At the moment, Peng Xuefei couldn't hear any voice at all. She seemed to have firmly established this belief in her heart and vowed to live and die with Peng's family. She couldn't watch her father die in front of her, so she preferred to die first.

But my dad said he didn't kill women, so Peng Xuefei didn't die. But seeing Peng Xuefei didn't know his face, my father was also obviously displeased. His breath of death became more and more strong. He gently took back his fist in front of Peng Xuefei, and then fiercely said, "get out of the way!"

His voice, brought out his momentum, let Peng Xuefei's hair float up.

Peng Fei is not afraid of her death any more.

In the face of my father's Weiyin, she did not flinch, but straightened out her chest and said obstinately: "no, if you want to kill my father, kill me first!"

This makes my father's eyes more and more cold, he said coldly: "I said, I don't kill women, get out of the way!"

Dad, I'm so scared at last.

Peng Xuefei was not frightened. Other members of the sea gang were all scared. Peng Yu quickly tried to persuade him: "elder sister, go quickly!"

Peng Yi was even more anxious: "Feifei, I don't care about you, you go home quickly!"

Their voices became more and more anxious, but no one could persuade Peng Xuefei. Her tall figure, like an iceberg, stood in front of the leader of Xia gang and blocked my father's way.

However, Peng Xuefei's body is strong and straight, but her face is sad to the limit, her tears do not stop flowing, her throat seems to be blocked, choked speechless.

When she calmed down, she tried to yell at my father: "I won't go. You killed me! You don't dare to kill me, and ask your subordinates to kill me. Aren't you a killer maniac? Hurry up, kill us all and stay alone

Peng Xuefei is as mad as a madman. She is not afraid of death, but even says such fierce words to stimulate my father and ask for death.

This time, not only the people of the sea gang were completely shocked, but also all the people on my side were in a daze. Who could imagine that a weak woman would have such courage and bravery to face death in front of the ghost king.

When my father put on his mask, he was just like the real king of hell. He could not tolerate a woman's disobedience for three or four times. His murderous spirit became more and more serious, and the fierce light in his eyes became more and more powerful. Anyone who was closer to him could clearly feel that burning breath. Obviously, he would enter the mode of killing again.

The ghost king was so powerful that the audience almost could not help being quiet. Everyone did not even dare to breathe in the atmosphere. They just held their breath and watched.

In this all kinds of silence, I have been in a state of floating, waiting for my father to have the next action, suddenly opened a voice to say a shock to the whole audience: "Dad, let them go!"

My voice was very loud, and my words were even more astonishing to everyone, but at the same time, it also made everyone nervous. As soon as I opened my mouth, my father's breath of death was suddenly restrained, and the atmosphere of terror and suffocation in the field was immediately eased, and all people were finally able to take a breath.

My almost forgotten character, in this moment, once again became the focus of the audience. All the people relaxed at the same time, can not help but look at me, of course, in addition to Peng Xuefei.

Peng Xuefei, she seems to me is completely despair, in the face of death, she did not ask me for help once, even, did not even give me a look for help, she really came to the point of breaking up with me, like a stranger.

However, she treated me as a stranger, but I couldn't turn a blind eye to her. I couldn't have watched her die at my father's hand. I knew that if the people of the Haigang were slaughtered, Peng Xuefei would never live with her strong character. Therefore, even if my father didn't kill her, she would die.

I had made her miserable enough, so I didn't want her to die, so I couldn't let Haibang die. I could only ask my father to let them go.

Everyone who is present knows that the hatred between me and the Haigang is very strong. Now, I am cold and cold to plead for them, which is inevitably puzzling. Whether it is my brother or the people of the Haibang, they all look at me with puzzled eyes.

My father even gave me an inexplicable look and said, "why? They almost killed you several times. Don't you want revenge? "

I don't know why, I just feel more sad when I hear the word revenge.

Today's accident is really too severe for me. My brain seems to have a concussion, but I haven't completely recovered. I can't understand the whole thing. My brain is confused and my heart is even more disordered. If it wasn't for Peng Xuefei's appearance, I might have been in the state of losing my soul all the time.

Until I saw Peng Xuefei so heartrending, saw her so determined to die, saw her sad expression to the extreme, I had some recollection, the heart can not help the pain, I do not care about any other, only know, I can't implicate Peng Xuefei.

