I didn't expect that I would accept such an answer. For a time, I was at a loss. Peng Xuefei's words were very calm. She forgave me so freely, but I had a little reaction. But I was stunned to look at her and forgot to speak for a time.

See me suddenly stupefied, Peng Xuefei chuckled and continued: "well, I really have nothing to do, if you talk to my father, go to your busy bar!"

Peng Xuefei's meaning is very obvious. She doesn't want to talk with me alone. Maybe, she is because Ziyi is here. It's not easy to get along with me alone. After all, our relationship is a little special. Even if nothing happens, it's not good for Ziyi to see her.

Similarly, I also know that it is not good for me to whisper with Peng Xuefei. Originally, I came here to enlighten her, but she wanted to open her mind. What else can I say? Peng Xuefei is so reasonable. How can I embarrass her.

Stupefied for a long time, finally, I still nodded at Peng Xuefei.

Then, I turned my eyes to Ziyi and whispered, "let's go back!"

Ziyi nodded to me. When she left, she and Peng Xuefei hugged each other. I can see that they are really good on the surface, but I know that they still have a grudge in their hearts, or that they are not really open-minded. Because, Peng Xuefei after watching us leave, I saw her joyful expression, with gloomy eyes.

It can be seen that even if Peng Xuefei is more generous and willing to give up on me, see me with other women and say goodbye to her completely, she will inevitably be sad.

This kind of sadness is absolutely impossible to be removed in a short time. She needs time to forget and heal the wound. I can't be responsible for her feelings, so I can only leave everything to time. At least, Peng Xuefei has understood me and doesn't blame me. I will not waste my trip today.

I can only pray in my heart, hope Peng Xuefei can get out of the shadow as soon as possible, into a new life, I hope she can find real happiness.

Soon, Ziyi and I were out of Peng Xuefei's sight, and finally, out of Peng's manor.

Go to the car, I and purple directly on the car, did not stop, I took purple directly on the way back.

On the way, I couldn't help asking Ziyi: "Ziyi, what did you say to Peng Xuefei?"

Hearing my question, Ziyi suddenly grinned and showed a profound smile. Then, she began to explain to me slowly.

Originally, Ziyi told the story of her and me to Peng Xuefei. She told Peng Xuefei about the ups and downs we had experienced, the obstacles and difficulties in our love. She mainly told Peng Xuefei that our love was not easy and it was hard to walk. She hoped Peng Xuefei would not blame me. Ziyi said many good things to Peng Xuefei and told Peng Sophie, I'm helpless to use her.

And Peng Xuefei, she had known my pain for a long time and didn't blame me too much. Now that she knows that Ziyi and I have a love that will never die, she won't blame me.

Of course, Ziyi is not stupid. She knows that although Peng Xuefei no longer blames me, she wants her to completely put me down, which is really difficult. As a woman, Ziyi knows that putting down a beloved man is like cutting meat from her own heart. The taste is indescribable. It's because Ziyi knows Peng Xuefei's pain, so Ziyi stands in the woman's angle, and tries to persuade Peng Xuefei. She also owes her for me.

Peng Xuefei is a strong woman. At least, in front of others, she is strong. Even if her heart hurts again, she is considerate, so she doesn't care and blame. She also stresses that she is OK in front of Ziyi, and sincerely wishes Ziyi and me good luck, because she thinks that Ziyi and I are lovers, and she will not disturb her in any way.

Two women understand each other, understand each other, and some appreciate each other. Therefore, when they talk, they feel a little bit sorry to meet each other. If they didn't fall in love with the same man, maybe they could really become good friends. However, in the real world, there is no if. The reality is cruel. They fall in love with the same man, but they can't have one at the same time One will get hurt.

And Peng Xuefei, she is the one who was injured, she showed tolerance and magnanimity, will chat with Ziyi very happily!

In any case, after a chat, Peng Xuefei can thoroughly understand me and sympathize with me, and I will have no regrets. Today I went to the Peng family for two main purposes, basically achieved, and this trip to the Peng family was also a complete success.

