Seeing that the car was about to leave, Ziyi's reluctance finally could not be hidden. She put her head out of the window and hissed to me: "Arlo, I'm waiting for you to triumph and become a great hero. When the wind and scenery shine comes back, marry me!"

For Ziyi, it is always a word of waiting. Her words make me feel uncomfortable. Ever since I set foot on this road, Ziyi has been waiting for me and will continue to wait until today. Her life seems to be just waiting. I'm really ashamed of myself. In the past, there was a deadline for this long wait. But this time, it really seems that there is no time limit. I want to deal with heiluocha with my father and complete my grand blueprint. These are heavy and difficult things, and I will die if we don't do well.

But I still believe in myself, I can live to now, itself is a miracle, then I will continue to create a miracle, I absolutely can't let Ziyi wait.

Thinking like this, my eyes suddenly became very firm. I looked at Ziyi deeply and said solemnly: "Ziyi, don't worry, this time, I won't let you wait too long!"

Hearing this, Ziyi's eyes turned red, but this time she didn't cry. She tried to hold back her tears and nodded to me heavily.

Then, she pulled her head back into the car and turned her face to one side. Maybe her tears had come out, but I didn't see it.

When I want to see her again, Huang cancan has already said goodbye to me, and then drove the car to fly away.

I watched Ziyi leave, my heart was full of melancholy, until the car completely disappeared in my sight, I was still in the same place.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze swept my face and woke me up. I immediately shook my head and threw away my worries. No matter what, I would start to face the future. Ziyi deliberately refused to let me send it, which was to save time for me. I had no time to feel too much. Only when I entered the state quickly, could I live up to Ziyi's expectation.

After thinking about it, I immediately returned to my car, ready to move. Although I have a lot of things to do urgently, the first thing that comes to my mind right now is to go to Peng Yi. This is not only that I need the strength of the Haibang, but also Peng Yi's prediction. It is he who touches my self-confidence and inspires me to be ungrateful. What's more, I feel his wisdom and difference. I need such a farsighted person to sit down.

On that day, when I left Peng's house, Peng Yi's last word was that he swore that I would definitely choose this road. If I had figured it out, I could go to him at any time, and he was waiting for me.

Yes, he is waiting for me. What he expected is right. I can't be ordinary. My father is a legend of the river and the ghost king. I'm his son. I'm destined to be ordinary. I'm destined to fly high. At this moment, my mind is full of images of conquering the country and creating the underground world.

The picture is so wonderful that my blood can't help rolling. I can't help but breathe. With the boiling of my blood, my car also sped up.

As soon as the car started, I couldn't help but roar: "Peng Yi, I'm here!"

At this moment, as if I was reborn, the whole person is full of passion, full of vigor and vitality. I have stripped off the twisted shell and the emotional burden. In my heart, only passion and blood, ambition and ambition are left in my heart.

Ziyi's encouragement and support is a good medicine in my heart. She is willing to wait for me, which is the biggest contribution to me. I can't live up to Ziyi's wishes. I don't have to be bound in the emotional chain any more. I don't have to worry about Ziyi's safety any more. Next, I just need to gallop on my horse and break through all kinds of difficulties to create a vast world.

This moment, I finally completely do my own, and finally can let go of a big fight.

Time flies by in my heart, and soon I drive to the gate of Pengjia manor.

At the moment, there is a distinct change in the manor style. As soon as I get to the gate, I feel a different breath. This breath and the vitality of my body reflect each other, which is particularly prosperous and colorful. It forms the most striking contrast with the decadent and withered scene of yesterday.

Maybe Peng Yi expected that I would come. In short, today's manor is quite different from yesterday's manor. In the same place, however, it shows a totally opposite demeanor. Just outside this gate, there has been a great change.

There was no one in front of the door yesterday, and the iron door was still open. Today, there are guards outside the iron gate, with strict handlebars and in good order.

I stopped the car not far from the door, then got out of the car, and went straight to the iron gate. The guard in front of the door seemed to recognize me. At once, his eyes burst into a different light, and his expression became obviously excited. Without concealing it, he took his walkie talkie and yelled twice: "here comes sulo, here comes sulo!"

After saying this, he quickly let people open the door again, and respectfully said to me: "Mr. Su, please follow me in, our leader said, he is always waiting for your ride!"

When the voice dropped, he quickly made a gesture of invitation. Obviously, Peng Yi was completely ready for me to come. He was a divine operator. He was really confident in his prediction. He was even more sure that I would come to him. It seems that he knows me better than myself.

