Say I can do it, do what I said. That's what I'm going to do now. Although my theme is to change the order of the underground world and create my own kingdom, at present, the most urgent thing I need to do is to deal with the bloody cherry blossom.

Peng Yi and I made it clear that my father and black Luocha had a grudge, and I wanted to help my father deal with the bloody Cherry Blossom together. This idea is a bit of a fantasy, but I have to do it and do it as soon as possible.

For my father is about to go to war, outside people do not know, so when I talk about it, Peng Yi is still a little surprised, he slightly frowned and asked me, "when will I go?"

I shook my head, ran away and said, "I don't know, but I don't think it will take a few days. My father is going to wait until it stabilizes here and leave!"

After hearing this, Peng Yi's eyebrows became deeper, and his expression also showed a little gloomy. Then, he said to me in a very cautious tone: "Suluo, my words may not sound good, but I still want to say that although the ghost king is powerful, he is already in the past. I'm afraid his subordinates are only his generals, and his elites have long gone.

But the blood cherry blossom is different. These years, they have been accumulating strength. It can be said that their power spreads all over the country. In addition, they have also recruited the world's experts. Their strength is unprecedented, especially their eldest brother, Hei Luocha. Although I have not met her, I heard that it is an existence comparable to the ghost king. I think that if the ghost king goes to the blood Butterfly headquarters, there is not much chance of winning! "

On hearing this, I couldn't help but show a wry smile, and said helplessly: "I know that it's because I know my father has no chance of winning. I want to help him. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Peng Yi shook his head deeply and said in a deep voice: "I may be able to give some suggestions to deal with other gangs, but the blood cherry blossom is not good. It is too mysterious. No one can understand their details, let alone their mind.

They are like deep and deep water, which can't be detected at all. I have suffered from the bloody Cherry Blossom before, but I can't help them. You want to help your father, this should be, but you have to understand, with our current strength, fight with the bloody cherry blossom, that is to hit the stone with an egg, only to die! "

Peng Yi, who has always been self-confident, said such despondent words at the moment. Of course, this is not Peng Yi's cowardice. He is a man of great courage. Otherwise, he did not dare to unite with the Sheng family to deal with Han Yimo and me. Now, he is willing to grow others' prestige, which is really because the bloody cherry blossom is really too powerful, which is stronger than Peng Yi's acceptance.

And I, of course, also know how terrible the bloody cherry blossom is. It was because of this that I didn't intend to help my father at the beginning. I could only help more and more with my strength, so I would think of retiring and not holding back my father.

But now, since I have decided to embark on this road again, I have to face all kinds of difficulties. If I want to achieve this goal, I must change myself.

Peng Yi's words not only did not make me discouraged, but also stimulated my ambition. After rubbing against Peng Yi, I suddenly stood up from my seat and faced Peng Yi in a righteous way: "I know that the war between me and me is still very weak and immature. The reason why I told you yesterday that I want to retire is because I feel weak and unfit for mixing, but people can be others Down, but not by themselves.

If you are weak, you should work harder and rise up. Therefore, my task now is to exercise myself and the fire of war. My father's side I will persuade him, let him wait for me for two months, when I and I grow up in the war, and then fight with him. I believe that our union can destroy the red cherry blossom and bring down the black Luocha

At this moment, my confidence was unprecedentedly strong, almost burst my heart. My words were firm and resolute, and my whole body was full of the strongest strength.

Peng Yi looked at me like this and could not help but look suspicious. He blinked his eyes and said in wonder, "only two months, how can you make the war powerful?"

Hearing the speech, a special light flashed in my eyes. My strength increased and the expression on my face was even more resolute. I looked at Peng Yi deeply and said: "I can select the elite and go to the dark moon hall for training. I know that your dark moon hall is a good place to practice martial arts. My father also said that it is suitable for practicing martial arts. Therefore, if you go to the dark moon hall for training, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort! "

As soon as I said this, Peng Yi's look changed immediately. This time, he did not support me, but voiced his opposition to me.

And the Xia family behind him, is loud against me, almost with one voice to me shouting: "no way!"

Then, they expressed their indignation one by one. Some people said that the dark moon hall was the holy land of the sea Gang, and it was absolutely forbidden for outsiders to enter at random. Some say that there are a group of old people living in the dark moon hall, and they will never allow them to be disturbed. Some people say that the Peng family has ancestral precepts, and we must not let outsiders disturb the purity of the dark moon hall.

