Because I was so excited, my voice almost burst, and my tears burst out uncontrollably.

At this moment, I let out all the anger I held in my heart. This is the biggest reason why I changed my mind and didn't kill the sea Gang people. This is the reality that I hate to accept.

In fact, I have grown up, even if I endure more torture and hardship, I can bear it.

In my previous opinion, as long as I could save my father, I could digest all the pain and grievance I had suffered. But in fact, there was such a devastating contrast. The cruelty of reality broke my perseverance. I thought that my father who had suffered a lot was actually a ruthless ghost king. He was deliberately arrested, and he could easily escape from the dark moon hall. All these were set by him. I was a chess player who was tricked.

I can't accept such a result. I can't imagine what I've done foolishly. It turns out that it's just a void. In the end, I not only hurt myself, but also implicated so many people. How can I be worthy of Ziyi, Peng Xuefei, my brother who fought for me, and the souls of the dead brothers.

I feel that I am the biggest fool in the world, and the person who made all this is my own father. How can I bear it? How can I not be angry and vent?

I'm not only angry with the ghost king, but also denounce his crimes. I'm the only one who can do this.

One stone aroused thousands of waves. My indignant accusation of the ghost king really made the audience gape and stirred the hearts of the whole audience. Even grandfather Bai couldn't help but rebuke me and said, "Arlo, don't say that about your father!"

The son scolds his father, which in other people's eyes is unfilial. What's more, my father has a special identity. He is the king of ghosts that no one dares to offend, and he is the existence of supreme authority. Now that I have violated his dignity and even denounced him in public, it is no wonder that other people will be tongue tied and can't believe it.

However, where I can manage other people's views and care about his identity, I only know that I am angry and extremely dissatisfied with him. I just can't forgive his actions. I blame him for all the responsibility.

Even, I have always been regarded as a teacher of the white grandfather came forward to speak for him, I did not extinguish the fire, but more angry.

Angry, I couldn't help but roar to my grandfather: "don't you care, you are not qualified to say me, you are a liar, you already know all this, but you just don't tell me, have been playing with me as a fool, let me fight on the line of life and death, let me fool to hurt others, you fool people, is it fun?"

My tone is full of rage, and I am also full of endless frustration and sadness. The grandfather Bai who has been joking and refusing to give up has been dumbfounded by me. Now I almost become like a mad dog. I have lost my due sense and caught who is biting whom.

Seeing me so crazy, even Han Yimo, who had helped me many times, wanted to come to persuade me, but was stopped by my father.

My dad's momentum is still magnificent, his eyes are still sharp, but deep. He looked at me deeply and said solemnly, "this is the river and lake. From the day you want to mix up, I have told you that this is a dangerous road to no return. No matter who it is, as long as they set foot on this road, they should be ready to die at any time.

The weak are eliminated and the strong survive. This is a society where the weak eat the strong. You can't change it, nor can I. Whether I was caught on purpose or not, the Hai Gang tried their best to catch me, which was their fault.

Have you ever thought that if I am not the ghost king, if I have no absolute strength, then the people who died today will be our father and son, and all the people in your war. Now the situation can reverse, because the strength, we are strong, they are weak, so they die.

On the other hand, if I let them go today and give them the chance to reverse, when they become stronger, they will devour us. This is a cruel society, where the king is defeated by the enemy. It is because of the survival of the fittest in society that people will constantly strive for self-improvement and human beings will make continuous progress. Son, do you understand what I said? "

As the king of ghosts, he can say so many words in front of so many people at one breath, which is enough to show that he is very sincere. He made this explanation to me with the most sincere heart.

His explanation is equivalent to analyzing the situation of today's cruel society. Indeed, what he said is very reasonable. This is the reality. In the past, I was weak, so I was a waste that everyone hated.

Later, I changed, I rose and became the overlord respected by thousands of people. Only the strong can be looked up to, and the weak can only be eliminated.

The human world is no different from the animal world. The weak are eaten by bullying, and the strong survive. If an animal wants to survive, it has to evolve until it is at the top of the food chain. Maybe, only in this way can we have a short-term peace.

Similarly, the same is true of human beings. Only by constantly stepping on the heads of others and climbing higher, can we survive in the underground world and show mercy to the enemy. That is irresponsible to ourselves. Therefore, my father's words have won the approval of most people in my side.No wonder my dad can have a group of loyal subordinates, which is not entirely because he is super powerful, he has a king style, easy to convince people.

However, even if what he said is more reasonable, I still reject it in my heart, because I always feel that this tragedy was deliberately made by my father. Peng Yi is guilty, but the crime is not enough for the destruction of all the Haigang. My father's practice is still too cruel after all.