All of a sudden, the burden on my shoulders seemed to be relieved, and my heart was unblocked a lot. Though Peng Yi's words still lingered in my ears. Although Peng Xuefei's sufferings made me unable to really be happy, I tried to put these things behind me. I knew that it was time for me to let go of the Peng family's affairs and face a new life. Since I wanted to live with Ziyi Together, I would like to wholeheartedly, to make her really happy, but also to let himself really relaxed.

After soothing my mood, I looked at the purple nearby and said, "Ziyi, where are we going now?"

Ziyi blinked and said, "let's go shopping."

After that, she had a rare smile.Looking at such a Ziyi, I suddenly found a little bit of the original feeling. In the past, Ziyi was also so lively and especially fond of shopping. Shopping is a thing that every girl likes. Today, it's a bit embarrassing for her to let her wear a set of casual clothes.

So, the first thing to do next, of course, is to go shopping hard. Ziyi wants to find all the things lost these days.

And I, naturally became Ziyi's shopping cart, what she bought, I was responsible for carrying, big bags and small bags, too many, I almost didn't use my foot bags.

However, I am a little bit enjoying this feeling, enjoying the ordinary free and leisurely feeling, the feeling of being a coolie boyfriend, the feeling of shopping with my girlfriend, all kinds of things make me feel good. At such a moment, I seem to have really left everything behind and become an ordinary happy little man.

For a long time, my life has been under high pressure. I always have something to do with me. I am always fighting and killing. Even if I incarnate Jiangnan style, I am wearing a mask and being oppressed by major tasks. I don't live a free day in my heart.

But now, finally take off the bag, finally unload all the burden, finally live their own, this feeling is really very good, to be honest, this kind of easy and easy life, is really what I yearn for, with my favorite woman, shopping, shopping, shuttling in the crowd, even if nothing is done, it is good, because the heart is free.

So, up to now, I feel more and more that my idea of quitting the world is right.

Ziyi is also immersed in happiness. Originally, she was a little worried about Peng Xuefei. Now Peng Xuefei's problem has been solved smoothly, and she has no worries at all.

She also knows that I am willing to give up everything for her, because I only love her, which makes her directly become the happiest woman in the world. Happiness makes her smile like flowers, makes her pace light, and makes her completely lose the posture of patients. I am also immersed in this kind of happiness without wind and rain, with endless aftertaste.

Throughout the afternoon, Ziyi and I lived happily in the world of two, walking in the shops, walking in the busy streets, walking through the streets, until we were hungry in the evening, we ran to the place to eat.

I drove the car and took Ziyi to a similar hot pot shop, and ordered a table of hot pot. It may be related to my mood. The lunch we ate was tasteless, and we didn't have any taste at all.

In the evening, we enjoyed the hot pot very much. At the end of the meal, we were all sweating. Ziyi, like me, was completely involved in the realm of eating goods, regardless of the image. What we ate was sweating.

Can not help, I took a paper towel, to wipe her sweat.

Seeing my move, Ziyi's eyes burst out with happiness. She put down her chopsticks and looked at me affectionately. She said softly, "Arlo, if only we could do this every day in the future. With you, I feel so happy!"

At this moment, Ziyi shows all her feelings. She really enjoys such a life and hopes to repeat such simple happiness in the future. This is the life that she yearns for most, is what she has been looking forward to.

Perhaps, it is because such a feeling is too happy, too easy to let people indulge, she is more afraid of losing. Her words mean that she wants to get my promise again, because she is still worried about gains and losses. She knows that I am not an ordinary man, I am the most difficult to give her, is ordinary and simple, after all, I am not a stable person, and have ghosts The identity of the king's son, which can not help but let Ziyi hit some worries in the bottom of her heart.

I saw Ziyi's worries and sympathized with her mood, so I put down my chopsticks, looked at her affectionately, and solemnly promised to her: "Ziyi, don't worry. When things in H Province are stable in a few days, we will find a place to live in seclusion for the rest of our lives. By then, we can live such a life every day!"

Ziyi listened to my words, immediately showed the most cheerful smile, she full of deep feelings toward me heavily nodded, excited answer: "Well!"

Seeing Ziyi's happy smile, I also feel happy when I can give her happiness.

But when I was immersed in happiness, a few guests suddenly came to the next table, and one of them made a mysterious voice: "Hey, I said, have you heard that the second Miss Xia family seems to be critically ill, and it is estimated that she will not survive tomorrow!"

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