I also want to have a complete home. I also want the care of my father and the care of my mother. All this is just a dream, a dream that can make me wake up crying. But I am not discouraged. I just want to study hard and have a good future. It is good to repay uncle Yang's nurturing kindness.

But Miaomiao left, I did not have the mind to do other things, resulting in my failure in the college entrance examination, fell into that garbage University, I was there, the fate is still unchanged, or everywhere discrimination, ridicule.

This is also used to me, but what I can't accept most is that the love that I can't get easily is finally damaged by my beloved because of my life experience, and I'm despised by my classmates because of my hard life experience.

I was beaten, bullied, insulted and laughed at by the whole school. I really can't bear it. I'm also a person. I'm tired and painful. I just want to find a shelter. I don't mean to live in Uncle Yang's house for nothing. I just want to rely on the last bit of kinship and rest on Uncle Yang.

I shook my head crazily, tears splashed into the air, song Qingfeng still blocked in front of me, did not let me go, I was very painful, very uncomfortable, tears kept pouring out, I issued all my strength, to song Qingfeng, hoarse roar: "you TMD get out of my way!"

In a word, he called out all the grievances and humiliations in my heart, which made me have a little dignity. But my cry did not attract any sympathy from anyone. Instead, he hit song Qingfeng in the face. His eyes flashed a cold light, and he pushed me heavily with his hand, saying, "what's your attitude?"

He is like a direction sign, always leading other people to agree. Suddenly, all kinds of complaints vied out: "I feel that what Qingfeng said is just the fact, who said that you did all these things!"

"We're just joking, and he's yelling. Who are you?"

"I don't know what's going on in his head. He can't even joke!"

Are you kidding? Do these people have a conscience, attack me, insult me, force me, and finally say they are joking to me. They don't know, am I human? Do I have self-esteem, too?

I red eyes, scanning this group of people who think that they are superior. Suddenly, I don't feel that I am a mental illness. Instead, I feel that this group of students who sneer at me are the real psychosis. A group of mental patients without conscience are in the same room with them. I really can't stand it.

If it goes on like this, I'm really going to be crazy. I press my head with both hands and scream wildly, and the sound resounds in the whole box.

Suddenly, the door of the box was opened. Shen Muchen and crab came in. They found me crying out loud, and song Qingfeng standing in front of me, as well as the students who gave me directions.

Crabs have a hot temper. He doesn't ask why. He rushes over and kicks song Qingfeng far away. Then he pulls me to Shen Muchen. He yells at my old classmates: "it's shameless of you to bully one."

The crab's voice has just dropped. Shen Muchen beside me immediately asked, "Arlo, are you ok?"

At the moment, I'm really tired and tired. I don't want to explain anything. I just want to escape from this suffocating space. So, I said to Shen Muchen, "it's OK. Let's go."

Shen Muchen nodded to me, then took my shoulder and wanted to take me away, but as soon as we turned around, there was an angry female voice: "stop!"

The voice is very familiar, listen to my heart suddenly tremble, I do not need to look back also know, this is Shen Yue's voice. Shen Muchen, who was next to me, turned his head and looked at Shen Yue calmly. He didn't know whether he knew this person who was in the same school with him. He just said plainly, "what's wrong?"

As soon as Shen Muchen's words were finished, Shen Yue came to us in a fierce and indignant manner.

Just now I was humiliated by her boyfriend and ridiculed by her classmates. She didn't respond at all. But at this moment, her eyes were full of anger. She first turned white and then took a glance at the crab. She said in disgust: "how come you hit people as soon as you come in? Can't you apologize before you leave? "

I really didn't expect that Shen Yue, who has always been gentle and gentle, would become like this. Seeing her like this, my fragile heart is even more desolate. For her, I was beaten by Ma Qiang. Recalling that we were good friends before, but in the end, she allowed her boyfriend to humiliate me. Now, she learned a lesson from her gentle boyfriend, and she immediately stood up Come out to seek justice, how can the reality be so cruel.

There are so many ridiculous people in the ridiculous reality. As soon as Shen Yue opened his mouth, all the self righteous students were filled with indignation. They all said that the crab was too overbearing and demanded that the crab must apologize.

The crab is too lazy to bird these full mouth moral human beings, directly yelled: "say your mother's apology, apology, you can be glad that solo is not hurt, or I will let you all stand up!"

