He's back? Is this my deathbed hallucination? But this sound sounds so real, so familiar, but also this familiar voice gave me inexplicable power, let me stand up again.

At the moment of getting up, my heart beat has begun to speed up madly. For many years, I have been looking forward to my father for many years. I don't know how to describe my mood at the moment. My eyes are dim. However, my father's figure is so clear. All this is true. He is really back!

He was dressed in shabby clothes, but his momentum was incomparable. I felt that every step he took, the whole bar was shaking. What made me tremble most was that he was so tall and upright that he was covered with white hair and could not see a black hair.

However, he is not the age of the kind of vicissitudes of white hair, but full of energy, capable white hair, it is this one can more line up his extraordinary, his eyes exude awe inspiring dignity, I according to the exclamation mark, this, is my father, how and I remember that person is not the same.

At this time, my eyes glanced at a person, that is, uncle Yang, who raised me since I was a child. He followed his father. If Uncle Yang was not present, I was not sure that the man standing in front of me was my father. Although only the two of them came from the crowd, their momentum was worth a thousand troops. All the people present were trembling and silent.

Soon, my father in the eyes of the public, came to my body, looking at Leng in situ, silent daze of me, gently said: "son, is everything ok?"

His voice is indifferent. In other people's eyes, he thought that my father had no feelings for my only son. But I knew that was his character. My father was not good at expressing his feelings to me. He could only express everything with his actions. Only when he was drunk, he would talk to me incessantly, showing the most real father's love. No matter when I was a child, or at this moment, I can clearly feel his strong father's love for me. Maybe, this is the feeling between the blood and the heart.

No matter how much I resented him and despised him before this, but when he really appeared and stood in front of me, all the blame was covered by strong father's love. How many years of longing, how many years of missing, in the moment I saw him, have disappeared.

My despairing face, finally emerged so many years of the happiest smile, I smile at my father weak shake his head, indicating that I am OK.

My father looked at me with caring eyes for a few times, and then he did not say anything. He turned around directly and scanned all the people present with a cold face. His eyes were extremely lethal. Almost none of the people present dared to look at him. And those students who insulted me also unconsciously lowered their heads. Perhaps, they were afraid of my father who came out of prison, especially him His white hair, with a cold and fierce face, makes people scared.

Just now the old students who were full of justice did not dare to breathe. They all looked at Song Qingfeng one after another, as if they were waiting for him to give orders.

As a leading character in the field, song Qingfeng is one of the most calm people here, because he has the confidence. There are countless people holding him and protecting him. Only he is not particularly afraid of my father. As soon as he opened his mouth, he said rudely: "are you the father of Suluo in prison?"

My father suddenly heard the disdain in Song Qingfeng's words. Unexpectedly, he almost didn't say a word, so he quickly flashed in front of song Qingfeng and shook his hand at him, which was crisp and pleasant.

Song Qingfeng was directly hit a stumbling, the body can not help but back a moment of extreme retreat, his side Shen Yue quickly held him, distressed with his hand to wipe out the blood ooze from his mouth, then, she was full of anger staring at my father, with a slight cry, said: "how can you hit people randomly?"

My dad's smart eyes took a look at Shen Yue, and then he said in a low voice, "don't be reasonable with me!"

The tone was very low and fierce. After a word, Shen Yue didn't dare to say anything. She was silent.

This time, song Qingfeng's eyes all burst into flames. He was beaten in public by my father, and his girlfriend was assailed again. This is a humiliation that his spoiled young master has never had. He fiercely bit his teeth, pointed to my father, and angrily ordered to the board inch beside him: "a Biao, give him up to me!"

His voice was deafening, just like crazy, but after listening to his words, I was still very afraid, but my father was not moved, as if he did not hear.

After many years, I saw this father who was far away from me again. Our father and son met again. We were not talking about the past, but we were about to see my father beaten. How can I not be afraid. Although I know that my father is powerful and has no pressure to single out anyone, he and uncle Yang are only two people. How can we deal with these fugitives.

In the eyes of other onlookers, they must also think that my father is going to suffer, so they all consciously separated from each other for fear that the outlaw might hurt them when he hit my father. However, only in the next second, all the people present were dumbfounded.Because, after listening to song Qingfeng's order, ban cuntou didn't carry out it immediately. On the contrary, he walked up to my father's face, bowed his head and said respectfully, "master Yao!"

