A word, startled the sky thunder rolling, brought out my father's boundless domineering, but also shattered the breath of death in the air, let the haze disperse, let people breathe again. Hell in this second, changed back to the world.

Although my father is still domineering, although the word "rolling" is earth shaking and overwhelming, it directly shows that my father and his old man have compromised, and a confrontation between father and son ends with his compromise.

After all, my insistence helped. My obstinacy made the king of ghosts step back. The king of ghosts, who killed people without blinking an eye, had to compromise. How can people believe that. For a moment, the people in the field could not slow down. It was a bit of a cloud.

However, other people couldn't respond to it. The sea Gang people were very quick to recover. The ghost King's roll was heard by the sea Gang people as the voice of nature, the most beautiful voice in the world.

Half of their feet have stepped into the gates of hell, as if instantly suffered the world's amnesty. At once, the sad clouds on their faces Suddenly dispersed, their uneasiness was not there, their nervousness was not there, instead, they were excited, incomparable excitement. Some even trembled with excitement.

One second, they are still like the point, can not move, the next second, they jump up. It was in this instant that all the remaining members of the Hai Gang recovered their spirits and were full of joy. They did not dare to delay at all, and they immediately pulled out of the scene in a hurry.

Only Peng Xuefei was alone, but also stupidly stood in place. A little can not return to God, or say, she is still looking at me daze, as if this moment, her eyes only me.

Peng Yi looked in a hurry. Seeing Peng Xuefei still clubbed there, he immediately pulled her and said anxiously, "go

While talking, he took Peng Xuefei away in a hurry, for fear of delaying for another second, and my father would like to repent.

Who could have thought that Peng Yi, once proud of his life, would walk in such a mess and in such a hurry as a lost dog. Even they had no time to care about the seriously injured people lying on the ground and only cared about their own escape.

Although I can't stand their behavior, I won't regret it since I decided to let them go. No matter how selfish they are, they have nothing to do with me. They will find a way to deal with the dead and wounded of Haibang who are left behind by them.

Anyway, seeing Peng Xuefei and her family leave safely, my inner remorse and guilt have finally been eased. Only by doing so will I have a clear conscience and a little peace of mind.

Soon, those people of the Haibang disappeared out of our sight.

The atmosphere of the scene, a brief silence, then, my father took a step forward, came to me.

He didn't entangle with me about the Hai Gang any more. He just took off his mask, took off his cape and threw it aside in front of me. Immediately, my father was restored to his original appearance, and he once again became the humble but majestic Su Qiyao.

His spirit is always so capable, and his face is always resolute. But now, his expression became very gentle, and his eyes were full of fatherly kindness.

He was not angry with me because of my disobedience. On the contrary, his love for me seemed to become more profound. He looked at me seriously and said in a deep voice, "son, are you angry with me?"

His question was a little cautious. Obviously, he attached great importance to my opinion. He cared more about his son's feelings than his false name and so-called dignity. Maybe it was because of this that he released the Haigang people for me.

I raised my eyes, looked at my father's eyes, tightly staring at him, at the moment, he recovered his original appearance, finally, I felt the familiar breath from his face, I felt the strong father's love from his eyes. At this moment, he is not so strange, and my cold heart is also warm.

Unable to help it, I said to him: "I am not angry, you should see that from the moment you become a transformation, I feel like you are very far away, you become strange, changed I do not know.

Before that, you were my most trusted father and my only support. What I know about you is just an ordinary person who wants to live a good life at home. Even though I know that you have had a good time in the past, at least I think you want to enjoy your old age now. But I didn't expect you to have such a cruel side

When I said this, my voice was already hoarse and out of shape. This is my sincere words. It is the true words I told my father calmly after I eliminated my emotions and prejudices.

In the past, I only knew that my father had some abilities in the army and some abilities in mixing with others. However, how could I think that he was the ghost king.

He put on his mask and I could hardly feel the breath. Only if he is a strange ghost king. His cruelty broke my heart. His deliberate capture by the sea Gang made me panic. How can I be indifferent to such a man?

After listening to my words, my father couldn't help but smile with a bitter smile. There was a lot of helplessness in his smile. He looked at me helplessly and said with a heavy voice: "I'd like to live in my life. After I got out of prison, I didn't want to participate in the affairs of the river and lake again. But don't you know? Some people want to force me out of the mountain. They just want to disturb my life and prevent me from living a leisurely life. I can't help it eitherMy father's words were like a sledgehammer, which made a hole in my brain and made my heart shake hard. At this time, I suddenly remembered that my father came out of the mountain because of me.

