In this day, I did not say a word, did not drink a drop of water, did not enter a grain of food, is in the silence of dullness, spent the day, anyone to persuade me is useless.

By noon the next day, I was hungry and exhausted. I felt that I was going to die in a daze. At such a time, my father suddenly came to see me in person. He also brought a bowl of steaming rice and put it on the head of my bed.

He stood by the bed and looked at me in silence. The meaning in his eyes was deep and long. I couldn't see the thoughts in his heart. I felt that he had recovered to the mysterious image.

He didn't persuade me. After staring at me for a long time, he said to me earnestly: "I will go to the headquarters of the red cherry blossom after I have dealt with the troubles here and solved the problems of the Sheng family. As for when I can come back, or whether I can return, I don't know.

You are not too young. You can decide which way to choose and how to go on. I support you. I'd like to say hello to you about the sea gang. I respect your meaning and didn't kill them all, but only if they can guarantee that they don't have the heart of revenge. So, I hope you can make it clear to the little girl of Peng's family that once the Hai Gang means revenge, I will let them fly to the dust and smoke out! "

The voice fell, my father did not stay for a moment, directly left domineering, my father's figure disappeared in my field of vision, but his words, but for a long time in my ears, lingering.

My heart was touched again, at the same time, it was stinging again, I don't know how to describe the mood at the moment, just feel very messy.

In fact, after listening to my grandfather's words, my prejudice against my father is not so big. Now, seeing my dad's attitude, my heart is softer. I don't hate my dad so much.

I know that he has his style of doing things. I can't change it. Even if I don't agree with him, I shouldn't fall out with him. I shouldn't vent my anger on him. In any case, my father loves me. He has paid a lot for me. He just let the sea help those people because of me. I know his love for me.

But I have a breath in my heart, always can not be released, I am always entangled in that shadow, the shadow of being cheated by my closest relatives and being played with by others, the shadow that my own pay is worthless, but it is a shadow that implicates others in vain.

The shadow is too heavy, it's really difficult to disperse, but I don't know why. I heard that my father was going to leave to revenge for the bloody cherry blossom. I was reluctant to give up. Especially when I heard his sentence, I didn't know whether I could return. This made me worry involuntarily, and my heart suddenly hurt.

The main thing is that when I heard that my father was going to leave, I suddenly felt like I wanted to catch him, because I seemed to have something unfinished. My father couldn't just walk away, I had to catch him.

But I can't think of anything for a while. I try to think, but the more I think, the more painful my brain is. The more I think about it, the more confused I think. My mind has completely entered a dead circle.

I don't know how long it has passed. Suddenly, I jumped out of this dead circle, and my brain suddenly became excited. I suddenly thought that I still have one task not completed, that is, blood Ganoderma lucidum.

I tried so hard to save my father. The first one was for the safety of my father. The second was to get the blood Ganoderma lucidum from my father. This has always been my most urgent goal and task. However, too many blows made me lose my heart and soul, and my thinking was completely disorganized. I even forgot the fundamental goal.

Now, my father is safe and sound, but Ziyi?

Think of this, my whole person suddenly sat up, Leng after a second, I can't wait to get out of bed.

One second before, I was paralyzed like a dead man. This second revived my vitality. I suddenly came back to life. Because the faith in my heart came, I wanted to find my father to save people. I couldn't delay a second.

After I got out of bed, I put on my clothes as fast as I could, and then I rushed to the door of the room fiercely. My heart was burning. But as soon as I took two steps, the door of the room creaked and opened by myself. I looked at the door like an electric shock.

Immediately, my body was petrified, my eyes staring at the door of that person, eyes showed the most extreme shock color.

Because it's not someone else who opens the door. It's the one I want to save most, Ziyi.

Seeing Ziyi again seems like an afterlife, especially when I see her alive, it's more like a dream. In a moment, I'm in a daze, and every part of my body is stiff. I'm like a broken robot, completely stopped working and just froze in place.

Once upon a time, Ziyi was such a lively girl with her own pursuit and dream. However, since I broke into her life, since we began to fall in love, Ziyi's life was completely broken, she suffered countless times of pain, and I stabbed her heart again and again, already full of holes. But she always insisted on my love, love so painful, but so infatuated.

Even, she chased me to H Province, where she happened to save me like a beggar and take good care of me, but I suddenly turned into a stranger and became a stranger from then on. In the end, she was taken advantage of, implicated me in revealing my identity. She was so miserable that she saved me with death.The knife in my hand stabbed her body and made her fall into a coma for a long time and became a living dead person. Since she became a vegetable, her complexion is getting worse day by day. When I saw her for the last time, she almost lost her vitality. Her face was dim and her skin was completely dry and stiff. It was just like a dead man.

