Along the way, my steps are a little cautious, my eyes have been wandering, but after a long walk in the courtyard of the manor, I have not seen a patrol guard. I feel that the whole Pengjia manor is like a dead city, dead and dreary, with a special atmosphere.

With a worried heart, I took Ziyi all the way forward, until I got near the center, I suddenly found that in front of the central villa, there were many vehicles, large and small, even large trucks, and many people were carrying things to the car.

See this scene, I immediately suddenly, Peng family this is to move!

What was the scenery of the former Haibang and Pengjia? The Pengjia manor is also the highlight of the provincial city. Its luxury, its magnificence, its scenery and its geographical environment are all extremely existent, and can almost be set as a tourist attraction. Such a good place, the Peng family should give up like this.

My heart can't help but draw, then, I speed up the pace, with purple to go inside.

As soon as I got to the door, I stopped, because I saw a large group of Peng's family coming out of the main hall.

Peng Yi is the first person who catches my eyes. He is in the front, but behind him. There are Peng Xuefei, whom I am familiar with, as well as the elite children of Peng family, such as Peng Yu. In addition, Peng's family members and even many children are among them.

This large group of Xia family members, old and young, men and women, came out together and looked like the whole family was fleeing.

When they were getting ready to get on the bus, someone glanced at me and exclaimed, "solo!"

Perhaps, my name in the sea Gang is a scale, a sound of Suluo sounded, suddenly, all of us stopped their hands and looked at me one after another.

My arrival made them as if they were facing a big enemy. In an instant, all of them were ready to fight. Even Peng Yi looked at me seriously and said seriously, "Suluo, what are you doing here?"

His voice was full of vigilance, and his expression was extremely solemn.

I released Ziyi's hand, stepped forward a step, and then issued a sonorous voice: "I want to talk to you!"

After hearing the speech, Peng Yi's eyes suddenly fell. He glanced around him fiercely, and then looked at Ziyi, the only one who came with me. Suddenly, his look became loose. He should have seen that I was not looking for trouble. After a pause, he said to me, "go in and talk!"

After that, he also made a gesture, which meant that I would go inside to chat.

I didn't delay. I went directly with Xu Nan. To the main hall.

However, when we passed the Peng family crowd, Peng Xuefei, who had been in a daze, suddenly opened her mouth. She looked at Ziyi and wondered all over her eyes: "are you Suluo's girlfriend?"

In a word, Ziyi and I almost stopped at the same time. At this moment, the eyes of the whole audience could not help focusing on Ziyi.

Ziyi, a thin figure, kept her demeanor under the attention of the public. She did not appear nervous. She was upright and indifferent. She just looked at Peng Xuefei with a very special look.

The two women looked at each other with their eyes on each other. It seemed that they could communicate with each other without talking. I couldn't see what they were thinking. I only knew that their hearts were pounding.

Ziyi looked at Peng Xuefei for a long time, and finally replied, "Well!"

A word, she said more difficult, but also more frank, heard Ziyi's affirmative answer, Peng Xuefei's look did not change, perhaps, she had already anticipated. Therefore, she was not surprised by the existence of Ziyi, but her face was obviously haggard, which reflected with Ziyi's haggard. The two women had a feeling of sympathy for each other.

Silence for a while, Peng Xuefei just made a voice again, very serious to purple Yi way: "I want to talk with you alone, OK?"

Hearing this, my heart beat more and more intense, cold sweat almost came out.

If Peng Xuefei wanted to talk to me alone, it would still be said in the past. After all, we had a lot of things to say. I wanted to give her an account. But suddenly, she wanted to talk to Ziyi alone, which was a little unexpected to me. However, I couldn't say anything. I could only look at Ziyi.

Let me be surprised that, for Peng Xuefei's invitation, Ziyi actually frankly agreed, she responded directly and boldly: "good!"

I really don't understand women's world, but I'm afraid that they will make any disputes. No matter which side of the two women were injured, I couldn't bear it. If they quarreled or even fought, it would be over.

Caught in the middle of my dilemma, but I really don't know how to participate in it. When I was tangled, Peng Xuefei directly took Ziyi to one side. In the whole process, Peng Xuefei ignored me and didn't know how to stop it.

At this time, Peng Yi said coldly: "Suluo, you don't want to talk, let's go!"

There is no way, I can only pray in my heart, the two of them can be at peace.

After that, I followed Peng Yi into the hall. We went directly to the hall, which was the battlefield when Peng Qing launched the rebellion. However, the hall is no longer the same as before, and the scenes inside are withered. The paintings on the walls and so on have been taken off, and some of the furnishings have disappeared. The whole hall, can no longer find the original overbearing feeling.However, Peng Yi is still a little bit of the original leader's demeanor when he sits on the main position. At the moment, there are some experts such as Peng Yu and Peng Qing standing beside him, and the overall momentum is still unstoppable.

After Peng Yi sat down, he turned his eyes to me and made a majestic voice to me: "Suluo, you are really brave. You dare to come to my Peng's house alone. Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

As he said this, Peng Yi's eyes also let out a cold light, staring at me covetously.

