This speech, Ziyi said particularly serious, especially sincere, directly showed her sincerity, finish words, her look became more serious, eyes also showed a deep expectation.

I know that Ziyi never likes complicated society or chaotic society. She doesn't want me to be in danger all the time. What she wants most is to live a peaceful life with me. This was originally our wish. Ziyi and I were looking forward to this kind of life very early.

But at that time, because Xie Yu got in the way, I was forced to go down this road. It seemed that the road could not stop. It was like a deep whirlpool. The deeper you sink, the more you can't control it.

All the way down, the process is really hard, I am not afraid of hardship, not afraid of difficulties, but cold hearted, after the hardships did not go to their own glory, but killed so many brothers who accompanied me down.

Once upon a time, I wanted to create miracles with my brothers. I also looked forward to working out a day together with my brothers. But in the end, I broke into hell with my brothers. Their blood soaked my sky, but I was still just a mole ant. I was used by others and trampled by others. I was not qualified to mix again. I was not qualified to lead the brothers forward. I was not worthy.

I can't make a name for myself, and I don't want to live in intrigue. Moreover, with my present conditions, I don't need to fight any more. Because my father is the king of ghosts, no one dares to move me. I can live my life as I want.

Although, I am very clear, there is a bloody cherry blossom, which is my father's most powerful opponent, but I believe that my father can handle. And I was just a very weak chick against the backdrop of their two tigers. Even if I tried my best, I couldn't help my father.

What I can do is no longer implicate him, no longer let him worry about me, do not let him have worries. Perhaps, I am happy, he will be relieved, can be reckless to do a big.

Thinking so, my heart suddenly became firm, and my eyes were full of positive color. I took Ziyi's hand seriously and said with righteous words: "OK, I promise you!"

This is my answer to Ziyi and my promise to her.

In the past, I couldn't guarantee her anything, but in the future I want to make her peaceful and happy. I know, this is Ziyi's dream. I want to try my best to satisfy her. At the same time, it is also to satisfy myself. We all hope that the future can be quiet.

In the moment of my voice falling, Ziyi showed the most brilliant smile, her eyes bent into the moon, eyes full of happiness.

Having experienced so many, died several times, and suffered countless times, Ziyi's most yearning for is peace, which is a carefree world without blood, disputes and pain.

And there is me in this world, and I only love her. She also loves me wholeheartedly. We live together, which is Ziyi's greatest happiness.

Happiness is beckoning to us, and we have made up our minds. Then, naturally, we will be together, looking forward to the future, planning the blueprint for the future, and discussing where to settle down.

A chat to these, Ziyi became excited, happy can not stop. I also yearn for, we chat more excited, more sweet, as if, we have lived that kind of life.

Time flies by, and the day passes quickly.

The next day, sunny, cloudless, the world is full of vitality, I and Ziyi spirit is much better, just like normal people, we walked out of the room together.

The first thing I have to do is to find grandfather Bai, and Ziyi's first thing to do is to take a bath. She hasn't taken a bath since she woke up because of her discomfort. In other words, she hasn't taken a bath since she was comatose. This love clean girl, it is the biggest torture in the world, so, she first went to the bathroom to take a bath.

I went to see grandfather Bai alone. There was no one else in this suburban house, only grandfather Bai himself. When I saw him, he was playing Tai Chi outside the house. When he was playing Taiji, I was inconvenient to disturb him. After he had finished a set of boxing, I came forward and called softly: "grandfather Bai!"

White grandfather turned to look at me, for me to restore the state of the past, white grandfather is not surprised, just joked with me: "willing to come out of the nest?"

I laughed awkwardly and said, "where's my dad

White grandfather shook his head and said, "I don't know. It should still be in the city. This time, the matter has been relatively big, and he has not handled it well. As you know, in the white noodles of H Province, it is the Xia family's world. But your father's quarrel with the Xia family is not very happy because of the blood Ganoderma lucidum. Therefore, it is more troublesome to deal with this war.

