After my father's cleaning up, the underground forces here are the only ones in my family. I am the king of the city. I can't find a second force threatening me here.

So, now, I don't need to hide and hide. I just need to pay attention to the safety issues. So, I didn't have much scruples. I took Ziyi to the downtown directly and found a restaurant to eat together.

During the meal, Ziyi looked at me with a frown and couldn't help but ask me, "Arlo, after you have met your brothers, you just look sad. Are you reluctant to part with your brothers? If you don't want to quit, I won't be forced either!"

This speech Ziyi said very generous, but of course I know, if I really repent, she will be how lost, after all, this is our common vision, is willing to think and expect, if she does not change, she is not sad. But Ziyi is an understanding girl, she will not force me, even if she will lose, she also want to follow my heart. Give me the freedom to choose.

I looked up at her, chewed the tasteless food, and said with a wry smile, "no, I will do what I promised you. I just feel sorry for my brothers who lived and died with me and lost my life, but I gave up halfway!"

After that, I couldn't help sighing. Indeed, I didn't want to mix up. I hated the life of fighting and killing. But when I saw those brothers, my heart moved and I felt guilty. I felt sorry for them, especially for the dead brothers. So, even if I wanted to quit, I had to wait a few days to let my father To solve the Sheng family's affairs thoroughly, let the war be strengthened because of my father's reputation. In this way, the brothers can be well fed, live a smart life, and do not need to face life and death again. In that way, I can retire safely.

After hearing this, Ziyi didn't know what to say for a while. She understood my pain, but didn't know how to resolve my pain. She could only eat in silence.

This meal belongs to the world of the two of us. It was very embarrassing. There was no romance at all. Both of us were silent and tasteless.

Until I finished eating, I put down my chopsticks and said solemnly to Ziyi: "Ziyi, you've been in a coma all these days, and you can't be too tired. Otherwise, you'd better go home and wait for me. It happens that I have a lot of things to do these days. I'll go to see you when I'm done!"

I let Ziyi leave temporarily, because I want to deal with some things well and clean up the mess, so that I can quit at ease. It's not convenient to take purple around.

However, Ziyi finally wakes up. She hasn't been with me for long. When she hears my words, she pouts out without hesitation: "I don't, I don't want to leave you, I can wait for you. We'll go back together when you're done! "

I helplessly said: "but, I will go to a place later, you follow is not very convenient!"

Ziyi was shocked and said, "where are you going? Do you want to do something dangerous?"

On hearing this, I couldn't help but shrunk my mouth. Then, I replied with great seriousness: "it's not dangerous. Just go to Peng's house and find Peng Yi, the leader of the Hai Gang, to make him more stable in the future. My father will kill all the Haigang and find Peng Xuefei to make it clear!"

About this. I am eager to do it, whether for the sake of brothers' safety or Peng Xuefei, I want to do it well. After all, once the sea gang has the heart of revenge, the brothers in the war will surely suffer.

If the sea Gang retaliates, the target must be the fire of war. Even if my brothers are OK in the end, the Haibang's revenge will certainly arouse my father's anger. By then, the Haibang will be in smoke.

I don't want my brothers to have something to do, and I don't want Peng Xuefei to have something to do. I just want to settle down here and hope the Haibang can keep their own points.

In addition. I also want to apologize to Peng Xuefei personally. I hope she will not lose her vitality because of me. I hope she can face the future and live a good life.

Ziyi listened to my words, immediately worried, immediately advised me: "you are not allowed to go, who knows the people of the sea gang will bite you. You should know that they have killed so many people. What if they hold you hostage and wait for an opportunity to retaliate against you, you will be in danger if you go there! "

Ziyi's tone was obviously anxious. She was really afraid that I would have any more accidents. She didn't dare to let me take risks. She was afraid to be separated from me again.

I also know that her concern is reasonable. After all, the loss of the Haibang is too heavy. Moreover, their leading position in H Province has been basically replaced by the fire of war. It must be difficult for the Hai Gang to let go of such a heavy blow. I'm going to their tiger's den, and it's not impossible that they'll kill me.

But I still firmly looked at Ziyi and solemnly said: "no, I believe my feeling. I think the people of Haibang will not deal with me and dare not deal with me!"

In any case, I am the son of the ghost king. The Hai Gang has seen my father's terror and should not dare to offend him again. What's more, I sacrificed myself to save them in Mangshan last time. I was their Savior after all. They should not kill benefactors. Therefore, I am very sure that Peng Yi will not deal with me and has absolute courage to go to Pengjia manor alone.

Ziyijian could not persuade me. She turned to me directly and murmured to me: "well, I'll go with you, and I just want to see that Miss Peng!"With that, she blinked at me, looking forward to it.

Seeing her like this, I was a little speechless, and directly replied, "it's not very good for you to go. What an embarrassment!"

In fact, I'm not afraid that Peng Xuefei will see Ziyi. Maybe, she'll see Ziyi better. It's easier to let her die. She also completely put me down, facing the new future. I don't want to go to Ziyi. I'm a little worried about her safety. I'm not afraid of my own accident, but I'm afraid of implicating Ziyi. If I go by myself and there's danger, I can retreat with my current strength.

