Since I have decided to go on and change the order of the underground world, the first step is to change myself. What I do to Song Tao is to make an example of others.

In the audience's attention, I suddenly took out my mobile phone and quickly dialed Shen Muchen's phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, I immediately said in an imperative tone to Shen Muchen: "Muchen, send me an order. In the future, we must strictly examine the recruitment of people in the war. We should check on every person who joins us and focus on investigating what they have done before. Those who have misbehaved and have done anything harmful to nature can never be included in the fire of war. From now on, members who have entered the war should also be reexamined. If there are those who commit crimes under the name of war, they will directly kick out the war and never be employed! "

After that, I hung up. But my aftersound is still lingering in the sky. At this moment, I showed a unique King's demeanor. The masses who besieged seemed to be infected by me. Suddenly, in the warm air, thunderous applause burst out.

This is the applause given to me by the people who witnessed all this with their own eyes. Their heartfelt applause is integrated into this applause.

I listened to the applause and felt the voice of the masses. Their hearts seemed to reward and appreciate me.

My heart is very gratified to have been affirmed by the public. I firmly believe that the road I have chosen is not wrong, nor is my idea of changing the order of the underground world.

I couldn't help it, my eyes gave out a very firm light, my body showed a leading momentum, also at this time, the boundless sky suddenly sounded a thunder, this feeling, like the God cheered in me.

Immersed in the lofty feelings of me, suddenly heard this thunder, my heart suddenly shocked, thunder not only did not suppress my mood, on the contrary, the thunder aroused my most grand ambition, my heart pride became more violent, the body's blood also boiled up, with full of passion, I looked up at the sky.

It's a bit dark, but I see a magnificent picture through the dark clouds. In the future, I'll make a grand display in this painting, whether it's bleeding or weeping. Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, I will never shrink back and go forward bravely.

Firm in the heart of the faith, I then took back the sight, looked to the purple, said softly: "let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, I immediately took Ziyi's hand and left here together with the crowd's watching and cheering.

After this episode, I'm not sleepy at all. So, I didn't plan to go to bed again. I took Ziyi to the side of the car. I opened the co pilot's door for Ziyi and said to her gently, "Ziyi, it's going to rain soon. Get on the car first."

After my words, Ziyi was indifferent. She just looked at me with a blank look in her eyes, which was in sharp contrast to my ambition.

Seeing her like this, my heart can't help but some reluctant to give up. I know, she must still be immersed in that loss, no matter how ambitious I am, she does not like me to mix, the most important thing is that I broke the promise, let her have hope but instant disappointment, this contrast, she must not accept for a while.

I sympathize with her, love her, can't help, I would like to open my mouth again to apologize to her, but just when I opened my mouth, suddenly, Ziyi's mouth on my lips, so overbearing, so unprepared.

I was confused, really did not expect, the same introverted purple will kiss me, this feeling, just like a primary school student falling in love.

In this way, I was lost in this kiss, unable to extricate myself. When I was intoxicated, Ziyi lip left my mouth. Then, she looked at me with a kind of confused eyes, and said to me affectionately: "Arlo, I shouldn't have bound you. Don't worry. I've figured it out now. You can do what you want. No matter what you do, I will support you. No matter what you fail or succeed, I will accompany you! "

Suddenly a kiss, and cold to a word like this, I am really completely shocked, Ziyi, what's wrong with her, can't I hear it wrong, or am I dreaming?

I can't believe it. I stare at purple and say, "I, what you said is true?"

Ziyi nodded solemnly and said with a smile, "Hmmm!"

Although there is only one word, Ziyi is very hard, which represents her most sincere determination and her most heroic affirmation to me.

I looked at Ziyi deeply and asked, "why?"

Hearing my words, Ziyi suddenly showed a happy smile, she laughed at me, infatuated: "because I saw your different side, this side, let me completely change my mind. In the past, I didn't want you to fool around, mainly because I was afraid of your accident. I didn't want to live a life of fear. But just now, you really gave me too much shock, especially to see you deal with those bastards, very deterrent, you have changed, become very special, in my eyes, you are a great hero, compared to live a quiet and carefree life, I like heroes more, this is my most Looking forward to.

You are an eagle. I can't make your wings, but I can't restrain you to fly. So, I won't interfere with you any more. You can mix and exert your great ambition as much as you like. You can create an extraordinary world as you want.In that case, everyone can live a carefree life, do not be afraid, the world will be beautiful, I should not be selfish, I want to open up now, the hero should go to conquer the world, I will support you silently, you just need to promise me, live well, I wait for your triumphant return

Ziyi's words deeply shocked me. I didn't expect that she knew me so well. That is to say, I explained to her in the restaurant for a long time before. She heard it and even deeply engraved it in her heart.

She knows that I want to be an eagle and fly. She knows that I want to change the order of the underground world and build a different underground kingdom. She understands me so much and is so open-minded. This time, her support is absolutely sincere. I clearly feel her love for me, her encouragement for me, and her deepest worship for me.

Such a purple really let me surprise and surprise, I was ecstatic looking at her, said: "purple, thank you, thank you for understanding me, I promise you, I will be OK!"

