Sheng Er Ye is the pillar of the Sheng family on the road. He is a famous figure in the underground world. He has a huge network of relations and has profound strength. However, such a big man suddenly died. He died so simply that he did not leave a last word, and a generation of heroes fell down completely.

This is a fact that makes people feel both horror and shock.

Even, a second before he killed the second master of Sheng, my father sent out a word to remove the Sheng family from the big family. What a surprising thing.

He is the king of ghosts. If he can say such words, it can almost represent that this matter will become a reality.

This time, the remaining Sheng family members in the field were completely pushed into the bottom of the abyss. The collapse of the pillars and the words of the ghost king all gave them a devastating blow. How could they not be shocked.

At the beginning, Shengxing was so overbearing and arrogant that he ordered captain Meng to destroy Han Yimo and me. I still remember his crazy power. To me, he is simply an unfathomable figure. He doesn't pay attention to me or even Han Yimo. He just wants to catch us all. In this world, he is also a famous figure.

But such a character, at this moment, after the death of the second Master Sheng, his inner wall is completely collapsed. His arrogance and arrogance are all gone, and his dignity seems to be scared away. The whole person looks like a big man. He is not even as good as a street thug. He can't speak clearly and has no image.

Ghost king, is such a powerful gas field, has a frightening ability, he does not anger from the prestige, let people involuntarily produce fear.

In front of my father, Sheng Xing became a soft egg directly. Other Sheng family members were also frightened and sweating.

However, no matter how afraid they are, they will not shrink back. These Sheng family members are also ambitious people. One of the middle-aged men with white gloves on his hands should be regarded as the number two figure of the Sheng family team. When Sheng Er Ye dies, he becomes the pillar of his family.

After a brief fright, the white glove regained his mind. Then, he directly roared at Shengxing on the ground: "Shengxing, get up!"

In a word, he suddenly woke up and realized that he had lost his temper.

So he quickly got up from the ground and stood beside the white glove.

So far, there are only eight people left in the Shengjia team, six of whom have been seriously injured. Obviously, their overall combat effectiveness is no longer good. It can be said that they are the fish on the chopping board, only being slaughtered.

After all, the Sheng family is one of the top families in China. As the masters of the Sheng family, they naturally have their principles. They would rather die in battle than surrender. Especially when the second master of Sheng is dead, even if they go back safely, they can't communicate with each other. They can only fight with death.

With this belief, the white glove's face became solemn and majestic. He stopped, then gritted his teeth and growled: "fight with him!"

His voice is particularly hoarse, and his tone is a little low. His eyes have already shown the deepest despair, but there is corresponding heroism in despair.

Obviously, he is going to lead the rest of the people to fight with my father, and he knows that they are not likely to live in the hands of the ghost king.

But even so, other Sheng family members would carry out orders. Almost as soon as the words of white gloves fell, a fat man in the Sheng family team rushed to my father with red eyes and bulging face. His body is huge, but the speed is not slow, like a big ball, quickly rolled to my father.

In fact, to say, Sheng family team everyone is a top player, extraordinary strength.

However, it seems that Wang lost his power in front of the ghosts, even in front of them.

The fat man summoned up all his strength and rushed to the ghost king with the most violent attack. But as soon as he approached the ghost king, the fat man's eyes obviously changed and his attack speed seemed to be slow.

And in a gap of his slight hesitation, my father's iron fist exploded, directly hit the fat man's chest.

The speed is extremely fast, does not have the strength person, is completely does not see how he moves.

I concentrate, holding my breath and opening my eyes, I can see a shadow. When I come back to my mind, my father's fist has already hit the fat man's chest.

I don't know if the fat man is overweight. My dad's punch didn't even knock him off. He didn't even step back, just like my dad's fist didn't have strength.

This scene, let a lot of people in the field feel incredible, everyone showed a dull color, Leng Leng looked at. But the next second, everyone's eyes were dull, instead of shock, because when my father took back his fist, the still fat man, with a tearing sound on the back of his clothes, cracked without warning.

With the split of his clothes, this huge fat man, in front of the audience, hit the ground heavily and made a loud bang.The fat man completely lost his vital signs and died.

Once again, my dad's power has subverted people's world outlook. It's a second kill. It's so decisive and so remarkable.

