Originally, the blood cherry blossom is mysterious enough, which was said by the white grandfather. I think it's amazing. It's powerful and low-key. I really can't understand what kind of nature this organization is. I couldn't help but ask my question to grandfather Bai and said, "since the bloody cherry blossom has such strong strength, why is it still so low-key? What is the real purpose of its existence

On hearing this, Han's grandfather turned his mouth slightly, revealing a wry smile. Then, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "the mystery of the bloody cherry blossom is mainly due to its boss, black Luocha. This woman is a complete weirdo. No one knows what she thinks. I always don't understand why she wants to build this organization, but she doesn't strive for hegemony.

Even more than a decade ago, when the blood cherry blossoms developed to the most powerful stage, she also chose to practice martial arts in the closed door. Since then, there has been no news of her in the world. There are rumors that she died of a sudden illness.

Until recently, the news of the birth of the black Luocha came out slowly. Over the past ten years, she has really closed down. A long time ago, her strength was unfathomable. Now, no one knows what she has reached. In any case, she must be very strong.

If I didn't know what plot there was between black Rosa and bloody Cherry Blossom before, now, I know her original intention by luring your father and his old army out of the mountain by secretly playing tricks with bloody cherry blossom.

There is only one reason for the bloody cherry blossom's forbearance for so long, and the black Luosha has practiced in seclusion for many years. There is only one reason, that is, to deal with your father, to destroy the era belonging to the ghost king, and to make your father a complete myth! "

After listening to grandfather Bai's words, my heart trembled. I knew that the bloody cherry blossom was good at making Yin, but I didn't expect that black Luocha and her blood Cherry Blossom would be so gloomy, so terrible.

The dog that can bite people never barks. It seems that the bloody cherry blossom is not singing, but as long as it chirps. It's bound to shock the world.

However, I still don't understand why the bloody cherry blossom is so targeted at my father. You know, my father has retired from the world for a long time. Why does the bloody Cherry Blossom deliberately force my father out of the mountain, even force my father's old Department to move out. They can't do this just because they are not convinced of my father's reputation.

It would be amazing if they had spent so much effort just to destroy my dad's unbeaten myth.

I always feel that there is something special in this. If Uncle Yang is the boss of bloody cherry blossom, he will deal with my father. The reason is clear to me. It is because of my mother.

However, the boss of blood cherry blossom is not uncle Yang, but black Luocha. The bloody cherry blossom is directed at my father like that. It should be inspired by black Luocha. From the words of white grandfather, I can see that black Luocha is deliberately aimed at my father. What is the purpose of black Luocha?

Thinking of this, I quickly put my eyes on the white grandfather, very seriously asked him: "white grandfather, black Luocha why to do everything possible to deal with my father?"

White grandfather still maintained the original posture, looking out into the sky, leisurely opened his mouth and said: "black Luocha, as its name is, is a person with a vicious mind, but also a woman without a partner. When she is old, she has not found another half. Of course, it is not that black Luocha is ugly and nobody wants it. On the contrary, she was very beautiful and popular when she was young.

However, at that time, she was particularly infatuated, infatuated with a man, unable to extricate herself. Sadly, in the end, she was deeply hurt by this man, completely hurt. From then on, black Luocha despaired of the man, her heart no longer love, only hate men, especially heartless man, she was very disgusted. It seems that she has made a poisonous oath that she will not marry for the rest of her life

So, isn't black Luocha a modern version of Li Mochou? Once a woman is heartless, it is really terrible, but why does she have to deal with my father?

With this trace of doubt, I solemnly asked the white grandfather again: "she hates the heartless man, can understand, but my father is not a heartless man, my father is as infatuated as her, he can go all out for my mother, black Luocha has no reason to target my father?"

Hearing this, the white grandfather suddenly closed his eyes, and then issued a puzzling words: "ah, the man who failed to live up to black Luocha was your father, Su Qiyao!"

Suddenly heard the words of grandfather white, like a thunderbolt, directly to me. My father, is he a heartless man who failed to live up to black Luocha?

My father is a heartless man. To me, it is more shocking than my father is the king of ghosts. It is really fantastic. In my impression, my father is an absolutely infatuated man, who I think is the most infatuated man in the world.

