But this time, my mentality is quite different. There is no more haze in my heart. There is only passion and boldness in my heart, because we are obviously in an advantage. We have been in an advantage since the beginning of the war.

And the enemy is losing and retreating. The more they lose, the more unstable their mentality will be, creating a vicious circle that makes them more and more miserable.

However, what worries me is that, as time goes on, the strength gap between sun Xiangru and Sheng Er Ye gradually becomes apparent. Sun Xiangru is obviously in a weak position. After all, he lives in seclusion all the year round, and his martial arts skills must be unfamiliar. The most important thing is that the combat effectiveness of the second master of Sheng is actually higher than that of sun Xiangru. Even if sun Xiangru was in his heyday, he was absolutely inferior We can't fight against Sheng Er Ye.

Therefore, even if sun Xiangru's momentum is stronger, it is difficult to compete with the second Master Sheng. Moreover, the longer the fight time, the more obvious the defeat of sun Xiangru will be. However, ordinary people can't get in touch with their level of masters. Otherwise, not only can't help, but more people will affect sun Xiangru's moves.

Moreover, sun Xiangru didn't show any sign, and no one dared to help. After all, it would brush his dignity and face.

Seeing sun Xiangru gradually unable to eat and his body was constantly injured, my heart suddenly tightened. My eyes turned to Han Yimo beside me. I couldn't help but say to her, "go and help sun Xiangru!"

I know that sun Xiangru is the only one who can cooperate with sun Xiangru and kill Sheng Er Ye.

Although the leader of the other party is Han Yimo, their pillar is obviously Sheng Er Ye. He is the strongest person. As long as he falls down, the other party will fall down the biggest tree. Therefore, he is the person I value most.

However, after listening to my words, Han Yimo frowned slightly, and then said to me seriously: "I will stay to protect you!"

Protecting me must be from Han Yimo's sincerity. After all, I almost died in Peng Yi's hands just now, but she was powerless at that time. She was so close to seeing my death with her own eyes. Therefore, she is more concerned about my safety now.

But I also know that this is not the only reason for her. She does not want to join the war, but also because she and sun Xiangru are still angry. She does not want to join hands with sun Xiangru.

At the moment, sun Xiangru is in a critical situation. Whether Han Yimo is willing to join the war or not, I have to force her to help sun Xiangru. Therefore, I directly took out my dignity and solemnly said to her, "didn't you just say that you listen to my command? My order now is to help sun Xiangru. You can work together to overthrow the second master of Sheng!"

My tone is extremely serious, and my expression is solemn. This is the first time that I have a dialogue with Han Yimo in such an attitude.

Once upon a time, I was a child in front of her, and I dare not violate her majesty.

But now, where can I take care of so much, I only know that when she appeared before sun Xiangru, she echoed sun Xiangru's words and said that she would listen to my orders and let me decide.

Therefore, even if I was a fox and a tiger, I would use my authority to force her to act.

Sure enough, hearing what I said, Han Yimo immediately seemed to have got a decree. She didn't insist on her own opinion any more. After a little pause, she suddenly attacked Sheng Er ye like a flying sword.

Originally, Sheng Er Ye was in an absolute advantage. He was taking advantage of a gap and hit sun Xiangru with a bullet leg. Seeing that sun Xiangru was going to suffer a loss, Han Yimo killed him in the air, and without any courtesy, he attacked Sheng Er Ye. Sheng Er Ye quickly withdrew to resist.

Bang! The unexpected second Master Sheng suffered a heavy loss and fell back again and again. Of course, he didn't fall down. He was a short man with a stable chassis. It was really hard to knock him down.

However, even if he didn't fall down, Sheng Er Ye was shocked to see Han Yimo and sun Xiangru in a cold sweat. He looked at Han Yimo and sun Xiangru with a cold face and said angrily, "why, do you two have to join hands to deal with me, a bad old man?"

Obviously, this old guy is afraid of sun Xiangru and Han Yimo. He has been arrogant and thinks that he is invincible in the world. Now he is really a little flustered. What he says seems to have no confidence.

For his question, Han Yimo and sun Xiangru didn't pay any attention to him at all. They didn't agree with each other and naturally they would not say anything more.

Almost as soon as Sheng Er Ye's voice dropped, they moved at the same time and attacked Sheng Er ye together. They answered Sheng Er Ye's questions directly with their actions.

They have no words or eye contact, but their actions and moves are tacit agreement. They attack each other with one left and one right.

