After some painstaking words, grandfather Bai said that he was very sincere and helpless. He didn't want me to continue to hate my father. He just wanted to let me know that my father loved me very much.

In fact, I also know that my father loves me and knows that he has done a lot for me. Therefore, I also love him, worship him, and trust and rely on him completely.

Perhaps, it is because of too much trust, I will know that I was cheated, so the pain, also produced a knot in my father's heart.

But yesterday, grandfather Bai advised me. Today my father came to see me again. I'm not really heartless. Their words have penetrated into my heart. Therefore, I'm not so extreme about my father.

But I was in that tangled state and couldn't extricate myself. Until Ziyi appeared, the haze in my heart was able to disperse.

Now, I heard grandfather Bai say that my father gave his most precious medicine for me and saved Ziyi. My heart was once again severely moved, my father so, how can I be willful again? My father lied to me is wrong, but I save my father with selfish, I want to save him, there is a large part of the reason is for Ziyi, I also have selfish.

So, I really don't have the right to blame my father, I can't hate him any more, he is the father who loves me most.

When I was in a state of mind, grandfather Bai said, "son, I understand your mood. What you feel most sad about now is not blaming your father, but that you think everything you have done is useless. In fact, you have done a lot of useful things. Without you, Yang Tieqing could not have been exposed. Without you, your father's old minister could not have come back.

You should be aware that there is a gap between Han Yimo and sun Xiangru. They did not communicate with each other in their old age, but they both came back. This is largely because of you. You also know your father's personality. He has decided to retire. He also advised his old subordinates to retire. It is impossible to ask them out of the mountain again. He can't pull this face down. He can't do it, but you can do it. Therefore, I deliberately arranged you in Han Yimo's house. The purpose is to make Han Yimo value you and be willing to help you.

What's more, I might as well tell you that after you escaped from the dungeon, I saved you and Miss Peng, but I deliberately put you in the mountain village where sun Xiangru lived, so that he could know your existence and let him know you. I can tell you responsibly that Han Yimo and Han Yimo came out of the mountain not for your father, but for you. They are all willing to go out of the mountain because they really want to help you.

So, on the whole, you still helped your father, and your efforts were worth it. That's all I have to say. What should I do next? You can do it yourself! "

With that, white grandfather shook his head and turned to leave the room. In the room, only Ziyi and I were left.

Looking at the old man's back, the warm current in my heart flowed slowly, which moved me even more. My father loved me, and my grandfather had a good intention to me. He helped me countless times, and also helped me to wake up Ziyi. His dedication to me is also selfless.

This time, he not only cured my body, but also encouraged me spiritually. He was afraid that I would not be able to recover, so he went to Ziyi. He knew that I could wake up when Ziyi came. I would not be so stubborn. I could listen to what he said. He took advantage of Ziyi's presence and gave me the final dredging, hoping that I could cheer up 。

In fact, grandfather Bai's words really played a role in me. I listened to his words and was moved by his words. I know that my father does everything for my good. I also know that I am not accomplished nothing. I also have my value.

In any case, the dead have gone, and I can't live without worrying about the dead. Even if my heart is in pain, I can't continue to be depressed.

What's more, my ultimate goal is achieved. No matter what role I played, whether I was used or not, in the end my father was free and Ziyi was safe. The two things I care about the most are also received. I should be glad.

Up to now, I have no entanglement and decadence, my heart is steady down. At this moment, I just want to be alone with Ziyi quietly and have a good reunion with her.

However, purple in the current state is not particularly good, she even said not agile, or in other words, no strength to speak, she now most need is to recuperate.

Therefore, on this day, I just take care of Ziyi wholeheartedly. I didn't bother her too much. I said that I was taking care of her. In fact, I was also taking care of myself. We were all resting quietly. My illness itself was not a big problem. It was mainly caused by old disease and internal injury. After being recuperated by grandfather Bai, there was basically no problem.

And Ziyi. She was in a coma for too long, her body was still difficult to move freely, her constitution was too weak, she needed nutrition and needed time to recover.

Fortunately, to the next day, Ziyi's situation finally improved, she was able to communicate with me normally.

So, I said a lot of words with her on that day. Ziyi would respond to me from time to time. She once died, she paid more attention to the relationship between us. She didn't blame me at all, and even felt guilty. She felt sorry for me. It was she who got me in trouble. Her thoughts still stayed when I was 13.Therefore, whether she ran out of the wedding scene willfully at the beginning, or nearly killed me when I was 13, Ziyi was very guilty.

