Peng Yi's voice was rough and loud, which made my heart numb. My brain was suddenly excited, and I realized that this old fox still had a hand. As expected, the old fox was too smart. He carefully arranged all these things. Besides fishing for a small fish like me, the most important thing was to wait for Han Yimo, a big fish, to catch all of them.

Now, the fish really hooked, he did not hide, immediately his back hand light out.

But what is his backhand? I think the direction he is aiming at is above the wolf mountain. Is he asking the old monster in the dark moon hall on the mountain to come out of the mountain?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help shivering all over my body. Suddenly, I felt a chill in my heart. I felt that the world was going to be gray. I finally knew why Peng Yi was so confident. It turned out that we really fell into his lair.

Just when I was frustrated, a group of people suddenly came out of the misty jungle of Mangshan Mountain. They walked slowly through the fog and slowly entered our vision.

When I saw their shape and appearance, I was in a daze again.

These people are not from the dark moon hall. The total number of them is only 20. Among them are my acquaintances, who are led by Sheng Xing. Immediately, I understood that the person who came was the Sheng family.

However, Sheng Xing is not the leader this time, and I can clearly see that his identity is not prominent in this group of more than 20 people, because one of the leaders has completely covered his aura.

It was a small old man, estimated to be more than 60 years old, but his hair was very black, his face was dry, his eyes were bright, and his figure was the most characteristic.

His body shape is abnormally short, a bit similar to the old-age version of the native sun, but his short stature can not block his majestic momentum, which is a kind of supreme power possessed by the supreme king.

As soon as he appeared, he swept all the people on the scene and became the king of the whole court. He was really strong to the extreme.

I don't know if it's because Han Yimo's momentum is reserved. Anyway, I feel that the deterrent power of this little old man is even stronger than Han Yimo.

He followed a lot of people around him, and some of them were even stronger than Shengxing.

It can be seen that this is a terrible team. No wonder they have been hiding in the jungle, but I can't detect it at all, because they have been strong enough to hide their momentum before. I didn't know it at all. Now they are showing their momentum. I feel suffocated and almost breathless by the overwhelming flame.

Up to now, I have a thorough understanding of why Peng Yi dares to deal with Han Yimo, and when he knows Han Yimo, he has to kill me. Even if Peng Xuefei kneels down to him, he is indifferent.

Even, he dared to yell at Han Yimo, who once revered seven points.

It turns out that all this is just because the Sheng family is playing tricks secretly. With the support of the Sheng family, Peng Yi dared to act recklessly.

Indeed, from the beginning, the Sheng family wanted me to die, and Han Yimo offended Sheng because he helped me. The anger of the Sheng family had already spread. They had to catch Han Yimo and me completely. Therefore, they had this alliance with the Hai Gang.

The enemy of the poster is me, and the enemy of the Sheng family is Jiangnan style. As a result, Suluo and Jiangnan wind are the same person. With the same goal of Haibang and Shengjia, they naturally form an alliance.

Peng Yi is also a hero. Because of the existence of the ghost king, he may care about his face and dare not move Han Yimo. But the Sheng family is not the same. They are big families. They don't care so much. Moreover, the last time I heard Han Yimo say that there may be someone behind the Sheng family. In any case, in the end, they are going to kill Han Yimo completely.

In a trance, I thought, just when Sheng Mingjie left, he looked at me with a strange look in his eyes, as if he had already known all this.

It's also the same thing. Peng Yi suddenly asked Sheng Mingjie to look after Peng Xuefei. Obviously, the alliance between the Sheng family and the Haibang was not accidental. It was a long discussed strategy. It seems that all this is a bureau, a general situation full of conspiracies.

This plot is like a big storm, drowning me. The last hope in my heart has been completely shattered. What's more, my heart is even more painful and desperate than before.

Because, I pulled Han Yimo into the water again. I didn't want to implicate her, but I did, and I dragged her down again and again.

Involuntarily, I turned my eyes to Han Yimo beside me. However, she was not nervous and did not change color. She was always in the same state that Mount Tai collapsed in front of me. Even if she had been pointed at by more than 100 guns, she was still calm.