To tell you the truth, if I hadn't experienced Hongmao, I didn't know that my faith was so strong, and I didn't know that I had an ambition to change the world.When I came here yesterday, I came here with the heart of persuading Peng Yian to abide by his duty. At that time, I didn't have any idea of muddling along. What's more, I didn't have confidence in myself, and I lost the courage to challenge myself. It was Peng Yi, who stimulated my self-confidence and awakened my desire hidden in my heart. What's more, the red hair incident touched my inspiration and made me suddenly realize.

In one day, I changed from a turtle with a shrinking head to an eagle about to spread its wings. This change is not a catalyst of time, but a catalyst of events.

Peng Yi's prediction, Qiqi's impending danger, the story of white grandfather, the gratitude and resentment between black Luocha and my father, the trouble of the members outside the war, all of which touched me. It was because of the superposition of these things that I slowly saw myself and let me know that I was really not willing to be calm. Since God has given me an important task, I will It's a burden to be shouldered.

Although I am still in the initial stage now, I still have a long and arduous way to go in my centrifugation. However, my mentality has changed. I will not be like a childish child who has no sense of wisdom. I will no longer be rash and impulsive. I have become mature and stable. No matter when I am, I must keep the king's demeanor. Only in this way can I have the corresponding dignity and make people sincerely believe me.

Can't help, I straightened up the chest, as if the torch, then, I in front of the guard indifferent way: "go

My tone was not urgent or slow, which showed my incomparable spirit. The guard heard the words and immediately led me to the experts of the manor.

After walking for a while, there was still a long distance from the conference room. I saw Peng Yi with a group of confidants in a hurry. As soon as he came to me, Peng Yi bowed his hands politely to me, and then he said meaningfully: "Suluo, you're here!"

I nodded to him and replied in the same way, "I'm coming!"

It was a very short dialogue, but it completely showed what Peng Yi and I wanted to express. Without delay, Peng Yi directly welcomed me into the conference hall.

After I took my seat on the wooden chair in the hall, Peng Yi poured tea for me and put it on the table next to me. Immediately, he sat down on the wooden chair on the other side of the table. Today, instead of sitting on the throne of the church, he is sitting here in parallel with me.

As soon as he sat down, Peng Yi went straight to the subject and immediately said to me, "Suluo, I thought you would come to me in three days. I didn't expect that you would come here in one day. Ha ha ha ha!"

After saying this, Peng Yi actually made no secret of his smile, which was full of openness and openness. Obviously, he was very pleased that I could figure it out so quickly and I was glad I could come to him.

I gazed at Peng Yi lightly and said solemnly, "well, you are right. I am not willing to be calm, or I am doomed to be unable to be calm, because I have too much to put down. I can't ignore a lot of things. I can't hide in peace. I can't escape all the time. Therefore, I can only choose to continue to muddle along. No matter how difficult this road is, I believe that one day, I will come to the end of it and look down on this land! "

The last sentence, completely revealed my self-confidence, my voice sonorous and powerful, eyes firm, expression proud, it seems that every cell in my body is full of the breath of king, this moment I, showed unprecedented frivolity.

Peng Yi's expression was even more excited after listening to my words. He was very excited and said to me, "well, I believe that Peng will not misjudge people. You will certainly create your own myth like your father!"

When he said this, Peng Yi's eyes also bloomed with a strange brilliance. His whole person became vigorous and energetic.

In this magnificent atmosphere, Peng Yi and I entered into a formal conversation. The key point of our conversation was to discuss the issue of integrating the maritime Gang into the flames of war.

In fact, after the Mangshan battle, although the Haibang suffered a devastating blow, most of his losses were the elites in H Province. They still had many masters in the city, and there were still many people who did not return. They were still distributed in various cities. By comparison, the fire of the battle was not comparable to that of the Hai Gang. It can even be said that without my father's support, the battle will be fought Fire is the fish on the board of Haibang.

However, Peng Yi absolutely believes in me, believes that my future is infinite, and that I can transform the underground world. Therefore, he is willing to submit to me with his sea Gang, which also reflects his magnanimity. Compared with power, Peng Yi wants to create a different world. Apart from me, a new star, it is estimated that no one else will let Peng Yi submit willingly.

Perhaps, Peng Yi has already said hello to the people under him in advance. At the moment, none of the Peng family members in the hall have any objection to the incident. Peng Yi's attitude represents the overall attitude of the gang. As a result, we do not have too many procedures to discuss the merger directly.

Because I have received the big gang of the flying car party before, I am familiar with the matter of accepting the sea gang. However, one point is more difficult to handle, that is to arrange the positions of Peng Yi and others. How to say, they are all people with different status. I can't make a conclusion on this matter hastily. I have to go back and discuss it with Shen Muchen.If we put aside the matter of job arrangement for the time being, we will even end the topic of merger. Next, I will tell Peng Yi about my future plans

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