The last word almost pierced the sky and shocked the whole world. At this moment, my father's mood broke out to the extreme. He was not afraid of heaven and earth. He had such a painful time. His voice was helpless and had infinite sadness. He didn't hide himself at all, showing such heartbreaking feelings.

My father is a man who can never be defeated. He is the king of ghosts in the heaven and earth. However, he is betrayed by the most trusted person and the best brother. His emotional wall is still broken. His body can still stand aloof, his mind is still in spirit, his spirit is still alive, but his mood is uncontrollable.

I finally understand, why just after my father became the ghost king, he would be so cruel and bloody, just like the wild animals in the cage just released, they were crazy to bite the enemy. It turns out that this is not only because the Sheng family hurt me, but also because when he came out of the dark moon hall, he already knew the truth and knew that he had been betrayed by Uncle Yang. He was angry. He had to use the blood of the enemy to ease his emotions. Therefore, he became a devil and became extremely vicious.

However, my father's sincere words, but did not get any response, the surrounding is still quiet, does not seem to exist at all.

But my father is like a thousand mile eye. He always believes that uncle Yang is nearby. Even if the other party doesn't respond, even if there is no silence around, he still insists on his own judgment.

In the silent silence, he continued to give out a wild animal like roar: "Yang Tieqing, I understand your personality. You are not a man who is greedy for fame and wealth. Power is just a cloud to you. So when I was in the army, I retired, and you resolutely chose to retire. Your skills were not much worse than mine. You could not get any power with your ability, but you didn't care. You kept a low profile and preferred to go into business and become an unknown businessman. You didn't get involved in anything. I don't believe that you are deliberately dealing with me, is for what a name, now, I just want to know, you betrayed me because of what? "

My father's roar makes the world change color, makes the crowd tremble, and makes the birds and beasts panic.

I have never seen my father feel so sad. I have never seen him so excited. It can be seen that he really cares about Uncle Yang. His heart is really hurt. He just wants to get an answer, an answer that he can't think of in any case.

And just as my father's voice faded away, the sky suddenly exploded, and Yang shuna's familiar voice suddenly pierced: "Ye Jingwen!"

Uncle Yang's voice, with a strong penetrating power, the whole sky echoed his aftersound for a long time. From his voice, I can clearly feel Yang shuna's powerful and rebellious momentum.

Sure enough, uncle Yang is a master, a top master, a master comparable to my father. He's really hiding too deep.

Last time, the fire of war suddenly reappeared. At that time, I saw Uncle Yang in military uniform. I had never thought that he would have such momentum. Even though I knew he had been a soldier, I didn't think his military value was much high.

In my mind, uncle Yang is a businessman in the business field, but how can I think that his strength has reached such a terrible level. Even my father said that uncle Yang's strength is not much worse than him. Obviously, uncle Yang also has the strength of my father, but he has never shown his strength and is willing to do a proper business People.

Uncle Yang betrays my father, but he is the most terrible person who betrays uncle Yang. It's hard to understand why he is the best one who betrays uncle Yang. Of course, I can't think of it any more. My brain seems to be filled with paste. After my father finished speaking, I was completely confused.

However, when I heard uncle Yang's shocking words, the paste in my brain instantly swelled, and I suddenly woke up from the fog. My heart was almost shocked out of the body, because the three words he said were a name and my mother's name.

Obviously, uncle Yang has already given the answer, that is, the reason why he betrayed my father is not because of his name, but because of my mother.

I don't understand the past generation's grudges at all, and my father never tells me about my mother. However, I know clearly that my mother has always been my father's scale, is hidden in my father's heart the deepest wound.

If I ranked second in my father's heart, then my mother was worthy of the first place, no one can shake it. My mom is the most special person in my dad's world.

However, at this moment, uncle Yang blamed my mother for betraying my father. This fool can hear it. Uncle Yang and my mother must have some stories.

Perhaps, it is because of this involvement that the feelings between brothers, there are cracks.

They all said that the hero was sad about the beauty pass. I didn't expect that uncle Yang and my father both lost in love. My father, he is the most powerful legendary figure, but such a figure is prostrate under my mother's pomegranate skirt. Now even because of my mother, he has been betrayed by his best brother. What a blow to the ghost king.

