Mr Loser,Fight back!

Chapter 811-812

When we walked out of the ward, Ziyi and I didn't disturb the Tang family. We just wanted to leave quietly

however, no matter how silent, it also attracted people's attention. As soon as we arrived outside the ward, Qiqi's father suddenly chased out, and he called out to me: "Suluo!"

Hearing the sound, ziyidun and I stopped. Then, Xia Zhonghai came to my side and said to me in a very serious tone: "Qiqi is going to wake up soon. Don't you wait for her to wake up and say hello before you leave?"

I shrunk my mouth and said, "it's OK. I wish she could wake up. My girlfriend can't carry her any more. I have to take her back to rest! "

Xia Zhonghai looked at Ziyi and looked at me. Then, he said from the bottom of his heart: "thank you!"

I shook my head, solemnly said: "Uncle Xia, you don't have to be so polite, Qiqi, she has helped me a lot, without her, I'm afraid I would have died. I've never paid her back, and this time I've done something for her

Said, my eyes also showed a little gratifying look, this is from the heart of the gratification.

Xia Zhonghai saw me like this, he definitely nodded and said to me, "yes, Qiqi didn't miss you. Anyway, you have helped my Xia family a lot today. In the future, no matter how Qiqi's fate is, you are my Xia family's benefactor. You can come to me at any time if you have anything in the future. As long as I can help, I will do my best! "

The Xia family is just like me. It's also the kind of gratitude. Although I can only give Qiqi half a year's life, it's already a great favor to Xia's family.

However, in my opinion, these are what I should do, which is a matter of course. I am returning love, and so is grandfather Bai. We all owe Xia's family.

After a few seconds, I also said to Xia Zhonghai in a very solemn tone: "I'm here to thank uncle Xia for his kindness. If Qiqi needs my help, please call me. Uncle Xia, I'll go first! "

Xia Zhonghai nodded silently, after saying goodbye, I left the hospital with Ziyi.

At the moment, it is nearly four o'clock in the morning. The noisy entrance of the hospital is now extremely quiet. The people waiting for the wind to listen to the wind are quietly dispersed. The night sky and the street reflect each other. All things seem to be sleeping.

To tell you the truth, I'm tired. At this time point, I don't want to disturb others. So I just drove Ziyi and stayed in a hotel with a better environment.

After opening the room, Ziyi went to the bathroom to have a shower first. I sat on the bed and watched the TV.

Time goes by unconsciously. After Ziyi bathes out, I still sit on the bed in the same posture, staring at the TV.

My expression is a little dull, but also a little melancholy. Ziyi can't help sitting next to me and asking, "Arlo, are you still thinking about Qiqi?"

Ziyi's words didn't seem to be jealous. I didn't conceal the woman's instinctive question. I nodded directly and replied, "it's a little bit. After all, even if she wakes up this time, she only has half a year's time. It's very pitiful!"

There is deep regret in my tone, as well as a strong sense of loss.

In fact, I have the same mind as Xia's family. If Qiqi has no hope of cure, we will not have a sense of loss. After all, she can live for another half a year, which is also a blessing in misfortune. But now, Qiqi has a completely good hope. As long as she gets the things in the hands of black Luocha, she can live like a normal person. She can really take off the burden and live the next life. What a temptation.

However, this hope is so slim, almost equal to zero, such a gap, inevitably makes people sad.

Ziyi heard my words, but also can not help silence, the room suddenly changed silent incomparable.

I couldn't help but look at Ziyi and found that she seemed to be very sad. Then I realized that I had said something wrong. So I quickly explained: "Ziyi, don't misunderstand me. Qiqi and I have nothing to do with her. She is just my benefactor. She is a good person. I feel sorry for her fate. Besides, I'm absent-minded now. I'm mainly worried about my father! "

Purple Yi listen to my words, this just returned to God, asked me: "what's wrong with uncle?"

I said with a bitter smile: "he is going to go to the headquarters of red cherry blossom and fight with black Luosha!"

Before today, I had already felt the horror of the bloody cherry blossom. It was too mysterious, and had uncle Yang's unpredictable strong man. It felt like a black whirlpool, and it was easy to sweep people.

Even though my dad is strong, I can't help worrying about him. And now, I learned that the bloody cherry blossom is also a good poison boss, black Luocha, which makes me more worried.

My dad, although he is legendary, he must have great difficulties in dealing with the strongest organization that is gradually paying for water, the bloody cherry blossom. Especially the bloody Cherry Blossom likes to play with Yin, and the black Luocha is good at using poison. I'm really afraid that my father, the Iron-blooded God of war, will die under the Yin move. In fact, when I first heard about the Millennium toad, I thought about asking my dad to help me get this thing.But on second thought, I thought it was impossible. This time, my father himself was very unlucky, and it was very difficult to deal with the black Rocha. Even if he won the bloody cherry blossom by chance, he would lose both sides. I'm afraid it would be hard to get a thousand year old toad.

