Then, I led my grandfather Bai to break through the crowd at a very fast speed. I went to the hospital and arrived at Qiqi's ward. However, outside the ward, I immediately felt something wrong, and an abnormal atmosphere suddenly hit me.

When I left before, the ward was in good order, and the Tang family's bodyguards kept order well at the door. But at this moment, the corridor outside the ward was in chaos. The crowd was in a panic. The bodyguards couldn't keep order. Even I heard the wail coming from the ward. The voice was so miserable that it directly pierced my heart.

My hasty steps, suddenly stopped, my feet instantly soft, my heart as if to stop beating in general, my whole person has been numb.

At this time, Ziyi suddenly ran out of the crowd, she came to me in front of me, hoarse voice to me: "Suluo, you are late!"

This moment, as if a basin of cold water poured hard on my hot body, my eyes brush red, hope, the only hope on this frozen, a deep fear surrounded me, I can't believe, I don't know how to do, in an instant, I was confused, completely at a loss.

In my fear of suffocation, white grandfather suddenly said to me: "go in and have a look!"

White grandfather's voice hook back to my God, I look at the white grandfather with very flustered eyes, and then I follow crazy general, broke through the crowd at the door, crowded into the ward, and white grandfather closely followed me.

As soon as I got to the ward, my steps stopped again, and my heart was suddenly torn. I even saw that Qiqi on the hospital bed had been covered with white cloth. Many people around the hospital bed were crying. Even the leader of H Province, Xia Zhonghai, could not help feeling sad. His eyes were full of tears and the tears were flashing.

The pillar of the Xia family, Mr. Xia, is also leaning on crutches. His eyes are red, his body seems to be more and more rickety, and the whole ward is filled with sad breath. It seems that the Xia family has suffered an unprecedented heavy blow, such pain and so sad.

Twenty two years ago, Miss Xia died shortly after she was born. Miss Xia Er managed to support herself until now, and then she died in a hurry. How did the Xia family suffer? Every Xia family present was so sad and heartrending.

Some of the doctors, including the president, were standing on one side with heavy faces. They dare not disturb the sad family of Xia, they can only stand silent.

Of course, the saddest person is Qiqi's mother, she has no care of any image, crying heartbroken, her tears like a fountain general surging out, the white hair sent to the black hair, how to bear as a mother.

I looked at these distressed Xia family members, felt the sad atmosphere in the ward, staring at Qiqi under the white cloth, my eyes became particularly sour, my chest was blocked by a violent emotion, my world seemed to be in a dark, inner hope, the wall collapsed.

Just on the way, I was so eager and in a hurry, just because I had a little hope in my heart. I hope that grandfather Bai can save Qiqi. I hope God can open his eyes.

I thought that Qiqi, a strong girl, would wait for me in any case. She would not give up her own. She must have the faith to live and persist until I came back. But where could I expect that I would kneel down and beg for mercy, and white grandfather would bear the pain to leave the mountain, but Qiqi left me in exchange.

How can she be sent to me when she doesn't have time to die? How can I? All of a sudden, my soul seemed to be taken away. My feet were like a heavy stone. I couldn't move any more. I had turned into a stone statue.

Although I didn't walk around and didn't make a sound, my appearance attracted the attention of Xia family, especially Qiqi's mother. When she saw me, she was as mad as her enemy. She rushed to me, pushed me down, and yelled at me angrily: "what's the use of you now? People are dead!"

For the woman's scolding, I was indifferent, but my eyes were staring at Qiqi covered with white cloth, stupefied and dazed.

The woman saw that I ignored and wanted to scold me. At this time, Xia Zhonghai came over and said in a cold voice: "enough!"

This time, the sad and angry woman calmed down, and Xia Zhonghai first looked at the white grandfather deeply, then turned his eyes to me, and said to me, "Suluo, you're late, Qiqi, she's gone. Can you tell me what Qiqi said to you alone?"

Obviously, they did not hear Qiqi's last words, and the Xia family always had regrets. They all wanted to know what Qiqi said before she died, which may be the most important thing for Qiqi's parents.

However, my mind is blank now, my soul has no body, for any question, I have no energy to answer, I do not seem to hear other people's words, only immersed in their own painful world.

Sadness drowns me, loss buries me, I'm sorry for Kiki, I'm sorry for her.

I am so depressed, but the white grandfather beside me has always been calm and firm. From the corridor just at the door, white grandfather is to keep calm, his eyes have never had a firm look, even now witnessed the departure of Qiqi, he still did not move.He just meaningfully glanced at the Xia family, perhaps, for the Xia family he is quite familiar with. After many years, seeing his old friend again, he will inevitably be touched, but he did not show his face.