After a while, I spoke again and said to my father, "I don't want revenge. Let them go!"My attitude has been very clear, I thought I had said so clearly, my father should have agreed to my request, but he did not, he did not hesitate to sternly rebuff me: "no, mow the grass to remove the root, otherwise there will be endless trouble!"

Hearing this, the faces of the sea Gang people, who had the hope because of my plea, darkened again, and their eyes fell into the deepest despair.

And I'm like a spring that's been pressed the tightest, the moment I hear that from my dad. Spring burst open, my heart has been suppressed that fire suddenly fierce combustion, my eyes began to suffuse red light, my fist tightly squeezed up.

Emotions such as tornado tearing me violently, in the eyes of all, I suddenly opened my voice, to my ghost king father, crazy roar: "I said, let them go!"

My roar, straight into the sky, shocked all the people in the audience. For a moment, everyone's eyes showed a color of extreme shock.

I'm afraid I'm the first one to be angry with the ghost king or even yell at the ghost king in a commanding tone.

The ghost king really shows the terrible side of the king of hell. He is swept by a terrible situation and shows his great power here. It can be said that no matter how powerful a person is facing him, he can be instantly submerged and become the weakest chicken.

Even Peng Yi, a former hero, felt powerless to die in front of my father. Ghost King's power bombed all people, he brought a kind of terror burning aura, let people dare not close, let people look up to him, he is the soul that everyone dare not violate.

However, at this moment, I was so rude to the ghost king that I did what everyone dare not do. It is not because the ghost king is my father that I dare to do so.

It's because I really can't stand his cruel and cruel behavior. I don't like his dehumanizing behavior. I really don't like it.

Especially to see Peng Xuefei in the mire of pain, so desperate, so sad, I really can't bear, I can't bear to let her witness her relatives die one by one, can't bear to let her bear the most cruel despair in the world, and can't bear to watch her die.

After all, she was innocent from the beginning to the end. After all, she paid so much for me. She returned to the battlefield at the moment and originally intended to plead for me. She was hurt so deeply by me, but she was thinking of me. How could I bear to continue to hurt her cruelly.

Too many emotions in my heart, this moment, I was completely burst out. My outbreak shocked the whole audience, and even, Peng Xuefei, who was strangers to me, couldn't help looking at me. Her eyes became extremely complicated.

And my dad, who was yelled at by me, finally realized it. I'm serious. He directly turned around and faced me. Then, he said to me seriously: "Arlo, you were not the one who wanted to kill the Hai Gang more than I did at the beginning. Why do you want me to release them now? It's not for the sake of this little girl."

After that, my father also pointed to Peng Xuefei beside him.

Peng Xuefei, whose eyes are complicated, is suddenly pointed by my father. Her look can't help but change again and become more complicated. But she seems to be trying to control her emotions so that outsiders can't see anything unusual. But I can see from her eyes that she still cares about my father's words very much. It can be seen that she still cares about my feelings for her.

Although I did have something to do with Peng Xuefei, it was not entirely because of her. I can't let her continue to have illusions about me, I can't hurt her emotionally, I can't promise her anything.

So I had to give my dad two serious words: "no!"

My tone was very decisive, and still angry.

When my dad heard me say no, he took back his hand and put it behind him. Then he said in a more dignified voice: "give me a reason to let them go!"

Maybe, because I was his son, the ghost king didn't care about my anger to him. He would calm down and talk to me so much, and he was willing to listen to my explanation. It is impossible for anyone to do so for the cold faced and merciless ghost king.

However, it is a gift to others, but I am only bored. The fire in my chest is burning more and more vigorously, and the emotion in my heart is stirring more and more fierce.

Suddenly, the mood collapsed again. I was red eyed and yelled hysterically to my father: "for any reason, I don't think you are qualified to kill them. Why do you kill innocent people indiscriminately! Yes, at the beginning, I really wanted to kill Peng Yi and the Hai Gang. That was because I planted the seeds of hatred against them, because they were the leader of H Province.

They caught you, killed my brother, and made my favorite woman a vegetable. I hated them so much. However, I don't know. I don't know you were caught on purpose. Dad, do you know how much I have suffered and suffered in order to save you?

In order to save you, I gave up my lover, abandoned my brother, and even shamelessly used the feelings of an innocent girl. Do you know all these? In order to save you, I nearly lost my life several times. I sacrificed many brothers. Ziyi's life and death are unknown. Do you know?

Take a look at all the bleak things on the scene and look at the dead people. This is not caused by the sea Gang, but by you. You are the culprit. How can you judge the life and death of others

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