All kinds of opposing voices came and went, and the more they said, the more angry they became. None of the people present agreed with my idea.However, I didn't care about their opinions. When they finished, I gave a majestic roar: "it's useless for you to oppose. At the moment before, the Hai Gang has been included in the loyalty League, and the dark moon hall is also from the Hong Gang. So, I'm the boss. I have to listen to me in this matter. I'll do what I say. Of course, if you repent and don't want to join the war, you can also regret it now. You can do whatever you like! "

My tone is very sharp. I'm no longer talking to them in a consultative tone, but making decisions in an imperative tone. At this moment, I was full of overlord spirit.

Speaking of it, I can't wait to come to Pengjia manor and want to be the first to bring Peng Yi under his command. Besides Peng Yi's prophecy, in fact, I value the dark moon hall more. For me, it is a holy land, a place where people can be reborn. My brothers and I are not afraid of hardship and tiredness. What we want is a place where we can grow rapidly, and the dark moon hall is exactly what I need.

Of course, I hope that the Peng family will not stick to the conventions and stick to their old ideas. In order to wake them up, I can only show my attitude. After listening to my words, the Peng family, who are constantly opposing me, dare not speak any more. I can see from their expressions that they are still a little unconvinced and refuse to use the dark moon hall as a training base 。

Peng Yi, after pondering for a long time in silence, finally sighed and said solemnly, "Suluo, this is not something I can make up my mind. We, the master of dark moon hall, will not agree to it!"

After hearing what he said, I gave a smile. Then, in a more severe tone, I spoke to Peng Yi and said: "the reason why your Hai Gang has stopped moving is not because you are not good at your leadership, but because you are too closed-minded. The dark moon hall is clearly a holy land for practicing martial arts and can be used to expand the gang. However, because of the rules of bullshit, we should close it up and let it go A good place can only be built by the guild leader as a place for the elderly to live in. This rule is ridiculous and must be abolished.

Only in this way can the gangs develop rapidly without restraint. As for the elders in the dark moon hall, I believe that as long as they try to persuade them, they should be able to understand. If it's really not possible, then I'll let my father say it! "

The last word, I'm not threatening them. It's true. After all, my father has the grace of not killing the old monsters in the dark moon hall. My father's strength has greatly opened their eyes. In the eyes of those old monsters, my father must be a martial arts wizard. As long as he talks, he will surely make them move.

Peng Yi listened to my words, can not help but some moved, he seems to be immersed in meditation.

Perhaps, my words to his heart, perhaps it is to poke his weakness, or to wake him up, suddenly, he stood up from his seat, said to me sonorously: "solo, you are right. The dark moon hall should be open. I will go to the dark moon hall today. Although I can't guarantee that the master of the dark moon hall will agree, I will try my best to do it! "

Fortunately, Peng Yi is not a stubborn old man. His mind turns quickly and his thoughts are also scattered. If he is touched by me, he will immediately open his mind.

He was a very clever man. After he understood the meaning, he didn't need me to waste any more words at all, and gave me a straightforward promise.

With Peng Yi's assurance, I couldn't help but smile at the corners of my mouth. I felt that I had taken the first step towards success. This step is very important to me. Whether I can really grow depends on this time.

Today's goal was basically achieved, so I didn't delay much. I directly said to Peng Yi, "well, I'll wait for your good news. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go first. I have other things to do! "

For me now, time is money, and there are still many things waiting for me to do. I want to find my father. I want to reorganize the war. Peng Yi also knows that I am busy. He doesn't grind. He immediately nods to me and says, "OK, I'll send you off!"

Then Peng Yi took the lead and led me out of the conference hall.

After we went out, we walked directly outside the Peng family manor. Along the way, Peng Yi and I did not talk again. My eyes kept scanning the interior environment of the manor, and I had an idea in my heart that this manor was very suitable for the headquarters of war.

Just as I was looking at Peng's manor with great interest, I suddenly saw a withered flower in my eyes. The position of the flower was the place where Ziyi and Peng Xuefei talked last time.

Can not help but for a moment, my heart was suddenly touched, my feet can not help but stop. My eyes turned to Peng Yi beside me, almost without thinking. I asked him, "Uncle Peng, Feifei, is she OK now?"

This blurted out expression of my most sincere concern. Peng Yi listened to the speech and stopped. However, his face at this time became very deep and his eyes were full of gloom. Moreover, as time went on, his face became more and more ugly. He was completely different from him just now. It felt like Peng Yi's name and touched his heart A string that roots do not want to touch.

Silence for a long time, he finally opened his mouth, said a very bleak voice: "she, ran away from home!"

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