That person's voice is not big. Obviously, he is chatting with several people at the same table. But the voice seems to have magic power, which instantly pierces into my heart and explodes my heart.

My head suddenly a meal, my happiness and beauty in an instant, disappeared.

It seems that all of a sudden, I fell from the cloud into the abyss, because this news is too much for me.

In fact, Qiqi has been trapped in my heart, although I usually did not show it, but it is like a thorn in my heart, often think of pain.

I know that her life is not long. I worry about her and feel bad for her. However, I have nothing to do. Snow Ganoderma has been given to Ziyi and has been used up. Or, from the beginning, I intend to give the blood Ganoderma lucidum to Ziyi. But Qiqi, she has helped me so many times, saved me so many times, but I can't repay her, I'm really sorry for her.

Because I'm too ashamed, I didn't contact her again. What's more, Ziyi is beside me. I can't forget about other girls. I can only keep her in my heart. I hope the good will be rewarded and she will be safe.

However, this hope is illusory, a person's fate will not change because of your hope, the bad news still comes, you can not hide.

Last time, Qiqi's father told me that she would live for another month at most, but now that a month has not arrived, the shocking news has spread without warning, so suddenly, so miserable.

Qiqi that strong girl, after all, or down, perhaps, a person's persistence with her beliefs. Before I rescued my father, Qiqi had been worried about me, worked hard for me, worried about me, and never forgot about me. Therefore, when I was fighting for blood, she always supported me silently.

Even though the battle between me and the sea gang was so stormy and stormy that so many people were killed and the situation was so serious, she still begged her father to forgive her. It can be seen that she has been paying close attention to things related to me, and she always pays behind her back.

Now, she suddenly fell down, should be to know that I have restored a peaceful life, know that I and purple together, she has no regrets, will no longer insist, just want to leave the world at ease.

Such her, let me heartache, let me suffocate. Her kindness to me, her kindness to me, I have not finished my life, but, I have not even a day to repay, I am not human, really not human. I'm sorry for Kiki. I'm sorry for the girl who pays for me silently but never cares about the return.

Just when I was in such a state of mind, a woman took the man's words and sighed, "yes, I've heard about it. Alas, it's a pity that I'm so young and about to die!"

Hearing this, I was more sure that Qiqi was going to die. Immediately, I stood up and said to Ziyi, "let's go!"

At the moment, Ziyi is still immersed in happiness. For the next table, she doesn't know what to say and doesn't care at all. See me so reaction, she is some strange, doubt asked: "what's the matter?"

I went to her side, took her hand, anxiously said: "don't ask, I'll tell you later, follow me first!"

After that, I directly left the hotpot store with Ziyi and rushed to the car I parked outside.

As soon as I got on the bus, I immediately called Mu Nan. Telephone connection, Mu Nan rough crazy voice immediately came: "boss, what's the matter?"

Without any nonsense, I went straight to the subject and said, "do you know about the second Miss Xia family?"

Mu Nan did not hesitate to say: "know, this matter has spread, heard that the second miss is critically ill!"

I frowned and said anxiously, "do you know which hospital she is in now?"

Although, when I was with Ziyi, it was not convenient for me to see Qiqi, and it was not very good to show care and care for her, but now Qiqi is in danger, where can I manage so much. Anyway, I want to see her for the last time, or I won't be at ease for the rest of my life.

Mu Nan on the other end of the phone, after listening to my words, immediately understood what I meant and quickly replied: "it seems to be in the provincial hospital!"

Smell speech, I did not say any nonsense, directly said a sentence: "good, thank you!"

Finish saying, I hung up the phone, quickly rushed to the provincial hospital.

Purple see me in such a hurry, all muddled, slow for a long time, she just silly asked me: "what's the matter, Arlo, what's the matter?"

After listening to Ziyi's words, I didn't squint, staring straight ahead. Concentrate on driving, but very solemn back to her: "a friend of mine is dying, I go to the hospital to see her!"

Purple Yi listen, face inexplicable even more, she asked me again: "is it the second Miss Xia you just said? Who is she? "

I hoarse voice back: "a girl who has helped me countless times, without her, I would have died!"

This sentence, I said very heavy, is also very serious, no matter what Ziyi thinks, I will say, such a girl, even if she is dead, I also want to let Ziyi know. After all, although Qiqi and I do not have any emotional entanglement, but her help to me is really too big, she and Peng Xuefei is not the same, Peng Xuefei is a healthy girl, she was injured again, as long as the future can cheer up, can heal the wound in the passage of time, face the future, she can still have a good life.But Qiqi is different. She is strong. After all, she was knocked down by the disease. She has no chance to face the future any more. I must see her for the last time and never let her leave with regret.

