White grandfather's as a bomb, another explosion, his words will instantly blow the whole audience muddled, my heart, also was blown open flowers, stirring up the mood rolling.

Blood cherry blossom, how is it? I feel that every time I hear the name, my heart can change dramatically, and this time is no exception.

In fact, I don't know much about the mysterious gang that my father is going to clean up. In particular, I know nothing about their internal affairs, because it is too mysterious.

Last time, I learned that uncle Yang was a man of red cherry blossom. Of course, I thought uncle Yang, who can keep pace with my father, may be the eldest brother of blood cherry blossom.

However, I never thought that the red cherry blossom's boss had another person, called black Luocha. I've never heard of it. I don't know it at all.

However, according to what grandfather Bai just said. In other words, if she can be a bloody Cherry Blossom boss, she must have the strength to the sky, and she is bound to be a cow to the extreme.

I know that among the major gangs in China, the largest one in China is Hongmen. However, many people have spread that among all the gangs, the most powerful one is actually the most hidden blood cherry blossom. What's more, blood Butterfly and the level of master Yang Shu, black Luocha as the boss, how can we underestimate it.

What's more, the blood Cherry Blossom dare to force my father out of the mountain, dare to compete with my father, then, it must be so powerful that it can't be imagined.

At the moment, from the expression of many people in the Xia family, you can also see. They are obviously a little distant from the organization. Even Xia Laozi became silent when he heard the words of white grandfather. Obviously, he also knew that he wanted to take something from the black Luocha, which was a dream.

Everyone's heart was cold again. When everyone was frustrated, grandfather Bai said leisurely: "different from the thousand year snow Ganoderma lucidum, the thing in the black Luocha's hand is a living thing. The thousand year blood Ganoderma lucidum is a strange medicine, which can cure all kinds of diseases. Its efficacy is very strong, and the living thing in the hands of heiluocha is a poison, a thousand year old toad, with very strong toxicity The amount of saliva. It can poison an adult elephant, but it can become a strange medicine as a guide.

I can use it to make medicine. I can remove the toxin from Miss Xia's body by attacking poison with poison. However, the Millennium toad is the treasure of black Rocha, almost integrated with her. You can kill her, but it is almost impossible to get the Millennium Toad from her hands.

However, this is also the only way to save Miss Xia. If you get it, you can ask Suluo to come to me, and I will treat Miss Xia for free. Well, there is so much I can do. I have to leave in advance! "

After that, grandfather Bai took his medicine box directly and turned away.

I want to send him off, but the white grandfather suddenly waved his hand to me and said, "don't send it!"

The voice falls, the white grandfather's body has already walked to the ward door, compared with the high spirited, at this time the white grandfather decadent many, vicissitudes many.

I know that he tried his best this time. This is his work of making up for his regret and his treatment for atonement. For several hours without stopping, grandfather Bai put all his energy into it. Therefore, he looks so listless at the moment. I also know, white grandfather needs a person to be quiet, also needs to rest, therefore, I did not follow up to disturb him.

But Xia's family saw that grandfather Bai left like this, which just reflected from the stagnant state. Especially Xia Zhonghai, he rushed to catch up with him and asked him to stay: "old doctor, you saved my daughter. I haven't paid you back. How can you just go like this?"

White grandfather did not return, directly waved his hand, said: "do not thank me, thank you for Suluo, I am to help him!"

After saying this sentence, white grandfather has already walked out of the ward, leaving a group of stunned Xia family, standing in situ.

It was not until grandfather Bai left for a long time that a family member of Xia suddenly opened his voice in the ward and said, "who is this old immortal? It's not only good at medical skills, but also seems to know everything! "

His words have aroused the resonance of all Xia's family. For grandfather Bai, they are not only grateful, but also curious. They are curious about him and admire his medical skills. After all, his superb medical skills are beyond the scope of everyone's cognition. Even Xia Zhonghai is full of curiosity and asks, "who is your master, Su Luo?"

Although, I know the feelings of the Xia family, but I can not tell the white grandfather's secret to the Xia family, it is always a scar of white grandfather. I will never expose his scar without his consent. Moreover, I didn't know him well enough, so I shook my head directly and said, "I don't know. It seems to be an old friend of my father. In short, it helped me a lot."

I can only explain in this way. However, my explanation is quite convincing. The Xia family members present basically know that when my father came out of the dark moon hall, grandfather Bai was always with him. Now, I say that grandfather Bai is my father's friend, and no one should doubt it. This also let Xia family no longer have a thorough inquiry into me.

At this time, the long silence of the old Xia, suddenly issued a profound voice: "the world can have such a person, I am afraid he is the only one!"Xia's eyes, leisurely staring at the door of the ward, murmured. Perhaps, he has guessed the identity of white grandfather, will have such a feeling.

Some other older people in the Xia family, after listening to the old man's words, seemed to have a feeling that they knew something about their stomach, but they didn't say it, as if it was a taboo for the Xia family. We can't talk about it.

In order to ease the atmosphere of the scene, some people can't help but shift the topic to black Rocha and her Millennium toad. This is the most critical thing for Xia family. After all, it can be related to Qiqi's life. No matter how difficult it was, they didn't want to give up easily. Among them, the woman was most concerned. She couldn't help but say to the old man: "Dad, is there any way to get the Millennium Toad from the black Luocha? As long as I can save Qiqi, I can accept any price! "

The woman's words asked the voice of all the people in the Xia family. All of a sudden, the whole audience stopped talking and looked at the old man. Even I couldn't help but look at the old Xia.

