The dark moon hall, as the pillar of the sea Gang, seems to have become the supreme belief of the sea gang.

At this moment, both the Peng family and the management of the Haibang saw the signal and Peng Yi's spirit was shining. They all recovered their vitality and raised their morale. Everyone was as energetic as fighting chicken blood.

Even the second master of Sheng and some of his remaining masters followed. Their eyes were shining and their momentum was on display.

their exhilaration reflected my gloom. At this moment, I was confused, flustered, and even more anxious.

I really didn't expect that this difficult battle has paid such a heavy price. Now, it's hard to win, but in the end, it's still in such a tangled state. Peng Yi, the old fox, is really careful. He's good at everything, and even paves the way for failure. No wonder he didn't attack my headquarters. He had to rely on the dark moon hall as the final card. He was really smart and insidious.

If all the old monsters of the dark moon hall come out, they gather Sheng Er ye and other strong men. Even if I have the ghost King's old headquarters that can't be conquered, I'm afraid it's not their opponent. You know, our people are more or less injured, and the old monsters of the dark hall are very abnormal. Their strength is against the weather, and the number of them is unknown. How can we deal with it yes?

What's more, even if we can fight? My dad was a hostage to them. What I dare, what I can do.

All of a sudden, my confused brain suddenly woke up. At present, the only way is to take advantage of the dark moon hall old monsters before they come out, take them as hostages, so that I may have the opportunity to reverse.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but glance at the remaining enemies such as Sheng Er ye and Peng Yi. However, Sheng Er Ye seemed to see through my careful thinking and immediately threatened me: "little doll, if you want your father to live, you'd better not act rashly!"

When Mr. Sheng said this, I was scared off. Indeed, I didn't dare to gamble on my father's life. In case I angered Peng Yi, he would die even if he died.

I can't take risks, I can't risk them, I can't let them threaten my dad's life, but what can I do? What should I do? My head is going to blow up. It's like being bombed by a bomber. I can't think at all. one 's heart is torn with anxiety.

Sun Xiangru, Han Yimo, and all the soldiers standing on my side did not dare to act rashly without my command. They also realized the importance of the situation, so they did not even make a sound.

Smoke filled the battlefield, suddenly changed very quiet, only the wind brought a trace of sound.

Time, in the tense silence quietly elapse, the whole audience with a variety of postures, waiting for the dark moon Hall of the old monster out of the mountain.

But after a long time, there was still a mist on the mountain, not to mention seeing a figure.

You know, the old monster of dark moon hall has lived in Mang Mountain for a long time. They know the route in the mountain best. Besides, their strength and their running speed are all top-notch. It only takes a few minutes to get down the mountain. But now it's been a long time, and there is no movement in the vast mountain. How can we be surprised.

This time, Peng Yi's rampant arrogance has become rigid, and all the members of the Haigang also held their breath. The Sheng family members all frowned. All the people present seemed to feel the abnormality, a very strange anomaly.

In this treacherous atmosphere, Sheng Er Ye was the first to lose his breath. He looked up at the vast mountains, then turned his head to Peng Yi and said in a low voice, "Peng Yi, where are the people?"

When Sheng Er ye said this, his voice was very low, but he still penetrated into everyone's ears. He also asked everyone's doubts. At this moment, everyone's heart was raised.

However, Peng Yi didn't speak back to Sheng Er Ye. Suddenly, in the sky above us, an extremely loud voice burst out: "they can't come!"

This loud voice from the sky, through the clouds, through the air, exploded in the earth, stirring everyone's heart. Even lying on the ground, seriously injured and unconscious people were awakened by the sound. All the living people can't help but look up at the source of the sound.

Looking far away, we could see a figure emerging from a mountain in the distance.

The man stood on the top of the mountain, looming in the light mist. His clothes were dirty and ragged, but they couldn't stop his astonishing momentum.

At the moment, he stood with his hands on his back, just like a god landing on the earth. His air was full of white hair, which made him look more extraordinary and refined. He looked like a great God who had become an immortal.