After a pause, I suddenly straightened up my chest and said to my father, "I don't care so much. I only know that the Haigang has been taught a proper lesson. You can't kill all of them!"

I can't reason with my father. I can't give any more reasons. I can only make my attitude stronger. Since I've decided to go to the maritime Gang, I can't shrink back.

But my attitude is firm, my father seems to be more firm than me, he is willing to bear to reason with me. But will not be obedient to me, will not easily violate his own principles.

After listening to my words, he turned his head slightly and looked at the lambs to be slaughtered. Then he said to me, "what if I don't let go?"

Hearing this, my heart couldn't help but twitch. My step moved forward two steps unconsciously and walked to my father. I said directly in a decisive tone: "then you can kill me together!"

It was another amazing word. As soon as I said it, I immediately surprised everyone in the audience. Everyone's eyes showed an extremely inconceivable color. Even Peng Xuefei, after hearing my words, was shocked with a dull face.

Just now, Xia Xiaoxiao said the same thing, but she said it for her father, which can only prove her filial piety. However, I said this really let people do not understand, for the enemy's life, who can understand?

My father, who has always been indifferent, was disappointed because of my words. He looked at me helplessly and said earnestly: "son, you are still too indecisive. You are too soft hearted. Sooner or later, you will hurt you. Since you have stepped into this road, you should be prepared to kill decisively. If you want to achieve yourself, you should not have a benevolent heart.

Do you think Lin Xuanwu will be kind? Will Buddha be kind? Do you want to protect Peng Yi? Is he benevolent? They don't have any, so they become the boss of one side. They lose in front of strength.

But you are different. You are my son. I can give you the conditions that other people can't have all their lives. You only need to have the will of Xiaoxiong, and you can dominate

My father can achieve his myth, can become a legend that makes everyone afraid, naturally he has his own ability. He has strength, his style and principles.

Now, he applies his theory to me just to persuade me. He is really special to me. He is willing to teach and persuade me so patiently. Even seduced me with the achievements of the supreme king. In other words, as long as I cooperate with him, as long as I am willing to change my mind, he can help me become king.

However, I can't agree with his remarks. My style is quite different from his. He has his principles and I have mine.

After listening to his words, I became very serious and said solemnly to him: "I don't care how other people are. I only know that whatever I do, I should be worthy of my conscience. I don't want everyone to be satisfied, I just want to have a clear conscience.

You just want to use violence to solve everything. You use violence to make people surrender, frighten and attract people. I don't like it more. What I want is to influence others with the heart of benevolence and righteousness, so that people really believe me, only I am from.

If I step on this road, we must kill innocent people in order to survive. Then, I would rather kill myself

My words are also strong, my attitude, firm as before, seems to be stubborn to the end.

The atmosphere of the scene was even more strange. Everyone held their breath and looked at our father and son. At this moment, the string between my father and I seemed to be stretched to the limit, and there was a possibility of fracture at any time.

Almost since I started talking, I've been standing on the opposite side of my father. He wants to kill the sea gang. I don't allow him. He asked me to give a reason. I pointed the spear at him and criticized him in public. He reasoned with me, and I retorted. He insisted on his principles. I fought against him with my life. Whatever he did, I fought against him. Now we look like enemies rather than father and son.

In the eyes of anyone, my father is a mythical figure, an elusive king and the supreme ruler. No one dares to disobey him, but he has to obey him.

But I kept violating his majesty and disobeying him. Even if I were his son, I'm afraid I would suffer the anger of the ghost king.

At this moment, my dad's breath is really rolling. His eyes are like changing clouds and unpredictable. The terror of his body is gradually sending out, and the surrounding air seems to have become hot.

No one dares to speak in the field. The only one who dared to dissuade him before, I have already stopped him. No one dares to touch the fire from the ghost king.

The vast battlefield is silent, which is the eerie silence on the eve of the storm. This silence is very terrible, which makes people suffocate and frighten involuntarily.Especially the Haibang people, they almost did not breathe, they all hold their breath, staring at the ghost king with fear, eyes full of anxiety.

They are now facing the choice of life and death. They are waiting for my father's judgment. At such a time, everyone will be nervous. Even their leader, Peng Da Gang leader, is in a cold sweat and full of tension.

The rising sun in the sky, because of my father's momentum, hide in the dark clouds, the vast sky, as if by splash ink general, become gray.

The sky is gray, now the battlefield is even more dark, the atmosphere can not help but more strange, here again degenerated into a hell on earth, and my father is the only master of this hell, all of us stand cautiously under his authority.

Suddenly, my father moved. In the quiet of the whole scene, he suddenly turned his head and focused his eyes on the side of Haibang. He gave them a roar like the tide and the electric switch: "get out of here!"

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