I don't know how long I've been in a coma. I just feel that when I lose consciousness, my brain seems to be in a state of emptiness. I'm like a vegetable, lying on the bed, motionless.

Time, has been passing, I have been wandering in the confusion, for a long time, I just woke up in a daze, opened my eyes, I still reflected in my eyes is that simple small room, the pattern is unchanged, is the former white grandfather's residence in the suburbs, of course, there are unchanged people, grandfather white.

At the moment, he is sweating for me to insert a silver needle, pressing the acupoints, we can see that he is very careful, very cautious, and even very nervous.

In my original cognition, white grandfather is a miracle doctor, almost has the ability to bring people back to life. I've never seen grandfather Bai treat his illness as seriously as he is now.

However, I don't know why, but I can't make waves in my heart. It seems that my heart is dead. No matter what way grandfather Bai uses to toss my body, I am still, as if I have no consciousness.

After a while, white grandfather just stopped to deal with me, he saw me open his eyes, immediately asked me a: "Suluo, you wake up, how do you feel?"

I turned a deaf ear to grandfather Bai's words, so I didn't hear them, or I didn't listen to them at all.

Seeing this, grandfather Bai looked at me again. Then, he suddenly showed a bitter smile. With this smile, he left.

After grandfather Bai left, the room was quiet again. Lonely I fell into a confused situation, white grandfather is worthy of being an expert, medical skills is really invincible, just like my father's martial arts, have reached the peak.

After his painstaking treatment, my body is really much better, my mind is also slowly recovered, can start to think about things.

However, my brain is still a mess, very tangled, very chaotic. I always have a kind of shadow in my heart. I feel that I am a sinner for ages.

My father is the ghost king, pressure in my heart, let me breathless.

In fact, the brothers died because of me, I am ready, brothers are also prepared, but I feel that their death is not worth, and feel sorry for their death.

If my father is really a prisoner and the target I want to rescue, even if my army is destroyed, even if I have been killed in the war, I have no regrets, because we went to fight, in order to save my father, for the faith in our hearts, we risked our lives, and death is worth dying.

But at the end of the day, I realized that I had persisted in my faith for so long. The result was nothing. All my efforts were in vain.

My brothers and I fought so seriously and desperately. It turned out that it was just a chess game set up by others. It was a chess game between uncle Yang and my father. The sacrifice of my brothers had no effect on them. It seemed that nobody cared about it or thought it was a big event.

It's my stupidity that killed my brothers. My belief and my promise to my brothers are bullshit. Their death is worthless. I can't stand it. I can't stand it. In particular, my father regards human life as a piece of grass root. I don't agree with it. In my opinion, this way of killing is inevitable, but the premise is to distinguish who should die and who is not, and I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately I don't want to be innocent and tiresome, and I don't want to be like this now. In name, we are heading for the most firm goal with our brothers. In fact, our goal is empty. What we bought with our lives and blood is just the result of my father's fate.

I also want to have my value, my brothers also have their value, why in the end, we are nothing but innocent sacrifice.

Depression has been around me, I always can not solve, can not put down, finally become depressed.

After I woke up, I just woke up physically, but my spirit collapsed completely. I lost my vigor and vitality, my mind and my life goal.

I just want to sleep here and be alone. Really, I am tired, I have no motivation to move forward, I don't want to mix up, it is too tired and tired, I just want to have a good rest, not to be disturbed, not to face all kinds of people and things.

However, my life is doomed to not be quiet, in my one person Chi Chi stay for a while, white grandfather came back, he came to check my condition, see I am not in any condition, he asked me again: "still angry?"

I still didn't pay attention to him. Seeing me like this, grandfather Bai couldn't help shaking his head, but he said, "you child, how can you be so stubborn? Your father told me why I hid you. He didn't let me tell the truth, because if you know the real situation, you will have no motivation to fight.

In fact, your father is also for you. Only after experiencing the test of life and death, can you get real experience and real growth. You see, you have the motivation to make continuous efforts and progress.

