Sun Xiangru didn't argue with Sheng Er ye any more. He put the decision-making power on me. Obviously, sun Xiangru knew what the battle meant to me. He could not directly refute the second uncle Sheng, so he took me as a brand.

What's more, after sun Xiangru finished this sentence, Han Yimo, who was extremely incompatible with sun Xiangru, miraculously echoed: "me too!"

The attitude of the two gods of war, like the stars and the moon, once again lifted me to the sky. As a small role, I suddenly turned into the intersection of the whole field and became the focus of attention.

This time, Sheng Er ye, who was arrogant and superior to the sky, finally began to look at me seriously. However, he could see through my strength at a glance. Of course, he didn't care about me. He just slightly disdained me and said, "Suluo, you should know the ability of the Sheng family. Things, point to the end of good

His words sounded very casual, but in fact, they were full of strong threat. This threat directly aroused my fighting spirit and anger.

The old Wang Ba, relying on his large number of people and the number of experts, was ready to kill us all. Now when he saw that the situation was wrong and there was no chance of winning, he threatened us. It was really hateful. He really regarded himself as the king of heaven.

Don't talk about me, even my brothers who fought with me. Even though they were more or less injured, they were all in a mess, but their momentum was not extinguished. Many people could not help shouting:

"boss, order them to be killed immediately!"

"Yes, kill them!"

"Dry, revenge for your brother!"

At this moment, life and death seem to be unimportant to the brothers. They don't want to linger on. They just fight for one breath in their heart. They want to fight to the end and get a result.

In fact, to say that, our staff are totally in a weak position. All the people standing behind me are less than 400, including many wounded people. But because of sun Xiangru's arrival, our momentum has reached its peak. Especially at this moment, all of us are strong and ready to go.

The other side, there are more than a thousand people, and they are all excellent soldiers, but this is an extremely terrible team in my eyes just now, but it is nothing at the moment. I have not paid any attention to it at all. Because I know that sun Xiangru's arrival has added a lot of experts to us, and the whole ghost King team generals have come. I have nothing to fear.

I couldn't help but turn my head slightly, looking at Sun Xiangru, Han Yimo, thousands of troops, relying on heaven to kill dragons, and some other top experts.

Looking at these resolute faces, my heart rate is accelerating, my blood is boiling, and my blood is surging wildly. Brought up my intense emotion, brought out my endless momentum.

My lofty sentiments are bursting out. My body seems to have ten thousand horses galloping, and it seems that there are huge waves in the sky. If I miss Suluo, I may never reach the height of the ghost king, without his strength and spirit, but today, I have the rights of the ghost king. This is the glory of glorifying our ancestors. This may be the only time in my life. I must cherish my life.

Most importantly, this is my last chance to fight back and save my father. I can't waste it, no matter how terrible the Hai Gang and Sheng family are. I can't shrink back. Since the war has started and the wildfire is burning, let it burn more vigorously and wildly!

Suddenly, my body seems to be infused with infinite strength. Suddenly, I pull up, and the great shore is like a mountain. My momentum is earth shaking and overwhelming.

When the morale of the brothers was high, when the Sheng family threatened me with their eyes and words, I suddenly clenched my fist, raised my arms to the sky, and roared: "kill!"

At the beginning, faced with the strength of the Haibang, I lacked confidence and momentum, and was doomed to fail. Even though my brothers and I had the heart to go out and tried to drum up the momentum, I could not reverse the defeat because of the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

But now it is different. Although we are only left with some disabled and defeated generals, our strength has soared directly because of the introduction of mythical generals from the ghost King's old department.

With them, it seems that there are more troops, and the overall strength is too much. The morale of all of us immediately soared to the extreme, and all of us had the belief of destroying everything like fighting chicken blood.

Perhaps it was the king of hell's reputation, or perhaps it was the action of the ghost King's troops sweeping the underground forces of the whole country that was too grand. Anyway, the thirty great generals of the ghost King gathered together and naturally formed a momentum of destroying the heaven and destroying the earth to turn the tide.

It was because of their momentum that they made the invincible Sheng Er ye have the heart to shrink back, and the ambition of the Haibang people was drowned.

In particular, Peng Yi, the leader of the other side, looked down on everything. When he was beaten back by relying on heaven to kill a dragon, he immediately looked like a drowning dog, disconcerted and angry. Later, he saw Han Yimo leading the other half of the ghost King's generals to appear. Seeing that the ghost king once had all the big generals together, he was more like a defeated rooster, showing a decadent state and no fighting spirit.