Under this, Shen Yue is more angry, she is gloomy face, with her most arrogant posture, educate crab, said: "not everything depends on fist and foot to solve the problem, you don't ask the reason, start to hit people, is wrong."When Shen Yue finished speaking, other students also echoed: "hooligans, unreasonable beating people."

"We're just joking with solo. You don't have to come in and do it! Vulgar

"It's him who yells. I don't have him!"

These voices made Shen Muchen, who has always been steady, a bit unbearable. He glanced at those people and said in a deep voice: "if we say that those who hit people are hooligans, then those people who attack with language are civilized people! I know exactly what kind of person Suluo is. I ask you civilized people to think about it. What kind of joke did you make solo so miserable? "

Shen Muchen's words, all of a sudden blocked those people speechless, although, I know that Shen Muchen is speaking for me, but listen to his words, I feel even more miserable, I just want to immediately escape from the place of this foul, return to that only belongs to me in the small room, quietly shrink up, no longer be ridiculed, so, I looked at Shen Muchen, choked Swallow said: "Chen elder brother, forget it, you also don't say, let's go, go!"

Shen Muchen understood my sadness, he did not say anything, immediately took me with the crab to leave.

Song Qingfeng and his girlfriend didn't stop us in front of us again.

I thought that song Qingfeng was in the same university as Shen Muchen. He knew that Shen Muchen was so powerful that he didn't even say a word because he was in the same university. But I was wrong, nightmare, it is so tight to hold on to me, I just want to simply escape from this bar, but it is more difficult than learning from the classics.

When the three of us entered the bar hall, the flashing light suddenly fell on the position where Shen Muchen and I were standing, and the deafening music of the whole bar stopped suddenly. The young men and girls who swayed on the dance floor and the guests who sat in their seats for drinking and chatting all turned their eyes to us.

Just such a moment, I Shen Muchen and crab, became the whole audience.. Focus of attention.

Before we could get over it, all of a sudden, a number of horsemen with guys rushed out of the bar and surrounded us. The leader was a man with bare arms and short head. The top half of his body was tattooed with ferocious demons. It was terrible to look at it.

This is the first time that I met. In the school before, at most, I had met some gangster students who had never really fought against them because of the large number of people. Now I suddenly saw such social gangsters staring at us with covetous eyes, and I was all at a loss.

While I was in a daze, the horses in front of us suddenly gave up a way, and then, I was. See, song Qingfeng hands in his trouser pocket, right hand by Shen Yue deep arm, leisurely came to us, behind them, follow my group of old classmates, they seem to come to see the excitement, also seems to help song Qingfeng to support the scene!

Suddenly, my body couldn't help shivering, as if in a dream, even the fearless crab's face became ugly, his eyes staring at Song Qingfeng.

Song Qingfeng in front of us stopped just a few meters away. He raised his head slightly, looked at Shen Muchen with disdain, and said in a very arrogant tone: "Shen Muchen, I know you, from my school, have heard a lot about you. You are righteous enough. I can not say anything for him, but the wrong thing is that you should not be for a neuropathy Blame me

After saying that, his eyes showed a terrible cold light, his arrogance, no doubt, it is because of his arrogance that he can't stand losing face in front of his girlfriend and her classmates. He wants to save his face through special ways. I don't know what he wants, but I am deeply entangled by a very bad premonition.

But as soon as song Qingfeng's voice fell, the ferocious bancuntou next to him pointed to us and asked humbly, "young master, what should we do with these little rabbits?"

Ban cuntou's words immediately caused a clamor. My righteous old classmates immediately said in surprise, "my God, I didn't expect that Qingfeng was the boss's son of this bar!"

"Yes, this bar is the biggest bar in our city. It's said that boss song's industry is all over all walks of life."

"Qingfeng is so low-key that he didn't tell us about it!"


All kinds of praises came in an endless stream. When these comments came and went, song Qingfeng suddenly ordered ban cuntou in a cold voice and said, "give them a good service, and then throw them out!"

Hearing this, Shen Muchen, who was beside me, immediately took a step forward and said solemnly to song Qingfeng: "brother, I don't care who you are, but what I want to say is that today's affairs are all caused by me. I called Suluo out to play. He is innocent. You can't pay him. He has suffered too many blows. Now he is very vulnerable, so he should be me Please, let him go. Come to me if you have anything to do

Shen Muchen, the best brother of mine, will say such words at a critical time. I am really moved. I feel certain in my heart. No matter what will happen next, I will carry on with the only one who regards me as a brother.

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