Almost as soon as Uncle Yang's voice dropped, my father seemed to have suffered a bolt from the blue. His expression suddenly froze. In a flash, his momentum suddenly burst again. I felt a heat wave coming from my face when I was far away from him. It can be seen that my father was completely angry, and his heartstrings were hurt by Uncle Yang.As a proud ghost king of a generation, my father naturally has a mentality that ordinary people can't match. No matter what kind of crisis he is facing, he can handle it calmly, be neither flattered nor humiliated, as if nothing can crush him. He can always maintain that kind of courage, keep that kind of indomitable spirit, and the most stable mentality.

However, uncle Yang's betrayal made him sad. Now, the reason why Uncle Yang betrayed him has something to do with my mother, which makes him furious. He is like a beast, furious in the middle of the battlefield. His hair fluttered in the wind, and his eyes burst into a red light. He asked Uncle Yang angrily and asked him to tell him how ugly he was.

Look at my dad. Obviously, he doesn't know anything about the relationship between uncle Yang and my mother. He doesn't know why Uncle Yang betrayed his best brother because of my mother. Because I don't know, because I don't understand, my father is so angry and angry.

However, no matter what my father asked, uncle Yang did not respond. He just said my mother's name, and there was no sound. It seemed that he had left here completely. No matter how my father yelled, it was quiet all around.

No one dares to make a sound in the whole scene. All the people are just staring at my father and the angry ghost king.

Maybe, it's the first time for everyone to see the ghost King's side, but when the ghost king is angry, people will be afraid. Therefore, the people present not only dare not speak, but also look very cautious and dare not show any special look.

Time flows slowly in the strange atmosphere, and finally, the beast stops roaring. My father, after a reckless vent, suddenly stops. His expression immediately returns to indifference, and his face is like ice.

Then, he walked with agile steps, calmly came to me, with a serious tone: "son, withdraw!"

My father is a strong man who has experienced the vicissitudes of life. He has few emotions. At the moment, he seldom has emotions. However, he comes and goes quickly. His heart is strong. His mind is broad. No matter how much he is hit, he can bear to live, and can suppress the emotion in his heart without showing it to the public.

However, he can pretend to be the same as nobody, but I can't. what makes me sad most today is not only the brothers falling in the pool of blood, but also because of cheating, because he is manipulated as a chess piece.

My most dependent father lied to me, and I was cheated by my grandfather. Han Yimo, who treated me like my own son, cheated me. Even uncle Yang, who raised me from childhood, cheated me. Overnight, I just feel that the whole world is deceiving me. I live like a fool, living in lies, living under the chessboard of others. So funny to live. My heart keeps dripping blood, very painful.

I thought that, I worked so hard to live, so hard to progress, I finally grew up a lot, I thought I would let the people around me look at me differently, that I had achieved a hegemony. Unexpectedly, in the end, I was a joke, a big joke.

Suddenly, I became confused, very confused. I couldn't help but ask my father, "am I your own son?"

Hearing my sudden question, my father's iceberg face suddenly changed color. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "yes, why do you ask that?"

I pursed my mouth bitterly. Then, in a hoarse voice, I replied, "what's the matter with Uncle Yang and my mother?"

Dad, I almost don't know. I can't find it. I can't understand it

Find him, ask clearly, say these words, my father's anger has been unable to help rising out, his eyes, showing a very cold color, it seems that he will not stop until he finds uncle Yang.

I would not be afraid of his anger, especially when he recovered his true appearance. After a slight pause, I continued to ask, "where are you going to find it?"

"The headquarters of the bloody cherry blossom!" my father replied without thinking

Red cherry blossom, yes, Wu Tianhao is a bloody cherry blossom. Besides, blood cherry blossom is the best at playing tricks in secret. Last time, there was an internal war between the Hai Gang because the bloody cherry blossom was a hindrance. Later, Han Yimo said that the Chu family dared to deal with her because someone was supporting her. At that time, I heard Han Yimo talking about blood Butterfly at the door. Now want to come, in the Sheng family behind the fuel, is also this blood cherry blossom.

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