Peng Yi saw this, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. He quickly took two steps, grabbed Peng Xuefei, and said in a sharp voice, "don't go there. It's dangerous."

But Peng Xuefei ignored him and said in a cold voice, "let me go!"

Peng Yi's brows wrinkled even more. He grabbed Peng Xuefei and said in a sharp voice again: "they are a group of demons. Don't mess around and obey the orders!"

But at the moment, Peng Xuefei couldn't hear Peng Yi's words at all. She didn't know what kind of stimulation she was receiving. She seemed to have lost her sense of reason. Seeing that Peng Yi had not let her go, she was angry, and her strength became stronger. She struggled violently, shook off Peng Yi's hand, and yelled, "you let me go!"

Maybe Peng Yi was afraid of hurting Peng Yi, but he didn't grasp it too tightly. Peng Xuefei actually broke free. Peng Yi's eyes flashed a little startled. He wanted to say something, but Peng Xuefei had already run away, and she ran towards me recklessly.

She can not care about anything, even if the ground is full of stones, even if the ground is rugged, even if there are no shoes on her feet, she still tries her best to rush to me, her goal is just me. Her eyes were always on me, and she didn't look at the road under her feet.

The thorny stones on the ground have completely cut the sole of her feet. Her feet are constantly bleeding, and her blood footprints are clearly printed on the ground. Peng Xuefei doesn't care at all. Even the onlookers feel extremely painful. She seems not to feel, she so in the eyes of the whole audience, with a crazy posture unimpeded to come to me.

She stood in front of me, but she didn't speak. She just looked at me with her red eyes. She looked at my eyes, and then she looked at my nose a few seconds later.

Looking at my lips, looking at my body, from top to bottom, she swept me all over, especially when her eyes fell on the tooth marks on my front arm, her eyes became more complicated, and her eyes became more and more red. At the moment, Peng Xuefei was completely crazy, like a man who was possessed by a devil.

I was staring at me like this by Peng Xuefei. In my heart, I only felt the huge waves rolling, the uncontrollable crazy surging, the fear like a wild horse galloping out, sweeping my whole body.I'm panicking. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. Even if I'm ambushed by the sea Gang, I don't feel so scared. This is an invisible fear. It spreads too fast, swallows me up and makes me messy. I don't know how to face Peng Xuefei like this at all.

Just when I was creepy, Peng Xuefei, who was staring at me all the time, shed tears. Accompanied by tears, Peng Xuefei's voice was extremely sad: "you, are you really Jiangnan wind?"

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