Under the attention of the whole audience, the old man still maintained his unique style. He slowly withdrew his mind, and then said in a very helpless tone: "basically, there is no possibility. For this black Luocha, you may not know much about it, but I know that the strength of the blood Cherry Blossom can not be separated from the strength of the black Luocha.

Although heiluocha is a woman, she has such power because she is an expert in the use of poison. She is a poisonous rose and can kill people in an invisible way. Her various kinds of strange poisons mainly rely on her Millennium toad, which is her treasure and more important than her life. We can't get her Millennium toad, even if it costs a lot of money

The meaning of master Xia's words is the same as that of grandfather Bai, that is, the life of a thousand year old toad is more important than that of heiluocha, and no one can get it.

But even though the old Xia said so, some people still refused to accept it. One of the Xia family members, who seemed to be quite hot in character, said, "it's really not good. Let's fight hard. We can't do it!"

Indeed, the Xia family is a big family. On the white road, the Xia family can almost call the wind and rain. No matter how powerful the black Luocha and her red cherry blossoms are, they are just a unique branch on the black. If the Xia family really wants to deal with them, it is not impossible.

But after listening to this, the old Xia didn't hesitate to shake his head and said: "soft is not good, hard is even worse, because this black Luocha is even a headache to the ghost king!"

No need to explain too much, a simple summary, on the scene of all people. Because, it's obvious that Xia Laozi's words have made my father's headache. That's the person who can compete with my father. Such a terrorist can't be provoked by Xia family. Not to mention anything else, because of the blood ganoderma, Haibang and Sheng's family collapsed. That's because my father's power is too strong.

Since the black Luocha can compete with the ghost king, it is certainly not easy to be provoked. If the Xia family wants to be tough, he may not be able to get the thousand year old toad, and he will take his foundation.

In fact, I also understand that the blood Cherry Blossom can play around the Sheng family. At the beginning, both the Hai Gang and the Sheng family were played by the bloody cherry blossom. It can be seen that the bloody cherry blossom is not only powerful, but also insidious. The Xia family wants to fight against it, which is obviously not feasible.

After listening to the old man's words, the rest of Xia's family almost died. No one dared to say anything, and everyone's expression became gloomy.

The huge ward fell into a brief silence, and the atmosphere seemed to be suppressed. There was a feeling of lethargy. Heaven gave the Xia family a hope, but the hope was so vague. This feeling of powerlessness certainly made them sad, especially the feeling that they hoped to come and go quickly, which made them lose.

But in the quiet of the ward, a light cough suddenly broke the silence, the sudden sound in the dull air in the ward, immediately, all the people were back to their senses, and all the people's eyes were turned to the hospital bed. Because, this light cough is from Qiqi. She wakes up.

In this ward, Qiqi is the center of the Tang family. Therefore, her small move immediately touched the hearts of all Xia's family. Almost unable to help themselves, they all gathered at Qiqi's bedside, and even the old Dean couldn't wait to check Qiqi.

And Qiqi's mother, is always in the bedside quietly Calling: "Qiqi, Qiqi, can you hear me? I am your mother

For Qiqi, the Pearl of the eye, Xia family is really too precious, and I was directly ignored by them, but I did not care, I only care about Qiqi. See her really good come over, I'm more happy than anyone else, however, purple in the side of me is not good performance too obvious.

Involuntarily, I turned my head and looked at Ziyi, which found that her complexion was getting worse and worse. There was no blood on her face, and she was particularly tired and haggard. But when she saw Qiqi come back from the dead, her tired eyes also showed the color of comfort.

However, I looked at such a Ziyi, but bursts of heartache, Ziyi had not fully recovered, today came out one day, the evening has been accompanied in the hospital, accompany to now in the early morning, even has been drawn 200 ml blood, she can support standing, it is estimated that is all her strength.She worked so hard, just to accompany me, although, she didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, but I was so busy for other girls that Ziyi would be hurt. Now she is physically and mentally exhausted, how can I bear to watch her continue.

So, I directly said to Ziyi softly: "Ziyi, let's go back!"

Purple to hear my voice, suddenly raised his eyes to see me, stunned: "you wait for Qiqi to wake up? I'm ok. I can wait! "

I heard the sincerity in Ziyi's tone. She knew that I wanted Qiqi to be OK. However, Qiqi has survived. I believe grandfather Bai, he said that Qiqi is OK, Qiqi will wake up safely, so I don't have to keep watch.

The most important thing is that I don't know how to face Qiqi. After all, before we had a deep kiss, we both thought it was the last goodbye, and we made such a move. If we meet again in the twinkling of an eye, it would be a bit embarrassing. I believe that Qiqi will not wake up to face me.

In any case, I'm not suitable to stay any longer, and I can't bear to let Ziyi continue to be affected. I gave her a very firm look and gently said to Ziyi, "no, let's go!"

After that, I directly took Ziyi's hand. When Xia's family members were circling around Qiqi's hospital bed, we two quietly walked out of the ward

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