Shen Muchen shouted out the momentum of the sky, even I was shocked by his masculinity. The crab standing on the other side of me had already prepared for the dry stand.

However, at present, the whole scene seems to be only me and crab two people were infected by Shen Muchen's heroic spirit, and others seem to regard Shen Muchen's heroic feat as a joke.

Songqingfeng, who had been advised in the room, added a little arrogance to the Masai with the arrival of a group of marzai. At this time, songqingfeng also recovered his pride. Looking coldly at shenmuchen, standing opposite him, he said disdainfully: "to be honest, I was nothing but I was planning to do so After sulo, you suddenly rush out and join in the party, and hit me in the face of so many people, let them see my jokes. If I do someone else, I will miss it, but the person you are offending is me, which has deeply touched my bottom line. You three rest assured, I feel that I will not let you go easily! "

From the words, I can feel that song Qingfeng is a person who is so mean that although he said he let me go, if Shen Muchen doesn't appear, I can't say what it will look like. I can't believe it.

I wonder if I know the identity of songqingfeng. My old classmates can't help but to give justice. They say to songqingfeng: "you group of people are right to fight people if they are not divided into blue and white."

"Yes, don't say it. It's your fault anyway."


Buzz, these sounds are really annoying and annoying. Why, why do they force me so much, why do the world see me not? Why does Shen Yue make her boyfriend have such a big prejudice against me? Why even Shen Muchen also be involved? Why is this world unfair?

Looking at the so-called old students of justice, watching the young children waiting for song Qingfeng's command, looking at the proud song civilization, they all become hazy in front of me, tears covered my eyes.

The pain in my heart is too much, I can no longer suppress this endless sadness, no longer can bear this endless insult, no longer can bear this endless grievance, I suddenly shouted at all the people in front of me: "you TM don't deceive people too much!"

Shouting straight into the sky, the moment, the noisy bar, fell into a silence.

The busy bar guests looked at me.

The horses with that guy looked at me.

The old classmate who is just looks at me.

The high-ranking song Qingfeng looked at me.

Shen Yue, with a disdain, looked at me.

Even Shen Muchen looked at me with a confused face.

I was illuminated by the light. In the whole field of attention, when people were surprised, I was tears, and slowly headed towards songqingfeng, walking, and I said sadly, "what did I do wrong, what did I do wrong? You have to laugh at me like this, insult me, hit me, push me on the way? I don't want my father to go to jail, I don't want to lose my mother, I don't want to leave a fence.

But, who of you really understood me, you know? When I was a child, my mother didn't know what to use. When I was seven, my father was in jail. I cried all day long. I lost my only dad. I could only stay in yangsimiao's house. I was too poor to live alone. So I could only rely on Uncle yang to support it.

But have you ever tasted the taste of the stranger? In other people's homes dare not do what they want, not good to speak loudly, do what should be cautious, afraid to do wrong by someone to drive away? Every day in Uncle Yang's family, they are tired, but they have to be laughed at by their classmates and rejected by others? You know what it feels like?

As you said, I have been so how not to die, then I will tell you now that I have died, I was forced to jump the building by reality, forced to stab myself with a knife, but these have not let me continue to live, but my life is not like death! "

When it comes to this point, my mood is on the verge of collapse, and my face is covered with runny nose and tears. Song Qingfeng and those old classmates saw me approaching, and also a little bit to prevent my mental illness. But when I said this, they showed a unified expression, surprised!

I stood in front of songqingfeng, then swept those familiar faces one by one, and those who were very dirty and ugly inside. After a glance, I said with tears: "I have nothing but to control my future by reading. However, the school environment is really terrible. From primary school, who saw them I hate me, stay away from me, even look down on me. I also want to have friends, want to have fun every day, but, really no one would like to take care of me!

Do you know? I got a love through my own efforts, but the sweetness of love did not taste two days, I was ruthlessly abandoned by that person, but this is nothing. I just want to quietly take a graduation certificate, but I was forced to go into the desperate situation step by step again, which led to my forced to leave.I don't want to leave school, I have to leave! I don't want to be taken as a dog. I want revenge, but I don't have the ability to revenge. After leaving school, I can only go back to Uncle Yang again. Only squatting here is my safest harbor. I know my father is in prison. You hate me and despise me. But this is not what I want, ah, I have not been able to change the strength of ah, I also hate him, but you know how much I yearn for father's love?