After all, the Millennium toad is a treasure to the black Rocha. A master regards the baby as his life, and she can't allow others to desecrate it. Even if it's death, black Rocha may destroy the baby. So, even my father can't get the Millennium toad. Besides, it's not easy for me to tell my father that I can't trouble him any more because of my private affairs. As long as my father is safe, it's my greatest pleasure.

Ziyi listened to me and understood my inner pain. Although she didn't know about the underground world, she actually heard about the bloody cherry blossoms and the name of the black Luocha in the ward just now. She knew the fierce relationship among them, so she didn't say much. She just comforted me and said, "well, I understand you. If you don't want to quit the world, you want to help your uncle I support you all! "

Although Ziyi said that fearless, but I know, it is because she does not want to be unreasonable, because she is reasonable. But in fact, she must hope that I can live a peaceful life, hope that I am safe, and that we are both happy and peaceful, far from right and wrong.

I understand her heart and won't listen to her surface words. I directly pursed my lips and said mildly, "don't worry, I won't participate in it. I promise you to live a good life. What's more, I know that I can't help my dad with my strength. I'll only make trouble for him. Well, I'll take a bath first

Finish saying, I kiss in Ziyi's forehead, and then go to the bathroom to take a shower.

Taking a bath is a process of washing out fatigue and worries. In this process, I will have a light sense of purity. I feel that the dirt on my body will go with the flow of water, and the depression in my heart will disappear. Therefore, I took a bath for quite a long time.

After taking a bath, I found that the exhausted Ziyi was lying on the bed and asleep.

I know, purple in this day is too tired, she is really can not hold, will be so fast into the dream.

In order not to disturb her, I fell asleep on the sofa beside me.

Not long ago, I also entered a deep sleep, but this sleep I sleep a little not solid, nightmares, one is Qiqi quietly left the world, another is my father had an accident, not sleep long, I woke up, up in a cold sweat.

It's been a long time. I was completely out of the dream, and then looked at the time, only 7:10, Ziyi is still in a deep sleep, but I have no sleep at all.

Sitting on the sofa for a long time, I finally got up, dressed and went out directly.

Driving the car, I went straight to grandfather Bai's house in the suburbs. When I got to his house, I found that he had got up early. He was playing Tai Chi in the courtyard outside the house. It seems that this set of Taiji for him has been well-known. He can never finish practicing it, and he can practice it every day. Even if Tai Chi is so perfect in his hands, he still keeps on training. This may be his lifelong interest and his highest attainments.

I stood aside and watched grandfather Bai play Tai Chi. He knew that I was here, but he didn't stop. He didn't stop until he finished playing. He looked at me and said, "why did you come to the door again? What's wrong with Miss Xia er?"

As well as shaking my head about Sakura, I don't want to ask about it

White grandfather a listen. His eyebrows were frowned. He squinted at me and asked, "do you want to rob black Luocha for Miss Xia?"

I said with a bitter smile: "no, I still have this self-knowledge, I just worry about my father's safety!"

Listen to me say so, white grandfather just relaxed a breath, by the way jokingly said: "think you stinky boy and for women do not want to die!"

After that, he stood with his hands on his back and looked at the clouds in the sky. Suddenly, his face returned to the solemnity. There is no doubt that the posture of chivalrous immortal wind is revealed, and he feels that he has fallen into some kind of memory again.

After a long silence, white grandfather said again: "speaking of it, although your father was powerful and invincible at that time, it is really difficult for him to deal with the black Luocha with his present strength."

White grandfather's words, let my gray heart more gloomy.

For a long time, grandfather Bai is always optimistic about my father. Although I think it is very dangerous for my father to deal with the bloody cherry blossom, I think that at least the white grandfather will say that my father is OK, but I didn't expect that now even the white grandfather said such words, which is undoubtedly a great blow to me. Obviously, what kind of organization blood cherry blossom is really strong to the contrary.

I tried to restrain my uneasy heart and exclaimed, "grandfather Bai, what kind of existence is this organization?"

Grandfather Bai's eyes were still fixed on the distance. He opened his lips and said in a thoughtful way:

"this mysterious organization was created by black Luocha after your father retired from the world. It is developing very fast, but it is quietly developing in the dark, and rarely surfaced. In recent years, red cherry blossom is like termites, inadvertently devouring various forces. Whether in black or white, or in business, are permeated with blood Cherry Blossom people, it can be said that it is the existence of the underground world with one hand covering the sky.In this seemingly big and small gangs, the blood cherry blossom is not very impressive, in fact, it is the leader worthy of no one can match. As long as the bloody Cherry Blossom really erupts, it has the absolute strength to reappear the ghost King's demeanor at that time, and create its own empire.

But this organization does not, it still chooses to be silent, such a terrorist Gang, many people have never heard of. Only the real underground boss knows the terror of bloody cherry blossom, so no one dares to provoke it. Bloody cherry blossom is a sleeping lion, dangerous and powerful! "

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