Short two words, full of feelings, gentle and delicate tone, but also with a faint sense of hegemony.

Immediately, the shackles in the field were broken, and almost all the people on the scene were attracted by this sudden sound. With the disappearance of the sound, a figure rushed out of the side of the Haibang. This person was no other than Sheng Mingjie.

At this time, he looked in a hurry, his eyes were soft and full of concern. He ignored everyone and went straight to Peng Xuefei.

On the battlefield, there is no one who can enter the eye of Sheng Mingjie. Only Peng Xuefei went deep into his eyes and his heart. He seemed to really love Peng Xuefei.

After a while, he ran to Peng Xuefei's side, and then gently lifted her up. His voice was concerned: "Feifei. What are you doing? "

Perhaps, Peng Xuefei's soul has been completely broken, perhaps, she has no sense of the outside world, for Sheng Mingjie's help, she did not struggle or resist, she just like a string puppet, let Sheng Mingjie play.

After Sheng Mingjie lifted Peng Xuefei up from the ground, Peng Yicai said sternly to Sheng Mingjie: "Sheng Mingjie, didn't you specially let you look at Feifei? What's going on? "

At this time, Peng Yi's tone was a little bad. He didn't offer Sheng Mingjie as if he was a card as usual. There was obviously a bit of blame on Chu Jie in his tone.

In the face of Peng Yi's question, Sheng Mingjie is no longer strong. His arrogant eyes show a little apology. He quickly explains: "Feifei has found something unusual by herself. She has to ask me about the situation. In order to let her completely die of Jiangnan style, I told her the truth. But I didn't expect that, in the case of my inattention, she ran out directly, and I immediately chased her after her! "

When Sheng Mingjie and Peng Yi asked and answered, I was shocked. No wonder Peng Yi wanted to kill me. It seems that Sheng Mingjie also meant that. For me, Chu Jie wanted to get rid of him for a long time. Moreover, I nearly killed him as a Jiangnan style in the martial arts contest last time, which angered the Sheng family. Of course, he wanted my life 。

That is to say, today Peng Yi is so merciless to me that he has to kill me and my war, or even kill my father, regardless of the blood Ganoderma lucidum. There must be a relationship between the Sheng family and him. In order to climb the tree of the Sheng family and consolidate his position in the Hai Gang, Peng Yi has to kill me.

However, the appearance of Sheng Mingjie really disrupted Peng Yi's deployment. Even Sheng Mingjie could not have imagined that Peng Xuefei, knowing that I was su Luo, would rush to Mangshan Mountain and defend me in this way.

Therefore, seeing Peng Xuefei kneeling, Sheng Mingjie is ignorant and has no idea what is going on.

When Peng Yi learned about the situation, he didn't say anything more. He just said in a deep voice to Sheng Mingjie: "this girl has been fascinated by Suluo, lost her sense, and is still pleading for Suluo. You should take her away quickly!"

Sheng Mingjie's face suddenly changed when he heard it. His anger was mixed with strong jealousy and unwillingness.

Peng Xuefei is too infatuated with me. This may have become Sheng Mingjie's scale. He directly directed his angry eyes at me, which seemed to be looking at the dead. However, Sheng Mingjie did not attack me. He tried to control his emotions and just nodded his head in a profound way. This simple action also seemed to announce my death penalty.

After nodding his head, Sheng Mingjie moved his eyes away from me. Then, he looked at Peng Xuefei and said gently to her, "Feifei, let's go!"

At the moment, Peng Xuefei, still dull, out of mind, empty eyes, listen to Sheng Mingjie's words, she is still indifferent.

Sheng Mingjie takes Peng Xuefei's silence as a default. Seeing that Peng Xuefei doesn't wear shoes and her foot is injured, he can't help but say that he directly hugs Peng Xuefei and then turns away from the right and wrong place.

It is reasonable to say that Peng Xuefei has a special antipathy to Sheng Mingjie. It is impossible for Peng Xuefei to have any intimate action with him. However, at this moment, she was held by Sheng Mingjie, and she did not respond. She really lost her soul. The double blow made her despair. She had been fragmented, had lost her self, and had no normal consciousness. However, when Sheng Mingjie held her and left, her head was still leaning towards my side. Her empty eyes had been staring at me.

I couldn't see her heart through her eyes, and I couldn't figure out what she was thinking at the moment. But looking at her godless appearance, she should be more miserable than death.

But when I touched her bottomless eyes, I felt the same pain to the extreme. At the same time, I felt a little relieved. Although I didn't like Sheng Mingjie very much and didn't want Sheng Mingjie to hold Peng Xuefei, Peng Xuefei could leave the battlefield safely, perhaps the best result.

Now she has been hit by dementia, she can no longer bear the pain, in any case, my father and I fight, no matter which side is damaged, it must be the last she wants to see, she stay here, will only witness the most cruel facts, increase the grief.

However, she left, this farewell may be a farewell, I may be buried here, separated from her heaven and man, to death I still owe her, can I repay in the next life?I dare not expect the next life, only at this moment, tightly staring at the far away Xia pengxuefei, I want to take a good look at her at the end, and write down her appearance, but at this moment, her appearance is so poor, such a tragedy, what I remember, has become indelible pain.