How eager I am to have a father who loves me and a mother who loves me. When I am bullied, at least someone will comfort me and protect me. When I need to care, I can lie in the arms of my parents. When I need to play, my parents can take me to the amusement park. When I want to eat something, my parents can buy it for me, but these are right It's just a distant expectation for me.

My parents brought me only a miserable life experience and a weak body, but it was because it made me suffer from cold eyes, bullying, suffering from the world's desolation. Do you know what kind of mood this is? Do you have a different perspective to experience my feelings?

I think you shouldn't laugh at me, because I'm strong enough. I haven't been forced to go crazy. I still have a trace of lucidity in my mind. I just want to have a place to live safely. However, these are all luxury for me.

Why do you want endless, why do you want to bully me again and again, why do you have no one to sympathize with me and help me. Bullying me and laughing at me is good for you. Can't you put it down until I die! The world is so big, can't I, solo

The last word, I almost roared out with all my strength. It brought me too much grievance and anger, too much unwilling and pain. Because of the rush, my throat suddenly cooled, a burst of evil, puff, a big mouthful of blood gushed out of my mouth, blood splashed on the scene.

In an instant, I was powerless and collapsed. Shen Muchen and crabs saw this and immediately cried out, "Arlo!"

Accompanied by their shouts, it was their rapid footsteps. Soon, they ran to me and held up my head. But I'm weak, my head is heavy, my eyelids are heavy, my throat is blocked, and I'm hard to breathe. I'm a dying man like a gossamer. Maybe I'm going to die.

Think of his miserable life, it is really sad and ridiculous, jump out of the building did not die, was not killed by the knife, stabbed not dead, but now lost to the hearts of the people, died in the reality of ridicule, died in the indifference of the heart.

However, the only thing that makes me feel gratified is that before my death, Shen Muchen and crab, the two brothers who are sincere to me, are around me. With my trembling hand, I tightly hold their hands, silently appreciating them countless times in the bottom of my heart, but I can't speak.

Holding my Shen Muchen, maybe I feel my eyes are lax and my body is no longer working. They shake me and shout anxiously: "Suluo, speak quickly!"

However, my abnormal, only Shen Muchen and crab are anxious. Those indifferent human beings seem to think that I am pretending to be dead. After listening to my bitter complaints, they do not have much response. Although they are no longer aggressive to me, their eyes are still indifferent, and only a small number of people hold a trace of sympathy for me.

But all of them didn't seem to care about my life and death, especially my old classmates. None of them came to see me. Even one of the handsome male students even stood up and said indignantly to me: "Suluo, if it wasn't for you, would Yang Simiao leave home? You know, I always like Yang Simiao I lost my chance because of her leaving. It's you. It's all because of you. It's Yang Simiao who lost his sight! "

Obviously, this man is Miaomiao's suitor. It seems that this is a speech that has been held in my heart for a long time. But when I heard Yang Simiao's three words, I seemed to see Miaomiao's beautiful face again, so I was desperate to open my mouth to explain. But as soon as I opened my mouth and puffed, another big mouthful of blood came out of my mouth. Now, my body was completely exhausted, my eyes were lax, and my breath almost stopped.

All of a sudden, my son's voice was familiar to me, and his voice would be broken in an instant

This sound, thick and powerful, such as electric shock, directly hit my heart, so that my heart suddenly recovered. Sure enough, the heart disease still needs the heart medicine doctor, the people's persecution nearly cut off this fragile life. And this familiar voice, which had appeared countless times in my dream, instantly dredged up my breath in my chest, and my body was suddenly shining back and full of strength. Suddenly, I opened my eyes which were unable to open.

I saw that the crowd at the scene were shocked, and even those people who were blocking me unconsciously gave way to a road. The person who walked slowly through this road was the father who made me hate and wanted me, Su Qiyao!

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