However, at this moment, suddenly saw Ziyi, she even lived, she actually stood in front of me. Although, her complexion is still not good, her face is haggard, the figure is emaciated, a bit tottering feeling. However, she is really alive, she is no longer that dry corpse image, her eyes open, eyes can still move.

Especially when you see me. Ziyi's dim eyes, suddenly burst out of brilliance, her expression also began to change, become rich and colorful, become particularly excited, she is really alive.

It took me a long time to recover from the stupefied state, and I was convinced that what stood in front of me was not a virtual shadow, but a real person, the purple Yi that I had been thinking about day and night, and the purple I had tried my best to save.

When I look back, my heart can't stop shaking, and my eyes also flash with brilliance. All the haze around me has been dispersed in an instant, and I seem to have survived.

Heart disease also needs heart medicine doctor. Ziyi is my medicine. It is unique. Seeing her, my depression suddenly solved. I forgot all the painful things. All of a sudden, everything seemed to be all right. Even if I lost everything in the war, even if my brothers and I were only used by others, at least Ziyi was good, which was the best gift given to me by God.

The more I miss it, the more excited I get. Can't help it, I pulled out my leg and rushed to Ziyi.

As soon as I arrived in front of Ziyi, I did not hesitate to hold her tightly. I was afraid that once I let go, she would disappear.

However, her body is really thin, and I am afraid that I will hurt her too hard. For a time, I am excited and don't know what to do. But in any case, Ziyi's body temperature passed, and the smell of Chinese medicine on her body also penetrated into my nose, which made me more and more aware that this was Ziyi, and she really survived.

After a long separation, I really have too much to say to her, but I am so excited and nervous in my heart that I don't know where to start at all.

Tangled for a long time, I finally opened my mouth and said my deepest apology, which is also the most sincere expression of my emotion: "Ziyi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've made you suffer!"

As soon as I opened my mouth, I found that my voice was shaking. The excitement was so deep that I couldn't restrain it.

And Ziyi seems to be more excited than me, her excited words can not say, just gently sobbing. The body is also constantly shaking, she seems to be submerged by emotions, for a time, it is difficult to calm down.

I gently patted her on the back, and then, I gently released her and stood up straight.

Looking at the red purple eyes, I asked in a hoarse voice, "purple, when did you wake up?"

I heard that you didn't wake up until I was sick for a long time

Obviously, this is the voice of white grandfather. Hearing this, I immediately understood that this smart old man specially asked Ziyi to come here, in order to make me recover. He knew that no one could persuade me, and he knew that I had been blocking my breath, so he asked Ziyi to let me recover.

No wonder Ziyi still looks so haggard, so thin and shaky. Originally, she is not completely well, and her current situation is not suitable for getting out of bed.

Thinking of this, I quickly supported the weak Xu Ziyi, took her into the room, let her sit on my bed, leaning against the head of the bed.

A sit in bed, purple by the whole person is loose, she is soft lean in the head of the bed, appear to have a bit of energy.

I looked at her deeply and asked with concern, "Zi Yi, do you have any discomfort?"

Hearing my words, Ziyi tried to open her mouth and showed a weak smile. Her eyes were affectionate, as if there were many stories. However, she never opened her mouth. She just gently shook her head to show that she was not in a big way.

I know that Ziyi's consciousness has been completely recovered, that is, her body is still a little empty and needs to be nursed for a period of time, but anyway, she is awake, she will not leave me again, she really stays in the world, I am very happy.

But, suddenly, I had a sense of displeasure in my heart. I felt that Ziyi was a cover that was used, a cover for me to rescue my father.

Involuntarily, I turned to look at the white grandfather, seriously asked: "white grandfather, I want to know, you can cure Ziyi long ago, just keep dragging, so that I can go all out to save my father?"

Although, I don't want to doubt grandfather Bai, but I can't help thinking so in my heart, so. That's what I'm going to ask.

After listening to my words, grandfather Bai couldn't help but show a wry smile. He said helplessly, "you silly child, how can you think so? Do you really think I'm a God? Do you really think I have the skill to bring the dead back to life? To tell you the truth, Ziyi really needs blood Ganoderma lucidum as a guide.Now, Ziyi can wake up because your father gave me the blood Ganoderma lucidum when you were in a coma. This thing was originally prepared by your father for your mother, but he couldn't find your mother. In the end, he didn't use it. But he kept it all the time. But for you, he was willing to give it up because he knew Ziyi was your favorite! "

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