Looking at her like this, my heart couldn't help but twitch, my eyes, more and more red, until Peng Xuefei completely disappeared in front of my eyes, I finally couldn't help, the corners of my eyes quietly slipped down two drops of regret tears.

These two tears, are for Peng Xuefei sad tears, but also accumulated all my guilt for Peng Xuefei tears.

Similarly, Peng Yi, as Peng Xuefei's father, was not happy. He felt unfair for his daughter, and his anger could not be stopped. After Peng Xuefei left completely, he immediately aimed his vicious eyes at me.

Then, he pulled his face, and suddenly made a very angry voice and said to me: "sulo, you scum, you look what you have injured Feifei. Today, I want you to be broken to pieces!"

This time, Peng Yi's outburst of anger is unprecedented, and the fire is almost skyrocketing. He has been good at camouflage, it seems that he exposed his bloodthirsty nature, no longer hidden.

The rest of the Peng family, like Peng Yi, concentrated all their anger on me and cursed me with vicious words. In their eyes, I was the eternal culprit of the Peng family.

All kinds of sounds, like viruses, are eroding my brain and pounding my heart like a hammer, so that I am immersed in pain and regret, and gradually come back to my senses.

My eyes involuntarily cast their eyes on Peng Yi in front of me. Suddenly, there was a huge wave in my heart. The fierce roar burst out of my mouth: "Peng Yi, you old man, what qualifications do you have to say about me? Do you think you are a good man? Do you deserve to be a father? Do you make Feifei happy? What else have you done for her besides using her as a tool to expand your family and achieve your own career? I tell you, even if I die, I want you to die with you

My voice was extremely loud and clear, reverberating over the whole mountain. My mood completely collapsed and my anger exploded. At this moment, I was like an awakened lion, crazy and bloodthirsty. Peng Yi in front of me was my food and my goal.

Today, it's doomed to die. I can't protect my brother or anyone. This fact has made me feel sad and painful all the time. But now that the fact is settled, I can't change the fate of my brothers and I.

However, I have to rewrite Peng Yi's fate when I die. Now my goal is to kill this old man. If he hadn't caught my father, I would never have come to H Province. If he had not forced me to die, I would not have been able to get close to Peng Xuefei. If it had not been for him, Peng would not have been completely injured. All was caused by him. Therefore, even if I was going to die, I would I want him to be a backer.

With a goal, there will be motivation and passion. I will give up all the desolation and sadness, my heart only filled with anger and pride, emotions will burst my body, the momentum of my body, burst out, my anger rubbed upward.

Peng Yi was prepared to order me and all my men to be slaughtered just after a roar. However, when he heard that I died together, his hands were all stopped. Instead of ordering, he burst into laughter. His laughter was very rampant, and his voice was filled with endless contempt and disdain.

After a while, he stopped laughing. Then, he looked at me with a very inexplicable look and said sarcastically, "sulo, are you a little too naive? Do you think that you can hurt me by your people?"

His tone was extremely arrogant. In his eyes, all my brothers and I were in the bag of wine and rice, which did not pose any threat to him. He only thought that my words were a joke, and that my wish was too naive, and that I was an ant that he could trample to death with just one stamp of his foot.

As soon as Peng Yi's sarcastic voice fell, a voice of extreme frankness rose in the warm air: "that's not necessarily!"

The voice was very abrupt and overbearing. It almost pierced everyone's heart and made the audience turn their eyes to the source of the sound.

When people's eyes were all focused on my left side, a group of people suddenly caught everyone's eyes, and they came out of the woods on our left with the momentum of whirlwind.

At the forefront of the team, Han Yimo is very impressive.

Today, she is still wrapped in a tight leather dress, with a pair of high boots on her feet. What is different from the last time is that her fur coat has been changed into a dazzling red color, which makes her whole body full of magic, as if her whole body is emitting red light. What's more, Han Yimo's hair is not tied up, and her long hair of shawl flutters with the wind, which makes it more powerful and free The momentum. She's overbearing.

Behind Han Yimo, there are two people, one tall and one short. These two people are very different in shape, but they all exude fierce momentum. They walk behind Han Yimo from left to right, showing their domineering power vividly and vividly.

The skinny and the fat are followed by four people. These four people are very ordinary middle-aged men, and their clothes are very ordinary.However, they walked in the third row of the team, just behind the fat man, they felt very different. The invisible power could not be covered up. At least, I could not see through their strength, only felt unfathomable.

Behind the four, there were eight men of similar shape and expression. Like the eight machines, they were strong in body, domineering in posture and steady in pace.

I know two of these eight people. They are Uncle snake and uncle gang. The other six are all fresh faces, but they are about the same age and momentum as Uncle snake.

Following the eight men in suits, there were a large number of people in red, who looked very domineering.

Han Yimo's appearance brought them the whole team, just like a peacock in the open screen. As the peacock leader, Han Yimo dragged such an extraordinary tail team, and walked with extremely heroic steps, slowly approaching us.

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