Fortunately, the second lady of the Xia family begged for love. The Xia family didn't make trouble for your father. Of course, he would not help your father. Sheng family this matter also needs your father to handle personally, your father wants to give you a stable environment before leaving. Therefore, he must thoroughly clean up the remaining evils of the Sheng family, and then he can leave at ease! "

In order to give me a stable environment, my father is constantly busy, his love is great and speechless. Such love can offset all the mistakes, I don't blame him, not at all. Now, for my father, only moved, moved by all he paid for me.But the white grandfather silently assisted my father, has been helping me, his kindness, also let me have nothing to repay. And Qiqi, I didn't expect that it was such a time, she still insisted on paying for me, her own time was not much, I didn't take out anything to save her, but she still helped me without hesitation. How can I repay such kindness?

It took me a long time to open my mouth to my grandfather Bai: "I know, Grandpa Bai, thank you. I'm sorry for the offence I've had before."

When he saw me like this, he laughed happily and then said to me with a smile: "ha ha, I'm ok. You just need to understand your father. He's not easy. Don't misunderstand him. You should know that no matter in black or white, he has a strong interpersonal relationship, which is not caused by his invincible strength, his conduct is also affirmed by others! "

When I heard that, I suddenly remembered that my father was the instructor of a trump card army. As the ghost king, my father had Han Yimo, sun Xiangru and other loyal veterans.

As a drillmaster, his ability is absolutely extraordinary. The soldiers he brings out must be extraordinary. He is also a mythical existence in the army. When I met Zhang Lei, he regarded my father as an idol. Zhang Lei, from childhood to adulthood, listened to his father's glorious deeds countless times. He took my dad as a myth.

My dad's charm is really not small. If he was really a cruel and inhuman person, there would not be so many people loyal to him. No one will worship him.

It seems that I do have some misunderstandings about my father. He does not kill innocent people indiscriminately. He only deals with the people he should deal with. Although his means are cruel, it is also a decisive act of killing. Many people admire him unconsciously. I have a new understanding of my father, and his image has brightened in my heart. Of course, no matter how great my father's image is in my heart, it has nothing to do with my decision to quit the world.

His personality, his means, his strength, doomed his life can not be ordinary, he is suitable for the powerful, but I am on the contrary, my character is doomed to become a hero, can only live an ordinary life.

However, I didn't mention it to my grandfather Bai. I just talked to him briefly. Then I went to take a shower. Ziyi was in the bathroom. I had to take a cold bath at the mouth of the well outside. I simply cleaned myself up and made myself look a little bit. Then I stopped.

After more than an hour's tossing, Ziyi finally took a bath and put on a new suit, which was prepared by the white grandfather. It looked like spring.

Maybe Ziyi has lost a lot of weight. This dress is a little too big for Ziyi and doesn't fit well. However, if you have clean clothes to wear, Ziyi can't control so much. Moreover, the casual clothes are not too big. They look relaxed and casual, and they are comfortable to wear.

When we both finished cleaning up, I said goodbye to my grandfather Bai and said I would go to the city.

He didn't stop me. He only told me to be careful and pay attention to my own safety. I made a promise with my grandfather Bai and left immediately.

Leaving grandfather Bai's residence, I took Ziyi to the base camp of the flying car party.

When I arrived here, I found that the war was not destroyed because of the battle of Mangshan, but even stronger. It's just because I'm the son of the ghost king. On this condition, it is enough to make the underground forces in H Province flock to it.

It's no wonder that ghost king is a myth. How many people want to touch with him, so many people can't help but break their heads to join the war.

I'm glad to see the rapid development of the war, but it's just gratifying, because it's going to be a thing of the past for me. I've decided to quit the world, so all this has nothing to do with me.

I came here today to tell my brothers that I want to give up my position as the leader of the war and retire from the world.

But I also know that many people join the war because I am the son of the ghost king. That is to say, the development of the war depends entirely on my status as the son of the ghost king. If I give up the position of the boss at this time, it is tantamount to destroying the war. I can't say anything about retiring at this critical moment.

What's more, when I came to the headquarters, I visited some of my brothers who had been severely injured. I also learned about the death of some old college students, especially the first group of people who came into the war with me, all died in the battle of Langshan. I can't say anything about retiring.

Time passed quickly. I stayed in the headquarters of the party until noon. It was time for lunch. I didn't eat here because it was too noisy. Ziyi didn't like it. She was waiting for me outside all the time. She didn't come in.

So, at noon, I said goodbye to my brother, found a car in the parking lot and left with Ziyi.

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