What? It's got to do with my mom? Isn't that still a matter of feelings? My father gave up his status because of my mother. This infatuation has risen to a higher level.

But I know too little about my father and my mother. It's like a taboo. My father never tells me. Now, even grandfather Bai says he can't say it. It seems that I want to know something about my mother. It's almost impossible for me to know about my mother. I know the temperament of my grandfather, and I can't ask what he doesn't want to say.

No matter how curious I am, I can only give up this aspect.

So, I began to change the topic, very seriously asked the white grandfather: "that white grandfather, you say, if my father this time defeated, black Luocha will kill my father?"

White grandfather listened to my words, his face immediately dignified up, he shook his head at a loss, whispered: "this is not necessarily, black Luocha is a strange person, no one can guess her mind.

In those years, after your father failed to live up to the seclusion of black Luocha, the father of black Luocha knew about it, and as a result, he was very angry to death. In a short period of time, black Luocha suffered a double blow, almost not crazy. Since then, her people have also been hidden, disappeared, her real name has not been mentioned.

A year later, an organization quietly rose, slowly spread and penetrated into every corner of the country. With the passage of time, the organization has grown like a snowball and has penetrated into all walks of life. Many high-end people remember its name, which is called bloody cherry blossom. At this time, as the founder of the organization, the witch, nicknamed black Luocha, gradually came out of the water and entered the ears of a few top people! "

Although the white grandfather didn't say whether black Luocha would kill my father, his explanation was very obvious. Black Luocha not only suffered from emotional betrayal, but also her father was angry to death. This is a deep hatred, hate plus hate. In addition, black Luocha suddenly established this organization and developed rapidly. This also shows that she is dedicated to my father.

Perhaps, now the black Luocha has lost its nature, in order to revenge, just like the white grandfather said. She tried her best to lead my father's old department out. It's likely that she didn't get angry with my father alone. What she wanted was to destroy my father's Empire and let him be completely defeated. Only in this way can her hatred be solved.

The more I think about it, the more uneasy I feel in my heart. Every pore of my body is full of panic. Really, the deeper I understand the black Luocha, the more I feel her terror. Not only is she powerful, but her organization is also extremely powerful. Most importantly, the hatred in her heart is enough to destroy everything. In this way, even if my father is more powerful, he is hardly her opponent.

In a trance, I didn't have any confidence in the myth of my father. Even, I felt that everything was a trap. The black Rocha set a trap. Just wait for my dad to jump in and die.

Thinking of this, I looked more and more frightened, and said to grandfather Bai, "grandfather Bai, I think black Luocha has endured for so many years. This outbreak will surely kill my father. Since she dares to confront my father openly, she must have the strength to deal with my father. I'm afraid that my father is in danger this time. Besides, my father still takes the initiative to find her, which is even more inappropriate. It is equivalent to jumping into a pit! "

My voice was very excited, and my eyes were full of worry.

After hearing this, grandfather Bai couldn't help laughing. It was a helpless smile. Then, he said to me in a rhetorical tone: "do you know what you can think of? Your father can tolerate anything, especially in the face of black Luocha. It's something your father doesn't want to do all his life. However, there is one thing your father can't bear, that is, it's about your mother. Therefore, even God can't stop your father's journey to Miao territory this time! "

For my mother, my father did not hesitate to give up the status of the sun, for my mother, knowing that it was a sea of fire, my father also wanted to break through.

Grandfather Bai is right, as long as it is related to my mother. My father will certainly go forward bravely, even if the heavenly king Laozi can't stop his step.

As for the blood cherry blossom, my father must know more than I do about how terrible this organization is. My father must also know that black Luocha is the last person he wants to face. However, in order to find out uncle Yang, in order to clarify the matter between uncle Yang and my mother, what would he care about? Anyway, my father is going to find heiluocha in Miao. I want to dissuade him. It's completely impossible.

Silence for a long time, I just looked at the white grandfather, the tone sincere way: "OK, thank you, white grandfather, I have something else, go first!"

I have asked all the questions about the blood cherry blossom and black Luocha, and I know what I should know. The purpose of this trip is to achieve. I can't delay any more. Ziyi is still in the hotel. I must hurry back as soon as possible.

So, with the words, I said goodbye to my grandfather Bai.

However, after I turned and left, grandfather Bai's voice suddenly came from behind me: "Suluo, let your father solve this matter by himself. After all, this is also the debt he owed before. It's time for him to face it. As long as you do yourself well, don't let your father worry about you, let him go to this experience in a down-to-earth way, that's enough! "

I know that grandfather Bai didn't want me to dissuade my father. He knew my father, and it was useless to persuade him. What I could do was to let my father have no worries and let him deal with the black Luocha with peace of mind.After listening to the words of white grandfather, I didn't look back, just said a very bold: "I know!"

Then, I continued to take steps, strode out of the white grandfather's yard, down the mountain.

I came and went in a hurry. I didn't even have time to go in and sit down. I just chatted with him in the yard, so I went back in a hurry.

However, I am more worried now than when I came here.

Before I came here, I had already felt the power of red cherry blossom and the horror of black Luocha. After listening to the story of black Luocha told by grandfather Bai, I was more worried about my father.

