When Sheng Mingjie just came out, he was already confused by hatred and dared to yell at me.

Now, suddenly heard the name of the ghost king, he directly withered. Once the great master of the Sheng family was completely annihilated at this moment. Now, where is his original high spirited shadow, he seems to be a bereaved dog. His blood in his bones has been completely destroyed by the word "ghost king".

Of course, what made him suffer more was that the ghost king was my father. How could he accept it.

For a long time, he always trampled on me as a mole ant, and had always been extremely contemptuous of me. Even if I was Han Yimo's son, he looked down on me. He just felt that he and I were one day and one land.

But now, my identity has changed again. My father Su Qiyao was once a legend, the ghost king. This fact is too incredible for Sheng Mingjie. He doesn't want to accept it, nor can he accept it.

His heart, which was originally powerful, was finally completely broken after being hit hard again and again. His whole person also showed a kind of madness. He did not dare to have any more arrogant words, but kept murmuring: "how possible, how possible! How can it be! "

When Sheng Mingjie is confused, Peng Xuefei comes to the scene with her heavy pace. She seems to have become a real zombie, stiff and expressionless. She moves her dull eyes, sweeps the bloody scene, and looks at my devil like Dad, and finally turns her eyes to me.

At this moment, Peng Xuefei looked at me with a totally different look. She didn't worry about me, had no infatuation for me, and even had no sense of familiarity. It seems that I have become strange to her now.

And those who were driven into the abyss, when they saw Peng Xuefei appear, they also gradually wake up. Especially Peng Yu, who was seriously injured, had the best relationship with Peng Xuefei. He was the first to move forward and excitedly called to Peng Xuefei: "elder sister, what are you running back for? Go back quickly. There's no business for you here!"

Peng Yu said this obviously for Peng Xuefei's good. He knew that he, his father and all the sea gangs present were bound to die. Therefore, his sister's sudden presence made him worry that he did not want his innocent sister to be implicated.

However, Peng Xuefei is obviously not afraid of death. She just looked at her relatives with sadness and fell into endless pain. Her tears began to cloud in her eyes, and even she couldn't help sobbing.

Peng Yi, after hearing his daughter's cry, seemed to realize something.

Immediately, his apathetic eyes returned to some fierce, he did not delay, immediately to my father said: "Lord ghost, my daughter Feifei is not a member of the gang, she has never done anything to hurt your son, I hope you can be merciful to her!"

Peng Yi's words more and more prove that all the Haigang people present are ready to die. They have no confidence and no courage to stand up to the ground. However, when his death comes to an end, Peng Yizhu will still plead for Peng Xuefei. It can be seen that this son preference father still has great feelings for Peng Xuefei's daughter.

For Peng Yi's plea, my father only calmly replied, "I don't kill women!"

In a word, Peng Yi was relieved. However, Sheng Mingjie, who was in the state of dissociation, was frightened.

Sheng Mingjie, the former rampant to the big and small Sheng family, at this moment, is finally completely scared soft.

Just hear the evil name of the ghost king, he has been scared out of his wits, combined with the three words just said, I killed.

The wise Sheng Mingjie should think that the death of his Sheng family must be caused by the ghost king.

At present, hearing Peng Yi and Peng Yu's words, he certainly understood more and more that the remaining 30 people of the Hai Gang were all lambs waiting to die here. My father, the demon God, was reaping people's lives here. Sheng Mingjie suddenly broke in, obviously seeking his own death.

Peng Xuefei's intrusion, because my father does not kill a woman, can be saved from death.

But Sheng Mingjie is our No.1 enemy of Suluo. It can be said that he has completely violated the ghost King's son. Now, he even broke into the ghost King's front. How can he not be afraid.

Perhaps, in the face of me, Sheng Mingjie still has confidence, he is not afraid of me. However, in the face of the ghost king, Sheng Mingjie could not control his fear at all. Whether it was the terror of my father at the moment, or the reputation of the ghost king, Sheng Mingjie was scared to death.

In the face of fear, Sheng Mingjie could not care about everything. In order to survive, he threw away all his self-esteem and halo. As soon as my father's voice dropped, Sheng Mingjie looked at my father timidly and begged for mercy: "and I, and I, today's things have nothing to do with me, I didn't participate in it. I don't have any grudges with your son, so you take me as a fart and let go Let's go

In the face of a generation of God and ghost king, a tough man with ambition will also show a weak side. However, this great young master of Sheng family is not as tough as Sheng Er ye, but he is more flexible than Sheng Er Ye. His hypocrisy is revealed again. He even opens his eyes and talks nonsense in front of so many people.Of course, my father is not so easy to fool. He seems to have some interest in Sheng Mingjie. At the beginning, he did not kill Peng Yi immediately because he heard Sheng Mingjie's voice.

