I really didn't expect that the most shocking and strange thing for me was that the reason why grandfather Bai retired at that time was that he died of medical treatment. Unfortunately, this man was Xia Yuqi's grandmother.

No wonder, in H Province, the second daughter of Xia family is so famous, and she is also known as the first talented woman. However, I have never heard of any young master or young lady in Xia family, nor has Qiqi mentioned it, and I have never seen such a person. It turned out that everything was just because Miss Xia died shortly after she was born.

At this moment, I finally know why grandfather Bai is so worried about Qiqi's illness that he can't help him. original. There is such an embarrassing relationship, my brain really disordered, delayed for a long time, I just dry way: "how so clever?"

White grandfather still did not open his eyes, just a wry smile, and then said: "yes, it is so coincidental, that year, the death of Miss Xia family was also a big event. Although the Xia family didn't blame me for this, because Miss Xia's illness was still dead without treatment, I was hit by it. I didn't think I would miss it, and my conceit disappeared in an instant. As a result, I washed my hands, changed my face and quit the world.

Over the years, I have been worried about this matter. This is a knot in my heart, which can never be relieved. I think that if I had not been too conceited, Miss Xia would not have died. At least, I could have let her live for more than 20 years. But my carelessness killed her. I killed a living life. I am a sinner.

Therefore, since then, I dare not touch some congenital stubborn diseases. For many years, I have been in the process of guilt and remorse, and I have doubts about my medical skills. I want to forget it, but I can't.

As a matter of fact, I have known for a long time that the Xia family has been looking for famous doctors for the second Miss Xia. However, I have never seen it. I dare not treat it. I am afraid. I am scared. I am afraid of my head and feet. I dare not touch this strange disease. Now you know, Suluo, why I refuse to promise you to save the second miss? "

After listening to grandfather Bai's words, I suddenly fell silent, and my heart beating eagerly also calmed down. Because, I fully understand grandfather Bai. For a doctor who is famous for his superb medical skills, it is a great blow to cure people. Grandfather Bai doubts what he believes most and most importantly, he always carries a cross in his heart 。

Therefore, it made him feel guilty and couldn't believe himself any more. It was because of this that he retired, hid in the mountain village to treat minor diseases and never set foot in the outside society.

Now, I want him to treat Miss Xia's sister and treat the same strange disease. How can he not be flustered, afraid, careless and not afraid.

Therefore, it's not that he refused to help me many times. It's not that he doesn't have the benevolence of a doctor. It's because he doesn't dare to touch this disease. He has already had a shadow in his heart and dare not try again.

Originally, the white grandfather also has his fragile side, he also has untouchable pain.

See white grandfather so sad, I really can't bear to force him, I also know that his requirements are a little too much. But let me give up like this, let me wait for Kiki to die, I am really not reconciled. Even if the white grandfather went, there was not much chance to save her, but I also want to try.

Just, if the white grandfather finally still can't save Qiqi, then Qiqi will die in the hands of the white grandfather just like her sister. Isn't that a double blow to the white grandfather? He has retired for so many years, and he is so old. How can I bear to sprinkle salt on his wound, and how can I bear to attack him again?

This moment, my heart really tangled to the extreme, but at this time, white grandfather suddenly opened his eyes, and then fiercely turned around, strode toward the outside of the room, while walking also said: "go!"

I looked at the white grandfather's back, inexplicable way: "where to?"

Grandfather Bai is vigorous and fast. In an instant, his thin figure disappeared outside the room, but his sonorous and powerful voice was still clear: "of course, to save Miss Xia Er, you kneel down and beg me, can I not go! What's more, it's always my regret about Miss Xia's family. I'm an old man and I'm going to be buried. I don't want to leave the world with this regret and sin. If I can save the second miss, I'll make up for the regret in my heart. "

White grandfather's figure out of my sight, but his final voice, is clear into my ears, so shocking.

In a moment, my heart on a wave of ripples, my mood can not help but excited. Faint, there is a complex feeling in my body. I didn't expect that grandfather Bai would promise to save Qiqi. Even when I was in doubt, he offered to save people.

You know, the hope of rescuing Qiqi is very slim. It is very likely that grandfather Bai will suffer the blow of failure again, which is equivalent to stabbing another knife in his old wound. How dare he deal with it?

