In the noisy ward, Ziyi and I were left standing in the same place. After opening the medicine box, grandfather Bai said to me, "you go out too!"

I nodded, and then took Ziyi out of the ward, and closed the door.

As soon as she got out of the ward, the woman immediately grabbed me and said angrily, "sulo, what kind of quack do you invite? I warn you, if he disrespects my Qiqi's body, I will ask you!"

The woman's mood is still excited, she is still immersed in grief, not to ease up, but also to me and grandfather Bai have the utmost anger, but from this, we can see that Xia's family do not know the changed grandfather Bai, in their eyes, grandfather white is an unknown doctor, who will believe that he can cure Qi Qi Qi who is out of breath.

Therefore, I hastened to explain: "don't worry, auntie, his medical skills are very good, maybe it's really possible to make Qiqi wake up!"

My tone is very sincere, I also want to pass on a piece of confidence to the family of many many Xia, but the woman still does not believe me, she still wants to continue to blame me.

However, without waiting for her to speak again, master Xia, who was leaning on crutches, suddenly made a dull voice: "Suluo, I remember that a few days ago, on the Mangshan Mountain, your father walked out safely from the dark moon hall. It is said that at that time, there was a bad old man who had been following him. Was that the old man in the ward? "

Xia Laozi's words, let all the Xia family are quiet down, the noisy corridor, instantly become very quiet, the air has a special factor flow. All the people's looks changed.

On that day, my father was able to walk out of the dark moon hall where monsters swarmed, which caused a huge sensation in the provincial capital. My father's strength was praised as a mythical existence, and my father's identity shocked the whole city.

As everyone knows, my father came down from the Mang Mountain, accompanied by an old man. Although, on that day, grandfather Bai tried to excuse himself, saying that he was a soy sauce player and that walking out of the dark moon hall was my father's strength.

But, white grandfather can with my father, certainly also is unusual existence. Some people even think that it was their joint efforts that defeated many monster level masters in the dark moon hall. Therefore, grandfather Bai is also a legend in the hearts of people.

At this moment, Mr. Xia suddenly mentioned the old man who accompanied my father down the mountain. This immediately attracted the attention of all the people on the scene. They all turned their eyes to me and waited for my answer.

I didn't intend to hide it, but I said, "yes, it's him."

After listening to my words, Xia nodded his head thoughtfully, with a profound meaning.

And other people hear my answer, also no longer doubt the strength of white grandfather, after all, such an expert, certainly not to mess. By this time, Xia's family were quiet. They believed that grandfather Bai would not mess around. However, their expectations were not high. It seemed that they did not believe that grandfather Bai had the ability to bring the dead back to life. This was indeed an unlikely thing.

However, there is hope in my heart, even if the hope is very slim, I also want to believe, but I have uncontrollable fear in my heart. I even couldn't help shaking my legs and waiting nervously.

Cold sweat quietly seeps from behind me, I am really nervous to the extreme.

My side of Ziyi, perhaps feel my tension, she can't help holding my hand, together with me, quietly waiting.

All the summer family are also silent waiting, their look in haggard, also have uneasiness.

Even the peripheral onlookers are standing in the distance, waiting silently.

There was no one on the scene. It was very quiet, only people's nervous heart beating and the sound of rapid breathing.

All people's eyes, are tightly staring at the door of the ward, trying to feel the movement of the door, but there is no reaction in the ward.

Qiqi lives in an advanced ward, and the space inside is very large. The doors are special. You can't see the inside from the outside. The sound insulation effect is also very strong. I couldn't even hear anything unusual inside when I cocked up my ears.

The more silent, the more nervous I am, the faster my heart rate, waiting, as if endless, a wait is more than an hour.

One hour, it's really longer than a century for us who are waiting so hard. Finally, the patience of Xia's family is worn out. Some people can't help but complain that they can't wait like this. Some even suggest to go in and have a look. Even I can't stand it.

However, in the corridor when people restless, creak, has been closed ward door was opened.

It's a long wait, and it's a touching wait. Both inside and outside the hospital, countless people are waiting for it. We just want to see the outcome of the first talented woman in the provincial capital

however, the corridor at the door of the ward, the Xia family and some influential figures in the provincial capital can't help it after a long wait Just as people were restless and ready to go in and have a look, the door of the ward suddenly opened.

