It turns out that all these things, all things happened, are not a coincidence, but someone is pushing it. And the person behind the scenes is the mysterious organization of red cherry blossom.

If it wasn't for the bloody cherry blossom, I certainly would not have become the common goal of the Sheng family and the Hai Gang. But for this organization, the Sheng family and the Hai Gang would not have made such a big noise today. Since everything is related to them, and the person who divulges the secret is uncle Yang, that is to say, the person behind Wu Tianhao is also uncle Yang. Obviously, uncle Yang is the person of blood cherry blossom.

Thinking of this, I suddenly think of Miaomiao. She is also a bloody cherry blossom. Did Uncle Yang and Miao Miao collude with each other to cheat me from a very early time?

I can't imagine, the heart is seized with pain, betrayed by the most dependent and trusted people, this taste, is really too hard. Uncle Yang, he brought me up. He can be said to be my second father. I trust him so much, but he deliberately harms me. How can I stand it.

My mood in the rapid roll, the heart more and more tight, more and more pain. But I still forced myself to restrain myself and continued to ask my father, "I want to ask you now. You know that someone is playing tricks secretly. Why are you hiding me from me? Why do you want to push me to the front line to bear so much pain? Do you know that I almost died several times?"

This problem is what I care about most. No matter what, I can't accept my father's deceit to me. He has been hiding me regardless of my life and death.

After listening to my words, my father also realized that my mood was on the verge of collapse, so he tried to slow down his tone and slowly explained to me, "I know, but I have to do this. The secret enemy is the most terrible. So, in order to let him surface, I can only fall into their trap.

Because I believe that their fox tail will always show. As for you, I have thought about your safety and will let Yang Tieqing advise you to hide, but I also know your character, you will not be willing to hide. Therefore, I entrust the old man Bai to protect you secretly, and let Yang Tieqing help you develop your war. This is actually an experience for you.

In fact, I also know that the real purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes is to force me out of the mountain, to deal with me and my old team, not you, otherwise you would have been dead. Because of this, I can rest assured that you struggle alone. This is just a test. Since you have chosen this road, you must be prepared to face the test of life and death. Now, I'm glad to see you grow so fast in just a few months! "

My father was patient to explain these words one by one. In fact, what he said was also very reasonable. Basically, from Wu Tianhao's betrayal, it was doomed that someone would make mischief in the dark. If the secret person was not removed, my father could not be at ease. Therefore, he could only commit a personal danger and fall into the enemy's trap.

And I do not have too much risk, I fell into the trap several times is my own reason. In the dungeon, it was a coincidence that Peng Xuefei was arrested by the housekeeper. However, it happened that Peng Xuefei and I were together, so we got into trouble by mistake.

Speaking of it, Haibang didn't want to kill me at the beginning. Four and five Tang tried their best to catch me. Later, it was I who killed myself and finally let the Hai Gang want to kill me.

On the other hand, the Sheng family tried to deal with me because I was with Peng Xuefei and angered Sheng Mingjie. Sheng Mingjie, a treacherous villain, wanted me to die, so I would be in danger several times.

As for uncle Yang, even if he hated my father again and wanted to hurt my father, he would not kill me. If he wanted to kill me, how could I live to this day? Moreover, the enmity between him and my father is derived from my mother. No matter what, I am my mother's son. If Uncle Yang really has any special feelings for my mother, he will not kill my mother's children.

I think, no matter for my father, or for uncle Yang, I am a chess piece, a chess piece that they play with each other. Of course, my father's purpose is to lead to the mastermind behind the scenes. Uncle Yang's goal is to deal with my father and his old friends.

If Uncle Yang's purpose is like this, then is not the purpose of blood cherry blossom the same?

No wonder, Wu Tianhao would instigate Ren to lead to the civil strife of the Hai Gang. Perhaps, at that time, Wu Tianhao's goal was to let the Haibang hand over my father, and to deal with my father. After all, Haibang arrested my father, but I didn't do anything, and I hid in anonymity, which made the bloody Cherry Blossom can't stand it.

However, on that night, Han Yimo exposed his identity in order to save me. This situation was totally different. The bloody Cherry Blossom immediately found the target and locked in Han Yimo.

Han Yimo is my father's important old department. Of course, the bloody cherry blossom will not be let go. It is also at that time that my dangerous road really begins.

Later, I was involved in a huge whirlpool, I led my brothers, fell into the mouth of the Haibang.

