I really didn't think that this kiss was Qiqi's most extravagant request. From the beginning, I knew that Qiqi liked me, but I always turned a deaf ear and didn't want to pierce this layer of window paper. She also confessed with me several times, until I changed the topic.

However, just now Qiqi could wake up and talk so much because she still had regrets in this world, and her young life lacked a love.

Now, I gave her the first kiss, gave her silent love, she finally made up for the lack of life, she was completely relieved, no longer struggle. She is quietly farewell to the world, she did not say a greeting, will leave me, die.

This time, the feeling of not giving up is more like the flood of breaking the dike. My eyes are getting more and more red. Tears are surging out of my eyes. My emotions are finally out of control and completely burst out.

It's not that I haven't experienced life and death. The death of Chen Haoran, the death of Lin Shihan, and the death of many brothers all make me heartrending and maddening. However, at this moment, watching Kiki's life disappear, my mood swings more than ever before. I'm afraid to die with Qiqi. I'm afraid that she will end her young life. I'm afraid she will die like this.

Suddenly, my whole person suddenly leaned forward, my hand tightly held Qiqi's little hand, and sobbed at her ear: "Qiqi, Qiqi, Xia Yuqi, don't die, I beg you, don't die, you should wake up quickly!"

My tone is very panic, my mood is very excited, I hope I can wake up Qiqi, but my call has no effect at all, Qiqi is still lying quietly on the hospital bed, motionless. There was almost no difference between her and the dead, her breath had changed, and her foot seemed to have stepped into the door of hell.

Looking at such a Qiqi, I couldn't stand it. I covered her little hand with both hands and cried: "Xia Yuqi, aren't you very strong? You have been fighting against the disease for 20 years. No matter how much pain you can bear, you are the strongest girl I have ever seen. How can you give up yourself? I beg you, hold on, don't die

Speaking of this, I have sobbed, my man's natural color, I just in front of Qiqi and Xia's family showed calm, has disappeared, at this moment I, removed any disguise, showed the most primitive side of human nature.

My emotion, all exposed, in this moment, I forget everything, I only know, I don't want Kiki to die, I just hope, I can call her back with my cry, I just hope that this good girl who always pays for me silently and never asks for return can live and persist.

However, no matter how I call, no matter how I cry, Qiqi's body is indifferent, she can't give me any reaction, even if there is no movement, her life seems to have completely disappeared at this moment.

I am not willing, I am really not willing to ah, my mood completely collapsed, my tears crazy rampage, suddenly, I burst out a startling roar, roar hysteria, earth shaking.

The huge ward seems to be shocked by my heartbreaking roar. Even outside the ward, my roar is full of. The Xia family waiting outside the ward heard my movement and rushed into the ward immediately.

Inside, they saw Qiqi lying peacefully on the bed with almost no sign of life. After a while, Xia's family went crazy. Some ran to the head of the bed in pain to call for a doctor. Some people burst onto the bed in pain, tearing their hearts and crying. Some people were frozen in place, silently weeping. Some people were completely in a daze and didn't know what to do.

Even the steady Xia Zhonghai, also known as Qiqi's father, saw Qiqi dying. His eyes were red and his eyes were red. Obviously, he had been restraining his tears, but it was difficult to hide his sadness.

Soon, the doctor rushed to the ward, but this time not only the old expert came, but also many white coats rushed into the ward with him.

As soon as they got to the bedside, they immediately checked Qiqi. Some looked at her eyelids, and some measured her heart rate. All the doctors have orderly division of labor, quick action and professional technique.

After working for a while, as a result, the old expert, known as the Dean, shook his head again, made the most painful voice, and said to the Xia family, "prepare for the future!"

In a word, instantly shattered the heart of the Xia family, before the doctor came, at least Qiqi was awake, at least let the Xia family see a little hope. Or at least they could talk to Kiki and see her alive.

But now, Qiqi can't wake up directly. The doctor told us to prepare for the future affairs, which is to announce the death of Qiqi, that is, to let everyone watch her die here. To us, they are totally helpless.

This result, let everyone can't accept, everyone in the Xia family showed the deepest sadness, and I, like being sucked out of my soul, was stupefied and numb in pain.