I have a mind and ambition, but if Ziyi does not support me, I will not have passion. At present, she even felt my pride and saw the glory of me. She was willing to be the woman behind me and support me. What else can I say.

This time, I am really very happy, my joy is shown on the surface, not hidden, my eyes are full of exciting light.

Ziyi see me so happy, also pleased, we two like a fool, happy smile.

Rain slowly fell down, I this just react to come over, in do not get on the car will be poured into a drowned rat, quickly on the purple way: "get in the car quickly!"

Ziyi nodded and immediately got into the co pilot's seat. I also got on the driver's seat.

After getting on the bus, I was excited to Ziyi directly: "I, where do you want to go, I can accompany you!"

The general direction has been set. I know how to go next, and I am not in a hurry to implement it in one or two days. At this time, I will accompany Ziyi well.

But what surprised me again was that Ziyi was so understanding that she refused me without hesitation: "don't accompany me. You still have a lot of things to do. I can't help you, but I can't delay you. You can help you!"

Seeing Ziyi like this, I was both moved and excited, but more was shocked. I looked at her deeply and said, "where are you going?"

Ziyi said calmly, "go home!"

Hearing these two words, my passion seemed to be poured a basin of cold water in an instant, and my heart suddenly showed the feelings of not giving up.

I couldn't help but blurt out: "ah, so fast? Don't you play more in H Province? "

Ziyi firmly shook her head and said, "no, I don't want to give you any trouble. Besides, I have to go back and have a look. After all, that's my home."

This words, Ziyi is from the bottom of her heart, she must have refused to give up, but she knows me better, understanding me, she knows, stay with me, will only give me trouble, Ziyi mature, her mind is sharp, open-minded, more reasonable.

She knew that I couldn't take care of her on this road. It was the best for her to return to our solid base camp. She felt that she was helping me if she didn't give me any trouble.

Yes, Ziyi only in my hometown, I can be at ease, can be reckless to rush to fight. So, even if I didn't give up, I didn't detain her. I just said in a soft voice, "I'll take you back."

With that, I was ready to move the car.

However, Ziyi directly refused: "no, once you go back, you have to delay one day, you send me to the station, I'll take the bus back by myself!"

Ziyi's performance today really surprised me. I was not used to her being so good. I didn't know why, and my heart hurt a little. I loved such a reasonable Ziyi. I didn't trust her to go back alone.

Just, Ziyi resolutely refused to let me send, she didn't want to give me any trouble, just hope I put into the state as soon as possible.

I couldn't resist her, so I had to compromise with her and say, "then I'll let Huang cancan send you back?"

Huang cancan is also very powerful now. She can be regarded as a heroine. With her escorting Ziyi, I can rest assured. Moreover, Huang cancan is also a person from that city. Knowing the place well, I happen to be able to explain something to her.

Ziyi heard me say let Huang cancan send, and then reluctantly nodded. I smile. Then, I immediately contacted Shen Muchen and asked him to help me find Huang cancan.

After talking to Huang cancan on the phone, I directly said to her, "cancan, can you drive?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" she said

I didn't have much nonsense. I gave her the address and asked her to drive a car.

Half an hour later, Huang cancan drove to meet me.

Seeing her coming, I immediately said to Ziyi beside me: "get out of the car!"

Ziyi lightly nodded her head and got off the car with me.

I took Ziyi to Huang cancan's car. She got out of the car and respectfully said to me, "boss, what's your order?"I said to her with a smile: "cancan, we are all friends. If there is no outsider, please call me Arlo!"

Huang cancan nodded with a smile and said, "OK!"

Today's Huang cancan is not the same as before. Compared with the little sister in the school at that time, she is much more mature. She looks very tasteful and her temperament has become stable.

Time, really can change everything, we have changed, in the years of tempering, we grow up, involuntarily, my heart gave birth to a trace of emotion, sigh time, nostalgia for the old.

After a long pause, I began to say, "by the way, I want you to send Ziyi home. You must ensure her safety!"

Hearing the speech, Huang can't help but look at it, and then solemnly says, "OK, no problem!"

After getting Huang cancan's assurance, I explained a few words to Ziyi, and then let her get on Huang cancan's car. Ziyi was very obedient and didn't twist, so she got on the car freely.

Seeing Ziyi get on the bus, my heart is more reluctant to give up. From waking up to now, the two of us just get along for a few days. Now suddenly we have to separate, where can I give up.

My heart is full of mixed feelings, but no matter how painful, I did not show it. I just explained to Huang cancan again: "after you go back, take care of the things over there, and then you will be responsible for where you are. In particular, you should send someone to protect Ziyi secretly, and don't let her suffer any harm. Once there is something endangering her, please inform me as soon as possible, OK?"

Huang cancan shrunk his mouth and said, "I don't need you to say I know. Don't worry, I will let Ziyi do well."

For Huang cancan, I'm at ease. She's careful and not easy to make mistakes. It's because of this that I put Ziyi in her hands and got her guarantee again. I didn't say anything more. I just said deeply: "OK, let's go!"

Huang cancan nodded, got on the car, started the car and was ready to go

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