Her tone, with a little moved, I can hear that her mood has changed wonderful because of my arrival. She is very pleased and satisfied to see me at the last moment, but I feel more guilty to see her like this.

My feet can't help but open, with a heavy heart, I came to the head of the bed, sat next to Qiqi, looking at her deeply, all kinds of bitterness said: "sorry, Qiqi, I failed you, I can't live up to you, if it wasn't Ziyi, I would give snow Lingzhi's hands. However, Ziyi is in danger and needs it. I have to save her. I'm sorry

When I said this, my voice choked up. My chest seemed to be stuffed with something. It was very uncomfortable. It was ten thousand times worse than being trampled on. I don't know what to do. I can only express my sincere confession. I hope this will make Qiqi feel better.

However, Qiqi didn't seem to blame me. She sipped her dry white lips and moistened her throat. Then she made a tiny voice: "Suluo, don't blame yourself. The biggest reason I appreciate you is that you are single-minded in your feelings, and you are not wrong!"

However, the more Qiqi didn't blame me, the more I felt that I was a jerk. My eyes gradually turned red, and my chest was blocked even more. It was very difficult for me to open my lips and make a hoarse voice: "but"

after saying these two words, I suddenly couldn't go on. My throat seemed to be completely dry and my chest was suffocated.

I'm glad to see her smile again

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and I could hardly hear the words of comfort. It seemed that, every word she said, Qiqi's life would slip away. But Qiqi was not mean to me, but she tried her best to talk to me. Even, at last, she coughed and coughed more and more. Her appearance seemed to have been strained Yes.

I was scared and said, "Kiki, hold on, I'll call the doctor!"

But before I got up, Kiki grabbed my hand.

Her cold hand, let my body stiff, I can't help but look back, the Chi Chi looked at her.

At this time, she was holding a breath and shaking her head at me. Obviously, she did not want other people to come in. She tried to control her cough, as if holding my hand, Qiqi could absorb my energy.

As a result, her condition improved a little. In the end, she almost summoned up her greatest strength in her life and said a sincere word to me: "I want to talk with you alone, just to tell you that I am not afraid of death, and I am ready to die, but I have a regret that my family can't give you. Can you help me?"

Sure enough, just like the old expert said, Qiqi may wake up with some last words. Now it seems that she really has some wish that has not been fulfilled before she can come back to life again.

I heard her words, almost without hesitation: "you said, as long as I can do, I will satisfy you!"

When Kiki saw my promise, she was relieved. Her pale face suddenly sent out a little red light. Then, she made a weak voice like a fly, and said to me affectionately: "I have everything in my life, but I have never had a boyfriend, which has become my lifelong regret. I didn't like people before, and I didn't have the qualification to have a love affair with people. But Suluo, you are the only boy who makes me move. I have you in my heart and always miss you. I think in my last life, you can kiss me, make up for my regret, let me enjoy the taste of the first kiss, so that I can die without regret! "

By the time she said this, Kiki had turned her head and looked at the ceiling. She did not dare to look at me any more, nor to look at my eyes again.

And I, hear Qiqi's words, I was stunned directly, I thought she had something important to do, I planned to die and never quit to help her. Unexpectedly, she made such a request.

Suddenly, I seem to understand Qiqi's heart. She has been in poor health since childhood, and she has never dared to fall in love. However, she is most looking forward to love. In her heart, love is the most sacred and greatest, and it is also her most yearning. Unfortunately, she has not experienced love at the end of her life, and has not even tried the first kiss. This is her biggest regret.

She didn't want to take this regret to go, so, after I came to the ward, she suddenly reflected and said such a thing to me!

In fact, I have long felt Kiki's love for me. I just pretend that I don't know, and I don't want to break the paper. I know that her love is wordless, her love is silent, and she is more cautious. She dare not show her true heart. She knows that she has no life to have love. All along, she only pays for love and never takes anything for love.