In the final analysis, the bloody Cherry Blossom did not lose a soldier in this war, but I almost lost my whole army. If it wasn't for my father's old people who were invincible and my father's strength was not terrible, maybe my brother and I, even my father, and all my father's old men would be dead here.Fortunately, in the end, the victory of the battle still belonged to my father. Uncle Yang's plot was completely smashed, and he still lost. Maybe he underestimated my father's strength, or he didn't expect my father's martial arts to become more rebellious after training in the dark moon hall. Anyway, uncle Yang's final result was a failure. Although he failed, the bloody Cherry Blossom did not have any loss.

The plot seems to be over. Maybe it hasn't started yet. Maybe, uncle Yang had expected the end. He expected that the alliance of the Haibang and the Sheng family could not destroy my father's old family, but he didn't care. His real goal is to make my dad angry and bring all my dad's people to the surface so that he can get rid of my dad's people.

In other words, my father and the bloody Cherry Blossom have a real big battle to fight. What about me? What am I between them?

In fact, I'm a victim. I'm a pawn used by them. Up to now, the blood cherry blossom has lost nothing, and my father's old Department has not lost a soldier. In the end, it was all my brothers who died and died for me.

I hurt my brother sadly. I was cheated by my closest relatives. I became a fool. How can I swallow this tone?

A very strong flame, in my heart fierce burning up, my chest is like blocked to what, Qi and blood is not smooth. My body's internal organs are constantly surging, the emotion is squeezing me, let me be unable to restrain the suffering.

I bit my teeth and yelled to my father in a voice that was almost roaring: "it doesn't matter if I face life and death, because you are my father, and it's OK for me to die because of you. But my brother, my woman, shouldn't pay for you. Why should they accompany me to die? Anyway, it's wrong for you to lie to me. You all treat me as a fool and let me bring my brothers to death. Have you considered my feelings? You see, how many brothers have I lost for you, do you know? "

These words, brought out all my emotions, my eyes have been red, but I did not shed tears, because my tears have dried up, I can not cry out, but my heart is too painful.

However, for the dead, my dad is very indifferent. For him, human life is no different from that of animals. He doesn't care at all. He just calmly replies: "this is the way in the river and the river. No matter you or your brother, you will know that the road will die in battle.

Child, I remember I told you, give you two ways to choose, one is to study at ease, live an ordinary life, the other, mix with me, this is not the way to return. But you finally choose to mix, since you have already taken this road, don't always tangle with life and death. If you don't want to experience life and death, it's only constantly strong, so strong that you can look down on everything, strong enough that you can dominate everything, do you understand? "

Don't worry about life and death? Don't care about human life? How can he say such a light word?

Hearing this, my heart seems to have dropped a bomb, completely smashed.

Today, before daybreak, I set out with my brothers and arrived here with passion all the way. We came with the heart of saving people, we came with blood and passion.

However, one after another hit me hard, one by one facts continue to impact me, I have suffered too much pressure and pain, until now. I didn't really recover. If my father could follow my words, comfort me and say some apologies, I might be better off, but he didn't. He seemed to think that my brother's death was in accordance with the fate of heaven. He was always the deputy high position, thinking that people must survive the fittest, and death is a performance of being eliminated.

But those are all living lives. They are brothers who fight with me. How can I be indifferent to them when they die for me? What's more, everything started with my father's arrest. All of them were made by Yang Shu and my father's inner enemy. Today, such a situation is caused by them, and everything I do with all my heart, everything I have seems to be a bubble.

I can't accept the reality, I can't agree with my father's point of view, everything I can't accept. His words will only make my depression more and more deep, let my heart more and more painful.

In this moment, I almost did my best to yell at my father: "I don't understand, I don't want to understand. I thought it was enough to have blood and loyalty. I didn't know that all I met was lies and conspiracy. Now, I don't want to mix up! "

At the end of the day, my mood was like a flood that broke the bank, completely collapsed, and was severely damaged by Peng Yi. I watched my brothers fall in a pool of blood. The cruel fact that my father was the king of ghosts, uncle Yang's betrayal, and all kinds of deception haunted me. All of them tangled together. I didn't slow down for a moment. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

Just as soon as I wanted to reach out and cover my chest, suddenly, a stream of heat rushed out of my body. My throat suddenly got wet and my mouth suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

With the gushing of blood, I finally couldn't hold on. I fell on the ground with my eyes blackened. In my final consciousness before I fell into a coma, I heard the loud sirens and the sound of a large number of ambulances

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