Peng Yi, a famous leader of the sea gang in the whole country, has withered completely.

As soon as my father appeared, he didn't use force. He just said a few words, which destroyed Peng Yi's inner wall.

On the other hand, Sheng Er Ye's situation is not much better. He was originally a top expert. But when he saw my father, or felt my father's extraordinary spirit, suddenly his face turned pale, and his eyes were a little wavering. Obviously, he was flustered, and he was frightened with deep fear. This silent fear was that he saw the ghost king Not in the old department.

However, to see my father, he did not hide such a fear, since my father appeared, he has been silent, become very honest.

After Peng Yi fell down, time was still for a while, and the audience was still silent. Everyone's eyes, still looking at my dad, everyone's eyes are different.

Finally, my father moved in the attention of the whole audience. He walked slowly towards us. His pace seemed very slow, but it gave people the feeling that he could walk thousands of miles. He walked in the mountains surrounded by fog, just like riding on the clouds. It was a unique style.

However, what surprised me even more was that after my father walked around, I found that there was a man behind him, who was walking closely behind my father.

Maybe he was standing out of our sight just now, or maybe he was blocked by my father's majestic figure. Anyway, I didn't see this thin body until my father walked around.

This man is the same as my father. However, my father is capable of white hair, but he is that kind of white hair. There is a sharp contrast between the two white haired people. My father is big and strong, but he is as thin as wood. My father is full of vitality, but he looks like he is about to sink into the earth.

Although his figure loomed and his face was not clear, I recognized him at a glance. He was also an old acquaintance of mine. He helped me secretly and saved my life three times and four times.

When I saw grandfather Bai, my confused brain exploded again, and my thoughts became more chaotic. I didn't expect that white grandfather would appear in such a scene.

I remember that he repeatedly stressed to me that he didn't want to get involved in the disputes in the river and lake. Even in order to save me, he always hid in the dark, never appeared in the open, and would not communicate with others. Even if he saved me in Mangshan last time, he was wearing a mask and didn't expose himself.

In the final analysis, he is an old man who keeps aloof from the world. Therefore, even though I knew that he was strong enough, I didn't ask him to save my father. But God knows that he came by himself. Is it he who rescued my father from the dark moon hall?

Is it that grandfather Bai's strength has reached an unimaginable level? This is too fantastic, if it is true, then, white grandfather is not really the legendary ghost king? If not, why should Han Yimo and sun Xiangru listen to my orders and follow me?

Is it difficult for me to guess that the ghost king is always wrong? Is he really a frail old man now?

At this moment, I'm in a mess. I've got a lot of tangles in my mind, so I can't think of one.

When I was dreaming, my father and white grandfather had already come down the mountain and came to us. Maybe their momentum was too strong. The crowd unconsciously made way for them and let them come to me freely. They stood in parallel with me, facing each other's Peng Yi and others.

At the moment, my father is standing next to me, and I spare no effort to rescue my father, so I stand by my side. This fact really shocked me and surprised me.

Although, from the moment my father appeared in the mountains, I was surprised to lose my soul, but now close to him, I feel a deeper level, the shock in my heart is a little more intense.

My father still looks like that. He is not changed at all. He is poorly dressed and looks simple and honest. However, this time, his clothes are not as good as fragments. His clothes are dirty and smelly. It is estimated that he has never changed his clothes and bathed in the dark moon hall. Therefore, his smell is very heavy, which is like a musty odor.

But no matter how bad the smell is, it can't cover up the smell of his father. No matter what, he is my father and my only relative. A moment ago, I was still worried about his accident, which made me lose my sense of propriety. At this moment, he was standing beside me alive. The huge contrast was like a dream.

My mood was out of control after all. I didn't care about my father's dirty image or other people's eyes. I threw myself at my father's body, hugged him tightly, and said excitedly, "Dad!"

A word "Dad" contains the infinite feelings in my heart and tells me all my missing. I can't control it any more. My emotion breaks out completely. I don't care about my image at all. I don't want to disguise any more. I'm just a child who needs father's love and wants to get warm and warm.

Full of excitement, I couldn't help crying out, crying, tears all over my face, completely lost a boss should have the spirit.My dad was obviously excited to see me again, but he didn't show it. He just gently stretched out his dirty hand and stroked my head.

Simple movements, including his infinite father's love, expressed all he wanted to say.

The reunion of father and son really moved a group of brothers of mine, but it could not move the people of Haibang. After a long time of relaxation, Peng Yi finally recovered a little.

When I couldn't extricate myself from my father's arms, Peng Yi suddenly pointed to my father and exclaimed angrily, "Su Qiyao, you won't tell me that you and this old man have defeated all our predecessors of dark moon hall?"

When he said this, Peng Yi's voice trembled, and his eyes were full of disbelief. Obviously, he could not believe this reality, and he could not accept it. Therefore, he asked again in order to be sure.

Similarly, almost all the people present couldn't believe that they could beat so many old monsters in the dark moon hall.

