I followed the orders of the white grandfather, led by purple, has been waiting in the door of the ward.

To this moment, although my mood is still very excited, but because the white grandfather asked Ziyi's blood, my heart's hope is much bigger.

I more and more believe that grandfather Bai can make Qiqi wake up. It is because I believe that, I will become patient, even if the time passes slowly, even if waiting is very anxious, I can wait patiently.

However, I have patience, but the Xia family is not so patient. With the passage of time, the wisps of hope in their hearts are gradually disillusioned, replaced by more and more intense irritability and uneasiness.

After all, I know a lot about grandfather Bai's medical skills, but Xia's family don't know how accomplished he is in the realm of medicine. With Ziyi's blood, there is little hope. If grandfather Bai's medical skills are not top-notch, there is not much hope. Therefore, in the time consumption, their patience is almost worn out.

When two hours passed and the time came to one o'clock in the morning, the Xia family finally couldn't help it.

Two hours is enough to completely disillusionment their hope and their patience. At this time, their faces all showed the color of extreme anxiety. Everyone in the Xia family was impatient, especially Qiqi's mother. She suddenly rushed to me and said anxiously, "get out of the way, I want to go in and have a look."

Like a stump, I stood upright at the door, motionless, and firmly said to the woman, "I'm sorry, auntie, you can't go in. My master can't be disturbed in any way."

For the changed grandfather Bai, I can't reveal his real identity. I can only call him master. After all, he is also my master.

Of course, I also hope to pass my words. Raise some white grandfather's reputation, let Xia family can trust him a little bit, can be patient, but obviously useless.

The woman saw me clubbed not to let go, her eyes suddenly burst out of anger, she looked at me fiercely, indignantly said: "Suluo, what qualifications do you have to stop me, get out of the way, Qiqi lives suffering, now she is dead, can't you let her rest in peace?"

After that, the women could not help but shed sad tears. This tear represents her despair. Obviously, after so long, the woman has no longer believed that grandfather Bai can save the ponytail. In her eyes, Qiqi has already died. After death, there should be a place to rest. According to the truth, Qiqi's body should have been transported home, but now she is still lying in the ward, being manipulated by grandfather Bai. How can a mother stand it.

Don't talk about women. Even other Xia family members have said that they need to go in and have a look. Let me get out of the way.

But I still like the door god, guard at the entrance of the ward, and cut the railway to them: "no way!"

I have no doubt about my attitude, directly let the Xia people's Congress angry, one of the two looks extraordinary strength of the middle-aged men, quickly rushed to me, threatened me: "get out of the way!"

Facing the threat, I released Ziyi's hand, straightened my chest, showed an unparalleled momentum, and then issued an incomparable sonorous voice: "my master's treatment can not be disturbed, no one can enter, if you want to enter, you can step on my body to enter!"

My voice was firm as before, and my courage showed up. Although Xia's family were powerful in the provincial capital, I didn't care. I only knew that it was my mission to stay at the door of the ward and not let anyone go in to disturb grandfather Bai.

It's very important for grandfather Bai to save Qiqi. It's not only about Qiqi's life, but also about his great reputation. He has been hit by Miss Xia's family. I can't let him go out of the mountain again and suffer a blow in the same place. So, no matter what, I don't allow anyone to go in.

Xia family see me so domineering, more and more angry, I am in front of these two middle-aged men, is emitting a frightening momentum, they do not care about anything, will come to take me.

And at this time, the righteous Xia Laozi, he suddenly raised his crutch, heavily hit the ground, and then angrily cried: "all give me a quiet wait!"

Among all the Xia family, it seems that only Xia Laozi always believes in white grandfather. Fortunately, his prestige in the Xia family is also the highest. As soon as he spoke, the Xia family suddenly became silent. Even if they were more angry, they did not dare to make a mess.

The scene is silent again, time, and quietly continue to flow.

The onlookers inside and outside the hospital were slowly dispersed, and the number of people was getting less and less. However, the tense atmosphere did not weaken at all. All the people left behind were frowning and uneasy, but no one spoke. They could only bear and wait.

This is another two hours. Time, has come to three o'clock in the morning, some people's spirit is almost unbearable, even if there is spirit waiting, is also full of anxiety, especially impatient, even I am anxious in a cold sweat.

At this time, the ward, finally came to the white grandfather's gentle voice: "come in!"

A door separated, although the white grandfather's voice is not small, but spread to the outside is extremely weak, but I still sensitive to capture, in the hearing of the sound of the moment, my nerves immediately a shock, without hesitation, I turned to open the door, like flying into the ward.Inside, the first thing that came into my eyes was grandfather Bai. At this time, he was sweating and his eyes were empty. The whole person seemed to be exhausted. Obviously, this treatment cost him a lot.

