The words of the ghost King's former followers soared in the air, shaking the sky and shaking the earth. They were magnificent, and they were countless times more powerful than the strong wind and tsunami, and aroused the highest tide in the audience.

Everyone was surrounded, everyone's heart was upset, showing the strongest surprise.

In particular, the eyes of Sheng Er ye and Peng Yi are about to burst out. The shocking fact is that they are slapped in the face, so clear and loud.

My father didn't have words. He just answered the second grandfather's questions with his actions, such as sun Xiangru, Han Yimo and others. He told Sheng Er ye in silence and told the whole world that Su Qiyao was once a legendary figure, the king of ghosts.

And the ghost king is my father?

For a moment, I just feel that there are countless streams of air rushing to my chest, my heart is tumbling, my body is shaking, too many emotions come over, let me not know what to do.

In fact, when Han Yimo opened the package and showed a mask, I had a premonition that the ghost king would be born.

Because, I have heard the rumor for a long time. I know that when the ghost King swept the world, he was invincible with a skull mask.

However, when they roared respectfully to my father wearing a mask and a cape, I was suddenly confused. I was almost uncontrollable, and the ghost king was my father.

However, I still can't believe, really can't believe, I try to deny in my heart, I can't imagine this possibility.

But when I came back to God, Han Yimo and other ghost King's old headquarters were shouting for the ghost King's name. At this point, I have to accept this fact, the fact that shocked my brain.

My father is the king of ghosts, and my father is the legendary king of ghosts. This fact is so powerful that it directly drives me to the top of the waves, which makes me lose my soul. I would rather believe that grandfather Bai is the king of ghosts, but I can't believe my father is. Yes, but the facts in front of me make me believe it.

I was stunned, completely stupefied. I looked at this man in a black cape and a skull mask on his face. All of a sudden, I felt that my familiar dad was gone, he became strange.

At the moment, the father, who made me feel strange, suddenly stretched out his hands and put them on the shoulder of Han Yimo and sun Xiangru. He said calmly, "you are working hard!"

This is for the two of them, and of course for all the old members of the ghost king.

Got my father's affirmation, all of their soldiers' spirits can't help but cheer up. Their eyes are full of bright colors, and their spirit has become extremely full, and their bodies can't help straightening out.

Now I'm more sure that my father is really the ghost king. I finally understand why Sun Xiangru and Han Yimo will not spare no effort to help me, will pay so much attention to me, will listen to my orders. It turns out that everything is just because my father is the king of ghosts.

So, grandfather Bai, Han Yimo, sun Xiangru and others, all of them know the truth, but I am alone in the dark.

As a rookie, I thought the ghost king was a distant myth and a sacred goal. Now, I know that this far away legend is my own father.

I should be honored, excited and happy about this, but I couldn't be happy. Even, I felt terrible. I was in chaos and couldn't extricate myself.

The rest of the audience were stunned. They were in shock for a long time, but couldn't return to God.

In particular, Sheng Er ye and Peng Yi, in addition to their consternation, they have more fright and fear in their eyes.

However, Sheng Er Ye is a famous hero after all. He is also a man who has seen the world before. Even though he was shocked and frightened by this incident, he didn't let him fall. He was the first to react. After a slight pause, he asked my father's back with no confidence: "are you really the king of ghosts?"

Obviously, up to now, the second master of Sheng can't believe this fact. He knows it's true, but he can't accept it. When he asks this, he means to hide his ears and steal the bell.

My father was watching his old subordinates. After listening to Sheng Er Ye's words, he slowly turned around and looked at him.

My father is wearing a mask, no one can see his face, but the mask is exposed to his eyes. At this moment, his eyes are shining with a terrible light, which makes people shiver.

Even the second master of Sheng touched my father's eyes, but he didn't feel the fear. His small body seemed to tremble.

When Sheng Er Ye shuddered, my father simply said a word: "yes!"

My father's voice seems to be able to capture people's soul, but at the moment, he put on a mask to say the voice is not the same, it is really like the devil in hell, very terrible, this strange voice I'm afraid no one can imitate.

It was because of the sound and the affirmation of my father that the fortress inside Sheng Er Ye collapsed completely. His face suddenly changed. He immediately clasped his fist and said apologetically, "Lord ghost, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or make a conflict with your people. I really don't know that your real identity is Su Qiyao!"When he said this, the old man couldn't help stuttering, and his eyes were flickering. Obviously, he is very afraid of the ghost king, even if his Sheng family is strong, he can not stop his fear of the ghost king.

This time, in front of the real ghost king, Sheng Er Ye was completely weak and completely put down his dignity and begged for mercy.

However, no matter how sincere he is, my father seems to be merciless. Instead of accepting the apology of the second Master Sheng, he just uttered a sinister voice: "you Sheng's family are bewitched by others to deal with my old department and maim my son. It's unforgivable and damned!"