Slightly pause for a moment, he then stepped forward to the ward side, immediately, in front of all the people in front of him, one hand holding the white cloth, fiercely to be opened.

White grandfather's move, immediately shocked the whole Xia family, they all looked at the white grandfather, as if looking at the monster, dumbfounded.

And the old Dean saw someone lift the white cloth, immediately issued a dissatisfied voice: "the patient has died, you do this is disrespectful to the dead!"

But where does white grandfather pay attention to him? Under the gaze of all people, white grandfather only focuses on Qiqi. Then, he reaches out his hand and reaches to Qiqi's neck.

This moment, from the white grandfather nearest cold, a grasp of white grandfather's hand, cold and slightly anxious said: "what do you want to do?"

Uncle Bai didn't even look at Leng Han, but his eyes suddenly changed. Then, his hand suddenly shrank. As if he had practiced the bone shrinking skill, his skeleton like arm was detached from Lenghan's powerful hand.

Cold cold ate a dark loss, still want to continue to stop white grandfather, but white grandfather's shoulder suddenly back a swing. Standing behind the white grandfather, the cold cold was shot directly.

White grandfather did not hinder, his two fingers immediately reached Qiqi's neck pulse, his enigmatic posture, at this moment showed no doubt.

A simple action, is enough to show that the white grandfather is how profound, his strength has reached the peak.

However, no matter how fierce the white grandfather is, he can't stop the Xia family's anger. No matter how you look at it, grandfather Bai's action is an insult to the Xia family. How can the Xia family stand it.

There are several experts in the ward who are ready to capture grandfather Bai. However, at the most critical moment, as the most prestigious master Xia of Tang family, he seems to see the extraordinary of grandfather Bai. Therefore, just as those experts are ready to start, he suddenly raises his hand to signal those people not to act rashly.

At once, everyone stopped. However, grandfather Bai didn't care about everything around him. He was just immersed in his own realm. His eyes seemed to be blooming with incomparable brilliance. After probing Qiqi's carotid artery, he reached out to Qiqi's wrist for pulse detection.

After a while, white grandfather's face suddenly changed. He quickly took back his hand from Qiqi's wrist, and then quickly put his medicine box on the cabinet beside the bed, and then made a cold voice: "all out!

Four words, full of dignity, like an indisputable order, the Xia family listened, look more and more stunned, many people's eyes are filled with anger.

At first, grandfather Bai was very dissatisfied with a man who had been out of breath. Now, he even asked the Xia family to go out. It was a total clamor. How could the Tang family stand it.

Immediately, someone came out and said, "what do you mean, you don't know little Qi, she has already."

His words did not finish, white grandfather suddenly issued a more violent drink: "all out!"

The voice, earth shaking, directly to the entire ward to vibration, said this sentence, the whole person's momentum of grandfather Bai showed out, very terrible.

Some women and children in the room were pale. Even I, my heart was shocked, and my soul returned to my body in an instant. This is the first time that I saw grandfather Bai so serious and powerful. He exposed his strongest side and showed his overbearing side without concealment. So he was compared with my father, No Self conscious can be frightening.

Of course, I know that grandfather Bai is so aggressive, not to fight with others, but he wants to leave the ward as soon as possible, and he wants to be involved in the process of treating Qiqi.

At the thought of this, my body suddenly shook for a moment, I immediately realized that the white grandfather did not give up Qiqi, Qiqi still has hope, she still has the hope to live.

Yes, Ziyi committed suicide because of too much blood loss and no breath. I thought she was dead at that time, but in the end, he was rescued by grandfather Bai in time. He was a miracle doctor. He was officially out of the mountain today, so he didn't plan to go back empty handed. He really wanted to gamble, atone for the things before 22 years ago, and make up for his lifelong regret.

All of a sudden, my heart beat back to a violent, I know more clearly that time can not be delayed.

So, I immediately called out to all the stunned Xia people's Congress: "everyone, this is the old miracle doctor I invited here. He is very powerful. Maybe Qiqi can be saved. Let's go out first, don't disturb him!"

What I said immediately made Xia family understand everything. However, it seems that only I agree with grandfather Bai's medical skills. The Xia family didn't pay at all. As soon as my voice dropped, there was a rustle of discussion in the ward. They all thought that I was bullshit, and that grandfather Bai was a bit overbearing and arrogant.Fortunately, the most majestic master Xia seemed to trust grandfather Bai. In other words, he also had hope for Qiqi and didn't want to give up like this. So he suddenly stood up and said in a sharp voice, "get out of here!"

After that, he was the first to walk out of the ward. Before he left, he also deeply looked at the grandfather with white eyes and Qiqi on the hospital bed.

Other family members, even if they have complaints again, but the master Xia has spoken. They have to follow them out of the ward, and even the expert team in hospital has all left the ward.

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