He has been in his hometown since he was released from prison. He has never interfered in my affairs. Most of all, he found a helper for me. He planted flowers, drank tea and lived a quiet life in his hometown. It's true that he didn't think about coming back to the world!

It seems that Wu Tianhao made all this. He planned it step by step and finally forced my father out of the mountain.

Wu Tianhao makes use of Ziyi and her marriage with Fudong to solve the contradiction between me and Fudong. Later, I caught Fu Dong and provoked the Buddha. He buried Ziyi alive, but he had to kill me. It was at that time that my father was forced to go out to save me and pave the way for me in that city. But in a flash, my father was caught by the sea Gang because of Wu Tianhao's temptation. He didn't show up until today.

Now think about it, my father didn't take the initiative to participate in these disputes. He just stepped into Wu Tianhao's trap and fell into his chess game step by step. I will always remember the sentence my father said on the phone: they are trying to force me out of the mountain!

Maybe from the beginning of saying this, my father had expected something. He followed the Bureau set by Wu Tianhao. Maybe he had his intention.

Thinking of this, I immediately came back to my father and asked, "is this all because of Wu Tianhao?"

Hearing Wu Tianhao's three words, my father couldn't help but snort, and then said contemptuously, "where does he have this qualification. At the beginning, I expected that Wu Tianhao could not be the person behind the scenes. If he had no support, he would not dare to disobey me. Don't you wonder why I was caught by the sea Gang on purpose? Because I knew that someone was dealing with me secretly. I also knew that Wu Tianhao's appearance in H Province that day was a trap. I fell into the trap on purpose. I just want to see, as they wish, who is scheming to force me out of the mountain and deal with me! "

After hearing this, my heart couldn't help shaking again, and a deep sense of fear suddenly swept over. It turned out that things were not as simple as the surface. My father was deliberately arrested, and it was really his intention. He also knew Wu Tianhao's plot for a long time. He deliberately jumped into the plot in order to find out the real mastermind. It turned out that there was someone else who was determined to force my father out of the mountain.

All of a sudden, I felt that this situation had gone beyond the scope of my cognition. I couldn't think of any further. I couldn't think of a reason. My mind was in a mess. Involuntarily, I blurted out and said: "now find out who it is?"

Smell speech, my father's look suddenly a Lin, his eyes become very deep. His tone also became enigmatic: "the fox's tail has been exposed, otherwise how can the sea Gang know to ambush you here in advance?"

Suddenly, my brain exploded again. My father's words were more powerful than the atomic bomb. I was almost crushed to pieces. My heart can't help but stab pain, fear continues to spread, almost engulf me.

Today, at the moment of being ambushed by the sea gang. I had a bad feeling that I had been betrayed by the people closest to me, because only three people knew my detailed action plan, Shen Muchen, uncle Yang, and Mu Nan.

But the last thing I want to suspect is them. I find all kinds of reasons to convince myself. I prefer to believe that Peng Yi is too clever to guess our actions through clues, but I don't want to doubt them. But now, after listening to my dad, my heart broke in an instant. My head seems to have a kilogram weight, I am very hard, just slowly leaning over the head, looking at my brothers.

I saw Shen Muchen, who was injured, standing in the team of more than 100 people. I saw Mu Nan, who was seriously injured, lying on the ground weakly. However, I can not see Uncle Yang, let my eyes how to wander, also can not sweep his figure.

Uncle Yang, he disappeared. For a moment, I felt my legs were soft and my heart was shaking.

Just when I was full of panic, my father suddenly turned around and walked with a quick and powerful step to the center of the battlefield.

He stood in the middle of the field, his eyes were deep and sharp, and he swept around.

Immediately. He suddenly roared into the air: "Yang Tieqing, I know you are nearby. Don't worry, I won't deal with you today, because we are brothers today. However, from now on, I declare that I will never have you again.

Tieqing, why are you? Why are you. At the beginning, when I realized that Wu Tianhao was abnormal, I knew that there must be someone to support him. Moreover, this person must be the one closest to me. Otherwise, Wu Tianhao would not know everything about me.

Originally, you should be my number one suspect, but I have doubted you, but I have never doubted you, because you are the best brother of Su Qiyao.

We grew up together, joined the army together, accepted hardships and accepted challenges together. We are brothers, not brothers, but better than brothers.

When I was in prison, I did not hesitate to entrust my son to you, just because you are my most trusted brother. How can I get it? You betrayed me. Do you know how hard my heart is? Do you know? "

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