After saying this, Peng Xuefei didn't stop any longer. She turned around and walked towards her. She walked so decisively and freely. However, her back was more bent and desolate than the old lady who was about to sink into the ground. The blood on her feet seemed to have dried up, but the pain was deeper. Because her legs trembled with each step, It was the pain coming from the foot, and the pain stimulated the nerves.

I watched her limping back, but I caught a glimpse of Peng Xuefei's necklace, which broke my heart again. I know that Peng Xuefei's heart is dead, and I am completely dead.

This necklace is the first gift I gave her. When we finally separated, I bought this chain from the stall at the school gate. The price was not high, but Peng Xuefei was regarded as a priceless treasure. She loved it so much and couldn't put it down. On the spot, she couldn't wait for me to put it on. At that time, Peng Xuefei showed the happiest smile.

But now, Peng Xuefei threw away the necklace, threw away the happiness she once thought, and shed the most desperate tears.

This feeling, Peng Xuefei ended with grief, hurt so thoroughly, so miserable.

I don't know how the brothers behind me witnessed this incident, how they thought of me, but I clearly saw that the eyes of the sea Gang people in front of me were burning with anger, and they wanted to peel my skin.

Peng Yi, in particular, saw that his daughter was wounded and bruised all over the place. He felt as if his whole person had been burned by fire and was filled with rage.

Before and after Peng Xuefei came to him, he immediately assured Peng Xuefei: "Feifei, it doesn't matter. Suluo, the animal who is devoid of conscience and deceiving feelings, is doomed to die. I will avenge you today and cut him to pieces!"

When he said this, Peng Yi's momentum was like rolling sand, rolling up the sky and earth, rolling out endless majesty, which was the momentum of a real overlord.

In addition, all members of the Peng family, filled with indignation, pointed to me one after another, saying that I was a scum and scum. Today, I must die without a burial place.

I hurt Peng Xuefei's heart, that is, it touched the anger of the whole Peng family. They hated me to the bone, and this time they wanted to tear me to pieces.

Peng Yi raised his hand slowly while the sea gang members were angry. His action directly indicated that he was going to swallow us up.

But just as Peng Yi wanted to order, Peng Xuefei's hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the burning air: "father, let the wind from the south of the Yangtze River be released!"

Her tone was sad. With a strong determination, her volume is not big, but it suppresses all the people at the scene and makes the whole audience numb.

You know, I hurt the most miserable person, can be Peng Xuefei, I did a let any woman can't tolerate, I hurt her, almost let her spirit, but, Peng Xuefei pleaded for me this scum, who can believe, the whole audience was shocked, I was a dull face, dull eyes.

Peng Yi is just like being touched by someone. His slightly raised hand is still in the air, and his whole person is frozen.

After a long delay, Peng Yicai suddenly pointed to me and said to Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know? He is not Jiangnan style, he is Suluo. He disguises himself as Jiangnan wind to deceive you and use you. When you are worthless, he will abandon you ruthlessly.

He is a scum, a brute, such a person, can I let him go? What's more, he killed so many people in our Hai Gang. Even your three elder uncles died in his hands. Can I still make him alive? I tell you definitely, he and his people who fight will die

Peng Yiyue said that the more excited he was, his anger burned him again. His position has been very firm. No matter for his own daughter or for his own gang, he could not tolerate the existence of my cancer. He had to kill me.

However, to everyone's surprise, just after Peng Yi's voice dropped, Peng Xuefei, who was in a daze, knelt down in front of the audience and knelt down in front of Peng Yi.

She knelt on her knees, looked up at her father, tears from the corner of her eyes silent slide down, tears filled her eyes, but could not block the sadness in her eyes.

When tears fell to the ground, Peng opened her lips and uttered the saddest voice in the world: "Dad, you value boys over girls, I know, but I am also your flesh and blood. From childhood to adulthood, I seldom ask you. Even if I do, you won't agree. But this time, I hope you can promise me. No matter what you say in the future, I will listen to you. No matter who I want to marry, I will have no complaints. I only ask you to let go of Jiangnan style and let go of their people! "

I really didn't expect that Peng Yi would kneel down in front of thousands of people. She gave up her self-esteem and gave up everything. She prayed to her father in such a low attitude. In order to save my life, she was willing to obey any arrangement of her father, even if it was her marriage.

