When I found Ziyi, at the moment, he was surrounded by several non mainstream dressing, looking particularly embarrassed and aggrieved. She was already haggard, her eyes were swollen with tears, her eyes were full of pain, and her expression was very sad.

One of them, a red haired man, seemed to be the leader of the group. He was pulling at Ziyi, so that Ziyi's clothes were in disorder.

But strong Ziyi did not compromise, she resisted, while crying: "you go away, don't mess, I warn you, my boyfriend is Suluo, he will certainly kill you!"

Ziyi's appearance is very down and down, but her voice is very sonorous. She has courage, but she is too weak in the end. Even if her courage is great, she is only a weak woman. She can't bluff these lawless little bastards at all.

To speak of, this kind of gangsters are the bottom rungs in the underground world. They are some bullies, but they are the maggots. The newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They have no rules and bully the weak. They still have a sense of achievement.

When Ziyi

voice dropped, the gangsters could not help laughing wildly, as if Ziyi was telling them jokes.

In particular, the leader of the red hair, after a laugh, he can't help playing with Ziyi: "ha ha, your boyfriend is Suluo, so I'm the ghost king!"

After saying that, his dirty hand also extended to Ziyi's face. At once, a sharp edge flashed through my eyes. My figure was like lightning. In an instant, it flashed to Hongmao's side. At the moment when Hongmao's hand was about to touch Ziyi's face, I kicked him over.

But in an instant, the rampant red hair fell heavily on the ground, a face of ferocity and pain.

Several other non mainstream, also suddenly scared, the body is stiff, eyes also become dull, lenglengleng looking at me, and dare not start.

And I, directly ignored them, went to the purple by the side, said gently to her: "purple, are you ok?"

As soon as I saw me, Ziyi's mood was like a collapsed iceberg, completely collapsed. She threw herself into my arms, weeping and saying, "I thought you left me, I thought you didn't want me!"

Her voice was very hoarse, as if her voice were broken, and her voice was trembling. Her voice was more sad, which was mixed with deep fear.

Through her sadness, I can imagine how frightened Ziyi was when she didn't see me when she woke up. She thought I left her alone, even thought I didn't want her, no wonder she would run out to find me, no wonder she would be so miserable.

Seeing her like this, my heart can't help but pull up, very distressed, I put my arms around Ziyi, gently patted her back, comforted: "fool, what do you think, how can I abandon you, I just have something to go out, this did not come back immediately?"

After listening to my explanation, Ziyi's tears still couldn't stop flowing. She looked up at me dimly with tears and said in a hoarse voice, "you promise me that I won't leave without saying goodbye, OK? I'm afraid, even if you want to live with a gift, even if you want to leave me, tell me in advance, OK

Ziyi's words make me more and more distressed, this girl, after suffering too much harm, has become worried about gain and loss, her heart has not been steadfast, she is always afraid that there will be a change, afraid that I will leave her. Even if I promise her many times, she can't really be down to earth, her heart has been broken.

I can't bear to let her sad again, can't bear to see her no sense of security, can't bear to let her worry about gain and loss. Can't help it, I reached out my hand and wiped away her tears for Ziyi, and then assured from the bottom of my heart: "well, I promise you, I won't leave you!"

Ziyi got my assurance, her mood gradually calmed down, her heart also slowly stabilized.

However, my side and purple in accordance with the true meaning of thick, red hair side has been angry. Don't know when, red hair has been helped up, lost face of him, see me and Ziyi here love each other, his eyes are red, anger in his eyes crazy burning, he suddenly opened his voice, furious: "kill him for me!"

The roar of red hair resounded in the sky above the alley. His words were of great importance among the group of punks. As soon as he ordered, those mindless thugs immediately came to me.

To tell you the truth, I know that they offended me unintentionally, so even if I get angry, I don't want to make it too much. I want to teach them a lesson. But they are endless now, and my anger is overwhelming and even killing.

When they rushed to me, I immediately helped Ziyi to one side, and then turned to meet them.

The strength of these small minions is really unbearable. I hardly need to use any strength to defeat them. Between two or three moves, all the thugs who attacked me fell to the ground.

One side of the red hair, eyes instantly showed a color of panic, I did not wait for him to have any reaction, directly flashed in front of him, no polite, I grabbed his neck, lifted his whole person, against the wall.At this moment, I was awe inspiring. Looking at the scarlet red hair on my face, struggling instinctively and wriggling in pain, I had no sympathy at all. On the contrary, I felt happy and felt that he deserved his crimes. Perhaps, it was related to my hot blooded heart. I couldn't see such a bully, especially other bullies.

