Sheng Mingjie's tone of voice is still so arrogant. His voice is particularly clear at this moment. It penetrates the breath of death around us and enters everyone's ears.

Obviously, he did not see the scene of the tragic, did not see the horror of the ghost king, did not find how miserable his Sheng family died, in order to say such wild words.

His words, at a time like this, can't help but sound funny. However, the atmosphere of the scene did not change. The huge battlefield was still treacherous and silent, and all the people were still in their original state and stayed in the same place.

But more or less, people's hearts have changed, because, as we all know, this person who cursed me as a scum and cursed me to death could not have a good end, and the ghost King's anger was about to burn on him.

However, my father didn't seem to have any intention of immediate action. Even after hearing Sheng Mingjie's voice, he slowly took back the hand that pressed on Peng Yi, then turned to the woods and waited for the fish to arrive.

Other people's eyes did not change, still looking directly at the other side of the forest.

Time was silent for a moment, then. Under the attention of the whole audience, a figure first burst out of the woods. This person is of course Peng Yi's daughter, Peng Xuefei.

At the moment, Peng Xuefei no longer has the glory of the past, her high cold has long gone, her image is not the same as before, she has changed, become very dispirited, the face is depressed, the whole person has no spirit, fortunately, she has now put on the shoes, not too embarrassed. However, her eyes look very anxious, that pair of haggard eyes, full of worry. The pace also appears so hasty.

But when she rushed to the scene of the war, her steps suddenly stopped, her expression suddenly changed, and her whole person seemed to be shocked and frozen in place.

Gradually, her dull eyes, showing the color of fear, and this fear in a short time has become more and more deep, deep to almost bottomless.

Her eyes moved mechanically, looking at the few of us who could still stand, and the countless people who fell in the pool of blood. Looking at this horrible scene, she was completely shocked and stunned. What a shock it was to her, it was indescribable.

Just before, when she left, the scene was still very noisy, so many people stood here alive, but in a flash, the noisy scene became so desolate, so bloody, so terrible. How can Peng Xuefei believe that there are only more than 100 people left standing between 2000 and 3000?

When Peng Xuefei was dull, Sheng Mingjie ran out of the woods.

When this proud young master of the Sheng family saw the tragic battlefield, his whole body exploded. It seemed that in a moment, he suffered from five thunders, and all the jade and stone were burned.

All his arrogance, arrogance and indifference, as if he were planning strategies, were smashed in this moment. What appeared on his face was extreme shock and panic, as well as deep disbelief. His pupil was enlarged, his mouth was widened, his expression was frozen, and his feet were nailed to the ground and could not move.

If Peng Xuefei is stunned, it may be simply because the scene of the tragedy scared her, the huge contrast to her impact is too strong, let her calm down.

However, Sheng Mingjie is totally different. What he suffered was not the general contrast, which was more incredible than the collapse of the earth.

In Sheng Mingjie's view, there is only one outcome of the war, that is, my brother and I were completely crushed. When he left before, he gave me a look that I would surely die. He knew everything. He knew that his Sheng family was lying here to give me the most fatal blow and kill me absolutely.

But where could he have imagined that the reality was completely reversed. I, who is dead in his opinion, stands well, and my men and horses are still side by side behind me.

On the other side, the people in the sea Gang became the turtles in my urn, but the Sheng family they relied on most was completely destroyed.

This amazing contrast, how can Sheng Mingjie accept it? At the moment, he is just like a beaten fool, slowly turning his discolored eyes and looking at the whole audience in confusion.

When it was confirmed that there were no more than 20 members of the Sheng family, and even the second master of the Sheng family was lying on the ground, Sheng Mingjie finally realized the reality that he couldn't believe: the Sheng family members who were present were dead.

in principle, Sheng Mingjie, as the young master of the Sheng family and an outstanding representative of the younger generation, was strong in his heart, Even the most powerful person in his heart can't stand the sight. When he realized the reality of the moment, his mood suddenly collapsed, his eyes suddenly red, he suddenly opened his throat, ah, a cry of surprise.

Then, as if he were crazy, he rushed to this messy battlefield. His steps were flustered and swift, and his expression was painful and nervous. He ran to Sheng Er Ye's side in one breath.