I touched his eyes, but there was no fear. If he really wanted to kill me, he would not say he would kill me.

So, at this moment, my heart was firm. I ignored the group of Peng family experts like tigers and wolves, and went to the side of the guest seat to sit down. I cocked my legs and said leisurely: "you are a smart man. You will not kill me, nor dare you kill me!"

My indifference showed my self-confidence. When Peng Yi saw me like this, he didn't get angry. However, Peng Qing, beside him, raised his eyebrows. He didn't like my arrogance and wanted to reprimand me, but he was stopped by Peng Yi. Then, Peng Yi went straight to the theme of "say, what can I do for you?"

His directness, I am not vague, directly said to him: "I come to you, mainly to tell you, I hope you can be honest and responsible, don't think of revenge. Of course, I'm not afraid that you will retaliate against me. I'm worried that once you retaliate, my father will kill you all. He promised to let you go. The bottom line is that you must be stable. But I just saw that you seem to be moving. Where are you going

After hearing what I said, Peng Yi couldn't help laughing. He said to me with a smile: "Suluo, you are too naive. Do you think our Haibang can stay here safely? Even if Su Qiyao doesn't deal with me, can you guarantee that other gangs will not deal with me? We haven't been quiet these days. If we don't go, we can't go! "

After hearing this, I finally knew that Peng Yi had no choice but to abandon Peng family manor.

When the trees fell down and the monkeys scattered, I think that the Haibang was the largest gang in the provincial capital, and everyone was afraid of it. How many small gangs flocked to it. Now, the Haibang has fallen down, the war fame has risen, and everyone has fallen in love. This is the reality of red fruits.

I forgot about this. Now it seems that there is no hope for the Haibang to make a comeback.

While I was pondering, Peng Yi went on to say, "you are afraid that I will fight back against you. Don't worry, I know myself. I didn't know Su Qiyao was the king of ghosts before I made a big mistake. Now, I know his identity, also know that he used to be able to influence the wind and rain in the white, even the power of the Sheng family in the white face has been oppressed crazily. So, I can't fight back against you. I'm not young now. I just want to find a quiet place to spend the rest of my life safely! "

Peng Yi's words are sincere, but his tone is full of helplessness. I can tell. He was the hero of the past. He was not reconciled to such a seclusion, he was forced to come to this step.

When I saw him like this, I suddenly stood up and said, "leader Peng, in fact, you don't need to leave. As long as you can live in peace with me, I can help you. As long as I speak, I think that no force in H Province dares to trouble you, and you can still live a carefree life! "

Hearing this, Peng Yi's eyes suddenly changed, and an incredible look flashed in his eyes. But soon he hid his surprise. He frowned slightly and began to think.

Peng Qing didn't believe what I said. He was not happy with me and said, "Suluo, are you so kind? Don't cry for mercy in this place. You come here to see the jokes of our Haibang

Obviously, Peng Qing had a great opinion on me, even though I pleaded for Haibang that day and saved their lives. But after all, I killed too many members of the Haigang. First, I destroyed the five halls, then killed three elders and so many elites of the Haigang. Finally, the whole army of the Hai Gang was almost destroyed. Today, I caused the tragic fate of their Haibang. Therefore, it is normal for Peng Qing to be unable to forgive me.

However, compared with Peng Qing, Peng Yi is much more calm. After Peng Qing roared, he turned back to Peng Qing and said, "shut up!"

Immediately, Peng Yicai looked at me and said solemnly, "why do you want to help me?"

I left my original position, walked to the center of the hall and faced Peng Yi. I looked at him with firm eyes and a solemn expression. Then, I opened my lips and uttered a meticulous voice: "undeniably, you are a qualified guild leader. Although I don't agree with you in some ways, you do everything for the sake of the gang. As a leader, you think for the interests of the gang, There is nothing wrong with that. This time, my father was deliberately arrested and implicated. In the final analysis, it was my father's reason that led to the destruction of your gang.

Although you will have to pay a price if you are defeated, but I think you have already learned the lesson you should have, and it will be a bit too much. That's why I pleaded for you then, and now I want to keep you! "

After listening to my words, Peng Yi immediately got up. He looked at me straight and said, "I don't think your father is wrong. His actions can be regarded as real heroes. If I were him, I would kill the enemy completely and leave no future trouble. Therefore, he is right. Speaking of it, I also want to thank Su Qiyao! "What, thank my dad? Peng Yi suddenly said such words, which really surprised me. I had a feeling of fear for my father's cruel behavior as ghost king. I thought Peng Yi must have hated my father, and he wanted to revenge my father most.

But listen to Peng Yi's words in this meaning, how is it completely contrary to what I think? Not only did he not blame my dad, but he even agreed with my dad's actions, but he also thanks him?

At this moment, I was confused. After a long time, I asked him, "why?"

On hearing this, Peng Yi pursed her lips and said, "because of the affair of the dark moon hall!"

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