But it's different to take Ziyi. I'm also for her good. But what Ziyi decided is not easy to change. She was upright and obstinate to me: "no, I'll go if you go. You must take me with you!"

Ziyi's persistence I also understand, and I can understand her heart, she does not trust me to go alone, afraid of my accident, she would like to share weal and woe with me. Of course, maybe she really wants to meet Peng Xuefei, who loves me to death.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally compromised and said, "OK!"

As soon as my voice dropped, Ziyi immediately stood up. It seemed that she couldn't wait more than me, and I didn't delay. After settling the bill, I drove Ziyi away. After leaving, she flew directly to Pengjia manor in the suburb.

The place where we ate was not too far away from Peng's manor. It was about half an hour's journey. From the start, I didn't talk much, just focused on driving. But at the same time, my brain kept turning, thinking about how to deal with Peng Yi, how to talk to Peng Xuefei, and what to say. All kinds of details lingered in my mind, I didn't think of it What a mess, just want to end up with a better ending.

However, there may be accidents. Maybe some things will be out of my control. Maybe Peng Yizhen is crazy. In that case, I can only adapt to circumstances.

Ziyi, sitting in the co driver's seat, is as worried as I am. She doesn't take the initiative to talk to me. She is only concentrating on things. From time to time, she will frown twice, showing some impetuousness.

When the car drove half way, Ziyi finally couldn't help it and said to me, "Arlo, why don't I buy clothes and go again?"

After hearing this, I finally understood why Ziyi had a sad face all the way. Originally, she was not afraid to go to Pengjia manor, but worried about her poor image.

Indeed, her loose sportswear is a little too loose. Although it is simple and comfortable, it is inevitable that her image is a bit casual, which leads to Ziyi's not quite like a serious beauty in the past. In addition, she has just recovered soon, her body is thin and thin, her face is also very haggard, and her lips are a little pale. Obviously, there is not much spirit Some delicate feeling.

Fortunately, Ziyi's facial features are exquisite, with the halo of the protagonist, so her beauty still exists. Of course, to compare with Peng Xuefei is no match. However, for me now, appearance does not affect my feelings for a person. I love Ziyi, not because Ziyi is the most beautiful, but because we have the most profound feelings and memories, and we are engraved into each other's hearts.

Therefore, I didn't care much, and said softly, "no, it's not a blind date. It's not in the way."

Smell speech, purple by shriveled mouth, did not say anything, just in front of the rearview mirror, fiddled with a hair, slightly dressed himself.

It seems that for Peng Xuefei, the enemy of love, Ziyi is very concerned, especially the invisible contrast between women, so that Ziyi can't help but care more about her image and temperament.

Maybe, she just doesn't want to look too bad. Anyway, at this moment, Ziyi seems a little unsure and nervous.

After that, she didn't speak any more, and I didn't open my mouth. Time passed in silence. Unconsciously, the car had arrived outside Peng's manor.

Although I've only been here once, I'm familiar with this place, especially since I almost died here. Therefore, the memory of this is still fresh, the past is also vivid, just like yesterday's general.

At that time, it was on the only path leading to Pengjiazhuang garden that I was ambushed by the people of Pengyi school. They tortured me to death just because they suspected that I was Suluo. Even if Peng Xuefei pleaded, they would not care. At that time, I really hated Peng Yi, his cruelty to me and his cruelty to his daughter.

He clearly knows that Peng Xuefei loves me and knows that I am Peng Xuefei's life-saving benefactor. He still treats me like that. It can be seen that Peng Yi is really a person with interests first.

However, last time in Mangshan, I saw Peng Yi's concern for Peng Xuefei. At the critical moment of life and death, Peng Yi still showed his father's love. He was not the worst father, so I didn't kill him completely. I also believe that he would write down my gratitude for not killing him. Even if he was ungrateful, he would measure how terrible the ghost King's anger would be I should be afraid to touch me.

In this way, my heart is firmer than before. In any case, I hope this trip can achieve my wish.

Soon, I crossed the path and drove directly to the iron gate of the manor. However, the scene in front of me made my heart hard to be firm, and I couldn't help bursting twice.Once upon a time, when I came here, the manor was splendidly dressed, brightly lit and guarded like a palace.

But now, it is so desolate. There is no one standing guard at the gate. Even the gate is open and free to enter and exit. The courtyard inside the iron gate seems deserted, and even half a person is not seen.

This is really abnormal. How can we say that this is also the place where the Peng family lives. How can the gate not be closed and not even a guard?

All of a sudden, I just felt a shiver all over my body, a kind of faint uneasiness spread in my heart. I immediately said to Ziyi: "Ziyi, or you wait for me in the car, I'll go in alone!"

Ziyi listened and refused without hesitation: "no, I want to go with you!"

In the absence of it, the danger is not terrible. The terrible thing is to separate from me. She is not afraid of her own danger, but is afraid of something wrong with me, in case I have something. She certainly can't live, so she's going to be with me anyway.

I know her temperament, so I didn't force her any more. Since she has come, I can only go down. Maybe it's not safe to leave her here alone. I can feel more at ease with her.

Thinking of this, I said to her directly, "well, get out of the car!"

After getting out of the car, I took Xu Nan's hand and walked towards Peng's manor together.

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