Today, for her regret in her life, she finally put forward a request to me, which is also the words that she has worked hard for all her life, almost speaking with her remaining vitality. These words are not dare to say when she is alive, but bravely says it when she dies.However, after the words were finished, her energy seemed to have been drained, and her energy seemed to have been exhausted. It was like a battery that had run out of electricity. Her eyes at the ceiling were trying to support it. It seemed that the next second would close. Her breath of life had been very weak and weak.

Seeing her like this, my heart once again violently convulsed for a while, I was distressed by her regret, but also for the loss of her vitality and pain.

For her, I always feel guilty. I feel guilty for not saving her, for not being able to repay her, and for not being able to give her love. But at this moment, she put forward such a small request at the end of her life. How could I refuse? It should be the last thing I can do for her. In any case, I can't let her leave with regret The world.

In the eyes of Qiqi began to loose, I can't help but bend down the body, with my lips deeply imprinted on Qiqi's lips.

The two lips imprinted, just like a flame touching the wire, instantly sent out a fierce spark. Qiqi, dying, had a reaction in this moment. She was like absorbing the natural nectar. The whole person absorbed the wonderful energy. She grasped my hand with strength, and miraculously squeezed my arm. Her limp body seemed to be shaking.

My body also shuddered for a moment, as if I had touched the high-voltage electricity in an instant, and the whole person was stunned. However, there was an indescribable sour feeling. It was very delicate and beautiful, which could be described as intoxication.

As for kissing, I have rich experience. I have had kissing experience with many girls. But this time, the feeling of kissing with Qiqi is the most special. It seems that it can't be described by words. Anyway, it is the touching of lips and lips that makes me feel like a fairy. Then, my heart beats faster and my soul vibrates. It's really wonderful.

Remember at the beginning, on the roof of the University, I was deeply hurt by Ziyi, Qiqi came to comfort me, I also held her.

At that time, I felt that Qiqi was different. She seemed to have the magic power to purify human soul. When I had intimate behavior with her, my heart would be restless, and my world seemed to fall into extreme peace. I felt that I would tremble and keep calm, and I felt that I had been integrated into a strong sense of security and a touch of peace. I am infatuated with this feeling. It seems that I have a marriage relationship with her in the previous life, which is very special and makes people reluctant to give up.

I don't know how long I've been immersed in this kiss. My heart has been dancing. In my mind, I've been rolling the chapters with Qiqi, and the little bit by bit of her experience have clearly emerged, which makes me feel infinite and makes me feel extraordinary about Qiqi.

If we say before. I can only be grateful to Qiqi, so from this moment on, I have a different feeling for her, a kind of unclear feelings, can be said, a simple kiss, as if let me and Qiqi fusion together, we enjoy together, soar together in our own vast world, together with free flying.

However, this kind of beauty can not last forever. When I was in love, Qiqi grasped my hand and suddenly fell down powerlessly. Her eyelids seemed to be powerless to close. Her life was rapidly disappearing, and she was almost unable to hold on.

Suddenly, my whole person was pulled out of the wonderful state. My heart began to ache. My internal organs felt torn. My eyes were also stimulated by something. Tears fell unconsciously on Qiqi's face, and slowly flowed down her cheek to the joint of her and my lips. I tasted the salty taste of tears Avenue.

The taste of tears is always sad, but this second, the taste is sad to the extreme, my chest suddenly gush out a feeling of not giving up, this kind of reluctant to give up is very strong, strong enough to let me suffocate, strong enough to burst my heart.

Can't help it, my mouth slowly left Qiqi's lips, my eyes to Qiqi.

At the moment, she is lying in the hospital bed peacefully, her face is not unwilling to die, but shows a happy smile, her breath of life is like a lamp that is about to run out of oil, twinkle and twinkle, the more and more weak, the eyes are about to go out, Qiqi, she is about to run out of oil, the lamp is dry, I seem to see her soul out of her body, is slowly The floating away of

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