As soon as he said this, the audience was dead, and his breath became slow. Song Qingfeng also forced himself to be calm, but his body involuntarily tangled with each other, which made him unable to calm down. And those old classmates who hit me were just like stepping on a mine. I almost didn't pee my pants, and my expression was even more frightening. They all knew that my father would never be merciful. As long as I stretched out my hand and pointed to anyone, it would be doomed.

At this moment, my father, like the God of death, has an invisible sense of suffocation for everyone who hurt me.

I can not afford to glance at these hypocritical people, one by one, they are afraid to touch my eyes, lowered their heads, or look at me with praying eyes. I hope I can let them go. The more they look like this, the more disgusting I feel. I don't want to see these disgusting faces any more. I just want to get away from this ghost place. Dad looked over his head and said, "look at me, look at me!"

In an instant, the familiar faces all faded away from their panic. However, a trace of amazement flashed in my dad's eyes. He frowned at me and said, "don't you want revenge?"

Out of breath? In fact, as early as the moment my father appeared, I let out the biggest breath. My father slapped song Qingfeng in the face, fierce and happy, and scared off ban cuntou, so that these old students would no longer ridicule me, only fear and pray. This is the best revenge for them.

His actions are enough to do everything for me. Why should I make trouble again? Violence can't change people's hearts. It will only make hatred accumulate deeper and deeper. I really don't want my father, who is hard to get out of prison, to go back again. For me now, what I need most and yearn for is to meet my father again after a long separation. So, I looked at my father and said firmly: "Go home!"

My father obviously saw the firmness in my eyes, so he stopped talking nonsense and directly recited my whole person. Then he left in the whole audience's gaze. Uncle Shen, however, was stopped by Mu Chen and asked him to follow us.

Soon, my father carried me out of the bar. When I got out of the bar, my heart was pounding. The scene in front of me was really spectacular and shocking. My dad's appearance has given me too many accidents.

I saw a row of black cars parked in front of the bar, orderly and orderly. Besides, beside the car, there were many burly men in uniform and sunglasses. The momentum displayed by them was not comparable to that of ordinary gangsters. In my opinion, this feeling is the real underworld, the same as that seen on TV, and the most important thing is that the order is unified Men, it seems to be a special trip to meet my father, their battle, there is a platoon!

My heart has already begun to turn upside down, waves of shock, let my little heart almost can not accept, but, these shocks, can not compare to the warmth of the heart, the father's return, this is so happy for me, the orphan who has lost so many years of father's love. Full of this strong sense of happiness, I relaxed on my father's back.

My father came out, so that the orderly people in black bent up unconsciously. My father went straight past and came to the last car. He put me directly in the back seat, and then sat on it himself.

Soon, uncle Lin took the driving position, and the car went away.

From the sudden appearance of my father to the solution of a series of troubles, all of these are really like dreaming. I am a little afraid now. I am afraid that after waking up, all this will disappear!

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

My father's voice clearly spread into my ears, I suddenly trembled, only to know that this is not a dream, but the beauty that reality has given me. My father, he really came back, I quickly shook my head to prove that he had nothing to do, that is, his body was a little weak.

My father looked at me shaking his head, so he didn't ask for help. He said to Uncle Yang, "Lao Yang, drive directly to Taoyuan!"

Taoyuan? No, go to Taoyuan? Although I live at the bottom of the society, I still know that Taoyuan is a place of entertainment for the rich. I didn't even dare to think about it before, but now I'm going to follow my father. I don't know why, I suddenly feel that my father's understanding is so strange, my heart suddenly emerged out of an unspeakable taste.

An hour later, we came to the Taoyuan in the suburb. The villa is like Tao Yuanming's paradise, beautiful and spectacular. There are many modern equipment, but at the same time, it is full of primitive natural atmosphere. Once we enter the villa, our mood is broadened.

Before I had time to enjoy the scenery, my father took me directly into the hot spring inside the villa, while uncle Yang was guarding the outside with people. My father and I were the two people in the huge hot spring.

My dad quickly took off his clothes and jumped into the hot spring. As soon as he got down, he was intoxicated. The enchanting expression was like taking a bath. For him, it was the most enjoyable thing in the world.