Standing aside, I was shocked to lose my teeth. Even those masters of the Sheng family who had seen the world were all stunned.

If we say, Sheng Er Ye's death is hardly an accident, because Sheng Er Ye is on the side of being attacked. He has lost the opportunity and is in a passive position. He is under the control of my father and can't do anything. Then, the death of the fat man proves once again that the ghost king is so powerful that he has the ability to kill without seeing blood.

This time, the Sheng family is really afraid, afraid of even the heart of death are shaking. Several other Sheng family members even ignored the order of white glove, but they dare not move forward.

Of course, their inaction does not mean that my father will also be waiting for his death. After the fat man fell to the ground, his body suddenly turned into a black whirlwind, which suddenly flashed in front of the Sheng family and launched the most terrifying attack.

At this moment, the horror side of the ghost king showed up again, and there was a breath of death floating on his body. It seems that he has become a real and true God of death. The horrible mask of ghost king, the big black cloak and the invincible spirit are the existence beyond the limit when the world can't match.

Sure enough, the title of ghost king is not a false name. He can kill people invisibly, without bloodshed. His kung fu has already reached the level of perfection. All the targets he attacks will inevitably be hit by him. Even, the person falls directly without time to resist. Once he falls down, he will have no breath of life.

It is enough to kill the snake by catching the snake's lifeline. And the ghost King's attack is similar to beating a snake. The only pair of sharp eyes he can show out seems to be able to see everyone's dead hole. Then he can kill people easily by attacking them.

In the past, I have also seen my father hit the Buddha with one hand. I saw him with my own eyes, beating the Buddha to his knees in a very casual manner.

At that time, his moves were simple and straightforward, but they seemed to be playing with people, which made them very relaxed.

Now think of it, my father did not use real Kung Fu at that time. He let the Buddha with one hand, and did not reveal his momentum. He seemed to fight like ordinary people.

But this moment is different. At this moment, my father really turned into a devil and sent out a mad momentum. He first oppressed people with momentum, and then killed people with fierce methods. Just a moment, those living Sheng family all died, only one person died.

This person, of course, is the white glove. The second person in the Sheng family team naturally has a higher mentality than others.

Several other masters of the Chu family, almost without fighting, were completely frightened by the ghost King's supernatural skill and were too scared to give out their power.

The white glove, when he was in the most critical situation, still kept his sense. He seized a gap, that is, the moment my father killed his last teammate, he gave my father the fastest sneak attack.

His sneak attack was successful. The fist of white glove hit my father's back with a great momentum. This time, he was firmly attacked by white glove.

It's just that the punch of white glove didn't knock my Dad down. It can even be said that his fist was like hitting a pool of stagnant water, which did not stir up waves at all, but aroused my father's anger.

Suddenly, my father's body shape is strange, his pair of exposed eyes, out of the light of death, shot at the white gloves.

Immediately, the white glove's face changed greatly, he did not hesitate, another fist immediately toward my father hit in the past.

At the same time, my father's hand also suddenly stretched out, clamped the throat of the white glove, the movement was almost to the limit.

My father and the white glove obviously shot at the same time, but in the end, the fist of the white glove didn't reach my father's body, but my father's hand had already grasped the white glove's neck.

As soon as his throat was pinched, the strength of the white glove seemed to be emptied in an instant. His fist that hit my father was loosened, and his whole arm fell limply. Even, his whole body was lifted up by my father.

Red faced, white gloves want to say something, but can not open the voice, my father did not give him a chance to speak, in the moment of lifting the white gloves, I directly gave the white gloves the most domineering, full of six words of death: "fight in a corner, seek death!"

Before the words fell, my father's momentum suddenly soared again. In an instant, the air around him seemed to be on fire. Everyone else seemed to feel the heat. He was filled with suffocation.

Then, a more shocking scene appeared, my father suddenly bow down, his right hand pinched the neck of white gloves, and his head, mercilessly hit the ground.

Bang, as if the earth shaking, dust flying, all around the birds and beasts are scared to run around, the trees seem to shake.

And standing in the scene of us, as if experienced the earthquake in general, the head is almost shocked dizzy.

Of course, the most pitiful thing is the white glove. The huge impact force made his whole head sink into the ground, and his struggling hands and feet were completely frozen, as if, in an instant, he became a specimen.

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