Then, he stroked the body of Sheng Er ye and cried out in panic: "second grandfather, third grandfather, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"His voice was very hoarse, his emotions completely out of control, he became so heartrending, so heartbroken.

However, the second master of Sheng had already died and could not die any more. No matter how Chu Jie cried and cried, he was indifferent, and his body was already stiff.

Sheng Mingjie cried to despair. In a flash, his eyes could not help but glance at the white gloves buried in the ground beside him. This time, Sheng Mingjie's pupil was enlarged again, and his look became more frightened and painful. He tore his throat and cried wildly: "uncle, how could you be like this! Second uncle

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that the top master of his family would die. Even more tragically, he couldn't accept that his relatives died like this.

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie is really suffering to the extreme. The great contrast, the huge impact, and the death of his relatives make him unable to accept. He uses crying to vent his emotions, to vent his heart's unwillingness and grief.

The protagonist of the scene, a moment from the terror against the sky Ghost king, transferred to Sheng Mingjie killed in the air.

At the moment, the whole audience's attention is focused on Sheng Mingjie, who is in agony. Everyone is staring at him with different eyes.

Time, in Sheng Mingjie a person's sadness, slowly flowing for a while.

Then, Chu Jie seemed to cry enough, vent enough, his mind began to gradually recover, his mood is no longer just grief, suddenly, anger, erupted from his chest.

He stood up and his eyes suddenly swept at me. He glared at me with his red eyes. He hissed and roared, "sulo, how dare you kill my second master?"

This roar brought out Sheng Mingjie's infinite anger. When he looked at my eyes, there was a raging fire. He wanted to burn me immediately.

Indeed, no matter what, I am the commander in chief of my team. Naturally, Sheng Mingjie blamed the death of his family on my head and concentrated his hatred on me. Although, the situation on the scene has become very obvious. The United Army of their Sheng family and the sea gang has been defeated. Sheng Mingjie should be in a whirlpool and his life is in danger at any time.

But hatred blinded him,. Anger drowned him. At this moment, he forgot his situation at all. He just couldn't help but get angry with me. Even at this time, he still had a high attitude. He thought that if I killed his second master, he offended his Sheng family and ate the gall of bear heart leopard.

For his question, I did not have time to answer, suddenly, my father's cold voice soared from the air: "I killed!"

Three words, startled heaven and earth, weeping ghosts and gods.

Finally, the man with a mask and a black cape officially entered Sheng Mingjie's eye.

When Sheng Mingjie saw my father in a twinkling of an eye, his body suddenly shook.

Maybe it's because my dad's momentum is so terrible that Sheng Mingjie's anger is suppressed instantly, and his emotion doesn't erupt again. Just for a moment, he seems to be in a daze. He looks at my dad in a daze and asks weakly, "who are you?"

This time, Sheng Mingjie's voice has no heartrending pain, no extreme anger, but only confusion and fear for the unknown.

In the face of such Sheng Mingjie, my father is still as cold as ice. In a voice without any tone, he said, "Su Qiyao!"

On hearing the name, Sheng Mingjie's look changed again. He became colorful and extremely complicated. He was shocked to the extreme again and was shocked to the ground.

He knew that Su Qiyao was my father. He knew better that my whole army was out to save my father.

At present, my father appeared in front of him safely and claimed that he had killed the second master of Sheng. Does this not prove that my action is completely successful, and it can be said that it is a complete counter attack?

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie was completely stunned. He turned his eyes dully and looked at the godless Peng Yi. Full of doubts, he asked him, "what's the matter?"

At this moment, Peng Yicai regained his sanity and finally got some reaction. Of course, his eyes were still dark, because the appearance of Sheng Mingjie could not change the situation and did not bring him the dawn of hope. He just sighed deeply and said in despair, "he is the ghost king!"

The word "ghost king" is just like a giant bomb. Sheng Mingjie was blown to pieces in an instant, which destroyed all his courage and hope. Perhaps, he finally understood what was going on in front of him and finally knew why his powerful Sheng family had died. But it was because of this fact that he became more and more frail It's too hard for him to accept.

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