Originally, there may be some Xia family hate me, but because the old man spoke, no one dared to grumble at me. Those who didn't like me just cast angry eyes at me.

For the blood ganoderma, I think it is necessary to explain, so even if the Xia family no longer welcome me, I still hoarse voice toward the United States, the woman said: "I'm sorry, auntie, I'm really sorry about the blood ganoderma, I'm not reluctant, because my girlfriend has been seriously injured, she has been in a coma, only xuelingzhi can save her!"

Finish saying, I also deeply looked at the eye purple Yi.

Ziyi heard my words, her face suddenly changed, she felt my dedication to her, also know that I gave up Qiqi, the benefactor who saved me many times, because I saved her.

This time, Ziyi's eyes become particularly complex, moving, but also sad, moved by my pay, sad at Qiqi, this blooming girl's impending death.

On the other side, the Xia family, who hated me deeply, were still angry after listening to my words, but they didn't say anything more.

And the most sad looking woman, she seems to want to say something, but suddenly, Qiqi on the hospital bed came a trace of movement.

I don't know if she sensed me coming, or if she had something to say to me, as if she were dead, she opened her eyes and opened her mouth in silence. She couldn't say anything but coughed hard.

A slight cough, immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience, all of them turned their eyes to Qiqi on the hospital bed, and even the woman did not aim at me any more. She immediately looked at Qiqi and said excitedly, "Qiqi wakes up!"

Hearing this, the old Xia, who had been keeping his eyes closed, could not help but open his eyes, stood up and looked at Qiqi slightly nervously.

Immediately, the old man's majestic voice vibrated in the quiet Ward: "hurry to ask the doctor to come over!"

As soon as the old man spoke, someone ran out of the ward immediately.

After a while, he invited the doctor in. The doctor was an old expert. He looked very experienced and professional. He went into the ward and immediately examined Qiqi.

After the examination, his look became more and more serious. Then, he sighed slightly and said to all the people present: "her condition has deteriorated completely. It seems that she can't survive tonight. You should be prepared mentally! If you wake up now, you may have some last words, please ask them quickly! "

The old expert's words were like a bomb, which broke the hearts of the whole audience again, and everyone's faces darkened again. But Xia Zhonghai said to the old expert in a very hoarse voice: "Premier song, there is no other way?"

The expert, known as the president, shook his head helplessly and said in a deep voice: "no more!"

This time, the Xia family members who were present were as pale as death, with despair in their eyes.

In the dignified atmosphere, the old expert shook his helpless head and left the ward.

In the ward, filled with the breath of depression, no one opened the voice, only the sigh in people's heart. In a quiet, the old man of Xia family, leaning on crutches, gently came to the hospital bed, his chaotic eyes, emitting a light, staring at Qiqi.

Then, he broke the silence and uttered an old voice: "Qiqi, if you have something to say, just say it quickly!"

His voice, showing his pain, the atmosphere of the scene because of the old man's words, become more dignified.

All the people hold their breath, staring at Qiqi on the hospital bed, waiting for her last words.

Qiqi, who was noticed by the public, is still in a state of extreme weakness. She did not immediately reply to the old man, but tried very hard to turn her head and looked at me.

When her eyes touched me and Ziyi, her eyes were gradually clear. In a moment, she was like a reflection. Suddenly, she came to some strength. She poured all her remaining strength into her voice: "Suluo, Ziyi, I wish you happiness!"

However, no one thought that at the end of her life, she did not speak to any one in her family, but left the so-called last words to me.

For a moment, the whole audience was stunned. Everyone's heart had a small fluctuation. You know, Qiqi is critically ill, how many people are concerned about it! From the scene in the ward, we can see how much the Xia family care about the life and death of the first talented woman. So many big people came to their home, and the master Xia took charge of it himself. However, even if they have the ability to know the world, they can't save Qiqi's life. All they can do is stay in the ward and die for Qiqi.

It can be said that the whole ward is basically Qiqi's close relatives except me and Ziyi. But Qiqi wakes up and ignores all the people, only focuses on me, and tries her best to say her last words to me.

What she said. Thoroughly shocked my heart, let me feel more guilty, let my pain more profound, I was so cruel to her, but she cared about me so much and was special to me.