Now you, compared with before you, is not completely different? Your progress is rapid. At your age, it is a rare talent to have such ability. I can tell you responsibly, as long as you are willing to work hard and continue to work hard, in time, your achievements will certainly not be under your father! "I can feel that grandfather Bai's words are really good for me. Maybe, I will redouble my efforts to catch up with my father and have a chance to overlook everything, but these are not what I want. I don't want to use the feelings of innocent people, don't want to step on the lives of brothers to achieve their own.

If, in the future, I really become like my father, ignoring human life, then, even under one person, I will not be happy.

What I really yearn for is a simple life. Even if I wanted to rush forward with my brothers before, it was also full of passion and passion, full of passion and passion, to create a wonderful future with our faith. I do not like intrigue, do not like conspiracy and betrayal, do not like to hurt innocent people. This kind of life really makes me very tired.

Therefore, for the white grandfather's persuasion, I still turn a deaf ear, still have no expression.

Seeing that I was still indifferent, grandfather Bai couldn't help sighing and moaning: "son, you can't do this. As Su Qiyao's son, you don't have his style at all. To tell you the truth, you and your father are the two most special people I have ever met. Your physique is extraordinary. You are both gifted talents. Even more, your physique and your talent are stronger than your father.

But at your age, your father is already a man of the day that everyone respects. It's all because of his unremitting efforts, because of his constant struggle, because of his courage and faith. Do you think you are too hard and tired, but your father has suffered more than you did. At that time, he had no background, no money and really nothing. But it is because there is nothing, your father is not satisfied with his life. He always thinks that his life is determined by him and not by the heaven, so he is against the heaven and against the fate. In the end, he became famous in both black and white.

Your present conditions are much better than your father's, because you have innate advantages. Ghost king is your father. This is your capital. How many people can't expect it. What reason do you have to fall down? Cheer up

Cheer up, white grandfather said so much, just hope I cheer up, but my heart knot, where is so easy to untie. I was like entangled in a ball of silk, Leng is unable to jump out. For the white grandfather's advice, I still did not listen, just lying quietly, motionless.

Grandfather Bai couldn't persuade me. The look in his eyes became more and more helpless. He sighed again and said leisurely, "it doesn't matter if you are angry with me, but you must understand your father. He is for you.

What's more, in fact, your father suffered more than you. Do you know why he refused to talk about your mother? Because it was a pain for him. Your father loved your mother and did everything for her. But your mother's family did not agree with your father because of his humble birth.

Now, your uncle Yang betrayed him again, or because your mother betrayed him, this is a big blow to your father. However, he is much stronger than you, and he will bear his own hardships. You can't share your father's worries, and don't let him worry about you any more. You can do it yourself

Finish words, white grandfather did not wait for me to say what, directly left the room, a small room, and I left a person.

My heart is dull pain, white grandfather's words, really let me move, let my heart become more uncomfortable, but my brain is still a mess, that stubborn depression has always been around me, I immersed in this complex world, can not extricate myself, I really don't think too much, just need to clean, need to buffer the occurrence of these things.

Uncle Bai left this time, he didn't come back. In the evening, Shen Muchen came to see me. He didn't hurt very much. He came to see me and report to me about the brothers.

Through Shen Muchen's words, I know that I have been in a coma for two days, that is to say, it has been two days since the end of the war. Among the 700 elites we went to this time, only more than 200 people survived, and more than half of them were seriously injured. Such casualties are really huge and painful for me.

On the other side of the Hai Gang, the casualties were even more serious. It can be said that this battle was unprecedented. Finally, because the ghost king and the old army participated in it, it caused a stir in the whole city, making a storm all over the city and shaking the whole underground world.

Although this matter has a huge impact and unprecedented casualties, my father has his way, and the matter is still under his control. I don't need to be tried.

In fact, Shen Muchen came to persuade me to cheer up, because the war still needs me. He told me that he didn't want to fight again.

But I heard that so many brothers died, more self blame, I have no face to anyone, I am ashamed of the brothers, I do not deserve to be their boss.

Therefore, the arrival of Shen Muchen, not only did not untie the depression in my heart, but also made my thinking more confused. I almost fell into a crazy stubborn, more and more distressed.

I didn't open my mouth to say a word, just silently do a vegetative person, alone depressed, or in other words, I can't speak with disordered thinking. The whole person seems to be in a state of suspended animation. Shen Muchen's persuasion failed. Finally, he was helpless and had to leave in silence.

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