Unconsciously, my eyes can not help but be drawn in the past, this time, their image in my heart and a few points higher, my look is more deep respect and awe.

Through observation, I know that the two great men must be the envoys in the mouth of the second Master Sheng. Of course, the four ugly middle-aged men were four of the eight gods of war. Uncle snake and uncle Gang must be ghosts. They are all first-class generals. This time, they gathered together. No wonder the sea Gang cared and the Sheng family attached great importance to them.

In the past, these great gods followed the ghost king and could sweep the underground world and beat the invincible hands in the world.

This time, although they were only half as powerful as they were at that time, they could easily turn the clouds over. How could this force not make the sea gang and the Sheng family care? It was precisely because of this that the second master of Sheng confirmed that Han Yimo was planning to return to the world. Not only he, but other people also thought that Han Yimo was ambitious and purposeful. Otherwise, she would not help me for nothing.

However, Han Yimo didn't care about people's questioning. She didn't care about other people's eyes at all. She just kept her own position and said coldly to Sheng Er ye: "I have said everything I should say. Whether you believe it or not is your business, it has nothing to do with me!"

Han Yimo is so domineering and brave. Even though Sheng Er Ye is famous in the modern world, she still can't frighten her. She is the same she, that fearless Han Yimo.

As for Han Yimo's personality, Sheng Er ye should have understood it. He was not angry. He just thought about Han Yimo's words. Then he frowned and asked, "I want to know if you have mobilized so many people to gather the ghost King's old army. Does the ghost King know?"

The second Master Sheng's words aroused the interest of the audience. All the people were awed and curious about the legendary figure of the ghost king. When they heard this question, they almost held their breath and stood up their ears, ready to listen to Han Yimo's answer.

Han Yi Mo is a pair of straightforward appearance, facing Sheng Er Ye bluntly: "this you don't need to know!"

Maybe he was impatient to be asked. Han Yimo's tone became more and more fierce. The smell of gunpowder in the field became stronger and stronger.

And Sheng Er ye, his patience is less and less, his momentum is constantly revealed, his short stature, as if gathering the light of heaven and earth, majestic.

With all manner of spirit. He glanced at Han Yimo fiercely and asked in a sharp tone: "Han Yimo, you were once famous all over the world, and you are a rare hero. In fact, I didn't want to fight with you, but you are really too crazy. Do you really think that with your past team, can you fight against the alliance between me and Peng Yi?"

Sheng Er Ye's tone is full of self-confidence, invisible scorn and satire to Han Yimo, and faint anger. Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with Han Yimo's arrogance and wants to suppress her severely.

This time, my heart is more tense. Sheng Ye's confidence makes my nerves tense, but Han Yimo's calm makes me wonder why han Yimo is not in a mess in the face of the alliance between the Sheng family and the Hai Gang?

Although these generals of ghost king are legendary figures, the masters of Hai Gang and Sheng's family are not vegetarians either. The people brought by Sheng Er Ye alone are already top-level masters. In addition, Peng Yi, Peng Qing and other Peng family members as well as high-level Hai Gang leaders can be said. They have more elite than us.

How can we see that we are all in a weak position. Why has Han Yimo always been very strong, still domineering and without any compromise?

Just when I was puzzled, Han Yimo, a serious man, suddenly chuckled. After that, she made a powerful voice: "I don't think I can fight you, but I know that this battle can't be avoided. So, I don't have to be polite to you! "

In an instant, Han Yimo's spirit burst out. She once again showed her spirit of fearlessness. This is the real Han Yimo.

I finally know that Han Yimo is always strong, not because she is sure to deal with the enemy, but because no matter how strong the enemy is, she is fearless. She has such courage. She is not afraid of death. What else can she fear?

At first, a bullet from Meng brigade fired at Han Yimo, and Han Yimo did not even frown. Now, she is facing not bullets, but a group of people. How can Han Yimo be afraid? Her momentum is not pretended, but naturally emanates. There is no word "fear" in her dictionary.

Therefore, Han Yimo doesn't need to be insincere at all, and won't flinch because of Sheng Er Ye.

Perhaps, it is because of Han Yimo's hardness that makes the conceited Sheng Er Ye feel unhappy. He just can't see Han Yimo's arrogance, and he wants to see the fear of him, but he hasn't seen it all the time, which inevitably hurts the face of the big man.