Even when I heard Peng Yi's words, I couldn't help but break away from my father's arms and raised my ears to hear the answer. This is really a very special and incredible thing. Who can not be curious?

After Peng Yi's voice dropped, my father didn't answer, but the white grandfather beside my father suddenly stretched out his hand, pointed at my father, and said with a shriveled mouth, "don't get me wrong. This has nothing to do with me. It's all done by him. I just played a supporting role."

At this time, grandfather Han regained his playful personality. His words seemed to be shirking responsibility. In fact, it was an invisible promotion of my father's image. Originally, it was a miracle that the two of them could come out of the dark moon hall safely. Now, grandfather Bai said that it was my father who did it. How can people believe this?

Almost everyone looked at my father in surprise.

Peng Yi, in particular, was stunned. In a trance, his spirit seemed to be out of order. He shook his weak head and muttered to himself, "no way, it's impossible. It's up to you to deal with my predecessors of dark moon hall."

This, he seems to be mumbling to himself, as well as to my father and white grandfather said.

However, after saying this, his look suddenly changed. He suddenly looked at my father and said in surprise, "Su Qiyao, I have seen your strength. You can't defeat the people of dark moon hall. It's impossible!"

Peng Yi has always been unable to accept this fact. He is going crazy.

When Peng Yi finished speaking, my father suddenly opened his mouth and said a startling sentence: "if I resisted with all my strength, could the people of your maritime Gang catch me at the beginning?"

In a word, it shocked all the audience,. Especially me, I almost didn't get scared out of my body. Sorry, my dad was caught on purpose?

At that time, in order to capture my father, the Hai Gang almost fought a big battle and sent many experts. Although my father was finally arrested, it also made the Hai Gang lose their strength. But now, listen to my father's meaning, his strength is more than that? If he wants to escape, no one can stop him? What's going on? How can this be possible?

I couldn't get over it for a moment. I just felt more and more confused, and I couldn't think of it at all. Peng Yi was like a lightning strike. He couldn't calm down any more. His eyes were dull, his face was frightened, and his lips kept wriggling, but he couldn't speak.

However, Sheng Er ye, as a hero in the world, naturally needs to be more stable. Slowly, he wakes up from the state of fear. He forces himself to calm down. Then, with a very sharp eye, he stares at the humble grandfather Bai and says seriously, "who are you?"

Obviously, the second master of Sheng didn't know grandfather Bai.

However, in the face of Sheng Er Ye's question, he replied in a playful tone: "you don't care about me. I'm just here to play soy sauce. It's not worth mentioning!"

A word directly put the problem to prevaricate in the past, white grandfather looks like a joke on the surface, actually very low-key, very wise. When he said this, he made it clear that he did not want to answer the second Master Sheng's question.

After hearing the words, Sheng Er Ye couldn't help but stare at the white grandfather. Then, he shifted his eyes and looked at my father.

This time, his eyes became sharper. He almost bit his teeth and asked, "who are you?"

Hearing this question, my father didn't hesitate at all. He simply threw three words to him: "Su Qiyao!"

In the face of such a powerful man as Sheng Er ye, my father is so domineering and seems very casual. This kind of spirit is really unparalleled in the world.

Sheng Er ye may also feel my father's disdain for him, which makes him a little unbearable. He accentuates his tone and continues to ask with reluctance: "I think you should be more than just a veteran. Who are you?"

With these words, Sheng Er Ye's eyes were full of light, as if to see through my father.

My father was too lazy to respond. He just turned his head slightly and gave his grandfather a simple look.

White grandfather instantly understood the meaning, his mouth suddenly grinned out a thought-provoking smile.Then, the white grandfather took down a small rag on his shoulder and threw it to Han Yimo behind him.

Han Yimo opened the package without saying a word.

At once, the two things in the package were vividly presented in people's eyes. The same was a mask made of special metal. The mask seemed to be full of life, and it looked particularly terrifying.

Another thing is a black cape, the surface of the Cape is very smooth, has a mysterious atmosphere.

As soon as the package opened, sun Xiangru seemed to get a silent command. He immediately picked up the skull mask, stood at the right rear of my father, and quickly put on the mask for my father.

At the same time, Han Yimo stood at the left rear of my father with a black cape, put it on my father and tied it up.

With the end of this series of actions, my father suddenly turned around and faced a group of people, such as Han Yi Mo sun Xiangru. In an instant, my father's image was completely new. He wore a black cape and a skull mask, which showed his aura incisively and vividly.

When my father faced sun Xiangru, Han Yimo and others, this powerful team had already stood in line. They were in good order and moved quickly. Among them, Han Yimo and sun Xiangru stood at the forefront of the team. Thousands of troops relied on the sky to kill the dragon, followed by the eight war gods, followed by the sixteen ghost errands, and the black warriors who did not fall.

When they saw my father, they felt as if they had seen the emperor. When the audience was stunned, all the members of the ghost King's old Department unanimously cried out: "welcome to the ghost king!"

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