At the beginning of the battle between the Haibang and our forces, the second Master Sheng's team also went out, and several people around them took on the thousand troops and ten thousand horses.

These two are worthy of fighting with the ghost king on the battlefield. Facing the first-class masters of the Sheng family, they both have the ability to defeat two by one.

Sheng Xing and others on the Han Yimo team, the rest of the Sheng family on the snake uncle they.

There are more than 20 members in the Shengjia team, and Han Yimo's team are all top experts. More than a dozen of them fought together, and it was hard to win or lose.

The rest of the men in black in Han Yimo's team supported my brothers and fought with the sea gang. Naturally, their ability was much higher than that of the general elite of the Hai Gang. Therefore, as soon as they joined the battle group, they immediately solved the urgent need for my brothers.

However, there are many experts in the sea gang. As the top figures of the sea Gang, it is more than enough to beat the people in black, and it is not difficult to beat our other brothers.

More than a dozen masters of Han Yimo's team were checked and balanced by the Sheng family. Therefore, we are still in a complete weak position, which is hard to reverse.

The fighting became more and more fierce, noisy and intense. The blood began to burst out, bringing out the blood. Dyed the whole field red.

The total number of the two sides involved in the war has already reached 3000. The number is large, the momentum is rolling, the smoke is full of smoke, the flowers and trees nearby are suffering, the color of the sky seems to be changing, and the degree of tragedy is greater than all the battles I have seen before.

The battle between the experts is different from the general fight. When you are in it, you feel dazzled and dazzled. The scene is too fast and violent. Moreover, with the passage of time, the people who fall down are very fast, and the howling sound constantly rings out and vibrates in the sky.

I really don't know how to describe this terrible war. The ferocity of the war is beyond imagination.

In the past, I felt that the flow of blood was terrible, but now I feel that bleeding is not a big deal. Because the people who really shed blood just can't die. They are just chopped, injured and seriously injured.

However, you don't know how the dead person died. Even you don't know where the wound is. This is the real terror.

But whether dead or seriously injured, as long as a brother fell down, I was like a piece of meat was cut, my heart was like a knife.

Peng Yi, standing opposite to me, is on the contrary. As the commander-in-chief, he is arrogant and arrogant. He seems not to care about the fall and death of the sea Gang people. He doesn't know whether he is calm or unfeeling, or whether he hides his emotions deeply enough.

In any case, no matter what his mind is, looking at his calm expression, I will not be angry. You know, all this is caused by him. If it was not for him, there would not have been such a bloody war and the casualties of so many brothers of mine.

Death is not really terrible, but to see my brothers die because of me is the most terrible thing for me.

Think of it. My hatred for Peng Yi was like a whirlwind, fierce and profound, crazy and rampant.

Peng Yi, I want you to pay for your blood debts. With the roar of this sentence, my heart exploded, and my body suddenly moved. It was like a rocket launch, rushing towards Peng Yi.

However, before I rushed to Peng Yi's body, some members of the Peng family waited for an opportunity to move. Seeing me appear, they immediately withdrew from the battle and wanted to besiege me. But Peng Yi suddenly stopped them and murmured: "don't move, he left it for me!"

Immediately, all the Peng family around me backed away and went to kill my brothers.

At this point, the situation on our side is getting worse and worse. Originally, the number of people is small. After a number of people have fallen down, the total number of people has become more and more bleak.

Han Yimo's team is still entangled by the Shengjia team, and uncle Yang is also entangled by the sea Gang experts. Many of the remaining brothers, even Du Haisheng, are locked in by the large forces of the Hai Gang. No one can take care of me at all. I am left alone in a vacant land.

However, Peng Yi, who drinks back the Peng family, obviously shows that he is not afraid of me at all, or in other words. He wanted to finish me with his own hands. When the Peng family retreated, the leader of the Peng Gang immediately shot his eyes and his body roared. Then he rushed towards me. We two fought together in an instant.

As soon as I handed it over, I immediately felt Peng Yi's terror, and suddenly found that I was almost not a bit worse than him.

I have seen it with my own eyes in Pengjia manor. How did he defeat Peng Qing, who had the strength against the weather, who was a kind of quiet and fierce man who killed people in the invisible.

I've only seen him before, but I haven't dealt with him. Therefore, I only know that he is powerful, but I don't know what level he has reached.

Now, through a brief contact with him, I have personally experienced his unfathomability. He is just several grades more powerful than he Yunxiang. This old fox is too deep to hide. Before he insisted on two moves, I was beaten back by him, and the whole person flew to one side of the grass.

When I fell to the ground, Peng Yi's voice immediately came, sneered at me and said, "you can't do as much as you want to kill me? How great do you think you are? "He still remembers, still remembers that I said before that he would die with him. He just wanted me to see how much difference I had with him, and let me have a little self-knowledge. He used his arrogance to trample on my dignity. He had not only despised me, but also insulted and attacked me.