I tried so hard to call, can not wake her up, to now, but still can only see her consumption of life, watching her die, this is how cruel, sad, I can not stand, really can not stand.The woman who was talking to me before, as Kiki's mother, couldn't stand it. She suddenly rushed to me and asked me excitedly, "Qiqi, what did she say to you, what did she say?"

As a mother, she can't hear her daughter's last words. Of course, she will suffer, suffer and regret. But I can't tell her that Kiki is kissing me at the last moment of waking up. She lost consciousness in this kiss. This kind of thing, really inconvenient to say with others, especially, Ziyi is also on the scene at the moment, I am even more difficult to say.

Therefore, I did not answer the woman's question, but thought of Kiki. In my mind, it was all the scene that Qiqi was leaving me. I seemed to see her waving goodbye to me and seeing her disappear gradually.

I wanted to catch her, but I couldn't catch her. She was walking too fast. I was very scared. My inner emotions rolled rapidly and I felt more and more reluctant to give up. I don't want her to die, I can't let her die, absolutely not. My life is up to me. All along, I don't believe in fate. God wants to make fun of me, but I have to fight against it.

How many times, I have been wandering on the edge of life and death, but I did not die, I believe, Qiqi is the same, she should also be disobedient, she is so young, how can she accept death calmly. Even if, as she said, she looked down on her and she could accept it, I didn't want to. I would not allow her to die. It's a blast. I burst out a strong idea, I want to save Kiki.

Suddenly, I directly think of a person, that is, many times to save me from the edge of life and death, always call himself the old miracle doctor.

Just now I was immersed in the sadness. I forgot my grandfather Bai. Yes, it was grandpa Bai. This time, I put all my bets on my grandfather Bai.

Grandfather Bai is the most magical doctor in the world. Since so many times, he has been able to pull me back from the ghost gate. He has cured my stubborn disease and made me become a normal person. He has dug out my potential, made my extraordinary physical appearance, and made me have a qualitative leap in martial arts. Even, he rescued Ziyi from the hand of the God of death. He was Hua Tuo's reincarnation.

Now, Qiqi is not dead, and her heart is still beating weakly. On the whole, it is still in danger. Although the old experts in this hospital are helpless, perhaps grandfather Bai has a way to save Qiqi. Now, this is the only way. Similarly, this is the only hope.

Thinking of this, my whole person suddenly woke up, suddenly with the beating chicken blood, the spirit suddenly glowed. When the whole summer family were expecting me to say Qiqi's last words, I ignored their eyes and directly looked at Qiqi's ear. In the most anxious and nervous voice, I called to her: "Xia Yuqi, do you remember what I said to you at the beginning? I know an old miracle doctor. His medical skills are very good. Maybe now he has the hope to save you. I will ask him to come here now. You promise me that you will hold on and never die. Do you hear me, you must wait for me to come back and wait for me! "

After saying this, I immediately swept my eyes to the Xia family and said to them in a hurry: "everyone, I'm going to find someone. In any case, you should let Xia Yuqi hold on. You can't let her die. Please!"

Voice down, I directly turned around, in the summer family complex eyes, I ran toward the ward outside.

Purple in accordance with the situation, immediately followed out, and behind me called: "Arlo, you wait for me!"

I stopped in a hurry, turned back to her and said, "Ziyi, you are waiting for me here, I will be back soon!"

Said, I continue to run, a moment does not stop, my speed is like the wind, the whole person with crazy, in the hospital rampage. Fast toward the outside crazy sprint.

Perhaps it is because the news of Qiqi's critical illness spread in H Province. The first hospital tonight was full of people. However, I was totally out of my mind. Just like a wild beast, I bumped into the crowd with my body and ran as fast as I could.

Many people were savagely knocked down on the ground by me, but I didn't care at all. There was a lot of angry and abusive voice from behind me, and I ignored it. My steps didn't stop, and the speed was faster and faster.

After a while, I rushed to the parking lot outside the hospital. Without half a delay, I quickly ran to my car and came to the car. I quickly got on the bus, started the engine, and sped to grandfather Bai's residence in the suburbs

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