Although it is not easy to know the white grandfather, but my eyes did not stay on him too much. I couldn't wait to see Qiqi on the hospital bed.

At this moment, the ponytail is still closed eyes, but unlike before, she obviously has the breath of life, her pale face, also has a little blood color, she really lived, really died and resurrected.

In an instant, my eyes are suffused with excited light, my heart is shaking, excitement, joy, surprise, all kinds of emotions interweave. When I was excited, the Xia family all ran in. They ignored the tired white grandfather and gathered near the hospital bed.

When they saw Qiqi come back to life, their eyes suddenly showed the most extreme surprise, as well as the most fantastic joy.

Even the old Dean ran in, he did a check on Qiqi, immediately, he was excited to shout: "miracle ah, it's really a miracle!"

This seems to be the authority of the old expert, at the moment is obviously white grandfather's medical skills to shock, completely shocked. Although Qiqi doesn't wake up now, grandfather Bai has brought the dead back to life. This is enough to prove his magic. He is the old God.

When everyone was immersed in shock and joy, grandfather Bai, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Miss Xia has nothing to do for the time being. She should wake up after a rest. however. Her persistent diseases are all caused by a very special virus, which is a toxin that can not be explained by science. Originally, Ganoderma Lucidum with millennial blood can indeed remove this toxin, but now it is no longer there. Ziyi's blood contains only a small amount of ingredients, which can cure the symptoms but not the root causes. What I can do is to help suppress the toxin of Miss Xia, but I can't eradicate it. Therefore, even if Miss Xia wakes up, she can only live for half a year at most! "

White grandfather cold Buding a word, the moment let the excited summer family quiet down. All of them cast their eyes on the white grandfather.

As for the words of grandfather Bai, some people are satisfied and others are disappointed. Of course, the satisfaction is that Qiqi can live for another half a year. What is disappointed is that Qiqi still wants to die, but suffers more than half a year.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the ward became very strange. The factors of surprise seemed to be frozen in an instant. Everyone's expression became complicated. Some people wanted to say something, but they wanted to stop talking.

In this special atmosphere, the white grandfather then said: "of course, it's not impossible to make Miss Xia get better completely!"

In a word, it broke the weird atmosphere of the scene in an instant, and aroused a huge wave among everyone in the audience. Almost at the moment of grandfather Bai's voice falling, everyone's expression changed, becoming more shocked and more happy.

Who could have thought that the dead Kiki could not only live for half a year, but also hope to get better. It can be said that Xia's family has been looking forward to it for nearly 20 years. At this moment, the eyes of the whole audience are different.

The image of grandfather white in the eyes of my family, just like the stock, is constantly improving and constantly changing.

Originally, white grandfather can let Qiqi live more than half a year, which is a miracle. Now, he even has a way to let Qiqi free from the shackles of death and become a normal person. How can Xia's family treat him differently.

The calm Xia Zhonghai was the first to stand up and excitedly said to grandfather Bai: "old doctor, tell me quickly what method can make my daughter get better. As long as I can do it, I will not hesitate to pay any price!"

Xia Zhonghai's tone is particularly urgent and excited. Obviously, for this hope, he is willing to give up.

However, in the face of Xia Zhonghai's excitement, grandfather Bai grinned bitterly and turned his lips. Then, he solemnly said: "in this world, in addition to snow Ganoderma lucidum, there is a magical thing that can dissolve the poison in Miss Xia's body. However, the person who owns this thing is a strange person. You want to get this thing from hand than to get the blood spirit from Su Qiyao's hand Zhi, it will be thousands of times more difficult

Han grandfather's words, like a basin of ice water, instantly extinguished the hope of the Xia family, let their face of joy, immediately frozen.

At the beginning, the Xia family made every effort to get blood Ganoderma lucidum from my father. And now there is a strange man who has another magical thing. It is just that it is ten thousand times more difficult to get something from the strange man than it is to take blood Ganoderma lucidum from my father's hand. That is to say, it is impossible for that person to offer this thing. Even if he tries his best, it is almost impossible to get it?

At the end of the day, Kiki still has to wait to die. Hope is disillusioned again.

But the master of Xia's family, Mr. Xia, didn't seem to give up. He quietly walked to the white grandfather's body and solemnly asked, "who is that man?"

White grandfather raised his eyes, with a very deep look at Xia Laozi, he said: "blood Cherry Blossom boss, black Luocha!"

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