Sheng Er, who is proud of his heart, chokes at me when he hears these words. He wants to refute me and scold me, but he may take into account his identity and don't want to know my little boy well, so he is afraid to lower himself.

Finally, after a long time of desire and stop, he still focused on Sun Xiangru and said disdainfully: "Sun Xiangru, I am a recognized plant today. I didn't expect you old ghost kings will gather together, and I didn't expect your fighting power to be so strong.

I heard earlier that the people brought by the ghost King were invincible. The soldiers he trained were invincible. I didn't believe it completely. But today, I learned it completely. I didn't expect that you would arrange troops and have such a complete combat array.

I lost my heart to take orally, but also willing to bow to the wind.

However, my family still has influence in China. Even if you are a ghost king, I think you should think twice if you want to deal with me. How can you give the right to speak to a child who is still in the middle of the day, do you think about the consequences? "

Sheng er's words were orderly, marvelous, compromise and threatened. However, his intention of threat this time was very euphemistic.

Obviously, he has completely surrendered, he dare not to continue fighting with the old ghost king, only hope to let Sun let Sun let go of him through words. In order to live, a kingpin has given up his face and put his posture to the lowest.

At this moment, I didn't care about the soft service of Master Sheng Er, but was shocked by the ghost king he said. I didn't know why. When I heard this, I suddenly burst out of many complicated emotions, among which I looked up and admired most.

The legendary ghost king, he is in my heart now, not only as my idol, I simply don't know how to describe.

No wonder, Master Sheng will attach great importance to the gathering of all the general of the ghost king. When the fight did not start, he was totally abnormal and had a little intention of getting back.

Originally, he had heard of rumors and knew that the ghost king was the best team player in the old part, so he was afraid.

No wonder, ghost king was able to sweep the country. Originally, he had a team that was invincible. Such a team could almost conquer any group of organizations and gangs, because they were so strong. Although I don't know what platoon is, I have just seen the team's combat capability. Their cooperation and combat effectiveness are so seamless.

My battle against them is that the witch sees the witch. Their tacit degree is really rare.

In this fierce battle, my brothers fell down constantly. However, the ghost king is the most people who were hurt, but no one fell down. It is an incredible miracle.

Of course, this is not because each of them has the strength of the whole day. After all, whether it is Sheng Jia or Haigang, there are many masters. All of these depend on their team combat ability. They are really a iron and blood teacher.

It's hard to imagine how a person on the road can train such a horrible team. King of ghosts, what kind of ability does he have? Can he subvert my world outlook again?

Just as my mind was ethereal, sun Xiangru beside me said, he replied to Mr. Sheng in a very calm tone: "the consequences don't need me to think. I said, the reason here is sulo, he will consider the consequences!"

Once again, sun Xiangru moved his focus to me. He was mainly me, and I was the only one. He was indifferent to the flattery and threat of Mr. Sheng er.

Sun Xiangru's attitude can make the Sheng Er ye who has a great reputation for the first generation is not light. At this time, the old man's fine old face is swollen red, and his facial muscles are shaking again. Obviously, his anger was already very strong.

At this time, Pengyi, the commander of the gang of sea, suddenly separated from his own guard and walked forward two steps. Then, he looked at me, and said in a cold voice, "sulo, just stop it. Do you really want to make a mess in the world?"

I don't know when Pengyi suppressed his anger and downplayed his depression. He seemed to be a normal person without any extra expression, but he just said such a word to me in the image of a decent person.

This, in a moment, pushed me to the position of the sinners, as if everything was my fault. If I were to go wrong again, I would be sent into hell on the 18th floor.

After listening to his words, my nerves could not help but ache, and my anger turned over. I stared at him fiercely and said angrily, "old man, you mean this? Are you a person? Can you afford these dead souls? If it wasn't for you, so many people would die today, you would have to grab my dad for your own sake and try to kill me. I came here just to save my dad. Now I have to go to this step and I am forced out.