I really did not expect that my father and scorpion like black Luocha has such a love history, even, he has indirectly become the black Luocha's father killing enemy. This kind of hatred is enough to let black Luocha break my father into pieces. I'm worried about my dad's fate, and I'm sorry for my dad's pain.

I think, in this matter, my father must also feel bad, no matter what, he is sorry for the black Luocha, until the last resort, he certainly does not want to fight against black Luocha.

However, in recent years, black Luocha pressed my father step by step. Her bloody cherry blossoms hid in the dark, and she did a lot of invisible things. What's more, uncle Yang is also a blood Butterfly. My father's former brother of life and death, who knows my father best, betrays my father so deeply. How can my father let go easily. If we don't make clear about Uncle Yang and my mother, my father may not die in peace. He's always going to find out about it.

My father is completely involved in the whirlpool of bloody cherry blossom. Although I am worried about him, I know that I can't help. Just like grandfather Bai said, since it's the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation, my father should solve it by himself, so that he can live more fully in the future.

Time flies by with my thoughts. Unconsciously, the car has already driven back to the hotel. After parking the car, I quickly walk in.

In the elevator, I shook my head and tried my best to get rid of the worries that entangled in my mind, because I knew in my heart that since I couldn't be my father's assistant, I would never be a burden to him. Besides, I decided to live a good life with Ziyi, so I should not always worry about it. In this way, Ziyi would be heartbroken for me, so I must keep a happy life The attitude of view is to face the new life.

As for my father, I can only pray in my heart that my father can solve his past grievances and come back safely.

After I figured it out, the oppressed breath in my heart began to dissipate slowly, and my nervous tension was also relaxed. Sleepiness finally came.

A shaking God, my eyelids are about to close, in a sleepy state, I came to the door of the room.

When I opened the door, I yawned and walked into the room. I was really tired. I had planned to directly fall on the sofa and sleep back into the cage. However, when I entered the room, I found that the whole room was empty for a moment. My sleepiness suddenly disappeared. My heart suddenly lifted up, and Ziyi was gone.

Fear, is such a moment of things, the previous second, I still yawn, drowsy, but this second, my whole person is crazy, nerve dead stretch up.

With extreme tension, I quickly swept the huge room, I looked at every corner of the room. The bathroom, behind the curtains, even under the bed. My voice did not stop, keep calling the name of Ziyi, but I could not get any response, nor could I find any trace of Ziyi.

In the end, I was absolutely certain that Ziyi had disappeared.

Suddenly, I feel dizzy and dizzy, and my internal organs are all broken. How could I think that Ziyi would disappear? You know, Ziyi and I also slept more than four o'clock in the morning. Looking at her deep tired appearance, I thought that she would not wake up until noon at least, so I took the opportunity to ask grandpa Bai about something, and immediately came back. But where can I expect to, it is such a time, Ziyi unexpectedly disappeared.

Despair, accompanied by deep uneasiness, attacked me fiercely.

My brain is in a mess, my heart is shaking, and I feel like I've lost my soul. I ran out of the room crazily and looked everywhere. There was no corridor. I immediately went down to the hotel hall and asked the front desk attendant. She told me, "about half an hour ago, a girl in sky blue ran out crying. I thought it was a couple who were upset."

Hearing this, I immediately knew that the person who ran out was Ziyi. I didn't need to watch the monitoring. I'm very sure.

After confirming this point, my tense nerves immediately relaxed. Although my heart felt painful, I was not as nervous and crazy as before.

Because, what I was most worried about before was that Ziyi had been kidnapped. Almost know the moment Ziyi disappeared, I subconsciously thought she was kidnapped. What's more terrifying is that my mind unconsciously appeared the scene of the Buddha kidnapping Ziyi. At that time, if it wasn't for my father, Ziyi would have been buried alive. I would never want to repeat such a thing again. I was afraid that such a thing would happen in my heart.

Now it seems that Ziyi was not kidnapped. She left on her own initiative. She should have gone to me. She didn't have a mobile phone and didn't know my number. She couldn't get in touch. She had to run out of the hotel to find me. But she left crying. She must be very afraid of my disappearance. She must be very sad and desperate.Thinking of this, I can't wait to leave the hotel. Ziyi didn't walk for long. She should be looking for me nearby, so I didn't drive. I just looked around anxiously, shouting Ziyi's name while trying to ask passers-by. I almost never stopped and kept looking for me.

However, after searching for a long time, I still can't find the trace of Ziyi. The more I can't find it, the more anxious I am. I'm really worried about Ziyi. She's just recovered. I'm really afraid that there's something wrong with her. She's so pathetic that she can't have any more trouble.

Can't help, I took out my mobile phone, want to contact my brother, ready to search the whole city.

However, just when I was about to make a phone call, suddenly, I heard Ziyi's cry for help. The voice was very weak, but I still caught it sensitively.

Now, with the growth of my strength, my hearing is not generally keen. What's more, I am particularly sensitive to Ziyi's voice. As soon as I feel her voice, my heart immediately shakes.

Before I had time to think about it, I immediately followed the sound search. Then, I quickly came to the entrance of an alley

from the entrance of the lane, I found the person I was looking for at at a glance, Ziyi

I was very busy searching for her

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