I really can't imagine that grandfather Bai would have such courage. He didn't continue to escape from the past, but chose to stand up and face the cruel reality. Maybe it was for me or for the regret of the Xia family. Anyway, he finally let go.This old man who lived in seclusion for decades in the mountains bravely stepped out and stepped into the whirlpool of Xia family who had caused his whole life's shadow. He bravely challenged the thing that he didn't dare to face and cured the disease that ruined his reputation.

His courage really makes me feel ashamed. From the white grandfather's courage, I seem to see their own cowardice, in fact, I'm not in escape.

On the one hand, I want to quit the Jianghu because of Ziyi, but there is also a large part of the reason, because I want to escape, because I have been hit many times on this road, I have no self-confidence. I feel that my own struggle is a joke, and I feel that I will only be tired. Therefore, I will feel that I am not suitable for mixing and will think about retiring.

Now, seeing that grandfather Bai had suffered such a blow, he even took the first step of courage. He went so far as to challenge the most difficult disease to treat. He did not fear failure to try to cure it. My heart was really touched.

I was moved by the behavior of white grandfather, also admire the courage of white grandfather, more want to see, white grandfather can create a miracle. I pray in my heart, pray for miracles to happen, and for Kiki to get better.

Thinking of this, I immediately pulled out my legs, quickly ran out of the room, to chase white grandfather.

When I arrived at the gate, I found that the vigorous and vigorous grandfather Han had already taken his equipment and waited for me here. Seeing that I was late, he even urged me: "aren't you very anxious? Still linger, let's go

After that, he took the lead to leave quickly.

Without hesitation, I immediately followed my grandfather Bai.

Although grandfather Han is very old, he can walk quickly. He feels like he has lightness skill. I almost have to run to keep up with him.

The mountain road is rugged again. Also can not hinder our speed, after a while, I and white grandfather together came to the foot of the mountain.

When we got to the side of the road, we got on the bus directly. As soon as I got on the bus, I immediately sped up the car and flew towards the hospital.

This time, with the white grandfather this Savior, my heart can not help the fire up, of course, also become more urgent. Just like when I came here, I took the car as an airplane and drove at a very fast speed.

White grandfather was scared by my madness, he could not help frowning and said to me: "slow down, no matter how urgent it is, if there is an accident. Don't talk about saving people, even my old life is about to catch on! "

In a word, it also shows grandfather Bai's humorous character. To be honest, the atmosphere in the car just now was quite heavy, because grandfather Bai opened his heart to me and told me his pain in the past. I know his past, know the knot in his heart, so, for the white grandfather, I am not so casual, do not know what to say.

Now, suddenly heard the white grandfather so a half joking words, my nervous tension immediately relaxed. I also grinned at the white grandfather and said, "don't worry, grandfather, believe in my driving skills!"

Voice down, I immediately concentrate on the front, driving fast.

White grandfather also know my eagerness, did not say what, simply closed his eyes, what also regardless, let me crazy.

Twenty minutes later, my car finally successfully raced to the provincial hospital, but the hospital at this time was much more lively than when I just left.

The car jammed the parking lot of the hospital. The entrance of the hospital was also overcrowded. Even some reporters were stationed. It can be seen that Qiqi's critical illness can be regarded as a headline event in H Province.

I managed to find a marginal position to stop the car, and then with the white grandfather together to the hospital crowded.

When he got to the door of the hospital, grandfather Bai suddenly stopped in a hurry. His expression changed a little, and there was a trace of melancholy in his eyes. This may be that he really went out of the mountain to practice medicine. Although I was very anxious at his side, I didn't urge him any more. Instead, he said sincerely to him: "thank you, grandfather Bai! ”

no matter whether grandfather Bai can finally cure Qiqi, I want to thank him sincerely for his selfless help. Similarly, I also know that what grandfather Bai is about to face is a very difficult but very important thing for him. If he succeeds, he will have no regrets in this life, but if he fails, he will suffer a blow. Maybe he will take this blow with him to death.

So, no matter what, I hope that white grandfather can save Qiqi, even if the hope is weak, I also pray that God can open his eyes, complete Qiqi, and help grandfather Bai.

White grandfather listened to my words, and finally firmed his eyes. He pursed his lips and calmly said to me, "let's go!"

After that, grandfather Bai started his steps again.

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