As soon as the words fell, my father's figure suddenly turned into a black shadow. Suddenly, the whole person flashed in front of the second Master Sheng in the electric light and flint.

When everyone was shocked, one of my father's hands was directly placed on the top of Sheng Er Ye's head like the Buddha's palm.

The change of this scene came too quickly and suddenly, so that everyone did not respond, and I was more surprised.

My dad, he was locked up in the dark hall, but he even knew what the Sheng family had done. As if he knew everything outside. What's more, he was so vigorous in his work that he didn't give the other party a chance to defend himself, so he directly attacked the second Master Sheng.

Sheng Er Ye's biggest characteristic is his short stature, but my father's stature is not very tall, but he is unusually big.

He was pinched on the top of his head by my father. Suddenly, he could not move as if he were under the pressure of black clouds. Although my father's hand was over his head, his body was still a certain distance away from him, so that Sheng Er Ye's short hands and feet could not touch my father's body.

This scene looks very funny. Sheng Er ye, who is famous for his fame, is now completely a weak chicken. He is left to my father's control and has no strength to fight back.

The whole audience was shocked again, and the eyes of all the people showed an indescribable surprise. You know, Sheng Er Ye's strength is also divine. In terms of fighting alone, sun Xiangru and Han Yimo are not his opponents. Although he is injured now, the ghost King subdued him in one move, which is a bit too weird.

The other masters of the Sheng family didn't even respond. When they found Sheng Er ye in the hands of the ghost king, they immediately yelled: "let us go!"

Their tone is very urgent, with panic. It can be seen that the identity of Sheng Er Ye is really noble in the Sheng family. These people all want to protect Sheng Er ye, but their words are too weak to attract the ghost King's attention.

Sheng Er Ye was held by my father. He was very witty and didn't resist too much, but his fear was maximized. The cold sweat kept running down from the Xiaoxiong's forehead. He wanted to raise his head, but his head was grasped by my father's big hand, so he couldn't lift it at all. He could only raise his eyes and look at my father. He was very unwilling and extremely afraid and said, "ghost king, you can't kill me. You should be aware of the influence of my Sheng family in China. If you want to kill me, you can't live comfortably in China !”

Sheng Er Ye is a smart man. He knows that it is useless to compromise and apologize. The ghost king is a bloody executioner. He can't reason with the ghost King any more. He can only move out the Sheng family, his biggest supporter. He tried to use Sheng family to oppress my father and let him hold his hand.

When the other Sheng family heard this, they also echoed.

I thought that my father would have some scruples, but I didn't expect that after listening to them, my father's momentum rose abruptly. His eyes were cold. In a flash, a voice like crane roaring nine days Rose: "then I will remove Sheng family from the big family in China!"

After saying this, my father's momentum was mentioned again. His right hand, which was on the top of Sheng Er Ye's head, pressed down fiercely. There was a dull sound of bone breaking in the air.

When the voice rang out, my father calmly took back his right hand, and the second Master Sheng in front of him was still standing upright, but different from before, he was already short, and now he became shorter. Because, his neck was gone, his head was pressed into his body, making his neck disappear completely.

This scene is really frightening, watching the whole scene cold sweat DC, pupil dilation, feet soft.

Just when everyone was shocked, a sudden wind blowing slowly awakened the people who were immersed in the panic. At the moment of awakening, the second master of Sheng suddenly fell down in front of the whole audience. His body crashed to the ground, splashing dust and rolling.

Sheng Er ye, who once dominated the party, is still lying on the ground. His body was extremely stiff, and his expression still maintained the look of horror just now. His eyes were still open, and his eyes seemed to burst out. His eyes were full of disbelief.

Sheng Er Ye seems to have become a painting, but this picture is too shocking and earth shaking. Many people on the scene can't believe it. Everyone's eyes are incredible and full of fear.

Who could have imagined that Sheng Er ye, who was arrogant and famous, was lying on the ground rigidly, unable to move, under the action of my father.

Even if the masters want to distinguish between the winner and loser, at least a few moves ah, but Sheng Er Ye almost did not even have the opportunity to move, so he fell silent.The rest of the Sheng family were stunned.

As the Sheng family has the right to speak, e Shengxing is closest to Sheng Er ye and my father. Perhaps, he feels the breath of death. His expression is the most frightening. In my opinion, this man in Chinese tunic with infinite composure has lost his heart and soul at the moment.

When Sheng Er Ye fell beside him, he was in a state of panic. He squatted down slowly with a terrified heart and put his nose forward.

At once, his hands could not stop shaking, and his buttocks fell and sat on the ground. His mouth kept whispering: "dead, dead, second master dead!"

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