Now, seeing Sheng Mingjie begging for mercy, my father not only didn't restrain his breath, but also snapped: "kneel down!"

Two words, earth shaking, the earthquake around the insects and birds seem to be frightened, but also Sheng Mingjie, the great young master of the Sheng family, his legs softened, and he knelt down in front of my father.

Before, I didn't believe that momentum can kill people, but at this moment, I suddenly felt that my father's momentum can really kill people. When he was angry, the world was changed for it. Sheng Mingjie, who was a bold and domineering man, knelt down without hesitation.

After Sheng Mingjie got down on his knees, my father looked down on Sheng Mingjie with his indifferent eyes. Then, he announced to him in his voice of death: "you are Sheng Mingjie, the son of Sheng family. You persecuted my son for a woman. Damn it!"

As for Sheng Mingjie, my father declared his death penalty without mercy because he persecuted me. But my father didn't ask the other party's identity, he knew that he was Sheng Mingjie, and he knew something about Sheng Mingjie. This is really strange.

Sheng Mingjie was scared out of his wits when he heard the word "damned". A cold sweat came out of his forehead immediately. He didn't care about his ambition and dignity. He might know that it was useless to ask the ghost king for mercy. Therefore, he even turned his head to look at me and cried to me: "Jiangnan wind, oh, no, Suluo, this is a misunderstanding. Everything is a misunderstanding. I don't want to hurt you You mean, I just love Feifei so much that I can do some excessive things, but I don't want you to die. Please ask your father to let me go

Sheng Mingjie, who has always looked down on me, pleaded with me at this moment. He abandoned the original image of a rich man and knelt on the ground so cowardly to beg for mercy. From the very beginning, I hated this hypocrite, not to mention his subsequent cruelty to me. How could I plead for him if he wanted me to die.

Some of me, still standing in the same place, for Sheng Mingjie I was blind, my whole person is still in an abnormal state.

Sheng Mingjie saw that I didn't pay attention to him, he couldn't help more despair, but he didn't give up his heart, and he turned his eyes to Peng Xuefei. He said excitedly, "Feifei, you know me. I just like you, so I don't care about everything. I don't mean any harm to you. Please help me to ask Su Luo for mercy and let him let me go!"

In order to save his life, Sheng Mingjie has been shameless, he asked for this and that, and even asked Peng Xuefei's head.

Peng Xuefei, a kind-hearted woman, can't bear to see Sheng Mingjie like this, but more of her is helpless. After all, I'm not the Jiangnan style at the beginning. She's not willing to see me again, let alone plead with me. Perhaps, she also knew that it was useless to ask for help. In the end, she could only cast a pitiful look at Sheng Mingjie, but did not speak.

And my father, who had been sentenced to death for Sheng Mingjie, was impatient to see Sheng Mingjie's low voice.

Suddenly, he raised his leg and kicked Sheng Mingjie down. At the moment of Sheng Mingjie's fall, his foot stepped on Sheng Mingjie with fierce force.

Perhaps, to kill Chujie, Yama is too lazy to use his hands, just like stepping on dog excrement.

Being trampled by my father, Sheng Mingjie seems to be pressed by the five finger mountain. His eyes are dark. His breathing is difficult. His heart beats faster and his fear deepens. At this moment, he is afraid, especially afraid. Terrified, he grabbed my father's bare feet with both hands. He hissed and yelled: "ghost king, you can't kill me. I'm the future successor of the Sheng family. If you don't kill me, I can try to suppress today's affairs. But if I die, you will suffer the revenge of my Sheng family's madness!"

Knowing that he is in a desperate situation, it is useless to beg for mercy. Sheng Mingjie can only move out of the Sheng family and threaten my father with his successor's identity.

However, Sheng Mingjie didn't say it was OK. After hearing this, my father suddenly burst into a rage, and he said in a deep voice: "then you will die even more!"

After that, he stepped on him with his right foot like a mountain.

With a click, the sound of bone fracture suddenly resounded through the silent scene.

Chu shengmingjie, who was struggling just now, was trampled flat in the blink of an eye. His face was frozen, and his eyes were almost burst out. What's more, his mouth was like a fountain, with a big mouthful of blood.

The bright red blood was floating in the air, making the whole sky red. Peng Xuefei, who was closest to Sheng Mingjie, was suddenly splashed with blood. Sheng Mingjie, who was still struggling to beg for mercy one second, died in the next

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