When the other party's mood fell into the lowest ebb, my word of killing was ringing in the sky of Mangshan Mountain for a long time.A word, as if breaking the vicissitudes of life, shaking the sky far away, let my side of the morale of the moment to maximize, momentum exploded.

With this inexhaustible momentum, all my brothers immediately roared out and rushed to the Haibang brigade and the Sheng family.

At the same time, sun Xiangru also led all the ghost King generals, roaring up. In addition to the injured Han Yimo did not start, the other generals rushed into the battle group with overwhelming momentum.

Sun Xiangru, the former farmer, at this moment, changed himself and directly showed his overbearing temperament, which was incomparable. The target of his attack is, of course, the strongest man on the other side, Sheng Erye.

I don't know whether it was because Sheng Er Ye hurt Han Yimo, or because Sheng Er Ye was so arrogant that sun Xiangru was very dissatisfied with him. As soon as he made a move, sun Xiangru, a fierce tiger, burst out with a towering power, covering the sky and sweeping the sky.

In the face of such a turbulent offensive, Shengjia and Haibang brigade were suddenly nervous, frowning and fighting.

Once again, the unprecedented battle began. However, this time, the scale of the battle was larger, the momentum was more frightening, and the scene was more fiery.

The Sheng family and the Haibang brigade, after all, were in a passive position and met our attack with low overall momentum.

On the contrary, our side, on the contrary, has taken the initiative and launched an attack under the most vigorous situation.

There are many people on the other side, but there are few of us, but our momentum is very strong. As soon as the battle starts, we are in an advantage. Our soldiers have directly evolved into harvesters with fierce murderous spirit and reaping each other's lives crazily.

The dark clouds of death spread rapidly, covering the whole mountain area, and the originally miserable battlefield became more and more chaotic. The number of people who fell down gradually increased, the smell of blood became more and more thick, and the smell of death swept through many people.

The fighting has become more intense than ever.

When sun Xiangru didn't come, what I needed most was a master. This made the high-level members of the Hai Gang free up some good ones to unite with Sheng's family and fight with each other's Han Yimo team.

However, at the moment, the situation reversed in an instant. With the addition of Korean and Yimo troops, we can crush each other completely in terms of masters, because the general of ghost king is not built. Each of them has a fighting capacity unparalleled in the world.

This moment, I saw the invincible strength of the 16 ghost soldiers, the team fighting ability of the eight major generals, and the power of the thousands of troops and horses. It made the earth shake, and I also saw the supreme power of relying on heaven and killing dragons.

It can be said that the ghost King generals all gather together, and the combat effectiveness is not as simple as doubling. If one word must be used to describe it, it can only be said that the whole court is completely destroyed.

I can understand why the ghost king with this team was able to sweep the underground forces throughout the country, invincible, because this team is really too strong, who can compete with it.

The scene is more and more popular, and the fight is more and more exciting. Almost everyone's fighting in the field was wonderful and earth shaking. But to say the most wonderful and eye-catching, of course, is the duel between sun Xiangru and Sheng Er Ye.

This little old man is indeed a miracle. After defeating Han Yimo, he fought with sun Xiangru again. However, he didn't seem to have any difficulty at all. He seemed to have endless strength. He was always so thunderous and arrogant. He was a short man. He wielded the power of a giant man and surprised the whole audience.

Sun Xiangru, a man who has lived in seclusion for many years in a mountain village, is not a mortal. His power is also powerful and boundless.

Every move he made was as fierce and terrifying as the roar of a tiger. It can be seen that the man named after Han Yimo is not inferior to Han Yimo, and even higher than Han Yimo. However, Han Yimo and sun Xiangru's moves are quite different.

Sun Xiangru is good at boxing. Judging from the posture of his moves, he looks like his fist is strong and powerful, while Han Yimo's fierce move is claw skill, which is soft and vicious. Their Kung Fu is Yin and Yang, soft and hard, and they feel just complementary.

Even thousands of troops, relying on heaven to kill dragons, they cooperate with each other is so tacit, unique, not to mention mutual help.

However, Han Yimo and sun Xiangru are no longer able to get together. They are almost enemies. Where can they fight together? It's good that they don't fight each other.

at present, only sun Xiangru is fighting with Sheng Er ye in the field. Han Yimo doesn't fight at all. She just stands by my side and protects my integrity.

It is true that although I am the king of the whole audience and have the right to command the old headquarters of the ghost king, in the end, I am still a wounded person, a wounded person who was injured by Peng Yi.

Just now, I almost exhausted all my strength, just roared out that domineering killing.

As soon as I finished yelling, I stopped eating immediately. Although the aura was still there, I was exhausted.

I can only stand aside and watch the unprecedented war, unable to participate in it in person. I even need to be protected.

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