At this moment, Han Yimo is still calm, but her eyes are a bit fierce color, her eyes have been scanning the Sheng family coming in front.

After a while, the Sheng family entered the group of Hai Gang. They walked to Peng Yi's side and stood still.The leading little old man nodded his head to Peng Yi, and then he turned his deep sea like eyes to Han Yimo.

His eyes were too deep and too deep for people to see through. However, his eyes were very sharp, as if he wanted to see through Han Yimo. After staring at her for two seconds, the little old man slowly said, "Han protector, how are you!"

His voice, very soft, but miraculously with the momentum of thunderbolt, very overbearing.

who would have thought that a little old man would have such a bold spirit. It is in the old saying that concentration is the essence. It is felt that every cell of this little old man is infinitely more powerful than an outsider.

After speaking, he also showed a deep smile, as if he was quite familiar with Han Yimo.

Similarly, for Han Yimo, she didn't care about other Sheng family members, but she paid attention to the little old man. Her eyes were always shining on the little old man. After listening to him, Han Yimo also said mysteriously: "Mr. Sheng, I didn't expect it would be you. I had expected that your Sheng family would participate in it, but I didn't expect that your second Master Sheng would appear in person. You Sheng family really look up to me

Han Yimo's words were like an alarm bell, which immediately woke me up. I finally knew why Peng Yi was so confident before, but Han Yimo was not moved at all. It turned out that she had already guessed that the Hai Gang still had backers. She knew that the Sheng family would participate in the plot. She knew that there were tigers in the mountains, but she was inclined to the tiger mountains!

What makes me more shocked is that Han Yimo said Sheng Er Ye.

I have heard of Sheng Er ye in the legend, and it is like thunder.

If the ghost king is in the past, then this Sheng Er ye, who is called Sheng Er ye, represents the absolute status of the Sheng family in heizhong. Many things related to Hei are done by Sheng Er Ye alone. The reason why the Sheng family is famous and become the top family in the country has the support of the white Taoism and the support of the Sheng Er Ye 。

In the underground world of China, there is a ranking list. Although the ghost king is in the past, he is still worthy of it. When he said this, the little old man seemed helpless. As if he had to go out of the mountain himself, he seemed to be doing something for heaven.

But Han Yimo listened to Sheng Er Ye's words, and then turned his lips slightly, and then showed a face of congsu, solemnly said: "I never want to come back to the lake, I just try my best to keep Wu Lai safe."

Hearing Liu Longyin's words again, I had to be shocked again. She repeatedly stressed that what she had done was just for me, which was really strange. However, I believed her words again, because I felt that Han Yimo did not come back from the world in my name. She has been anonymous for so many years. If she wants to return to the world, why should she wait so long? Or if she is attached to the rights of the underground forces, she will not retire.

Of course, I believe that Han Yimo is a man, but the second Master Sheng can't. He thinks I'm a cover. He first glances at me gently, and then sweeps to Han Yimo's team. Almost everyone in the team, the little old man, carefully looks at me.

After looking at him, he focused on Han Yimo again, and made a more profound voice: "I remember that under the command of the ghost king, there were two Dharma protectors, four envoys, eight war gods, and sixteen ghost messengers.

Among these people, there were only a few experts in those years. They were all powerful people. At that time, you swept the underground forces all over the country. What a scene it was. However strong the Empire will collapse one day. With the retreat of the ghost king, you senior generals will go to different places and all of you will be dissolved.

Overnight, the huge empire disappeared without a trace. I thought that you people would not appear again, but at this moment, you even gathered half of the general of the ghost king. You are so serious, you just said that in order to protect a hairy boy, you are not telling me a joke? Do you think I will believe it? "

After listening to Sheng Er Ye's words, the whole audience was shocked, and everyone's hearts were deeply shocked. Even Peng Yi and others were shocked.

It's really incredible. This scene is even more sensational. You know, in Han Yimo's team, half of the generals under the ghost king are gathered together. How powerful should this force be.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes were directed at Han Yimo's team, full of shock and curiosity.

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