When he was comfortable and enjoying himself, I was still standing on the edge of the pool, and he suddenly opened his eyes and said, "you also hurry down to bubble!"I hesitated for a moment, and finally took off my clothes and went down to the pool. Sure enough, it's very comfortable. No wonder rich people like to come to such places.

Originally, it was a very happy thing to be with my father, but now I can't be happy. I seem to have a lot of things to say, but I don't know where to start. How many years after the reunion of two of us, but there is not much language, we are so quiet in the hot spring, time seems to stop.

I don't know how long it took, my father said the first sentence after coming here: "son, I'm sorry, dad is late!"

My father's voice is not just indifferent, it is with rare love, but this kind of love, remind me too much bitter past, hold in the heart too much words, hear him say this, but finally only say three words: "why?"

My father was stunned by my answer. He opened his eyes, looked at me for a long time, and said slowly, "what, why?"

I don't know where to start. My father's departure has made me experience too much. I have been sad, frustrated and dead. Thinking of these, I looked at my father with red eyes and exclaimed excitedly, "why do you want to ignore me? Why do you want to go to prison? Why?"

Hearing this, my father understood that he slowly closed his eyes and fell into meditation, leaving me only the resolute side face and long silence. It seems that there are many things in his story that are not obvious, but it seems that there are many things in his heart that are hard to express.

After a long silence, he said to me, "dad doesn't want to leave you or go to jail, but there are some things that you can't understand. I just go to prison to make atonement. I hope you don't blame dad."

speaking of this, his voice is a little hoarse. It seems that the atonement in his mouth has a great impact on him. So, I asked my father again, and he really committed it What happened? But my father didn't seem to hear it, as if it had been sealed by him, he didn't want to mention it to anyone, including my son.

I know, my father's character is like this. As long as he doesn't want to say something, I can't ask him any more. He has his difficulties, and I understand. However, I still feel very depressed. In front of my father, I really want to talk about all the hardships I've suffered for so many years, but I didn't do it.

We two fell into a burst of silence, my father he seems to see my grievances, he is very serious to me: "son, some things you don't need to know, but you have to understand, you are my son enough!"

After listening to my father's words, I couldn't calm down. I cried to him, "but do you know how many grievances I have suffered so many years?"

Seeing me so sad, my father's eyes also leak out love, he looked at me with heartache, concern said: "I know, it's dad, I'm sorry, dad didn't read a book, just hope you can get a college diploma, live an ordinary life in the future, so I put you in your uncle Yang's house, just to let you grow up in a quiet environment."

From my father's eyes, I read father's love. This is my father's love that I have lost for so many years. I also know that some things can't be blamed on my father. On the contrary, I let him down. I didn't read a good book. If I am strong enough, I may be a proud college student in a famous university now.

If Miaomiao had not run away from home, I would not have failed in the college entrance examination. But I won't blame Miaomiao or my father. I just want to be in front of my father and enjoy the beauty and bitterness. But I still don't know how to open my mouth.

My father looked at me and said to me, "son, don't be sad. Everything is over. What Dad owes you will compensate you. Now that I come back, I won't allow anyone to bully you any more. What you want, I will satisfy you!"

Hearing this, I did not feel gratified, but more heartache, I know that my father loves me, but he does not understand my heart, my heart, even if he comes back, what can he make up for? Back to the university to help me abolish Chen Haoran, help me to scrap all the people who bullied me, of course, this is not what I want!

I looked at my dad and said, "you owe me, can't make up for it!"

My voice is full of despair, feeling that the better my father is to me, the more indulgent I am, the more affectation and need to vent. However, my father's love is tolerant. He didn't feel disappointed when he looked at me like this. Instead, he was very aggressive and said to me, "tell me, what can't I solve?"

His tone is like Aladdin's magic lamp. As long as I need anything, he can make it. However, some things can never be changed. This has haunted my nightmare for so many years. Even if my father is omnipotent, it can't be changed. I looked at my father in despair and said scornfully, "I want others to look down on me. Don't say I have a prisoner Father, I want to be a rich and powerful man. Can you do that? "

I said these are the facts that can not be changed. I just want to let my father know that there are some things, some things, some destiny, which can never be changed!

What I didn't expect was that after listening to my words, my father didn't feel embarrassed. His eyes became very firm. Then, he said, "it's a small matter!"

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