She became a vegetable these days, I have undergone earth shaking changes, Ziyi seems to have changed a lot, she is mature, stable, more know how to cherish, no past capricious, mood also has no big fluctuation, she looks at everything calmly, also has the courage to admit her mistakes.

She felt guilty, and I felt even more ashamed. At the beginning, I hurt her too deeply. I was obviously Suluo, but I treated Ziyi so coldly. Even if she was looking for me alone in H Province, I didn't care about her. Even when she stood in front of me, I pretended that I didn't know her. My concealment and cheating on her really broke her heart.

It's also because I'm too cold to let Ziyi feel that I don't love her. She is so desperate. At the last moment before her coma, the most important thing she wants to know is whether I still love her. However, before I could answer, she fell into a complete coma. This has become my regret, but also become the pain of Ziyi.

Therefore, at this time of reunion, what I said to Ziyi most was my feelings for her. I explained to her incessantly that my love for her had never changed. At the beginning, when I played thirteen, I really had too many difficulties, so I didn't recognize her. I didn't want to implicate her or hurt her, but I didn't think of it at that time. Concealment made the biggest harm.

For the damage that has been caused, I keep apologizing to Ziyi. I also constantly emphasize my love for her, just hope she doesn't feel sad.

Ziyi listened to my explanation and really showed a smile. She didn't blame me. However, she was very happy to hear my explanation. What she cared about most was actually my love for her. Now know that I love her as before, how can she not be happy, this moment, she is the happiest, of course, I am also.

People in the world know how to cherish after losing, I have experienced the taste of losing Ziyi, so now I cherish her more and want to take her as a treasure in the palm of my hand.

The relationship between the two of us, just after these two days of getting along with each other quickly, until we die. To be honest, those glory, wealth and power are not what I want. What I want most is ordinary life. Just like now, talking with my beloved woman, chatting, raising flowers, planting grass, being free and carefree, how nice.

When we talked about deep love, Ziyi, lying in my arms, suddenly found the bite mark on my arm. The bite mark was like a special mark. As soon as she saw it, her eyes immediately changed, and her expression became curious.

No matter how many scars I have on my body, Ziyi will understand, because she knows that I am often injured, but the bite mark of a tooth, which has to make Ziyi feel strange. After all, there is no tooth to bite in the fight now. The next second, Ziyi suddenly sat up, looked at me seriously, and said to me, "who bit the wound on your hand?"

She said it in a casual tone, but I could feel it clearly. Under her casual attitude, how cautious she is hiding, she cares very much, but more is worried.

Indeed, Ziyi can forgive me for anything. She only needs my heart. However, what she fears most is that I am half hearted. At first, Bai Ling and I hurt her, and then Miaomiao, because of her feelings, she has been afraid of the injury and become sensitive.

And I was suddenly asked by her, the heart is also unbearable pain, for Peng Xuefei, I am always guilty, although I saved her family, but her feelings I was completely hurt, this love me infatuated woman, I finally failed her.

Although I don't want to mention Peng Xuefei's case, I can't hide it since Ziyi has noticed it. Besides, it can't be concealed at all. I can only tell Ziyi the truth.

I told her almost everything I had experienced after she was unconscious. Of course, I focused on why I wanted to approach Peng Xuefei, the experience between me and Peng Xuefei, and how I finally hurt her to pieces. I have no reservation to Peng Xuefei's matter, completely told Ziyi to listen.

As a woman, ziyida understands Peng Xuefei's pain in her heart. After listening to my words, her biggest feeling is Peng Xuefei's feelings. She feels sorry for Peng Xuefei, and she feels that Peng Xuefei is very pitiful.

This time, I can understand why she is suffering, but I can't understand what she has done.

Ziyi is the person who knows me best. She knows me very well. She knows how much suffering I have suffered after all this. What's more, she has deeply hurt an innocent woman and killed so many innocent brothers. I became a sinner through the ages, but only because of the lies. This is my most sad place.

Ziyi felt the pain in my heart, so, for me and Peng Xuefei, she did not blame me at all, even patiently advised me, let me open up, the past can not be repeated, since it has happened, we should face it well.

After persuading me, Ziyi suddenly fell into meditation again. At this moment, she seemed to be thinking about something. Her eyebrows frowned and her eyes were extremely serious.After a long time, she raised her head, looked at me very seriously, and said to me from the bottom of my heart: "Arlo, I don't think you're a good character. You don't like to fight and kill at all. Or, you'd better wash your hands and retire to the world just like your father used to do. Shall we live an ordinary life?"

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