The word "Lord Yao" instantly elevated my father's identity, especially ban cuntou, who was just arrogant. His voice trembled a little, which showed my father's invisible power. At this moment, the whole audience was really shocked, but what was even more surprising to everyone was that my father suddenly jumped up just as his voice dropped. In front of the whole audience, he gave a gorgeous whirl kick in the air, and then kicked him in the neck of ban cuntou. This Kung Fu, this posture, is more wonderful than watching Hollywood!

His strong body knocked over a table. With the landing of the board inch head, the whole scene suddenly became noisy, and all kinds of exclamations and shrieks rang out one after another.

When this group of small gangsters saw board cuntou fly out of the moment, they exclaimed, "brother puma!" Then he ran quickly past and helped the board inch head up.

Maybe it was my father's heavy hand. This big man with a strong back and a strong back, his face was red and his hand was still rubbing his neck. Obviously, he was hurt badly.

Dad, you don't want to bully my son

The tone is extremely overbearing.

My father's arrogance made a gangster beside ban cuntou angry. He picked up the guy in his hand and was about to attack my father. However, he had just stepped out of the way when he was stopped by the injured board cuntou. Then the bald man slapped him and then roared: "be bold!"

After that, ban cuntou replied respectfully to my father: "Mr. Yao, I'm really sorry. Today's matter is just a misunderstanding. I'm just a watchman in this bar. I don't know that's your son, but I didn't do it today!"

When the bald man said this, the cold sweat came out. It can be seen that he was so afraid of my father. And my father saw his sincere attitude, also did not hurt me, no longer embarrassed board inch head, just from the mouth gently said a word: "get out!"

A word, just like an amnesty order, let the extremely nervous board inch head, regardless of everything, immediately took his men, ran away, a moment, they these fierce guys, disappeared in the bar hall.

As soon as they left, the noisy hall suddenly regained its tranquility. The air seemed to be still. No one dared to be born again, especially song Qingfeng and my old classmates. Their faces were not very good-looking.

And as his own son, I have been completely confused. Is this still the father who lives with me and makes money day and night? For a time, I also fell into confusion.

After thinking about it, I didn't know him at all. Looking at him, he had a big waist, a tall and straight figure, and powerful fists and feet. But I didn't know that he had a nickname, and I didn't know that he could have such a good Kung Fu. When he met him, he made the board inch head afraid of three points.

What did my father go through in prison these years? How did he become like this? Or did he have a secret identity before?

After thinking about it, I still can't understand it, so I don't want to think about it. In short, at this moment, my father's image in my heart soared in an instant. He suddenly appeared in my most desperate time and mercilessly helped me out of a bad breath. I felt very happy.

Especially when I saw that song Qingfeng, who regarded himself as the master of everything, ate a little shriveled, my heart was not much better. All the congestion in my heart was unblocked, my breath was smooth, and my mind was clear a lot. At this moment, I finally had a feeling of elation.

However, just when I felt comfortable, my father's voice sounded again: "who bullied my son, stand up!"

The sound made everyone tremble. They all saw my father's power. I knew what my father was doing. So, in the face of my father's question, no one dared to say anything. Even song Qingfeng, who had lost his life-saving straw, was also withered. At this time, he had no strength to clamor.

My father looked at it for a long time, but no one stood up. So he only looked at me and saw Shen Muchen, who was supporting me. Shen Muchen immediately led me. He held out his hand, pointed to song Qingfeng and my old classmates, and then said, "Uncle Su, the reason why Arlo is like this is because of them!"

Immediately, my father turned his eyes to song Qingfeng and his group. Song Qingfeng, who stands in the front, looks pale, but his performance is a little calmer than those of my old classmates. Shen Yue, who is pasted beside song Qingfeng, seems to be a little frightened. There is still a trace of anger in his eyes, but he dare not show it. As for those old students who have been supporting song Qingfeng, they are all shaking nervously at the moment. Some of them have left tears and cried.

My father glanced at them and didn't immediately. He came to me again, patted my body, pointed his other hand at Song Qingfeng and said casually: "son, who would you like to abolish, just point it out!"

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