On the way to here, I felt that the reason why Qiqi fell down may have something to do with me. She knew that I had a carefree life and that Ziyi and I had a good result. So, I fell down without regret.After all, my father's influence in H Province is well known, and today I just came out with Ziyi and lived a happy life in the world of two. Maybe Qiqi knew my situation because of this.

Now, hear Qiqi's blessing to me and Ziyi, I can feel that she has already known that I am with Ziyi. Qiqi is a person who is not hypocritical and does not make an affectation. Obviously, it was from her absolute sincerity that she could not tell lies at the critical moment of her life.

Really did not expect, she to die in the heart is worried about me, she hopes or I can be happy.

For Ziyi, Qiqi is still fresh in her memory. When she came to the University, she was very impressed with me, mainly because she heard the story of Ziyi and me. She also mentioned Ziyi in front of me. She said that she was very moved by our love story.

Later, at the wedding of Fudong and Ziyi, I was completely injured by Ziyi. Qiqi, a fake girlfriend, appeared in time to recover my face. In the battle between me and Buddha, Qiqi witnessed the scene of me and Ziyi together.

I don't know whether Ziyi has any impression on Qiqi, but I know clearly that Qiqi is deeply impressed by Ziyi. She also sincerely wishes Ziyi and I a happy ending to our difficult love. Her sincerity has moved me to the extreme. My heart is shaking. I feel that my soul is going to float away with Qiqi. I don't know how to respond to her, The whole person turned into a nerd.

After a long time, my dry throat just squeezed out two words: "thank you!"

Kiki, it's more difficult than me to say two words.

In addition to a thank you, I really don't know what to say. Maybe, there are too many things I want to say to her, but I don't know where to start.

And Qiqi heard my words, and then deeply swept me and purple by a few eyes, then showed a happy smile.

Xia's family waited for a long time to wait for Qiqi's short conversation. How could they stand it? Immediately, there was a rustling voice in the ward. Even the old Xia, with a clear light in his eyes, asked Qiqi bitterly again: "Qiqi, don't you have anything to say to us?"

At this time, Qiqi finally turned her eyes to the old man. There was endless meaning in her eyes. It seemed that all her feelings for her family were conveyed with her eyes, and she didn't need to say anything with words at all.

After a long time, Qiqi finally opened her mouth again. She said weakly to Mr. Xia: "grandfather, I want to talk with Suluo alone!"

Another blow, this sentence is the most sad shell for the Xia family. Who can bear it? At this time, Qiqi only has an outsider in her eyes.

Especially Qiqi's mother, her eyes are full of frustration and helplessness, she is really helpless for her daughter, she is more for the daughter's persistence and pain.

Even, Mr. Xia, who has never seen me with a straight eye since I came in, couldn't help but look at me. Despite his age, his eyes have infinite energy. When he stares at me like this, I feel like my body is burning with fire.

Obviously, Xia Laozi wants to see what I am different from others and why I can attract her granddaughter so much attention.

Speaking of it, Mr. Xia should know that I was the man who wanted blood Ganoderma lucidum most, not Qiqi, but the old man. Therefore, he would acquiesce in Haibang's other methods to get blood Ganoderma from my father.

But all of this, after all, or a failure, Xia old man gave up the improper means, but at the same time, he must die for me, also lazy to see me more.

However, his granddaughter valued me so much, which inevitably made the old man look at me more. From the way he looked at me, I could also feel that the old man, who had experienced countless storms, did not want to see me.

However, he couldn't bear to refuse Qiqi's last request. After all, he compromised and sighed: "let's go out first."

After that, the old man took the lead and walked out of the ward with crutches. Even if the rest of Xia's family was not reconciled, they could only follow the old man to the outside of the ward.

So large ward, the moment empty down, only I and purple still Zheng Zheng pestle in place.

Since Qiqi wants to talk with me alone, I can only whisper to Ziyi beside me: "Ziyi, wait for me outside!"

Ziyi knew what was going on, so she nodded to me without hesitation, and then walked out of the ward and closed the door.

In an instant, Kiki and I were left in the ward.

After a short silence, Kiki finally spoke again and uttered a very weak voice: "solo, thank you for coming to see me!"

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