And purple by her after listening to me, perhaps know my mood, also did not say what, all the way silent.

Soon, the car drove to the provincial hospital. At the moment, the first hospital is full of people. There are many cars parked in the open space outside the hospital. Looking at the various license plates, I can see that this is the official car. I found an empty seat in the corner and parked the car.

After getting off the car, Ziyi and I immediately ran to the hospital interior.

After inquiring inside, I knew that Qiqi was in the rescue room on the eighth floor.

Without hesitation, I and Ziyi rushed to the past. From a distance, I saw that the special ward was full of people. All of them were well-dressed and powerful. Some of them wore sunglasses and suits and were obviously bodyguards.

Ziyi and I just got close. Did not arrive at the door of the ward, was one of the people to stop, I quickly said to him: "my name is Suluo, is Miss Xia's friend, I come to see her!"

When the bodyguard heard this, he looked me up and down. I couldn't see his eyes, but his expression also showed that he didn't know me, and even a little disliked me. After seeing me all over, he just threw two words to me: "wait!"

Then he turned and entered the ward.

After a while, he came out, but he didn't come out alone. With him out of my old acquaintance, cold.

However, the cold now, a little bit of the original cold, may be related to Qiqi's situation, cold at the moment, is a deep melancholy, his eyes are dim. This has been as a bodyguard of Qiqi man, obviously, also for Qiqi sad.

As soon as he came over, he said to me faintly: "go in!"

I nodded at him and said, "thank you."

Voice down, I immediately with purple, into the ward.

As soon as I entered the ward, I found that the huge ward was also overcrowded. However, from their clothes and temperament, we can see that their identity is extraordinary.

These people I hardly know, except Xia Zhonghai, who met with me once, is Qiqi's father.

Of course, my eyes did not stay on other people. Once inside, I looked directly at Qiqi on the hospital bed.

At the moment, Qiqi is as dead as she is. Her eyes are closed and her face is pale. She seems to have no feeling of breathing. She lies on the bed motionless. Only the little water in the bottle is injected into Qiqi's body drop by drop, showing that she still has signs of life.

One of the beautiful women was sitting at the head of the bed, choking with sadness. This picture made my heart deeply hurt again, and filled with a feeling of extreme sadness.

When I was dull, Xia Zhonghai, who knew me, was the first to greet me and made a bitter voice to me: "Suluo, you are here!"

At this moment, the big man on the white road of H Province has no official airs at all. He has only the decadence and pain of losing his daughter. He has no sense of blame for me, and he politely greets me.

However, just because Xia Zhonghai is such a good talker doesn't mean that other Xia family members can understand me. After hearing my name, the woman sitting at the head of the bed immediately felt like an electric shock. She suddenly stood up and looked at me with a very bitter eye, and said angrily, "Suluo? What are you doing here? What qualifications do you have to come here? If a blood Ganoderma lucidum can save a life, you can not save yourself in the face of death. Thanks to my Qiqi who is in a coma and calls your name, you are so heartless. You are so heartless

The woman was very excited. Obviously, she was very concerned about ponytails. I can see that she should be Qiqi's mother, because there is something about her charm in Qiqi's body.

At first glance, this woman is a lady of a big family and a lady with good manners and temperament. But at this moment, for the sake of her daughter, she even shows the side of resentment. It can be seen that Qiqi's illness is more painful than killing her. As a mother, her pain is really unknown.

When her voice dropped, I did not have time to answer, suddenly, an old man sitting on the sofa suddenly drank: "keep it down!"

In a word, immediately let the ward into absolute silence, from which we can see how grand the old man is. If I'm right. He should be the father of the Xia family. The reason why the Xia family can become a big family in China has something to do with him.

Unconsciously, I put my eyes on him. He sat on the sofa and looked at him as an ordinary old man. It seemed that there was nothing special about him. His biggest feature was that he was old and very old. His few scattered hair, snow-white, wrinkles on his face were particularly deep, and his body was a little rickety. It was estimated that he would be more than 80 years old It is also a look of old age. Even, there is a crutch standing beside him.

Since I entered the door, he seems to have been closing his eyes and praying for something. Although there is no obvious sadness or pain in his expression, I can still feel his pain. His pain is hidden in the place that others can't see.

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