Sheng Er Ye held his breath and wanted to say something. At this time, the thousand army standing on the side of Han Yimo couldn't stand it. He directly yelled at Sheng Er ye: "if you want to fight, hurry up. There's so much nonsense!"

The momentum of thousands of troops also broke out. Obviously, not only Han Yimo, but also all the former members of the ghost king are not greedy for life and death. No one is afraid of the present-day hero Sheng Er Ye.In an instant, the momentum of our side was brought out, and all of us worked together and were ready to go.

Finally, the second Master Sheng couldn't bear it. No matter how good his personality was, he couldn't hold his breath. His face was a little red. However, he knew that he was noble and did not have an insight with Qianjun. He just turned his head slightly, looked at Peng Yi and winked at Peng Yi.

Peng Yi immediately understood what he meant. Without any unnecessary nonsense, he waved his hand and yelled: "listen to the orders, all of you!"

One of the words, which engulfed mountains and rivers, aroused the momentum of all the soldiers of the sea gang.

After Peng Yi's voice dropped, Han Yimo also looked at me.

I touched Han Yimo's eyes, and my spirit was immediately shocked. I knew that there was no way to go back when things got to this point. There was only one war, one life and death.

As Han Yimo said, a great war is inevitable, so we need not be polite. Even if the Sheng family and the sea Gang plan carefully and want to wipe us out completely, even if the opponent is so strong that we can only face the difficulties.

It's useless to be afraid of anything. It's cowardly to flinch. It's the warrior spirit to move forward bravely.

Han Yimo, as a woman, has such courage. She knows that this is a trap. She comes to help me without hesitation. Knowing that her opponent is terrible, she is still arrogant. I have nothing to fear. If they want to fight, I will fight. Even if I die, I will pay a heavy price to the Hai Gang and Sheng family.

Unconsciously, my momentum is like a huge thunder, suddenly burst out, my eyes send out the most fierce edge, in the electric light flint, I roared to the sky: "brothers, kill me!"

Voice, resounding through the clouds, the war broke out.

The first to launch the attack was the Hai Gang. With the momentum of the wind and the clouds, two thousand elite soldiers stormed at us. Even Peng Yu, Peng Yi's son, took the lead.

Peng Yi is the only one who stands in the same place, standing tall and upright.

On my side, with my command, the fire of war, the flame Gang, the flying car party, and uncle Yang did not hesitate. They all went out to face the sea gang.

There is a big difference in the number of the two sides. There are more than 2000 sea gangs, and we are less than 1000. However, our momentum is not weak. We fought back to back. All brothers played 200% of the combat effectiveness and fought for their lives.

When the two teams collide, it's just like Mars hitting the earth, which changes the color of heaven and earth, and makes birds and beasts scurry. The earth seemed to be shaking, the wind was full of fury, and the air was torn.

This war can definitely be recorded in the annals of history. However, the end of the war must end with the failure of our side,

because the difference in strength between the two sides is still too great. A confrontation, it seems that we can see the end, even if our momentum again prosperous, but also can not escape the fate of being crushed.

Seeing the brothers fall one by one, my heart is dripping blood, and Han Yimo beside me has already found that the people on my side are in absolute weakness.

So, she did not delay, suddenly, the domineering Liu Longyin put his hand to his neck, a grasp of his shawl long hair. Very tactful rolling some.

At the moment when she put her hair in a bun, the elastic band on her wrist fell directly onto her hair. Then, Han Yimo turned around a few times with the power of heaven and earth. In a blink of an eye, I saw her hair was completely tied up.

With his hair tied skillfully and neatly, Han Yimo's body immediately flew out like a sharp arrow and rushed to the battlefield.

The great masters who followed Han Yimo seemed to have received a silent command. They followed Han Yimo closely behind them and rushed into the battlefield together.

Han Yimo, who rushes in the front, has a tremendous momentum and awe inspiring power. Anyone who approaches her is thrown away in one move. Han Yimo's claw skill is really superb.

On the other side, the Sheng family headed by Sheng Er ye saw that Han Yimo's team made a move. They did not give in and immediately went out with the momentum of thunder.

The target of their attack, of course, is Han Yimo's team. It seems that the Sheng family has already selected the target, and each of them has their own orderly match with the people of Han Yimo's team, which is very methodical and routine.

Sheng Er ye, the leader of the Sheng family, naturally fought with Han Yimo.

The battle suddenly began, and everyone was fighting with all their might

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