Suddenly, I felt that my brain was suddenly confused, my throat was like a piece of lead, and my heart was more sour.

I don't understand, I don't understand how Peng Xuefei could be like this. Her behavior really shocked me, moved me too much, made me suffer too much, and her emotions swept me like a strong wind.If we say that I was still the original Jiangnan style, then Peng Xuefei pleaded for me, even if he paid everything for me, it was reasonable.

After all, Jiangnan Feng is her lover. For the sake of the people she loves and for the sake of defending her love, she can give up everything. Even if she dies for me, she can do it.

However, the situation is different now, I am not Jiangnan style, I am Suluo, 8 is her family big enemy, is the emotional swindler, from the beginning, I was not her lover, I cheated her, took advantage of her, also explained to her, I already had a girlfriend. This is to tell her clearly that there is no love between me and her, and I have no pure love for her.

To put it bluntly, I am a liar, and she is the victim of my deception. She should hate me to death and never forgive me.

Why, why, for such a me, she would not hesitate to kneel down to beg her father?

Her love dream has been smashed. What can she defend for herself when she helps me now? Love is gone, happiness is gone, expectation is gone, even marriage doesn't matter, she is completely sacrificing herself and keeping me!

Why should she do this for a big enemy? How can I afford it? How can I make her do this for me?

This scene really shocked thousands of people in the audience. The vast scene immediately became a static picture. All the people were standing in the same place with astonished expression and complicated eyes. Even Peng Yi, who has always been very strong and vigorous in doing things, is extremely cold in his heart. This time, he was moved.

He is no longer domineering, no longer angry, no fire like momentum, he just looked at his baby daughter, hoarse voice said: "Feifei, he is a heartless man, why do you want this, you this is why ah?"

Xia gang leader's question, almost asked everyone's voice, for this point, everyone can't think of, also can't understand, so, the whole audience's line of sight, at this moment, all focused on Xia Xiaoxiao's body, everyone cocked up their ears, listened to Xia Xiaoxiao's answer.

As the only heroine in the show, Xia Xiaoxiao ignored everyone's eyes and was only immersed in her own sadness. Tears continued to rain on her face. She could not help but increase the volume and cried to the leader of xiabang: "this is what I owe him. Even if he is not sincere to me, he has saved me many times. Yesterday, just yesterday, he saved me. Without him, I would have died long ago. Therefore, I urge you to let go of him and his team! "

Peng Xuefei's tone of sadness to the extreme, her bleak voice directly into my heart, let me cold, I can't control the mood stirred in my heart, I can't forgive my hurt to Peng Xuefei, suddenly, I feel my sin is more and more serious, I'm a complete scum, I'm sorry for Peng Xuefei, I'm really sorry for her I'm not qualified to ask her to kneel down for me. I'm not worthy.

My eyes were red, my face was trembling, my heart was shaking, my throat was still blocked, my chest was depressed, I was ashamed of myself.

At the moment, Peng Yi doesn't want to hurt his daughter. However, he doesn't want to hurt his daughter. He doesn't want to hurt her. He doesn't want to hurt her. He doesn't want to hurt her There is.

So, after a brief tangle, Peng Yi still sighed and said to Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, it's not the ruthlessness of being a father. It's your request. I really can't agree to it. Now, when things come to this stage, there's no way to go back. Su Luo must die!"

When Peng Yi said this, he has made it clear that there is no room for maneuver, even if he hurts his daughter.

This time, Peng Xuefei's eyes directly fell into the most desperate hole, her soul seemed to fly away, her heart seemed to be lost, her whole person seemed to fall into the darkest abyss.

One is the man she loves the most, who destroys all her good hopes and makes her despair. The other is her own father, who once again ignores her feelings and completely hurts her.

Now, Peng Xuefei's heart has been broken into a broken shape, sad countercurrent into a river, she kept choking, want to speak but cry speechless.

This is what a miserable picture, a woman barefoot, feet with blood stains, the body is in distress, full of panic, kneeling in front of her father, constantly crying, crying is really sad, let this piece of day seems to be gloomy, everyone present, can not help but be affected by the war atmosphere, the scene of extreme depression, everyone showed dignified The expression.

In this quiet, strange atmosphere, suddenly, the silent sky, floating a deep call: "Feifei!"

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