Hongmao seemed to realize my terror. He was scared, and he was flustered. The breath of death tightly enveloped him. He was trying to survive. His hands did not break the hand I pinched on his neck, trying to breathe.

However, compared with me, his strength is too small, even if he tried his best, he could not break my hand. He was desperate, he wanted to ask for mercy, but his throat was choked by me. He couldn't speak at all.

I didn't want to give him a chance to speak, and I yelled at him directly: "you should die!"

After that, I will send him back to the West. For me now, killing a person is almost like killing a chicken, and there is no worry at all.

Just, I am not afraid of killing people, does not mean that Ziyi is not worried. When I want to kill the red hair, Ziyi suddenly comes up, grabs my hand and says deeply: "forget it!"

When she said this, Ziyi's eyes were full of worries. Just now, Ziyi was bullied by the red hair and said that she should not do it every day. But at this moment, Ziyi asked me to let him go. Her heart is always so kind. Ziyi can laugh away her gratitude and hatred. She hates fighting, killing, gratitude and resentment. She just wants to be calm, and only hopes that there will be no casualties Cause a dispute over something.

I know her heart, also restrained the killing intention, directly put down the red hair, and yelled at him: "get out!"

A word, earth shaking, scared of these small gangsters immediately left.

Although he was afraid, he was even more unconvinced and unwilling. When he ran to the entrance of the alley, he could not help but threaten me: "son of a bitch, you dare to blackmail me. Wait for me. I'm not finished with you!"

As soon as the voice dropped, he ran away.

For his threat, I didn't care at all. It can be said that such a group of gangsters are not even ants in my eyes. I really don't want to see more. After they ran away, I took Ziyi's hand and confessed: "I'm sorry, Ziyi, you've been wronged. I promise that this will not happen again in the future."

Ziyi looked at me affectionately, nodded his head, and said again: "Well!"

Her voice was still a little weeping, and perhaps she had not yet fully recovered from her fear.

I gave her a little smile and whispered, "let's go."

Then, I took Ziyi's hand and slowly walked out of the alley. At the moment, the time had come. Instead of returning to the hotel, we found a restaurant to eat directly.

In order to make up for Ziyi, I specially ordered some good dishes. She was too tired last night and had 200 ml of blood drawn. She didn't have a good rest today. She just got scared. She really needs to replenish her energy.

However, I ordered a table of dishes, but Ziyi had no appetite at all. Her face was still haggard and her heart seemed to be particularly heavy. I wonder if she was frightened by my leaving without saying goodbye, or was she in a bad mood stimulated by those gangsters. All in all, her mood was strangely low, the food she chewed tastelessly, and the whole person was listless.

Seeing her like this, my mood is also depressed, very unhappy, can't help, I asked Ziyi: "Ziyi, what's wrong with you, do you have something on your mind?"

Ziyi gently picked up a mouthful of rice, chewed and swallowed slowly, then put down the chopsticks, and said to me bitterly: "Arlo, I don't want to stay here. I'm very nervous and afraid. Let's leave early and find a place to settle down, OK?"

Sure enough, Ziyi still cares about this, her heart is always uneasy, she is afraid of changes, more afraid of such chaos. Although the war is the only one in the provincial capital, the underground boundary of H Province is still in a mess since the war has just ended. Ziyi is definitely worried about staying here. Of course, she wants to live a carefree life with me as soon as possible.

In fact, I also know that the war does not need me at all. Peng Yi has no heart for revenge. No matter how chaotic the province is, it will not threaten the status of the war. I can rest assured.

What's more, even if I'm worried about my dad's safety, I can't stop him from going to the bloody cherry blossom. I can't help him at all. I just need to promise not to worry my dad.

That is to say, I really don't need to stay here any more. In order to make Ziyi feel at ease, I didn't wriggle. I directly nodded to her and said, "OK, I promise you, after dinner, I'll go to my brother and my father, say hello to them, and then we'll leave!"

Ziyi listened to my words, the sad clouds on her face disappeared, her eyes were radiant, her tired spirit suddenly excited, the whole person jumped up, she was very excited to look at me, some unbelievable asked: "really?"

I smile, solemnly said: "of course it is true, when did I cheat you!"

With my assurance again, Xu Nan finally settled down completely. Her confusion and malaise were swept away, and her appetite became better. The dishes on the table seemed to be delicious. While she was eating with relish, she said to me, "let's eat it quickly. After eating, we can go!"Seeing Ziyi happy, the haze in my heart is also swept away, I feel very happy, Ziyi's smile is my greatest happiness, involuntarily, I also showed a happy smile, full of peace and beauty around us.

But when we were immersed in the beauty, the door of the restaurant was opened, and a group of people broke into it.

Among them, red hair darted out of the crowd, pointing to me and shouting: "it's him!"

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