My anger was burning violently in my body, and the fire in my eyes seemed to burn the whole world. Regardless of the injury, I tried my best to get up. Then, I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and growled at him angrily: "come on, you have the seed to kill me!"

Peng Yi snorted coldly, showing a more disdainful look. His eyes gave out a strange light, as if to tell me: "since you want to die, I will help you."

Then, Peng Yi attacked me fiercely again with a fierce momentum.

In the shadow of swords and swords, my heart needs to be calm like water. At this most critical moment, I immediately suppress my anger, throw my emotions away, relax my nerves, and immerse myself in the realm of selflessness.

Mentality is the most important thing. I try to keep my mind stable, and then I use my best Kung Fu, Tai Chi.

The so-called "virtual and real opportunities" are generated by the enemy, and the subtlety of the abyss is unknown to ghosts and gods, and then they can defeat the enemy and succeed.

Although my Tai Chi has not reached the peak, I am now facing the most deadly attack of Peng Yi. I suddenly used Tai Chi and turned the world around. At least, I could defuse Peng Yi's fierce attack and protect myself.

Originally, leader Peng didn't want to waste his time. He wanted to take my life, so he gave me a fatal blow. However, in a flash, I even used Tai Chi and resisted his attack. Peng Yi was stunned and said: "yes, it's a little bit original. No wonder his eyes are higher than the sky. Unfortunately, a good young man will die here today! ”

I was still immersed in the world of selflessness, and only Peng Yi was in my eyes. When I heard his voice, I naturally responded: "don't talk nonsense. You can kill me again!"

Peng Yi smiles at this, and sends out a voice to Yin: "then I'll send you on the road!"

With the end of his words, his whole person is like the reincarnation of the devil, suddenly exudes the momentum of the whole sky, there is no hidden, this is a kind of extreme terror existence.

I remember the last time I saw Peng Yi and Peng Qing fight each other. Peng Yi didn't use all his strength. He didn't need to try his best because Peng Qing was not his opponent at all.

But, this time is different, I am his enemy, he certainly will not be polite. Directly play their strongest power.

With this force against the sky, his body suddenly hit me, momentum overwhelming, earth shaking.

His strength has exceeded my expectation, which makes me keep a steady mind and unconsciously be destroyed. But I am still trying my best to calm down and deal with it calmly. I give full play to the Tai Chi I have learned to deal with Peng Yi's crazy attack on me.

But gradually, I can't do it, no matter how hard I try. Even though I have made some achievements in my mind, Peng Yi is too strong, strong enough to destroy my mentality. In particular, when I feel my brothers falling into a pool of blood, I can't achieve absolute peace of mind, even if I try my best to control it. Try to immerse yourself in the realm of selflessness, but in the end it is futile.

Therefore, the effect of my Tai Chi power is not good, and it is slowly full of flaws.

Peng Yi wanted to kill me, but he didn't care about other people's life and death. Therefore, he was able to stop his mind and maximize his attack.

As time went by, he became stronger and stronger, and I became more and more flustered. I made mistakes in confusion and made mistakes again and again. Almost in an instant, Peng Yi caught me in the gap. He took advantage of my flaws to show his finger power to me. Two fingers were danced by him. They were even more powerful than shells. They were so powerful that they were unimaginable.

At this time, I finally know why Peng Qing would take the initiative to admit defeat. Because, Peng Yi's fingering is really amazing. His finger points on you, which is even more terrifying than a bullet hit. It can make you feel powerless and paralyzed in an instant. The whole person is really like being punctured.

Against the master, a second of Leng Shen is equivalent to exposing the dead hole, giving the opponent a second to kill you.

While I was in a daze, Peng Yi didn't stop. On the contrary, he also accelerated his movement, and his two fingers were rapidly and inexorably touching on me. His eyes are very sharp and his fingering is very accurate. It seems that he knows every acupoint in my body, and what he points is the key to my body.

Just after he hit several of my acupoints, I felt as if I had been shot by a random gun. My pupils were instantly enlarged, my eyes were dull, my face twitched, and my whole strength was emptied. As if in the general evil, the body is still standing, but the body has been numb.

Peng Yi, on the other hand, hit several of my acupoints in a very short period of time. Then he quickly took back his hand and made an action to absorb and exhale. It seems that he has achieved his goal. At the moment, he really has the demeanor of a great master, but I have formed a sharp contrast with him.

Just now, I was still alive. In an instant, I was like a blood sucking by a vampire, as if I had become a corpse.With the completion of leader Peng's breathing and exhaling action, my leg finally couldn't support my body. My body, like a corpse, fell on the ground in front of leader Peng

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