A top match between the top players, which started.

If we say that the tacit understanding of relying on heaven and killing dragons has shocked me completely, then the cooperation of mutual help and mutual help has really opened my eyes and made my heart shake.

I don't know if it's because they have a husband and wife relationship. I feel that they really have a soul in their heart and they are in harmony.

Their cooperation can be described as seamless, their moves are integrated, the combination of the two people can not find a trace of defects, really achieve the mutual complementarity.

The momentum of the two people brought out together, compared with the individual, has simply increased countless times.Looking at their joint attack, I can't help but think that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu's double swords are combined, because they have mastered the jade girl's Heart Sutra, and their two swords are combined, which is invincible and invincible.

At the moment, sun Xiangru and Han Yimo didn't use swords, but their invisible power and flame overcame everything and destroyed heaven and earth.

No matter how strong Sheng Er Ye was, he couldn't resist their earth shaking joint attack. In addition, his lack of confidence and his uneasiness made him more and more difficult. It can be said that since the beginning of mutual help and cooperation, the short Sheng Er Ye has really become small. His whole momentum seems to have been suppressed, and he can no longer wield the power of a giant.

He just kept on gritting his teeth, perhaps because of a strong spirit, so that he did not shrink back, do not admit defeat, has been carrying the dead.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, his strength could not be compared with the joint efforts of helping each other, or even was a big gap. Such a gap made Sheng Er Ye unable to return to the sky

however, at the moment of Sheng Er Ye's heavy fall, these forty or fifty people suddenly stopped fighting.

Perhaps, it is because the biggest pillar of Sheng Er Ye collapsed. Maybe it is because the combination of mutual help is too terrible. In a word, the remaining 40 or 50 people of the other side completely gave up the resistance.

And our men and horses also immediately stopped attacking them, just surrounded them to death.

In recent years, the curtain has come to an end. The victory belongs to our side, but on our side, only one hundred people can stand up.

Of course, we are more than 100 people, which is much better than the other party's 450 people. We still have a lot of top players in, and although the other side is also a master, but most of them have been severely damaged, and the overall strength is not as good as ours.

So, as long as I raise my hand, I can make them disappear. We've got the absolute winning position and won the final victory.

However, after the victory, I didn't feel happy, and my brothers didn't feel happy, because there were more brothers on the ground. What we won in this war was so difficult and cruel. It was exchanged with the blood of countless brothers. The cost of this victory was too big and too big. It was like a huge stone, which pressed my heart hard.

My heart is very heavy, my expression is extremely solemn, but my eyes are very cruel. My eyes are shining with the light of death. I stare at Peng Yi and Sheng Er Yeh, who was very powerful five minutes ago.

As a defeated general, Peng Yi was being guarded by sporadic Peng family members and high-level members of the Hai Gang. He looked at me through the gap between the crowd. For a moment when his four eyes met, there seemed to be sparks shooting. Peng Yi's eyes were full of humiliation and unwillingness, as well as deep anger.

The second master of Sheng swept his sharp eyes to me after he was lifted up by his family.

When he touched my ferocious eyes, Sheng Er Ye's face suddenly twitched. With extreme resentment, he yelled at me: "Suluo, you will regret what you did!"

Hearing his words, the corner of my mouth can not help but gently pull, and then, my feet open, straight to them.

When I stopped the moment, in the distance sun Xiangru suddenly approached me, a positive said: "Suluo, how do you deal with them?"

Sun Xiangru's inquiry once again put me on the commanding height of power, and the glory of the king once again shrouded in my head. Before and after the war, I was the only one who had a say.

However, if I have the right, my strength is also looked down upon by others, especially Sheng Er Ye of Sheng family. In his eyes, I have always been a mole ant.

In terms of strength, I couldn't get into his eyes at all. In terms of family background, I couldn't compare with his huge Sheng family. Where could he look up to me.

After he finished, he would not bear to offend me

Although Sheng Er Ye was seriously injured, his dignity was still there, and his tone was extremely overbearing. He still seemed so superior. Obviously, this little old man doesn't want to die in my hands.

And I, after hearing his threat, couldn't help grinning a deeper bitter smile. I snorted out a breath in my nose. Then, I pointed to the bleak battlefield and cried with a bitter smile: "the consequences? The consequence is my brother's blood and sacrifice. The consequence is that the fruit of red fruits is placed in front of me. If it were not for your Sheng family, my brother would not have suffered such heavy casualties. What reason do you think I have to let you go? "

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