Although I don't know anything about his early years, I know very well that my father is particularly infatuated, more infatuated than I am. His love for my mother can be described as withered sea and rotten stone. This is one of the reasons why he influenced me. Up to now, he has not released his mind to my mother. Otherwise, when Uncle Yang finally said my mother's name, my father would not have that How excited.

Such a crazy man for love, how can be a heartless man? I don't believe it, I can't believe it.

I couldn't help but ask, "no way, my father is not like that!"Hearing the speech, white grandfather suddenly opened his eyes. Then, he turned his head and looked at me. Then he said very seriously: "you are right. Your father is not like that. He has lived for your mother all his life. No woman can enter his eyes, including black Luocha. But he did live with the black Rocha, and he did deceive the feelings of the black Luocha! "

White grandfather said here, suddenly stopped.

I had no time to think about it, so I quickly asked, "what's the reason?"

Grandfather Bai's eyes rolled up and took a deep breath, as if he was recalling the past. After a pause, he said leisurely, "that was the debt your father owed when he swept the underground world more than 20 years ago. At that time, your father was really invincible, no one can match, but also encountered a bottleneck. Few people know about it, but it does exist. Your father almost died because of this obstacle.

It's a very powerful force that your father can't subvert, and the leader of that force is the father of the black widow. Their influence is composed of ethnic minorities. They are extremely strong, especially the father of the black widow. He is the patriarch of the Miao village. He is a god man between heaven and earth, and a thorough old poison monster. The black widow that toad left now is her father.

At that time, your father was young and vigorous. He didn't pay attention to them. As a result, he was killed by others' poison. Fortunately, the young and beautiful black Rocha, fell in love with your father's power and extraordinary, took the initiative to detoxify your father, and in the process, he slowly fell in love with your father.

When heiluocha's father knew the truth, he didn't embarrass your father. He just wanted to make your father a son-in-law. He was an ambitious man. He didn't want to be stuck in the Miao area all his life. So he told a big lie and agreed to be with him.

The purpose of his doing so was to get rid of the Miao area, and he also used the black Luocha. After that, your father came out, continued to sweep the world, that vigorous speed, swept across the country.

In fact, to speak of it, your father created an unprecedented myth and became a myth in the underground world. It was inseparable from the black Rocha. Behind every successful man, there was a woman who paid silently. At the beginning, the woman who paid silently for your father was heiluocha. She played a crucial role in the process of your father's hegemony. Oh, but your father has a brain, and his heart is only your mother

At the end of the day, the white grandfather couldn't help sighing.

Perhaps, the white grandfather is for the black Luocha heart to pay the feelings of regret, or perhaps, he is for my father to my mother's infatuation and sigh. All in all, this seems to be a good story that ends in tragedy.

My interest was also hooked up by this complex emotional drama. I couldn't help but swallow my saliva and continued to ask, "what then?"

White grandfather shriveled his mouth and said helplessly: "then your father was in the peak period of hegemony, when he loved him the most, he suddenly retired and abandoned black Luocha. Although your father did not do anything romantic to her, but the emotional deception or black Luocha injury to the whole body

I don't know women, but I know that black Luocha paid so much for my father. I also know how desperate the heart would be at that time.

She loved my father deeply, paid so much for my father, accompanied him to fight in the world, and even witnessed my father's top position. But in the end, she was mercilessly dumped. All she paid became nothing. Most importantly, her deception was cheated and used. What she gave all she had in return was only hurt and betrayal. This is really cruel to a woman, Any woman can't stand such deception and betrayal.

It's no wonder that black Luocha will become merciless. No wonder she hated my father so much. How much love she had at the beginning, and how much she hated now.

However, my father did this for his own reasons. He was more devoted than the black Luocha. He only loved my mother and would not accept the black Luocha.

Therefore, this complex emotion is doomed to end in tragedy. Love and not love can not be forced, the feelings are not controlled at all, no one is right or wrong.

In the final analysis, what my father did to the black widow was that my father poisoned my father, and my father was so infatuated with my mother that I had such an emotional ending.

But how did my dad retire at his peak? Does it have anything to do with his feelings?

Thinking of this, I quickly asked Han grandfather, "by the way, grandfather Bai, why did my father go back to seclusion? Can't it be just to escape the black Rocha? "

Hearing this, the white grandfather repeatedly waved his hand and refused: "this matter has something to do with your mother. What I know is not very detailed. Of course, I can't say it either."

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