Time, everyone's feet are stopped, noisy corridor, instant quiet down. Almost at the same time, the whole audience's eyes were directed at the door of the ward. Everyone's eyes were full of tension and even held their breath.In all the concentration of attention, the old white grandfather slowly came out of the ward.

I left the ward door nearest, the first rushed to the past, to white grandfather nervously asked: "how?"

At the moment, the white grandfather, on the surface, is still calm as water, I can not see his mind at all, so, in this moment, my heart is still tightly hanging, my nerves are tense, my eyes for a moment dare not leave the white grandfather, for fear of missing some of his expression changes.

He handed me a 200 ml white medicine, and then he handed me a white medicine

After the explanation, white grandfather no longer nonsense, immediately returned to the ward, bang, the ward door closed again.

In the corridor, the Xia family, breathless and attentive, was suddenly stunned by the sound of closing the door, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Originally, after waiting for an hour, they were already impatient. The hour was too long for them. They spent it in pain.

Now, it's hard to wait until the ward door opens, but there is no news. How can they suffer? Especially the woman who is most worried about ponytail, can't help crying out: "what does the old man mean? You can find a doctor for blood transfusion, and you need instruments. What does he want?"

Many famous people in the Xia family also agreed. They all thought that grandfather Bai's action was a little weird. No one knew what grandfather Han had done to the ponytail, especially when he suddenly asked for Ziyi's blood or filled it with that kind of medicine, which was even more incredible.

At the beginning, I didn't understand what he meant. However, when I looked at Ziyi, my brain suddenly flashed. In an instant, I realized that Ziyi's blood was different.

Yes, Ziyi took blood Ganoderma lucidum a few days ago, and her blood must contain Ganoderma lucidum ingredients. Suddenly, grandfather Bai asked me to fill up some blood of Ziyi. Obviously, he didn't want to give Qiqi a blood transfusion, but he wanted to use Ziyi's blood as a drug guide to cure Qiqi.

Thinking of this, my heart beat suddenly and violently, and my expression was obviously excited. Without hesitation, I explained to those Tang family members who were in the presence who were inexplicable: "my girlfriend took the snow Ganoderma lucidum of the millennium a few days ago!"

In a word, immediately awakened the confused Xia family, all the people's looks changed, their despair and inexplicable eyes, began to flash a ray of hope. They finally began to believe that Kiki might be saved.

After all, they are very clear, Qiqi's disease, the most need is blood Ganoderma lucidum, it is extremely powerful. It almost has the effect of reviving the dead. They tried their best to get blood Ganoderma lucidum from my father's hands.

Now, snow Ganoderma lucidum was taken by Xu Nan, then, Ziyi's blood may be the only hope. After they understood this, their expressions showed a flash of excitement. Without delay, the Xia family immediately asked President Wang to take the tools.

And I, is very solemn looking at her, asked: "purple, OK?"

Although, Ziyi is now alive and kicking, but after all, her body has not fully recovered, or very weak, so it is very difficult for her to draw 200 ml blood.

However, Ziyi knew how much I attached importance to Qiqi, and also knew that my father's blood Ganoderma lucidum was used to save her, which led to Qiqi losing her only chance to survive. Therefore, Ziyi could not refuse such a request. Without hesitation, she said directly: "I have no problem!"

I nodded to her affirmatively and said from the bottom of my heart: "thank you, that wronged you!"

Ziyi pursed her lips, her eyes were firm.

Soon, the old Dean came to the nurse, but also took the blood drawing equipment, and then, the nurse with very skilled action, quickly to the purple to draw blood.

Two hundred milliliters of blood is not small. After drawing blood, Ziyi's face is pale. However, Ziyi is strong, silent and does not even frown. Her eyes were still firm.

When the blood was put into the medicine jar, I took the medicine jar and knocked on the door of the ward.

After a while, the door of the ward opened again. Grandfather Bai took the medicine jar directly from my hand after he opened the door. He smelled the medicine pot with purple blood under his nose and nodded thoughtfully. Then he said to me seriously: "don't let anyone come in and disturb me!"

Then he closed the door of the ward again.

This time, no one to speak, no one to impulse, full of their hearts, only tension. And that very weak but only hope.

The whole corridor, once again into a dead silence, although the number of people here is large, but everyone consciously did not break the silence, just anxiously waiting.

Waiting is long again, and I don't know when it will end

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