Far away, I couldn't see his face clearly, but I still recognized this man at one glance. He was my father, Su Qiyao.

Since I remember, there is no concept of mother in my life, and I have never experienced maternal love. My father is all to me. Although he disappeared in my life for more than ten years, after his reunion, he once again became my pillar and my greatest spiritual support. For me, my father is my closest relative in the world.Blood is thicker than water. Even though I didn't get along with my father for a long time, I was still very familiar with him. His appearance, figure, character and voice were deeply engraved into my heart.

So, at this moment, I don't need to see his appearance at all, to know it's him. All his characteristics are familiar to me. When familiar with all of this stabbed into my heart for a moment, I was confused, the brain was instantly exploded.

I can't believe it. It's unbelievable. I even thought that I missed my dad so much and wanted to rescue him so much that I had hallucinations. Involuntarily, I put out my hand, rubbed my eyes, and then, I looked at the mountains carefully, but found that my father is still standing there, still.

This time, my sight can't be moved directly. I look at the scenery as if I've been pointed. My head is still confused. My heart is still pounding. The faster the jump is, the closer it is to burst the watch.

Not only me, but all the others were in the audience, but all the conscious people were stunned by this scene.

Maybe it was my father's posture that was too domineering. Maybe it was his image that was too illusory. In a word, everyone could not turn their eyes when they saw him. The atmosphere didn't dare to breathe more. The whole scene became quiet. Even some seriously injured people who fell on the ground forgot the pain and pain. They didn't shout. They just looked at my father in a daze.

The picture, once again frozen, time seems to have forgotten to walk, static in this moment, this moment, has become an eternal classic.

Finally, Peng Yi was the first to react. His face suddenly changed. His eyes were straight at my father. Then he opened his voice and yelled at my father: "what do you mean?"

Peng Yi almost blew the volume to the highest level, and his voice almost broke. In order to let my father hear him, he called very loud and hard. But no matter how loud the voice was, it could not hide the despair in his voice. It can be said that he is definitely one of the hardest hit at the moment. He fell from the cloud into the abyss in an instant. Just now, he was full of confidence and arrogant, waiting for the arrival of the dark moon hall, which he had placed his hope on, and waiting for my father to be pledged as a man.

But as a result, my father appeared alone, and there was no shadow of the old monster of the dark moon hall. This situation has already explained everything. Peng Yi, of course, was the hardest hit. He asked such words just to verify his despair in his heart. Peng Yi, who has always been calm and self-control, is on the verge of collapse this time. Just for a moment, he seems to be much older.

His voice was still in the air, and it seemed to be floating in the ears of the audience. Of course, it also floated into my father's ears.

My father, standing in the mountains in the distance, finally got some reaction. He bent down slightly and looked at Peng Yi. His attitude was very casual, and his eyes were very casual. He felt that Peng Yi was a tiny dust in his eyes.

He looked down at the dust from a distance, and then said word by word: "I said, you old immortals in the dark moon hall can't come!"

My father's voice is not loud, but his words are strong. As if with infinite magic, every word can be clearly printed into everyone's ears, and each word is beating in people's hearts, so it has weight. Peng Yi's face was red and his face was red, and his voice was so loud. However, my father was so light that he could easily make such a powerful voice. This is the gap, the huge gap between the masters.

However, at this moment, people pay attention not to my father's voice, but to my father's words. My father's words once again illustrate the fact that the dark moon hall is over, the old monster inside is finished, and the bottom card of the Hai Gang is gone.

In fact, from the fact that the old monster of the dark moon hall did not appear for a long time, many people felt that there might be something wrong with the dark moon hall. However, when the facts were put in front of us, we still couldn't believe it because it was so fantastic. Up to now, all of us are still in a sluggish state, unable to recover for a long time.

When Peng Yi heard my father's words, his eyes immediately showed an extremely frightful color. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his words didn't come out, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth. Peng Yi, who has always been above everything else, is in a hurry. He has been seriously injured. He can't stand next, and his body suddenly falls back.

Standing behind him, the high-level Haibang and Peng's family quickly helped him and called out to him with one voice: "leader!"

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