And you, in order to revenge me, also want to kill me and my fire, just now, you almost trample me to death, do you think I will let you go? "

These words I roared out in one breath, roared out my endless depression in my heart, roared out all my anger, and even roared out my infinite hatred for Pengyi, the old fox. If not for him, I would not have all of this today.I don't want to go to this step today, I don't want to cause chaos. I just want to save my dad and save Ziyi. But Peng Yi must kill me and push me to the top. I can't wait for death. If I want to survive, I have to resist. I can only do this.

After this roar, my eyes have been burning with fire, my body's violent gas rushed out, in a flash, I became a devil, in the whole field of attention, I directly opened my voice, and said to sun Xiangru: "kill!"

Three words, I decided to sentence their death penalty. When it comes to this step, I can't manage so much. I don't care how big the Haigang and Sheng family are. I only know that even if they are let go of them, this hatred will never be solved. Leaving them as the root cause of disaster will only cause trouble for themselves. Since they want to cut the root of my life, I will not give them any trouble Their chance to recover.

Soldiers come to block, water will cover, they are ruthless, I do not need righteousness, only kill them, can resolve my hatred, can sacrifice my brothers in the sky spirit.

Sun Xiangru, who was indifferent in appearance, listened to my orders, and suddenly his eyes were cold, and the cold voice ordered: "up!"

The old part of the ghost king is like a group of dead people. They are not afraid of the sky. They will not care about the other party's background, what is strong or not strong, they just listen to the orders. With sun Xiangru's command, the old parts of the ghost king will move.

But at this time, the poor Pengyi not only did not fear, but recklessly laughed, the laughter was rampant, laughter reckless.

After laughing, he said to me, frantically, "sulo, don't forget, your father is still in my hand!"

This is like a bucket of water, and in a moment, I extinguish the fire, make my expression solidify, and let other people who want to act hold their feet.

Just now, I was immersed in the atmosphere of the fierce war. I was so eager to kill these pieces. I forgot that my father would be taken hostage. Even I forgot about dark moon hall. Now, when I heard Peng Yi, my heart burst in a flash. The wave of emotions began to roll, and the mind began to be anxious.

I was in a circle of dead and lost myself.

My intention to come here is to save my dad. If my dad is in trouble, what's the point if I kill everyone in Haigang and Sheng family? My father can not save, Ziyi can not save, I did not return to the origin, and also took so many brothers' lives?

I can't let my dad go wrong, I can't do anything, I can't let these brothers sacrifice in vain, but what can I do? What shall I do?

According to the common sense, Pengyi does not care to take hostages to threaten me. The gang of Haigang can't do such things. But now, the situation is different. They are in a desperate situation and they can't manage any humanity and inhumanity if they want to live, they will have nothing to do with it. If they really take my father as a threat. I don't know how to deal with it.

Sun Xiangru and Han Yimo listened to his words, and seemed to lose their ideas. Their eyes turned to me, and I could only decide this matter.

Just as I was in a state of anxiety, Pengyi again opened his mouth. At the moment, his appearance changed, and he changed like a madman who was insane. His eyes were red and his eyes were glowing with a violent light. He bit his teeth and shouted at me and shouted, "sulo, do you really think you won? Think there is a ghost king to help you, can you do whatever you want? Tell you, you're dreaming!

Do you know why I chose to ambush you here? Because I am ready to fight against the water, you should know that the dark hall of my sea Gang is in this mountain. Today, even if I die, I will be with you

After that, he suddenly pulled a firecracker like thing out of his arms, and he pulled the lead before I could react.

Immediately, my heart was shocked. I thought he was going to put bombs together with us. At this time, with his pull, it chirped, a flame rushed to the sky, and blew up in the air. The small fireworks burst out with bright fireworks. The fireworks were submerged in the air, and the sound of the sparks continued.

Pengyi, who put off the fireworks, came up. He was just like practicing Wulin. The whole man was excited. His eyes were shining. He straightened his waist and restored his king's style. Then he said to me very scornfully: "sulo, you are a saltfish. How to turn over is a saltfish. It is not a big tool.

The signal I just released is the signal that our gang will send out in the most critical moment. It can call all my predecessors in dark moon hall. Those predecessors have not been out for many years, and I don't know what level they have achieved. I would like to see what you took to kill my gang, and kill my dark moon hall! "

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